• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 6 - Wanted



Dusk Shine awoke to a knock at the door. With a big yawn, he slowly opened his eyes and stretched.

"Hmm?" Dusk murmured, not able to speak properly because of the sleepiness and tiredness he still had.

The barn door began to open, causing the morning sun's rays to strike Dusk's face directly. He narrowed his eyes and tried to see who had opened the door, but the bright sunlight prevented it.

"Good mornin', I hope ya slept well." A mare's voice said.

It was Applejack who, after opening the barn door, leaned on the door frame and stared at Dusk. The unicorn stared back at her, it was as if the mare was waiting for Dusk to say something.

"Eh... Oh, yes! I slept very well, thank you!" Dusk finally replied, understanding that Applejack was waiting for an answer.

"Glad ta hear it!" Applejack smiled. "I was worried y'all slept badly since ya slept in the barn."

"Don't worry, it's much more comfortable than it looks," Dusk said, smiling back. "Also, due to the fatigue from yesterday, I slept like a log."

"Alright!" Applejack said turning around and walking away from the barn doorway. "Granny Smith's making breakfast, I'll wait outside so we can go together."

"Um... sure, I'll be out soon." Dusk replied.

As soon as Applejack was out of sight, Dusk fell back quickly, putting his head on the pillow and looking up to the ceiling. Then a smile formed on his lips at an incredible revelation. HE HAD SLEPT IN A BARN! Never in all his life would he have imagined that he would ever sleep in a barn, this was such an absurd idea. If somepony had told him this a week ago; that he would be where he is now, lying on a pile of straw in a small wooden barn, he probably would have screamed that they were crazy. And although it was true that for the farm ponies it wasn't a big deal, for a city pony like Dusk, who enjoyed locking himself away with his books, this was a great feat, a crazy feat but a fun feat.

Dusk continued lying there for a little while, pondering all that, until his gut cried out for food.

"Well, time to get up," Dusk said, rising once more.

Then he noticed something odd.

"Hmm?" Dusk paused with confusion, looking down on himself. "Did I have a blanket when I went to bed last night?"

Dusk tried but couldn't remember if he had had the blanket when he went to bed. Finally, he decided not to give it a second thought and to get going, the answer was obvious; he had it from the beginning, after all, who would have worried about him enough to give him a blanket in the middle of the night while he slept?

Immediately Dusk stood up, stretched his muscles and left where Applejack was waiting for him. The mare gave him a smile and together they began walking towards the Apple family's house.

"Applejack..." Dusk said head down, after having thought something that was bothering him. "I think we would be imposing on you for breakfast, Spike and I have already caused enough problems, we'd better leave."

Applejack stared at him for a moment before giving Dusk a small slap on his back.

"What're you talkin' about, it's no problem." Applejack laughed. "Besides, it would be rude if ya didn't stay for breakfast after all you and Spike are our guests!"

Dusk was surprised by Applejack's attitude, so he responded with a shy smile. As he did, Dusk couldn't help but think how kind they all were, Applejack and her family, Fluttershy... maybe it wasn't weird that they were strangers and they were very kind, maybe it was HE who was out of place and thought that kindness and empathy between ponies was weird. "Maybe... I should have accepted Fluttershy's invitation to breakfast, it would have been the right thing to do, it wasn't to take advantage of her kindness... but if I had, I wouldn't have gotten to know Applejack..." This thought flew briefly into Dusk's mind and began to make him dizzy, so he dismissed it quickly, let bygones be bygones, and thanks to Celestia he didn't have to choose between the two mares, that was something he hoped he'd never have to do.

Dusk and Applejack finally arrived at the entrance of the house, specifically the door to the kitchen and dining room. As soon as Applejack opened the door, Dusk immediately noticed that something was wrong, there was a slightly tense atmosphere in the air. They were all sitting at the table, except for Granny Smith, who was at the stove cooking oats, her face showing that she was slightly annoyed, Spike was sitting looking down sadly, Appleblom looked annoyed at Spike, for his part Big Mac glanced at Dusk with a sharp look.

