• Published 8th Aug 2016
  • 9,143 Views, 764 Comments

Duelists of the Autumn Crown - DrakeyC

The story of Equestria Girls is retold, with less dancing and more card games

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The Tale Comes to an End in Light

Duelists of the Autumn Crown

The Tale Comes to an End in Light

As the students of Canterlot High watched, a pillar of rainbow light burst out of the dark clouds obscuring the dueling field. A shockwave flared from the pillar, dispersing the clouds into wisps. The pillar receded, revealing Twilight Sparkle floating above the arena. She descended to the ground, stumbling and catching herself on the booth.

Spike ran to the edge of the platform “Twilight!” The girl groaned in response, holding her head.

The assembled crowd began to murmur among themselves. As Twilight’s friends below looked up at her, someone in the crowd shouted, “The scores!” Everyone turned their attention to the scoreboard, still functioning. Twilight’s Life Points were at 300, while Sunset’s displayed 0.

Celestia and Luna leaned in to whisper to each other, then Celestia stood. “Students, in spite of the disruption to the viewing audience, it seems the duel continued and has concluded! The winner of the Autumn Crown Tournament is Twilight Sparkle!” The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, a chant of Twilight’s name rising.

In the arena, Twilight raised her head and looked at the opposite booth. “Sunset!” She scooped up her deck and slipped it in her pocket, then jumped over the edge and ran across the arena to climb up into Sunset’s booth. The other girl was sprawled on her back, her cards lying scattered across her display. “Sunset?” Twilight knelt and put a hand on a Sunset’s shoulder.

Sunset slowly opened her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering. She saw Twilight over her and swallowed heavily. “I… I’m sorry. I…” Sunset sat up, groaning and clenching her eyes. “I couldn’t… I was just so angry and…”

“It was your own dark magic,” Twilight whispered. “You let your hatred and rage fuel each other until they consumed your heart.”

“I didn’t mean to!” Sunset opened her eyes, staring ahead. “I just wanted to prove I could beat you, that I was worthy…”

“I know.” Twilight looked at Sunset’s cards and gasped softly. She picked up the closest and held it up. The card was blank. “A duelist’s deck reflects the heart. Sunset’s heart was full of evil, but now…”

“Hey, Twilight!” Twilight stood up and looked over the edge of the platform. Her friends on the ground waved at her and beckoned towards her.

Twilight turned her attention back to Sunset. She gathered up Sunset’s cards and held them out to her. “Come on.” Sunset looked at the outstretched hand holding her blank deck and reached out to take it. With her other hand she took Twilight’s and let her pull her to her feet. Twilight stepped to the platform to descend and waited for Sunset to step up beside her before she pushed the button. Sunset looked away as they came down and stepped aside as soon as the platform reached ground level.

Twilight stepped out to follow her and was swarmed by her friends. “Way to go, Twilight!” Pinkie cried, ruffling her hair.

“Ah just wish we could’ve seen the thing,” Applejack said.

Twilight looked between her friends at Sunset’s retreating form. “Maybe it’s for the best that you didn’t…”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

The sound of Celestia’s voice sent the five dispersing, leaving Twilight to face the human form of her mentor, the Element of Magic in her hands.

“Since joining this tournament, you’ve demonstrated skill with your cards surpassing that of any other duelist. To say nothing of the virtues and values you’ve espoused and upheld in your behavior.” Celestia smiled and walked up to her. “I’d say you’ve earned this more than many who have worn the crown before you. Congratulations. You’re everything our school could ask for in our Autumn Crown Champion.” She reached up to slide the Element over Twilight’s head. The star shone and lit up pink as it was set into place, a few small swirls of magic tracing down the gold.

Twilight reached up to touch the familiar crown, sensing the magic coursing through the gemstone. I did it… the Element of Magic is safe again… She broke into a grin and bowed her head. “Thank you, Prince… Principal Celestia.” She looked at her friends and nodded. “But I didn’t do it alone. I had the support and encouragement of all my friends. We share a bond stronger than any card.”

“Me too!” Spike called, padding a paw on her sock.

