• Published 17th Aug 2016
  • 546 Views, 1 Comments

Scraps of a Sober Alcoholic - NoLongerSober

Just the random scraps and snippets that never amounted to anything. Author's note's will contain information on a by-story basis.

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Magic Barrier: EqG [APDEG]

Author's Note:

This story was....whew. What a mess. Alticron and I prodded it for quite some time before deciding it just wasn't right, so we scrapped it. I've contemplated uploading it for quite awhile because honestly, I really don't like it, for various reasons. Too Gran Turino~y imo. So it was scrapped.

Alticron: Will we ever see a full Equestria Girls story with characters from any of the APD stories? Who knows what the future holds. :raritywink:

Also perhaps worthy of note, this story made quite some time before Friendship games came out. The prologue was made in July of 2015 and the last edit to chapter 1 was a single day before Friendship Games' release.

“I’m comin’!” Barrier growled out, shaking his head slightly to try and clear the headache. Glancing around at the bottles littering his bedroom floor, his eyes finally settled on one atop his desk. Lazily grabbing it he hefted himself upright, pain spiking through his head. A quick swig of the bottle saw the pain on its way.

Passing through his empty hallway and dusty living room, he pulled the front door open with a jerk, blurry vision settling on the young girl standing in front of him looking awkwardly at him with her dark violet eyes. “Whatever you’re sellin’, I’m not interested.” Barrier shoved the door shut, blocking the blue-tinted girl from his sight before she could even open her mouth to respond.

“Kids these days…” Barrier mumbled to himself as he made his way back to the bedroom, all but falling back down onto his bed, half-empty bottle clattering to the floor with its brothers.

Just as sleep made to overtake him once more, another knock came from the door, this one in three sharp taps, followed by a familiar voice.

“Dad! You up? I need to talk to you!”

Just can’t leave me to sleep this off, can you? Barrier thought to himself, tiredly jerking a pillow over his head.

“Dad, we’re coming in!”

Barrier heard the door unlock and open, causing him to toss the pillow off with a huff. “Isn’t a few days too early for your monthly intervention, Nighty?” Barrier yelled out, glancing at his room. When had it gotten so damned messy? With a tired grunt Magic Barrier hefted himself up for the second time that day and departed his bedroom, without a bottle this time. As he made it into the living room his eyes narrowed as they found the young azure-tinted girl sitting on the couch, both hands on her knees as she stared at the gaunt old man awkwardly.

“What’d this kid rope you into selling cookies or some shit, Nighty?” Barrier called out to the kitchen where he could hear his son rifling around.

“If only it were that simple,” Night Light commented as he returned to the living room, “So, I noticed your liquor cabinet was empty…” he commented as he carefully filled the three cups and doled them out.

Barrier snorted in response, “Yeah, I started buying in smaller amounts and putting it up since someone kept emptying them out while I’m asleep. Wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“You’re never asleep when I pour them out,” Night Light shot back, “you’re passed out drunk.”

“So what do you need this time?”

“Why is it that you always assume I need something? It’s not like the only time I visit is when I want something, you know,”

“Night Light,” Barrier spoke flatly, his eyes boring into the younger male, “don’t bullshit with me, I’m too old and too tired for it. Just tell me what you need.”

Night Light’s expression faltered slightly before he audibly sighed and nodded, “Okay, fair enough. It’s about this girl. Her name’s Trixie.”

“You’re married,” Barrier deadpanned, “with two kids. I’m not bailing you out for sleeping with a teenager. Is she even legal?”

“It’s not like that!” Night Light was quick to point out, neither adult paying attention to the girl’s beet-red face. “It’s...complicated.”

“Well, I’m waiting.” Barrier’s eyes drifted over to Trixie, noting the azure skin, only a shade lighter than his son’s.

“This is Trixie Lulamoon,” Night Light began, taking a deep steadying breath, “and she’s your granddaughter.”

“Come again?” Barrier locked eyes with Night Light, his hard, icy-blue eyes boring into the younger man. “Last I checked I’ve got two grandkids and she’s not either of’em.”

Trixie shrunk back into the couch, glancing uncertainly between the two.

“Trixie,” the blue-skinned girl all but snapped to attention nervously, “why don’t you go take a look around the house while Dad and I talk?” Night Light suggested. She quickly did just that, leaving the two alone in the living room as she made her way towards the hallway.

“Wanna explain to me the hell this is all about?” Barrier asked as soon as they were alone.

“I…screwed up,” he started, “seventeen years ago I got drunk on an out-of-town trip and had a one-night stand with some girl I met at the bar. Didn’t think anything of it until she shows up at my door.”

“Dammit, Nighty...” Barrier stood and made his way into the kitchen for a moment before returning with an unopened bottle of bourbon.