"Eh... something wrong?" Dusk whispered to Applejack.

"Oh, Applebloom and Granny discovered that Spike was lying." Applejack said without giving it more importance.

"Yes, when he told he beat an army of minotaurs alone, I had my doubts," Applebloom said annoyed.

"Ya didn't need to lie to us, we would have welcomed ya and fed ya regardless of whether or not you had been heroes." Granny Smith said, bringing the oats to the table and serving it out to Applebloom and Spike.

While Applebloom and Granny Smith were talking, Spike's cheeks became more and more red with embarrassment, yet he said nothing to defend himself, apparently he had accepted that this must be his punishment for lying.

"So an army of minotaurs, huh? It seems like you exaggerated a bit." Dusk said laughing a little at his brother's disgrace.

Spike only covered his face to hide his embarrassment.

"But you lied too, right?" Big Mac suddenly said, who was still staring at Dusk.

That comment felt like a stone in the stomach to Dusk, blushing he didn't know how to respond.

"That's not true." Granny Smith interrupted, approaching Dusk. "Applejack told me yesterday that you told her the truth, you're a gentlecolt after all, aren't ya?" Granny said, smiling and pinching Dusk's cheeks.

"Hmph! At least he's not a liar. I guess," Big Mac said a little upset.

"That's right, a true honest to goodness gentlecolt for our cute lil' Applejack," Granny said aloud, talking to herself as she went to sit down.

Both Applejack and Dusk blushed but acted as if they hadn't heard Granny's comment, then they also went to take a seat. As Applejack sat down, Dusk's etiquette and manners came up again and he ran to move the chair so that Applejack could sit down and adjust comfortably. As soon as he did, Applejack turned her head to say that it wasn't necessary, but the words wouldn't come out, her cheeks flushed and she only thanked him for the gesture.

All of this happened under the watchful eye of Big McIntosh, something that Dusk noticed immediately. He knew that as soon as he got near Applejack he couldn't hide from her overprotective big brother's glare, so he decided that it would be best not to sit next to Applejack, instead Dusk approached Big Mac and decided to sit next to him.

"Is this okay?" Dusk timidly asked Big Mac as he sat next to him.

Big Mac stared at him, slightly surprised, apparently this young unicorn had manners and knew how not to take undue attributions, such as sitting next to a mare of his family without his consent.

"That's right." Big Mac said with an approving snort. "But you still have a long way to go if you want my approval to be with my sister."

"But you're on the right track youngin, hihihi..." Granny Smith laughed, who was listened to them attentively while she ate.

"I guess you're right, hehe..." Dusk laughed nervously, while Granny, Applebloom, Spike and even Big Mac shared their laughter at the table.

Definitely, now the atmosphere was much more relaxed and cheerful, the best atmosphere for breakfast. Dusk liked this feeling, laughing as a family, something he himself hadn't done in so long. Besides, he couldn't agree more with Big Mac, trust should be earned, and he should show that he was a gentlecolt and a good pony if he wanted to talk to Applejack and be friends with her.

For her part, the only one who didn't share the laughter at the table was Applejack, who was completely blushing, covering her face with her hooves. Apparently, she was the only one who had fully understood the situation, something that even Dusk hadn't done. When Big Mac and Granny talked about 'approval to be with her' they didn't mean being together to talk or something like that, they meant something deeper, like a serious relationship between a colt and a mare! Applejack understood that poor Dusk hadn't understood what Granny and her brother were talking about, she wanted to explain that to him, but the atmosphere at the table was so cheerful, everyone was sharing and laughing, Applejack decided not to open her mouth and that she would tell Dusk of his mistake another time when they were alone.

So it was that breakfast followed in a pleasant atmosphere, where even Spike finally made Applebloom stop being angry with him, pardoning him in part, but not completely.

"All right! Time to get to work!" Applejack said after finishing her meal. "It's late and there's a lot to do."

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said in reply, getting up from the table.

