• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 10,459 Views, 62 Comments

A Dash of Love - Alemandom04

You get partnered with the most annoying girl in school. Rainbow Dash. That would be excluding Pinkie Pie.

  • ...

A Dash of Love

It was yet another boring day at school. Equestria High hasn't had any major events in a while. To make it worse, you had to go to biology. Which meant you had to sit next to the most annoying girl in school. (Excluding Pinkie Pie). Which was Rainbow Dash. Everyday she would talk to you about how many soccer games she's won. Or how fast she is. It's all just gibberish to you but it's all still annoying. You just hope nothing else makes this day worse.

"So as I was saying. I ran right past him and finished the race. Not a single drop of sweat, anywhere." You rolled your eyes at the possible lies. You just focused on your book so you wouldn't have any extra homework to do.

"Alright class. Put down your books. If you did not finish, the rest is homework." Well it seems you were wrong. It did get worse. Because of her you now had extra homework on top of your math too.

"Thanks a lot." You barked.

"Heh. No problem." She said. She laughed at your anger.

"I almost forgot, class. You all are doing a project on molecules. You will partner up and pick your element as you leave. You have two weeks." Everyone started talking to one another. "You may now start picking." Everyone scrambled to their friends. You wasted no time to find a partner. But by the time you got up. Everyone already had a partner except you. The only one left was that girl. She looked at you and smiled.

"Seeming you are the only two left. You are partnered up. Now everyone has already picked their element." You and Rainbow Dash walked up to the desk. "Now choose, and choose wisely. You'll only get one choice." You looked closely at the elements. H20, CO2-

"That one. It looks cool." You saw how eager she was.

"Are you sure? That is the hardest to study. You'll only get one chance." You watched as Rainbow Dash nodded her head. You were about to say CO2 but Rainbow Dash cut you off.

"Yep. I'm sure." The teacher handed her the paper. You stood there staring with your mouth wide open.

"What's wrong?" You shook your head and sighed heavily.

"Oh nothing. Just that you picked the hardest element to study in the Periodic Table."

"Don't worry. It will be a piece of cake. You'll get that done no problem." You looked at her in heavy worry that she was not a great person to be stuck with for two weeks.

You sighed. "Okay. Let's head to my place. We can study there. And by 'we' I mean both of us. Not just me." She nodded and followed you out of the classroom and out of the school building.

You got in your car and drove off. She would never just shut up about herself. Me this and me that.

"Can we talk about something else? Like..." You thought hard of something that would interest her. "Soccer?"

"Great idea. Not trying to brag, but I've won over 50 games. Pretty big deal."

You stopped the car as you got out. You went inside the house as Rainbow Dash followed. You showed her around the house and you started studying in your room.

"Do you mind if I don't do any work today? I'm feeling kinda tired." You ignored her and just kept studying. You looked at the time to see it was 9:25. You noticed Rainbow Dash noticed as well.

"Wow! Look at the time! I've gotta go home. See you tomorrow." She ran out of your room and down the steps. You looked out your window as she ran across the street. She walked up to the house directly across from yours. She walked in and shut the door.

You decided to take a break from this studying. You just get out of your chair and lay in bed.

3 Days Later...

You sit in your chair studying while Rainbow Dash wrote down what you told her to. The past two days of you studying and talking has made you realize that Rainbow Dash isn't that painful to hang out with. Sure she does brag sometimes, but that doesn't matter.

She has more than just herself to talk about. She has interesting choice in conversation topics. But it's fine.

You had been working all morning stressed out. Your eyes were getting tired.

"Maybe we should take a break?" She suggested.

"Huh? You mean, stop working?" You were puzzled.

"Y'know... like going somewhere to eat." She tried to hide her face from you. Was Rainbow Dash blushing? You could have sworn you saw a shade of red on her cheeks. But maybe it was the light.

"Yeah sure. Wanna go for shakes?" Her face lit up.

"You know I do." She got up off the bed and ran down the stairs. You followed. As soon as you got down the stairs and out the door you saw Rainbow Dash jump in the passengers seat. You walked around to the drivers side and got in. You drove off to your favorite shake shop.

You arrived at Sherman's Shakes. You drove up to the drive in window. Your favorite part about this place is no waiting.

"Hello sir, what would you like?" You were about order but Rainbow Dash interrupted you.

"Can we get two Rocky Rainbow Shakes?" She leaned over you trying to order. You both laughed as she got back in her seat.

"Will that be all sir?" You wanted a chocolate fudge shake. But you were having this instead.

You sighed. "Yes, that will be all." You put the car in drive and drove to the next window. The man handed you the shakes and you drove into the parking lot. You both sipped on your shakes. Rocky Rainbow wasn't actually that bad.

You felt something on your hand. You looked over. It was Rainbow Dash. She had her hand on yours. You looked at her as you felt your face heat up and redden.