“Really? You’re going to drink right now when I’m trying to explain all of this? Are you-” Night Light was cut off as Barrier thrust the bottle at him.

“Not for me, for you. Though I want it back whenever you’re done.”

Night Light glanced uncertainly at the dark amber liquid before he screwed the cap off and took a quick shot, expression souring as he did so, much to his father’s amusement.

“Does Velvet know yet?” Barrier took the bottle, throwing back a shot of his own.

“Not yet…she’s gonna kick my ass. I plan on telling her tonight…” Night Light’s gaze drifted to the carpet, “but Trixie needs a place to stay. We just don’t have the room for her at home unless we put her on the couch or in Twilight’s room and that doesn’t feel fair. You were the only one I could think of…”

“I’m too old for this Nighty…”

“She deserves better than I can give her.” Night Light shrugged half-heartedly. “I’m not proud of what I did, but I don’t wanna see her end up on the streets or something. Worst case scenario: I put her up with Twilight but I kinda see them butting heads.”

Barrier remained silent for several long minutes, vaguely aware of Trixie watching them uncertainly from the hall. “Well,” he finally spoke, “I can’t turn away family…not her fault she’s here…”

Night Light began to smile slightly, but Barrier was quick to cut him off.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m takin’ charge of her.” he stated gruffly, “You’re her dad, Night Light,” Barrier seldom used his son’s actual name, “and that means you take responsibility for her, same as Twilight and Shining, got it? That means that all of them need to know.” Blue eyes met amber as Barrier waited for his response.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything I can to include her once everything is sorted out. Thanks for this, dad. But uh…” he glanced uncertainly at the bottle of alcohol held loosely in his father’s hands. “You might need to ease up on the drinking though. She’s still a kid after all.”

Barrier only grunted in response.

“I’ll be out of your hair in just a sec dad, just gonna go talk to Trixie really quick…” Night light quickly sidestepped his father and made his ways towards the hallway.

“I wish I could do more Trixie…” Night Light stated genuinely, “but right now there just aren’t a lot of options. I’ll figure something out, promise.” The two stood in awkward silence for a moment before Night Light turned and departed, frown clear on his face.

Barrier waited until the familiar sedan rolled out of his driveway. “So…” Barrier turned to face Trixie who still stood in the hallway. “Welcome to the family Trix,” Barrier motioned at the chair across from him which she hesitantly approached and slid into. The pair sat in silence before Barrier grimaced and opened his mouth,

“I’m sorry Trixie.” He noted the look of confusion on the girl’s face, “About Night Light I mean. I doubt he said it himself.” He watched the girl nod in confirmation, “he’s never been good about apologizing. Probably my fault. Sorry about the situation ya’ve been placed in.” Barrier sighed heavily. “Can’t imagine it’s easy.”

Trixie rested her hands on her knees but remained otherwise silent.

“Well come on, I’ll show ya’ ‘round. Got any belongings?”

Trixie pointed towards the small garbage-bag.

That’s it? Barrier asked himself. There couldn’t be more than a few outfits, at best. “Alright well, we’ll have to go shoppin’ to get you some stuff. Expected a girl your age to have more.”

“Trixie had limited space at the orphanage,” she explained, “she shared her room with two others.”

“I see,” Barrier replied gruffly, “well, I ain’t got much here but the guest room’s yours.” Barrier motioned to the door the pair had stopped at, across from his own room.

Trixie hesitantly opened the door revealing a painfully simple room. It contained a full-sized bed, a pair of nightstands, and a solitary dresser.

“It probably needs a good dust. I don’t clean much anymore these days.” Barrier confessed. “Not much reason too. I only see Night Light here when he’s emptying out my liquor cabinet or needs something. Don’t see Twi or Shining much these days either.” And it’s your own damned fault, Barrier’s mind stated traitorously. “I’m across the hall here,” Barrier motioned to his own door though he didn’t open it to show her the interior. “Bathroom’s at the end of the hall, laundries just off’a the kitchen, next to the garage door.” Barrier rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment, “think that’s about it. Probably isn’t much in there right now. Anyways, I’ll let ya’ get settled in while I go out to the garage. Might have some furniture out there if ya’ need somethin’ else in here. You can come out and take a look,” Barrier turned and made to leave the girl before stopping and slowly turning his gaze to the girl “If you need anything else just let me know.” Barrier took a few steps before stopping again, “Even if you just wanna talk, or ask questions,”


Trixie stood uncertainly in the room for a long half-hour before she finally mustered the nerve to head towards the garage. The situation was...overwhelming and had thrown the girl out of her usual routine. She’d met her father -and grandfather- in a single day and her life had changed drastically.