They all followed Applejack and Big Mac out of the house. This was also when Dusk and Spike decided to say goodbye and continue on their way, since Dusk understood that 'helping' them with their work would only mean slowing them down, just like yesterday.

"Thank you so much for everything." Dusk Shine said with a bow, after standing in front of everyone next to Spike. "Thank you for the food and your hospitality."

"And... sorry about lying to you..." Spike added, still ashamed.

"Don't worry, that's all water under the bridge now, and it was nice to have ya." Granny Smith smiled.

"By the way, this is for you." Applejack said giving Dusk a small sack with something inside.

"What's this-" Dusk was surprised to open the sack and see that there were a few bits inside.

"It's for your work yesterday, you've earned it, so ya won't have to sleep in a barn again, right, Big Mac?" Applejack said smiling and looking at her brother.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac replied.

"But... yesterday's work was to pay you back for the apples we ate," Dusk said something confused.

"Nah! Those ones are on us." Applejack responded with a big smile.

Dusk stared at the whole Apple family, everyone was smiling, so Dusk smiled back with a great joy in his heart, happy and thankful to have met such a loving family.

"Thank you." Dusk finally said with a small bow, since he didn't know how else to thank them. "I hope to see you all again soon."

"I want to see her again. I want to see her again." An insistent phrase crossed Dusk's subconscious, an idea that wasn't strong enough to enter Dusk's conscious mind, but it made Dusk realize that he wanted to ask something before he left.

"Applejack... are you going to the Summer Sun Celebration?" Dusk asked timidly.

"Of course! In fact, we're in charge of the food!" Applejack replied proudly.

"That's great! Then I'll see you there, Applejack." Dusk smiled at Applejack. "I-I mean, all of you! I'll see you all there." Dusk corrected himself quickly, staring at the Apple family totally blushing.

In response to this, Granny Smith just laughed, jabbing Big Mac in the side with her elbow while he looked away frowning slightly, while little Applebloom looked mischievously from Dusk to her older sister and back.

After that, Dusk and Spike finally said goodbye to everyone and started on their way away from Sweet Apple Acres.

"So, what's the plan now?" Spike asked as they walked away from the farm.

"I guess the time has finally come, we have no choice but to go to Ponyville." Dusk said not giving it much enthusiasm.

"Apparently having to go into town and meet other ponies doesn't bother you anymore," Spike said, realizing that his brother was much more relaxed compared to when they arrived from Canterlot.

"Well... I've already run away from a bear and a furious farmer, and you've been attacked by a rabbit and became a compulsive liar." Dusk mused. "I suppose the worst is over, I mean, what could go wrong in the village?"

"Haha... I guess you're right." Spike replied smiling as they both continued on their way to Ponyville.

"We're finally here!" Spike said excitedly after crossing a bridge and seeing they were finally entering the village of Ponyville.

A few steps behind him was Dusk, who upon entering the picturesque village didn't have the same level of enthusiasm as his draconic little brother.

"So what's next?" Spike asked looking at his brother.

"I'm not sure... Maybe going to the inn and renting a room." Dusk answered, trying to find the inn.

"Or, you could stick to your promise and talk to some local ponies," Spike said with a mischievous look at Dusk.

"Excuse me?" Dusk asked, annoyed. "I've already talked to Fluttershy plus Applejack and her family! Are you still going to bug me about talking to other ponies!?"

"Well... a conversation equals a possible friend and with that, you're more likely to finish the princess's task," Spike said with a shy smile.

Dusk didn't like it, Spike couldn't force him to talk to every single pony he encountered in the next three days before the Summer Sun Celebration. Dusk's brow furrowed and prepared to have a heated argument with the dragon, but Spike could see that his brother was about to explode so he reacted faster.

"Wait! Wait!" Spike said quickly, lifting his waving claws so Dusk wouldn't speak. "ONE MORE! Just talk to one other pony and it'll be all over, end of the promise."

Dusk stared at him for a long time as his anger subsided.

"Really?" Dusk asked.

"Sure, you fulfilled with your part, you already have two possible friends, which is good, but having three is better. Besides... I'm only doing this to help you." Spike said with a small smile at Dusk.