You stared at her. "W-what are you doing?" Your face was burning.

"N-nothing! W-what are you doing?" She she looked so startled.

"What do you mean what am I doing! That was all you!" Then everything got quiet.

"I...I...I..." Her face was as red as yours. You stuck the car in reverse and backed out. You drove back home. The whole drive was an awkward mess. After that bold but not so smooth move. It was pretty awkward.

When you stopped the car she immediately darted out of the car to her house. You took the key out and stepped out of the car.

You walked to your door and walked inside. When you got to your room. You saw Rainbow Dash's backpack with all her stuff. You wondered if it was right to look inside. But you did anyway. It was mostly school stuff. But one item caught your eye. It was a photo of Rainbow Dash.

You looked at it closely. Then you looked back at what happened in the car. Before all this, you never really noticed how... cute she was. When you stared into her eyes. Her beautiful dark pink eyes. They were sparkling when you looked at them.

You decided it was best to return her stuff back. You walked over to her house. You still can't believe she lived right across from you. You stepped onto the porch and took in a deep breath. You knocked on the door.

You saw the door creep open. Rainbow Dash was peeking through. She appeared to be twirling her hair. You took in a deep breath getting ready to say something But she interrupted you.

"I know. I'm sorry. If you don't want to be my friend you don't have to." She leaned against the door.

"Well, actually. I was here to give you-" You heard a snap. The chain lock broke. The door flew open as she started falling.

You made a quick move and scooped her up before she could hit the ground. The next sound you heard was the door slamming into the wall. You both breathed heavily. You looked into each others eyes. Her eyes were so mesmerizing. Like you had been hypnotized, you just kept staring.

You snapped out of it, but accidentally dropped her. Her vision went blurry. You held out your hand to her. She almost hesitated but grabbed it as you pulled her up. You rubbed the back of your head.

"W-wanna go finish that project?" She nervously laughed as she said this.

"Well. I finished it already. I mean, we did." You said.

"Wanna just hang out instead?" How could you say no to that face.

"Sure. Let's go." You said.

You both walked into your home. You walked up the steps as she followed. She set her stuff on your bed.

"So, what do you do for fun?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well I usually just play computer games. Maybe watch some videos." You said.

"Can I tell you a little secret?" She asked.

"Sure." You said.

"Well. Remember all those things I told you about me winning and stuff." She said.

"Yeah. I do." You said.

"Well. Some of it is true. The rest... I just made it up." She said.

"But why?" You asked. You eagerly waited for a response.

"Because. I just wanted to look... cool." She put her head down. Her face was red. She was embarrassed.

"Well to me. I think your cool." You said. She went silent. She perked her head up.

"You... you really think so?" She said. She started getting red.

"Yep." You said. "I really do think so."

Last Day of The Project

The past 2 weeks with Rainbow Dash was so much fun. You guys talked and talked about things like how many of this have you done. But you've developed something for her. You think you have a crush on her. You also realized how more beautiful than cute she was.

"So. It's the final day of the project. Huh?" You nod.

"I hope we get a good grade." You said.

"Yeah. But we won't be able to hangout anymore." She looked sad.

"Well. Doesn't mean we can't still hangout. We don't need a school project to hangout." You said.

"Do you... wanna know the real reason I... made up the wins?" You were puzzled. She told you the real reason already.

"But you told me already." You said.

"Yeah. I was lying. The real reason is..." She froze. "It's because... I wanted to... impress you." She his her face in her pillow. She was blushing. There was no hiding it.

You couldn't believe it. She actually had a crush on you. And you did too. You decided to do something. Something bold. You walked up to her. Pulled her up. You looked into her eyes. You-

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around you. She leaned you back and planted a kiss on your mouth. You melted into her arms. Her lips were sweet. Like the shake you had.

Your lips moved in tandem with hers. It was like a duet. You both danced at the same pace and made the same movements. It was amazing.

Just like that. It was over. You just kissed Rainbow Dash. The show-off. And you loved every second of it.

She pulled away and sat on the bed. You sat down with her. You stroked her rainbow colored hair with your hand. It felt so soft. Like a bunny. You both lay down and stared into each others eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. Just like her.

"I guess we won't have to worry about not hanging out anymore." You said while holding her hand.

Your hands both interlaced. Like a knot in a rope.

And for the rest of your school days. You were no longer alone. You had her. She would stand by you whenever she could. You stood by her until you graduated. You stood by her forever.

A few years later...

It was a few years later. You were in a tuxedo. You were dripping with sweat. Someone wiped your brow. It was your father.

"I don't know if I can do this. What if she says no?" You started freaking out. Your father calmed you down. And he sat with you.

"She won't. You've been with her for 3 years." You smiled. And hugged your dad. "I'm proud of you son." He started crying.

Your mother walked up to you and gave you a hug.