Twilight knelt to pick him up and nuzzle him. “Yes, you too, Spike.”

“Did your dog just talk?” Twilight’s eyes popped and she looked at Celestia. The principal stared at Spike for a moment, and then held up her hands. “It’s hardly the strangest thing we’ve had happen in this tournament.” She turned and walked away.

The other five once again surrounded Twilight. “She’s right, on every count,” Rarity said.

Rainbow playfully punched Twilight in the shoulder. “Not bad for someone who had to learn the game from scratch in three days!”

“Gee, thanks.”

“Twilight!” Twilight turned at the sound of her name and saw Flash Sentry approach the group. Flash held out a hand. “Sorry I missed the duel, still getting over my own. But, congratulations, I guess.”

“Thank you.” Twilight took the offered hand and let Flash shake it. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Our tag team duel helped me qualify for the finals.”

“Nah, you would have been fine.” Flash took his hand back and shrugged. “I’m just glad we never got matched up in the finals. I’d have hating having to put you out.”

Twilight scoffed. “You wouldn’t have beaten me.”

“Really?” Flash’s eyes shifted to the side. “I mean, no offense, Twilight, you’re awesome and all, but I think I could take you.”

“Is that right?”

“Duel!” Someone in the crowd called. The chant caught on almost immediately and Twilight found herself surrounded by hundreds of students calling for the former and current champion to duel.

“No.” She shook her head. “Flash never played this game just to win titles. I did, but only because I needed this crown. The rest of you?” She stepped up to the foot of the stands and looked around. “You let Sunset Shimmer, and this game, bring out the worst in all you. Competitiveness, bitterness, hatred. How many friendships have you lost over these tournaments ever since you let them dictate your lives at the school? How many have you made from the same? I’ll wager not many.”

The crowd murmured among themselves, looking at each other and away from Twilight. She nodded. “Thought so. That has to change. Not just this year, or the next year. You didn’t let things get this way from one tournament, and you won’t change back to the old ways from this one. But it’s going to be worth it. Dueling should be about forging new friendships and strengthening existing ones, not destroying them. I know it can happen, I’ve seen it and I’ve experienced it.”

Twilight brought her hand to her chest and bowed her head. “I can’t stay here, I wish I could. I’d love to duel Flash and all my friends and all of you, and have fun doing it. Instead, I just have to trust you all to change on your own.”

She turned back to her five friends and Flash. “With Sunset defeated this school has a chance to rediscover their love of dueling. Try and make sure they do.”

Flash frowned but nodded. “Will do. But, where are you going?”

Before Twilight could reply, Spike jumped on top of Flash’s shoes to get his attention. “It’s a long story that involves magical talking ponies. We’re kinda short on time to tell it, though.”

Flash’s eyes were wide. “Ooookay. Right then, probably best not to ask huh?”

“Sorry.” Twilight shrugged.

“Nah, it’s cool.” Flash knelt and patted Spike on the head. “You guys go and do… whatever.”

“Thanks, Flash. Spike, let’s go before you freak out anyone else.”

“Aw, but it’s fun!” Spike pouted but followed Twilight across the campus. They rounded the corner and walked towards the Wondercolt statue.

Twilight paused to look up at the sky. “I hope there’s still time.” She stopped in front of it and reached out. At her touch the stone rippled and lit up. She pulled her hand back with a relieved sigh.

“Twilight!” She turned to see her friends following her. “Hey, we’ve gotta say goodbye too, right?” Rainbow asked.

“Of course.” Twilight chuckled. “Just making sure we still have time to go back.” She bit her lip as the words left her mouth. Go back…

“So, there’s a world of talking ponies on the other side of that portal?” Fluttershy asked.

“Mhm.” Twilight nodded. “That’s the world I belong to.” She sighed. “I always knew I’d have to go back, but I didn’t think I’d make friends here like I did. This portal only opens every two and a half years. By the time it opens again you’ll probably all be graduated and moved on… I’ll likely never see any of you again.”

“Hey!” Rainbow shook her head. “Don’t give us any of that! So what if we never see each other again? We’ve got that special magic bond stuff going on.”

