• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 32,820 Views, 1,897 Comments

Veil of Thoughts - Starwin

After an accident Twilight and Rainbow awake to find themselves sharing the same body!

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Veil of Thoughts
By Starwin

Atop the tallest tower in Canterlot, Princess Luna watched over all of Equestria. From way up high, everything looked so tiny, although not as small as it had looked when she had seen it from her lunar prison.

The night was dark. Only the twinkling stars above gave any indication where the ground ended and the sky began. The Moon had not yet been raised, although she would attend to that in a few more minutes. The ground was covered in shadows, broken only by a few small flickering lights where there were cities. Any pony out tonight would need a lamp or they would not even be able to see the tip of their own muzzle.

However, Luna was not just any pony, she was a princess, an immortal, a goddess given form. She was blessed with powers beyond that of other ponies. She could easily see the most distant rock, on the most distant shore of Equestria, but she was not looking for rocks.

During the night, it was her job to keep watch over the sleeping ponies below. It was her duty to keep them safe from harm. It was her purpose to protect them after the sun had gone down. Just as her sister did during the day.

Yet, a thousand years ago, she had abandoned that protection. While the ponies praised her sister for the Sun, she had thought they feared the coming of her night. Little by little her resentment began to grow. The thoughts welled up inside her like a poison, bringing out the worst of her.

Magic, after all, was tempered by emotions. The cruel fate of being ignored by her subjects, the whispered lies the other ponies said behind her back and her own greed of wanting her night to last forever, all twisted inside her. Luna had let her negative feelings become a monster. Mixed with her magic, that monster manifested itself as Nightmare Moon.

Luna flinched at the name.

No matter how she tried to forget, that tainted experience was still a part of her. It would always be a part of her. The Elements of Harmony, powerful though they were, could not take away the truth of what she had done. Not everything could simply be fixed.

Luna flapped her wings uncomfortably. Her horn glowed softly with an aura of midnight-black magic. At the edge of the world, the smallest glint of silver broke the horizon as the moon began to rise. It would be a full moon tonight, just like it had been then, on the night her sister had banished her for a thousand years. Nightmare Moon had wanted nighttime eternal and darkness forever but those were not the reasons her sister had imprisoned her in the Moon.

Luna closed her eyes, she could still hear the voices in her mind of the memories past.

“Sister! Thou must stop!” cried the memory of Celestia. “This cannot be thy kind heart’s true desire. We do not want this, thou doest not want this, not truly! Thy subjects love thee, thou would givest anything for them!”

“They mock us,” whispered Nightmare Moon. Luna shivered. The voice was still clear in her mind, the sound impossible to forget. It made her insides crawl just to hear it. Cold, empty and sinister, the voice was without compassion, a hollow echo of Luna’s own. “They look upon us and see fear. So we shalt be honest and give them fear, for it is what they want of us. We shalt be generous and give them darkness, for it is what they need of us. And we shalt be kind and give them death, for it is what they deserve of us.

“Then shall the world crumble. There will be neither night nor day and we shall have true harmony at last.”

“Sister!” shouted a voice. Luna was snapped from her memories. Her eyes flashed up to see her older sister soaring down from the sky. Luna blinked, surprised by Celestia’s presence. Celestia was the keeper of the sun and followed its cycle closely, just as Luna did with the moon.

They often saw each other during the twilight hours when the world was neither night nor day. But Luna had missed her sister this night. Celestia had been away on urgent business. Luna couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Celestia awake at night… The nighttime princess looked away. Yes, she could recall the last time. She had just been remembering it.

“My sister,” replied Luna as Celestia came to land at the edge of the tower. “Thou are’t up late this evening. We were told that thou was’t in Ponyville, dealing with a matter most important.”

“Yes,” said Celestia, her wings folding down to her sides as she trotted up to Luna. “I have just come from there. My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, is in danger.”

“Twilight is in danger?” exclaimed Luna, her eyes widening.

