• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Yet Another Human In Equestria Story

Not long after the end of the first season*, Joe's adventures in Equestria begin again. After Discord's release, chaos in Equestria is on the rise, and interference in the timeline is the least of Joe's worries, let alone a job.

Chaos is coming. And may Celestia aid any who venture into Ponyville unprepared.


Cover art by David McCord.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 47 )

I've been waaaaaitttiiinnnggggg~ for this.

Thank you for delivering '3'

Very happy to see this begin anew. Eagerly looking forward to more, especially the fallout of Joe's wager. If nothing else, Spike is due an explanation. And I can only imagine how furious Discord is going to be...

Just two things:

And you, as I said, are a Kami of Chaos.

I would love to see Discord vs. Hidetsugu. Nothing counters transmuted food like being ninety percent mouth.

Secondly, Joe understands his new powers too well too quickly. You've thrown out a lot of potential material from experimentation with this knowledge out of nowhere. For example, we never see him try to go back home, so how does he know he can't? How does he know that the laptop is but a construct? It's all a bit too neat, especially so early in the story.


Secondly, Joe understands his new powers too well too quickly. You've thrown out a lot of potential material from experimentation with this knowledge out of nowhere. For example, we never see him try to go back home, so how does he know he can't? How does he know that the laptop is but a construct? It's all a bit too neat, especially so early in the story.

I see your point, but there is a lot that he doesn't know yet about his magic, despite most of it being instinctual. Some of it comes up next chapter, others at other points (a couple of which are critical junctures), and one in particular that he (and the audience) won't be learning for quite some time to come.

The "unable to go home" part is known in a similar way as "Ye Can't Get Ye Flask": when he thinks of trying for only a moment, his magic immediately goes "You don't know how to do that, and aren't powerful enough to brute-force without dying," though not in so many words. Actually, it probably came across as "NOPE!"

The computer construct is known to be a facsimile because he conjured it as one to use as a story-telling device, rather than project the images onto thin air.

It's great to see that you're not giving up on this.

New chapter when?

It says at the end of the first chapter to "expect the third chapter when the days toll one."

Although, I wrote that when I was hoping dad would have the cover art done for me in time to post this on Sept. 25.

So it might just wind up being next Wednesday or something instead.

7662326 that would be great!
Thanks for a quick reply and sorry I missed that info in prev chapter.

I'm sure Professor Quantum is a completely trustworthy pony who we need never concern ourselves with at any point in the future.

If it hadn't been for the new professor, it might have taken another two years!

"And at that point, you could've just used the portal!"
:trixieshiftright: "What portal?"
"Oh dear. There goes my security clearance..."

Heh. It's funny. Thought Bubble is the name of my virtually never-used ponysona.

Good to see the limitations and reconnections both. This was a very—

Oh no.

Oh no.

:pinkiegasp: YOU IMBECILE! YOU'VE MADE AND ACTIVATED NEVINYRRAL'S DISK! This is going to go very, very bad...


Heh. It's funny. Thought Bubble is the name of my virtually never-used ponysona.

I know. I threw him in there as a shout out to you. Remember when I was working on a Magic novel and I wanted to use you as a character?

:pinkiegasp: YOU IMBECILE! YOU'VE MADE AND ACTIVATED NEVINYRRAL'S DISK! This is going to go very, very bad...

Now, now, this is Equestria, not the Earth of The Magic Goes Away. Things work rather differently here. For one, mana is a regenerative resource produced by the environment, instead of a finite resource produced by deities that died out long ago.

Though it could still be dangerous in the wrong hands/hoofs/claws. There's just quite a bit of experimenting to be done to make it safer.


I know. I threw him in there as a shout out to you. Remember when I was working on a Magic novel and I wanted to use you as a character?

Oh. Right. :twilightsheepish: Didn't want to presume.

Okay, I will freely admit that I overreacted to the Warlock's Wheel. :twilightsheepish: Sorry, but accustomed as I am to the card game version, I tend to overestimate the thing.

In any case, it will be very interesting indeed to see the ripples that spread from this one. The friendship assignment hasn't been given to all and sundry... but it's not like they won't have the same opportunities for growth. Hmm. Very interesting indeed.

I'm having issues with linear time in a time travel-based chapter, plus I'm quite busy with my job.

I wasn't expecting to take this long with it, but I am still working on it.

Is... is this story still alive? Or should i stop following it?

I'll keep any comments about the aptness of the chapter title to myself. Other than this one. :raritywink:

Technically speaking, unicorns aren't part of Greek mythology, but ancient Greek zoology. They were certain that unicorns existed in some far-flung corner of the world.