"HUFF...! Fine," Dusk said with a heavy sigh of resignation. "Then... who should I talk to?"

Immediately Spike craned his neck and began to look around for somepony, anypony.

"There!" Spike finally said, pointing to a group of three mares that weren't far from them in what appeared to be a flower stand.

Dusk looked at them with some insecurity, he didn't want to repeat the routine conversation he had with strangers, but he knew that after all of this Spike wouldn't bother him about it again, so he just sighed and started heading over to the mares.

At the flower stand, two of the mares had their backs to Dusk as they talked to each other, one of them had cream-colored skin and her mane was red wine and rose, the other had pink skin and yellow mane adorned with a lily over her ear; While the third mare had soft pink skin and her mane was lime green, she had her head in the direction Dusk was coming, but she was looking down while arranging some bouquets with her mouth; In addition, the three mares had flowers like cutie marks. Dusk took a breath to relax and approached this last mare.

"It's okay, this will be my last conversation to make 'friends', and this time I won't blow it immediately like I did with Fluttershy and Applejack!" Dusk thought as he walked alongside Spike up to the pink mare.

"Umm... Hello!" Dusk said once he stood in front of the mare.

The mare, still holding a flower in her mouth, looked up and saw Dusk beside Spike, then her eyes began to open slowly, as did her mouth, from which the flower fell.

"AHHH!" The mare shouted for a second, pulling a hoof up to her head, spun around and fell faint.

Dusk and Spike were totally puzzled. Neither of them expected that kind of reaction nor did they understand why it happened! Any hope of having a normal conversation and of making a good first impression had been destroyed the second Dusk had opened his mouth to say "hello".

Dusk quickly came out of his stupor and was ready to help the mare, but he couldn't get closer because as soon as they heard the shout, the other two mares who were also in the flower stand rushed to succor their friend.

"What happened!?" The cream-colored mare asked, approaching to see her friend.

"Daisy! Are you okay?" The blond mane mare asked, touching her hoof to the cheek of the fainted mare.

"I... I just said 'hello'..." Dusk timidly said, trying to justify himself so they wouldn't think he had done anything wrong.

Then the two mares, who after running to help their friend hadn't even noticed the pair, looked up at them for a few seconds.

"AHHH!" Both mares cried in unison, raising hoofs to their heads, spinning around on themselves and fainting like their friend.

Dusk and Spike remained frozen where they were with expressionless faces, a piercing silence reigned where they stood while the wind kicked up the dust and a tumbleweed bouncing off behind them...

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!" Dusk finally yelled, totally disturbed because he didn't understand what was going on.

For Dusk it was bad enough that his plan to have a normal conversation failed with the one mare, but that it failed with three mares and almost at the same time wasn't just strange, it was a statistical anomaly! This was something that Dusk couldn't understand, and if there was something that really bothered Dusk, it was when he wasn't able to understand something.

For his part, Spike, who reacts much better than Dusk in these cases, took it more calmly. He looked around and started approaching a tree that had a flyer drawing his attention.

"Why did they faint when they saw me!? Is it me? Am I doomed to never have a normal conversation with any mares!?" Dusk began to ask himself aloud. Obviously exaggerating the whole situation.

"Calm down, already!" Spike said annoyed. "I think I found the reason they all fainted."

At this, Spike reluctantly extended the flyer he had taken off of the tree to Dusk, which Dusk took and watched slowly. The more he saw it, the more Dusk's eyes widened.

That paper wasn't just a flyer, it was a 'Wanted' poster! Which had a picture of a lavender unicorn, with a dark blue mane streaked with stripes of violet and pink! In addition, the expression on the drawing showed a fanged smile and a scar under the eye, which made it look all the eviler. By itself, the drawing had features that Dusk didn't possess, but the basic characteristics were the same, the drawing of the pony in question looked like Dusk Shine.

"W-Wh... What is this...?" Dusk wondered aloud in a trembling voice.