“Dash is right.” Applejack smiled. “Ya’ve connected us to each other and yerself, now. We’ll always be with ya.”

“And even if we do never meet again, we’ll always remember you,” Rarity added.

“Buuuut, just in case!” Pinkie reached up into her hair. “We got a little farewell present ready for you!” She pulled out a binder and held it out to Twilight.

Twilight took the binder and opened it. Pages of Duel Monster cards in plastic sleeves met her eyes. “This is for me?”

“Eh, don’t thank us too much.” Rainbow shrugged. “I mean, the binder is mostly junk commons we had lying around and a starter deck box we grabbed at the store earlier today. It’s nothing fancy.”

“No, it’s great.” Twilight shrugged her backpack off her shoulders and slipped the binder inside. “I’ll have to teach all my friends back in Equestria how to use them, though.”

“Not just them.” Fluttershy held out her hand. “These are for you, too.”

Twilight reached out to take the cards she was holding and looked down at them. Rainbow Dragon. Behemoth the King of All Animals. U.A. Dreadnought Dunker. Rosaria the Stately Fallen Angel. Manga Ryu-Ran. She realized where the cards must have come from and smiled widely. “Thank you.” She folded the cards up and put them in her pocket.

As she looked at the group, Twilight saw someone watching them from the corner of the school. She peered closer and held out her arm to gently push her friends aside. With the same hand she beckoned the watcher closer.

Sunset slowly approached the group, holding her arm. “Hey…”

The five glared at her. “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” Pinkie said slowly.

“I know…” Sunset hung her head. “I know nothing I can say can make up for all I’ve done here…”

“An apology would be a good start,” Rarity sniffed.

“Yeah… I’m sorry. I really am.” Sunset met their eyes each in turn before looking at Twilight. “Um… I know I don’t belong in this world, but… I can’t come back. Not yet. I’ve got a lot to make amends for here, first.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll trust you to be sincere with that.”

“I will be. I won’t use dueling to hurt anyone ever again.” Sunset took out her blank deck and looked down at it. “Not that I’ll have much choice in the matter.”

Looking down at the cards in her rival’s hand, Twilight had an idea. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her deck. She looked at it for a moment before extending her hand.

Sunset jerked her head up. “What?”

“Here.” Twilight gave a tilt of her head. “Look after them for me.”

“I’m not worthy to use your cards.”

“I think they’ll be the ones to decide that.”

Sunset stared for a moment before she took Twilight’s deck with her free hand. As she did Twilight reached out and took Sunset’s blank deck. “This deck is the old you. It’s not who you want to be anymore. It’s not anything. This is your chance to make a fresh start of it.”

Sunset stifled a snort. “I told myself that when I came here.”

“But you let your hatred for me infect your heart. Now you’ve been cleansed of it.” Twilight put her hand over Sunset’s on top of her deck. “And this time, they’ll be here to help you.”

“I…” Sunset swallowed heavily and nodded. “Thank you.”

With a smile and a nod, Twilight took her hands back and stepped back. “Well, I don’t think we should push our luck any further. I’m not sure when this thing closes.” She stood to pat Spike on the head. “Ready?”

“Ready,” Spike nodded.

Twilight took one more look at the six girls watching her before turning and stepping into the portal.

The sense of spacial distortion faded and Twilight took a moment to recognize she was on all fours. She looked down and saw a pair of hooves on the floor below.

“Twilight!” She felt the group clustering around her in a hug before she saw them. As her friends embraced her Twilight saw Celestia approach from behind them.

“I see you have your crown back. And Sunset Shimmer?”

Twilight bit her lip and shrugged a bit to hint to her friends to step back. “She’s staying behind. I think she has a lot to make right over there before she’ll be ready.”

“I see.”

“What are these?” Twilight turned her head; Pinkie Pie had found the binder of cards in her saddlebag and pulled them out.

“Looks like some sort of card game,” Rainbow said.

“It is.” Twilight nodded. “There’s a lot of story to go over, first. Then when we get home…” She caught Spike’s eye and winked. “It’s time to duel.”