"I'm so proud of you son. You've made it this far." Your mother kissed you. You felt better. "Now. It's almost time."

Rainbow Dash sat with her friends. They helped her get ready.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. But terrified." Her friends sat down with her.

"Don't worry Dashie. It's as easy as getting married." Pinkie said.

"I am getting married!" She put her hands on her face.

"Don't worry darling. I assure you he'll say yes. Most likely." Said Rarity. She hugged Rainbow Dash.

"Were all here for you. Now go out there and... uh. Y'know." Twilight said.

"Yeah, I know." They all group hugged.

You waited in the altar. You heard the wedding bells go off. You looked down the aisle. The doors opened. Apple Bloom had a basket of flowers around her neck. She spread them across the aisle. The next person the came was Rainbow Dash's father. Then she did. Your eyes widened at the beautiful site. Rainbow Dash walked down the aisle. Her eyes sparkled the most you've ever seen them.

She stood beside you. You looked into her eyes as she looked into yours. You lifted her veil.

The priest cleared his throat. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace."

Nobody spoke.

"Do you take this Woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep you only to her, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." You say.

"Rainbow Dash do you have this Man to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep you only to him, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Rainbow Dash said.

"I take Rainbow Dash to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and to that I plight you my faith." You said.

"I take You to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and to that I plight you my faith." She said.

You grabbed your ring as she put out her hand. You slipped it onto her ring finger.

She grabbed her ring as you put out your hand. She slipped it onto your ring finger.

"You may now. Kiss the bride." He said.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around you and closed the gap. As you kissed her you thought to yourself, I'm a lucky man.

Everyone was clapping and cheering. You two got in the back of a car. On the back was "Just Married." Before you drove off. Rainbow Dash through a Bouquet out the window. It soared through the air as some petals fell off. All her friends rushed out but Fluttershy, she stood there. The Bouquet flew far and it landed, in Fluttershy's hands.

She hid behind her hair as everyone cheered. As for you two. You rolled up the windows and closed the window where the driver could look back.

A few years later, you had a family together. And your kids went on to have their own. Until death did you part. You grew old together. You stayed together. She gave you the greatest gift.

A Dash of Love

The End

Comments ( 60 )

Thank You so much. I have never gotten this much love for a story.

7473038 I know. Foking Adorable!

7473025 Your profile is nice. Dd you make it?

This story made me smile. Very well done, my friend! :twilightsmile:

This story is good, but I do wish to see the relationship go further. Say like, a wedding perhaps?

7473693 Maybe it will happen.

7473657 Thank you. I hope to see you in my comments more often.

7473827 It's nice anyways.

7473693 In depth or just a reference to them getting married?

7474326 In depth.

9 hours later: Ah! So you've updated the Chapter to include a wedding. While odd, it's still pretty good. Fav!

I inspire people? :rainbowhuh:

Great story, man, and thanks for the shoutout!

7474703 No problem. You're awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Okay, I gotta say, this was... Awesome!

7475016 Thank you. Your awesome... my best story yet.

Cute!!! :pinkiesmile:

Dashie being my favorite character, I really enjoyed this fanfic. Great job! Keep up the good work! :pinkiesmile:


7476152 Thank you. I will get better at writing too as I write more.

7477827 Lol. #IHaveTheFeels

So touching #Emotional

7479402 Did the feelings this story has give you the feels?

7479445 this feels a bit too rushed

7479714 what do you mean rushed.

7479754 like it goes to fast, too many short sentences with full stops. and i saw a few sentences without question marks

7479792 I'll try to combine some sentences and fix the question marks.

7479792 Read it over again. Is that better?

7474609 Thanks man! Odd how?

7480626 Oh, I meant that I find it odd that you've reposted the chapter to include the wedding. It's a great addition, but I guess that kinda beats having another story that exclusively focuses on the wedding. So, nice job.

7480663 I don't think I should make another story. Because I've already messed with it enough.

If you think this 2nd story is awsome give me a hell yeah:pinkiehappy:

7483730 What second story?

7484204 Sorry I ment 2nd person my bad:twilightsheepish:

7484530 That's fine. You don't need to apologize for such a silly mistake it's fine. Do you write stories?

Reminds me of that song from my Story. Yis, I leik dis. :pinkiecrazy:

H2O and CO2 are not elements, they are compounds. The internal scientist is mad

7498117 Well. I didn't research. I think it's fine the way it is. But if it bothers you. I can change it.

7498143 that was the only thing I saw that made come out of the story

7498158 It's fine. But yeah. I guess your right.

You arrived at Sherman's Shakes.

I thought it was gonna be Sugar Cube Corner:rainbowlaugh: but so far, this has probably been one of the best Rainbow Dash second person romance stories I've ever read :pinkiehappy:

7517905 You really think so?

I can't believe that I've already read this but forgot to comment how awesome it was! Great job by the way :yay:

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