"I knew it!" Spike shouted cheerfully, pulling Dusk out of his stupor. "I knew there had to be one of me too!"

Dusk looked up to see that Spike had walked away and came back with what appeared to be another 'Wanted' poster.

"Look, look! You're not the only bad guy." Spike smiled, showing Dusk a poster with a picture similar Dusk's poster but instead of a unicorn drawing, it had a dragon drawing.

"Are you glad you're on a 'Wanted' poster?" Dusk asked Spike, a little annoyed.

"Of course! It's like the posters from the old west, or even better! Those posters of the comic I'm reading, you know, that one of the pony that wants to become the king of the pirates, it's called-" Spike replied cheerfully, before being interrupted by Dusk.

"ENOUGH!" Dusk replied irritably. "Don't you understand? This means that for some reason the law wants us! We could go to jail!"

"But... We haven't done anything wrong, have we?" Spike replied simply, shrugging.

"Hmm... as far as we know, no... B-But we have to figure out why we're suddenly felons!"

As soon as Dusk finished speaking, his ears perked up as he regained his composure. There was a faint, strange sound in the air.

"Do you hear that?" Dusk asked Spike.

"Yeah..." Spike said narrowing his eyes and putting a claw behind his ear to hear better. "It... sounds like buzzing."

Indeed Spike had accurately described the sound Dusk was listening to, a sound that seemed to be getting louder.


Dusk only managed to turn around when he felt the sound rushing up his back. As soon as he turned around, something fell from the sky, knocked him down flat, and pinned him to the ground.

"Caught you!" Said the voice of a mare, a mare who had hit him and was now lying on him, preventing him from standing up.

Dusk opened his eyes with some effort as he spat out what seemed to be hair, which had completely blinded him.

"Is this somepony's mane?" Dusk thought uncertain because he had never seen a mane like that, a mane with the colors of the rainbow.

Dusk was completely subdued, with his back to the ground and a mare on top of him. A situation that if any mother with her child had seen, they would be scandalized believing it was a scene not suitable for foals, but this wasn't the case, this time the mare was on Dusk to immobilize him and prevent his escape.

"Hehehe! I've been looking for you for two days! I was thinking of giving up, but at last, I found ya!" The mare said in a raspy voice.

As soon as she said these words, the mare lifted her head and Dusk was finally able to completely remove the hair from his face and see the face of her attacker. It was indeed a mare, a pegasus to be exact, she had cyan skin and violet-red eyes, yet her most striking feature was her mane, which had all the colors of the rainbow.

The mare just lifted her head, but her legs and body kept pushing to keep Dusk from getting off the ground. So, for few seconds, the two of them stared at each other until the mare finally blinked.

"You're the bad guy, aren't you?" The mare asked.

"Yeah! It must be you!" The mare answered herself before Dusk could open his mouth. "You have the same coat and mane color like the poster, but... I thought you would look scarier... like your poster. But instead you're kinda cute, you sorta look like a girl." The mare ended up saying with a smile.

The mare's words hit Dusk like a bucket of ice water, "Effeminate? SHE CALLED ME EFFEMINATE!" Dusk thought while still in shock. He had fought much of his childhood against what he called 'his less than masculine features', meaning, not many colts had lavender fur, nor pink and lilac tufts in their mane, even his own cutie mark wasn't all to his liking, since Dusk always thought it would have been cooler if it had had a sword or something more masculine accompanying the stars on his flank. So when he was a foal, Dusk was eager to grow up and be as manly as other colts in his family, something over the course of time he had got only partially right, for although he had grown up and his adult colt traits were developing more and more over the years, compared to other boys of his age, he still had a slight air of childhood in his face, which was often confused with feminine traits, something that of course Dusk hated from the bottom of his soul. But this time it wasn't hatred what he felt, no, the situation was different, now a mare that was on him skin-to-skin contact and she had called him 'effeminate' to his face, it was reason enough to make any colt feel embarrassed; for Dusk it was almost like he had been on his wedding night and his fiancee had laughed at his 'little Dusk' (if you know what I mean ¬¬), It had hurt his male pride! This was something that made Dusk slowly fall into a limbo of shame.