When Luna had returned from her banishment, she had not come home to a warm welcome, apart from her sister. While nopony would dare say anything to her face, she could see it in their fearful glances and hear it in their quivering voices. They were afraid of her.

Not until Nightmare Night, a holiday dedicated to the monster she had been, had Luna finally met somepony that was not fearful of her. She had met Twilight Sparkle. She had found a friend in the young mare, a kindred spirit. It was the first time Luna could remember smiling since she had come back. When she had told Celestia of this, her sister had simply smiled and said that she would have expected no less of her protégé.

“Tell us, what has happened?” asked Luna impatiently.

“Do you remember Aurora Winds?” asked Celestia quietly. Even though Celestia’s face was calm, Luna could hear the distress in her sister’s voice and see the anger deep within her eyes.

“Of course,” replied Luna in confusion. “How could we possibly forget the first bearer of the element of magic?” Luna’s eyes widened suddenly. She knew the truth in her sister’s unspoken words. “It has not happened again, has it? As it did before between magic and kindness…”

“No, not just like before,” said Celestia. Luna relaxed slightly only to feel the shock return even stronger at her sister’s very next words. “Twilight has fused herself with Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty. I have tried to separate them, as I did so long ago with Aurora Wind and Silver Stars but it did not work.” She gazed seriously at Luna. “I need your help sister.”

“Is there no other way?” asked Luna sadly. She had been there when her sister had faced down the abomination of magic and kindness. There had been a battle and destruction and death. It was a terrible memory, she did not want to relive it, not with Twilight Sparkle.

“There is no other way,” said Celestia. “You know this as well as I. If we let this imbalance exist… if we allow the elements to fuse… You remember. I do not need to remind you.”

“No, you do not,” said Luna looking away in shame.

“Sister,” whispered Celestia sadly, it was obvious that she had not wanted to reopen old wounds. “We did not know then what we know now. If I knew what they would do to you, what having three elements within you would do… I never would have allowed us to bear them. I do not blame you, I have never blamed you. I blame my…”

“We should waste no more time,” interrupted Luna, turning her back to her sister. “Come, let us depart.” With a quick beat of her wings, the princess of the night was lifted into the air.

A moment later she could hear her sister join the flight behind her. Celestia stayed a short distance back, giving her space. Luna’s thoughts slipped back into her memories. It was the last thing she wanted to think about right now but she couldn’t help herself.

“How can thou want this!” asked the memory of Celestia. “How can thou want to bring disharmony upon us? How can thou want to upset the balance we worked so hard to maintain. Thou hast torn the very fabric of the world.”

“Can thou not see how the world will be better once we bathe it in night forever?” asked Nightmare Moon with a sinister smile.

“No,” said Celestia. “We will not allow that.”

“Then stop us, dear sister,” replied Nightmare Moon. “Thou hast the power to kill us. Undo what thou hast helped create. Destroy us and banish kindness and honesty and generosity from this world.” Nightmare Moon’s smile widened. “And in that act, destroy thyself and rip thee precious harmony to shreds!” Nightmare Moon laughed, a cold, high-pitched, inpony sound.

Celestia stood frozen. Unable to do what was required of her.

“Thou must,” pleaded a small voice. Celestia’s eyes widened. With all of the willpower she had left, Luna had managed to show through the monster that dominated her. “To restore balance, thou must fuse us with the Moon. Make us part of the world we tried to steal away.” Luna glanced up in Nightmare Moon’s body, seeing the silver orb high above. “Let the elements slip back into the world for others to have, for we were never meant to bear them…”

Celestia hesitate for a moment but understood.

“When there is balance,” said Celestia softly as her horn began to glow. Nightmare Moon began to glow as strings of fusion magic wrapped around her. High above, the Moon began to glow too. “When new bearers appear, we will bring thee back and we will find a way to give thee harmony.”

Luna blinked away the memory and the tears. She did not want her fate to be that of Twilight Sparkle’s. She would do whatever was needed. She would put Twilight right.