“Magic Barrier, are you out here?” Trixie poked her head into the dimly lit garage,

“In front of the truck,” a voice responded,, followed by the sound of a hood closing, followed by the elderly man carefully making his way around the faded, light-blue truck in question.

Eyes drifting elsewhere, Trixie noted the furniture stacked in various places around the garage

“Surprised to see you out here,” he began gruffly, “I expected you’d still be in your room trying to work all this out in your head.”

“Trixie,” she started, “wanted to apologize. She did not intend to intrude on you.”

Barrier mentally noted that she talked in first person though gave it no attention, “Eh, it’s fine.” Barrier shrugged the statement off, “So, you’re still in school, right?” Barrier carefully sidestepped the young lady,

“Not at the moment,” Trixie admitted, “Trixie was thinking about going to Crystal Plaza High but with the orphanage kicking Trixie out…”

“Might be able to get you in at Canterlot High,” Barrier commented as he rested against the side of his truck, “I know the vice-principal there, bet we could get you in pretty easily.” Barrier thought back to the lone trash-bag of belongings that Trixie had. “Besides, going to Crystal Plaza High would mean an extra four miles either way. Got your’ license?”

Trixie didn’t reply immediately, thoughts running amok. She had the intelligence to attend Crystal Plaza High -all of her test scores made that much plain- but Canterlot High, while not quite as prestigious was more widely known. “Who do you know from Canterlot High?” Trixie asked, eyeing the old man in curiosity.

“Vice-Principal Luna,” Barrier stated, his jaw tightening only slightly, “we’re fairly well-acquainted. Woman doesn’t know how to mind her own damn business,” Though Barrier was certain Night Light had more than little to do with the woman’s rather frequent visits.

“Trixie sees,” Trixie stated plainly, “Trixie does not have her license yet. They didn’t offer classes at the orphanage and Trixie hasn’t had the opportunity yet.” As she spoke, she slowly turned her gaze away from Barrier,

“Well, we can work on it,” Barrier stated gruffly as he pressed a button on the wall, causing a dull rumbling as the garage door opened itself. “I gotta make a run to the store. Take a look around, see if there’s anything you need moved to yer’ room. Desk or somethin’ maybe. And don’t go into my room.” As Barrier spoke he climbed into the pickup, the truck starting up with a rumble. “I’m gonna go get some groceries. Don’t keep more than the bare minimum these days.” he stated from the window before departing, the garage-door sliding shut behind him.


Trixie slumped into the wall as the truck departed and slowly slid to the floor, finally coming to a halt with her head hanging limply on her knees as she was finally alone -truly alone- for the first time in as long as she could remember. First the orphanage had told her that they were full-up and needed to free up some room for new arrivals. As the oldest, she was the first to go. With forty-dollars and a small bag of clothes, she found herself on the street with little more than a piece of paper listing homeless shelters. Then her mind drifted back to her mother’s death and subsequent reading of her will where her father had been mentioned. With the help of a police-officer who pitied her and several days of searching she soon found herself on a bus and in front of Night Light’s door. That had been a mess all on it’s own, trying to explain herself to the man followed by having to all but beg for assistance and then being pawned off on her grandfather, an apparent relic of a man who seemed nice, though he reeked of booze.

Beginning: Night Light has a one-night stand, kid comes back to him. He is unable to support her financially or doesn’t have room/time for her, asks his father Magic Barrier to look after her until she is of legal age. MB agrees, story starts there.

Middle: Bonding of the two? Trixie doesn’t like being saddled with her grandfather, feels like her father doesn’t want her involved. Magic Barrier tries to comfort her, clearly angered at his son for his treatment of his daughter, feeling regardless of his thoughts that it is his responsibility.

End: Trixie grows to legal age, Magic Barrier dies of old age, maybe leaves everything save a token amount to Trixie. Have Trixie coping with the only father figure she feels she knew, end with her reconciling with Night Light.

Magic Barrier is 65{?} at story start.
Shining Armor is 19 at story start.
Twilight Sparkle is 16 at story start.
Trixie is 16{ish} at story start.
Night Light is 43{?}
Luna is 34 at story start.

Magic Barrier lost his wife age 47, 1 year after Shining was born.

Comments ( 1 )

“Trixie,” she started, “wanted to apologize. She did not intend to intrude on you.”

Barrier mentally noted that she talked in first person though gave it no attention, “Eh, it’s fine.” Barrier shrugged the statement off, “So, you’re still in school, right?” Barrier carefully sidestepped the young lady,

“Not at the moment,” Trixie admitted, “Trixie was thinking about going to Crystal Plaza High but with the orphanage kicking Trixie out…”

I know it's just a story fragment/scrap that you'll probably never make a sequel to, but she talks in third person. First person is "I," "we," and "me."

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