"Hey, you let go of my brother!" Spike shouted, running to Dusk and the mare.

"Oh! You must be his henchman." The mare said looking sideways at Spike. "What are you supposed to be? His pet iguana or something?"

Spike instantly froze and a vein of fury appeared on his face.

"I-I-Iguana!? WHO ARE YOU CALLING IGUANA!? I'm a dragon!" Spike replied furiously.

"A dragon? Pfff! Yeah, right..." The mare sneered.

Spike's anger rose, with every word out of this mare Spike felt more and more irritated. Now he was sure, he and Dusk could become friends with ponies of different personalities, like Fluttershy or Applejack, but they could never be friends with a mare like this.

"All right! Time to take the iguana and the cute little girl to justice." The mare said, looking back at Dusk.

That was the last straw! All this time Spike and the mare had been arguing, Dusk had remained motionless lost in his thoughts and embarrassment, but when she called him a 'cute little girl', Dusk's anger finally appeared.

Dusk looked annoyed at the mare, then he teleported to release himself and appear next to the mare, this act surprised the mare, who only saw a flash, fell to the ground and stopped seeing her prisoner.

"Who are you calling 'cute little girl'!?" Dusk said annoyed as the mare glanced at her side and saw that Dusk had teleported right next to her. "My name is Dusk Shine and I am a full-grown colt!"

Dusk was pissed, so he decided to fight back, obviously not physically, but with words, just as she had hurt him, so he put aside his gentlecoltly manners and attacked where he knew it would hurt.

"And by the way..." Dusk continued, with a face full of pride. "It's a pity that I can't say the same for you, I mean, a cute mare? No one could ever call you that! With your raw attitude and the way you talk, it's a miracle others haven't mistaken you for a colt!" Dusk said angrily.

After Dusk's words, the mare weakly lowered her head, making it impossible for Dusk or Spike to see her face.

"Oh no! I think I went too far, I made her cry! Stupid! How could I forget that after all, she is still a fragile and innocent mare." Dusk thought, regaining his status as a gentlecolt after seeing the mare's reaction.

Dusk heard some small noises emitted by the mare, which he assumed was crying, so he stepped forward and approached the mare to comfort her and beg her forgiveness.

"BWAHAHAHA!" The mare laughed loudly, raising her head and revealing that the noises she was emitting weren't tears, but she was holding back her laughter.

Dusk remained static, not knowing how to react.

"And what was that? You call that an insult? Hahaha." the mare laughed. "It doesn't bother me to be myself. In fact, I hate all that crud about being feminine and that others should treat me like a lady; so you're absolutely right, I'd hit anyone if they dare call me cute, hahaha."

Her whole reaction took Dusk by surprise, who slowly began to blush after realizing his plan backfired on him and that now the mare was mocking him even more. While she was still laughing, Dusk decided that it would be best to get away from this irritating mare.

"Tch! Let's go, Spike." Dusk said annoyed, turning to Spike and then starting to walk away.

However Dusk didn't take two steps until he came across the same mare, who out of nowhere had appeared in front of him with a serious face. Dusk immediately took a step back in surprise, he looked at the mare's face with bewilderment. In the blink of an eye she had appeared in front of Dusk, if it wasn't that obvious that she didn't have a horn and couldn't use magic, he'd have sworn she had teleported, the only explanation was that the pegasus had moved at an incredible speed.

"Where do you think you're going?" The mare asked, who waved her wings and stood floating just inches from the ground with her forelegs crossed and a face of somepony with few friends. "Don't think because you made me laugh you can escape, you're still my prisoners!"

"Prisoners? Why? What did we do?" Spike said, who came up next to Dusk and took the words right out of his brother's mouth.

"Heck if I know, you broke the law, not me." The pegasus shrugged. "I only know that All Aboard had these posters printed off of some dangerous prisoners who came from Canterlot and escaped two days ago into Ponyville."