Ah yes. Already we're brushing up against the limits of your foreknowledge. Our hero doesn't know about Tirek's escape. Indeed, he doesn't even know that Tirek's a thing in G4.
Also, excellent design for the gates of Tartarus.

As for that ending resolution... I suppose if someone gets hit with both the reality transfer and the time travel at the same time, they'll snap back to their original point in time-space when the former expires, thus undoing the latter? Because otherwise, it sounds like this will strand you on Earth after closing the loop.

In any case, always happy to see more of this story. Thank you as always. :twilightsmile:

I just got done catching up on your works. Good job. I look forward to more and thank you for your past efforts.

Ooh. Better living through magical transhumanism. Still, performing what amounts to brain surgery on yourself sounds more than a little risky. As for the Gallifreyan involvement, what comes of that will remain to be seen. Very intriguing development indeed.

So finally caught up, feels good.

I'll go in depth with a response when its not 4:26 am

Now, Starlight can modify that spell scroll, and ruin time several times over!:twilightsmile:

The question remains: which Gallifreyan did the brain-dicking? I can only assume it's The Master, after stealing The Doctor's TARDIS (iconic noise being intentional, aesthetic, and entirely his own damn fault (the broken Chameleon Circuit might not be, but that noise is him holding the metaphorical brakes)).

When it is done. Which I really wish was months ago, but I can't control my muse nor can I control my work schedule.

But it will happen eventually.

i really love this story but i have a question is it dead?

As my recent blog post says, I'm still working on it, but writer's block is a terrible thing.

Ive always wondered though why did you disband the RPG group in the first story?

From a Doylist perspective, it just wasn't working well for me, being a bit more difficult to write than I expected, plus there were quite a few readers who were annoyed by them.

From a Watsonian perspective, it didn't feel right, because all the jokes and references I was going to make in the campaign were going right over everyone's heads and it felt like the second coming of my first time trying to be a GM, where I had lots of combat and little else (that one was stopped by the players, ironically a session or two away from the plot really getting started).

Well i really liked it even if i didnt understand it since i play alot of rpgs

number 2 sounds more interesting time paradox's are always fun to do

I really like the idea and premise of option 2.

This is Star Swirl we're talking about. Odds are it's number 2. Plus I like the mentor paradox of Star Swirl and Celestia teaching one another.

It turns out that some ponies are twitchy and lash out when startled, and one of these had just been caught off-guard by my scarecrow clone and punched him full on in the chest.

Scorpion wins. FATALITY

Very glad to see this back in business, especially as the ripples continue to spread. Looking forward to more, especially whatever Gabby Gums digs up on Joe.

Personally, I vote Option 1, with the possibility that Starswirl the Bearded, after the first instance with the Pillars, became a Pseudonym that was used by his particularly powerful descendants that take up the mantle (explaining why the Starswirl Wing of the Royal Canterlot Library has so much in it, possibly incorporating the Restricted Section shown in either Forgotten Friendship or A Friendship Most Likely Forgotten: Part III).

Number two would seem to be the best bet I think. Otherwise you raise the question of why they didn't find ways to differentiate the two Star Swirls more. The other admittedly involves time travel but that's a risk in a world of high magic.

A delightful story bardic.

I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Option 2. Remember the time loop? This is just a really really big one.

Nice to see this series is still ongoing. Writers block can be a pain so take as long as you need bardic. A long wait but decent chapter is much better than a short wait with a shoddy chapter. More power to ya bardic

I have a good exclamation why Twilight could read Starswirl book from Magical Mystery Cure but not from Shadow Play
princess celestia and princess luna know of Starswirl bad horn writing.
so they we wrote all of his work so it is easier to read his work. they never heard of Starswirl the Beardeds lost journal

I enjoyed season 1 and hope you finish season 2 at some point. I hate reading unfinished stories so I really hope it has an ending at some point. :twilightsmile:

“Stop.” I growled. “Interrupting. Me.” After a moment to regain my composure, I continued.

every Attorney Online player


Well, I'm fully caught up now. I don't have anything new to add beyond my comments on the last story, although I will give my feedback on your question on the off chance you come back to this.

Simply put, both your options are bad since they involve committing the cardinal sin of fan fiction. Do not jam in later material. It only ever makes a mess, and this is a perfect example of that in action. The one and only correct solution is to lock in canon at the time of planning/starting and ignore everything released later unless there's good reason to incorporate it. In this case, that means this story only treats seasons 1-3 as canon and ignores the later material unless it coincidentally ties in extremely well with your preexisting plans.

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