All Aboard? Who's 'All Aboard', why had he sent posters with their faces and why was looking for them now-? Dusk's train of thought was derailed by a sudden suspicion.

"Wait... does this "All Aboard" work at the train station?" Dusk asked.

"Eh... yeah, why do you ask?" The mare replied askance.

"Now I get it! He must be the pony who found us tied up in that sack when we got shipped to Ponyville!" Dusk said looking at Spike and then to the mare. "Listen, this is all a big misunderstanding."

The mare stared at him for a few seconds as her eyes narrowed. Her job was to deliver them to the mayor, but she was curious to know more about this unicorn and his dragon, like to know why they were on 'Wanted' posters, something which she thought to be very cool, so she decided to listen. After all, they had nowhere to run while she was watching them.

"Okay, I'll hear you out," the mare finally said. "Just don't try to distract me and run, I'll warn you now you have no escape, you see this?" The mare said to the moment she showed her flank with her cutie mark, Dusk put his eyes on the cutie mark and looked at it intently, it was a cloud with a lightning bolt of red, yellow and blue. "Not for nothing that I have a lightning-like cutie mark, the name's Rainbow Dash and I'm the fastest pony in Equestria! So don't try anything!" The mare finished with pride.

Dusk, who had already regained his usual chivalry, activated his manners and decided to introduce himself as well.

"It's a pleasure Miss Rainbow Dash, my name is-" Dusk was interrupted by the mare, who put her hoof strongly on his mouth to silence him.

"Don't call me Miss again, it's annoying." Rainbow Dash said in a bad mood.

"Seriously? I'm just trying to be a gentlecolt. How unfeminine can you get?!" Dusk thought as he removed the mare's hoof from his mouth and, reluctantly, continued to present himself, as his manners dictated.

"My NAME is Dusk Shine." Dusk continued, trying to hide his discomfort. "And he's my partner Spike."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, now tell me why they're looking for you." The mare said, waving her hoof and looking away, disregarding Dusk's presentation.

"She's really annoying." Dusk thought before taking a deep breath to relax and began telling his story.

Although shameful, Dusk spoke truthfully, but telling the truth didn't involve telling every little detail, such as the fact that Dusk had no friends and had been forced to make friends in this town. So Dusk began to tell his story, how he lived in Canterlot studying magic, how he had made his teacher angry, how she liked to play mischievous pranks and she had him sent in a sack to Ponyville as punishment, and how All Aboard had found them and fled before they could explain to him the whole situation.

"HAHAHA! So your teacher mailed you bound and gagged down to Ponyville? Hahaha!" The mare laughed as she imagined the situation. "There's a prank I'd like to pull, I think I could get along with this teacher of yours, hehe."

"Then I guess you and the princess have the same twisted sense of humor," Spike said reluctantly, still feeling annoyed with the Pegasus.

"The princess? What does the princess have to do with all this?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Dusk leered at Spike, who immediately realized he had screwed up. Throughout the story, Dusk had deliberately omitted to tell who his teacher was, as he knew it would bring even more trouble, however, at this point Dusk had no choice but to admit to Rainbow Dash who his teacher was.

"My teacher... is Princess Celestia," Dusk said timidly.

Rainbow Dash stared at him for a second and then looked away upset.

"And here I thought you were telling the truth..." Rainbow Dash said annoyed. "I mean, I could believe all that about your teacher sent you here bound and gagged in a sack as a joke, but do you expect me to believe that Princess Celestia would do something like that... How dumb do you think I am?"

Dusk Shine knew this would happen, it had happened before, when he said that he was the personal student of Princess Celestia, many ponies questioned him, many others believe him, but when he told them that the princess played pranks on him and that she was so intimate with Dusk, no one believed him, since all the ponies of Equestria had the figure of Celestia on a pedestal of glass, magnanimous, serene, powerful, the bright light that guided them all, nopony believed that behind that image was the true princess, someone who liked being treated like any other pony, who adored cakes and who liked to play jokes from time to time.

"It's ... the truth ..." Dusk said resignedly, knowing that now he had no choice but to be taken in by Rainbow Dash.

"Wait! I have a proof!" Spike said suddenly, catching the attention of both ponies.

"What are you going to do?" Dusk asked Spike in a whisper. "You're not going to show her the letter with the royal decree, are you?"

Spike froze because that was exactly what he was going to show Rainbow Dash.

"Don't even think about it!" Dusk said quickly. "I don't want ponies to know that I've been banished from Canterlot and have been desperately seeking out friends here in Ponyville."

"So, where's your proof?" Rainbow Dash asked, growing impatient as Dusk whispered to Spike.

"I've got an idea! I just remembered that I have a photo in the coffer! That's much better!" Spike said aloud with joy as he realized something.

Rainbow Dash didn't understand what Spike meant with the 'coffer', but Dusk did. The coffer was a small chest designed so that Spike could bring things at will with his magic fire, since normally his magic fire only served to send letters between Dusk and Celestia, but thanks to this coffer, Spike could bring other things that weren't sent either by Dusk or the princess, as he had when he had invoked the scroll with the royal decree in which the princess had changed Dusk's name. However the disadvantage was that the coffer was quite small and could only keep a few small things, such as scrolls, letters, and photos.

With a burp, Spike released a gout of green fire and a small photo came out.

"Here, take a look!" Spike said holding out the photo to Rainbow Dash.

In the photo appeared princess Celestia smiling with a young Dusk Shine and the small Spike.

"See? How could we have taken such a picture with the princess if we didn't know her?" Spike asked Rainbow Dash. "She usually doesn't like posing for photos, unless it's official."

"Hmm... I dunno... could be Ponyshoped." The mare said looking it over, checking to see it wasn't a trick photo.

"It's not fake!" Spike said getting exasperated.

Rainbow Dash lowered the photo and began to look both Spike and Dusk in the eyes. "If only her trusty friend were there, she would know if they were lying or not." The mare thought, she finally decided to follow her instincts, which almost never failed her.

"All right, I believe you." Rainbow Dash finally said with a big sigh.

"Really!?" Dusk asked excitedly, he didn't want to spend a night in jail because of a misunderstanding.

"Yeah... Besides you really don't look like criminals to me. I mean, I've met foals with more bad attitude than you two..." Rainbow Dash said, mockingly.

Both Spike and Dusk were annoyed by that comment, but they decided to say nothing, as they were narrowly saved from being declared criminals.

"Oh yeah, who was it that screamed like a girl before I showed up? Hmph, I bet it was you, Pretty boy." The pegasus asked, pointing at Dusk.

"OF COURSE IT WASN'T ME! It was those three who fainted!" Dusk shouted without thinking, before realizing he had screwed up.

Rainbow Dash looked where Dusk pointed and saw the three mares who had passed out as soon as they had seen Dusk. "Now everything's lost!" Dusk thought. Rainbow Dash wouldn't believe they fainted without Dusk doing anything to them.

"Oh! So it was those three." Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly. "They always make a fuss about everything."

Dusk's muscles, which were tense while Rainbow Dash had looked at the fainted mares, slowly relaxed as Dusk realized that apparently those mares with flowers like cutie marks really had a habit of fainting.

"Hey." Rainbow Dash spoke again with a curious look, catching Dusk's attention. "So the princess likes to play pranks?"

"Umm... yes... but only sometimes," Dusk said doubtfully, he didn't want Rainbow Dash to think the princess was crazy about pranks, and also omitting the fact that most of the time she pranked Dusk as a punishment.

Rainbow Dash stared into nowhere for a few seconds as a sinister smile formed on her lips.

Now Dusk was certain, this mare was crazy, but more importantly, he was sure he could never become friends with a mare like Rainbow Dash.

#End of chapter 6

Author's Note:

News :)
There is someone new who helps me to correct the chapters, so now I'll upload the missing chapters faster (I've currently ready in Spanish until the Chapter 10)

Thank you so much to Ecchidonzablue for his help with the correction in the translation to English =D
So if you liked, thank Him to it too ;)

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