• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
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Minds Eye

Are you not entertained?

Comments ( 24 )


That was so sad!

But also a good little story. Have an upvote.

Wow. Liked it enough to link it in The Writer's Group? Thanks!


Well, really I like it for two reasons.

One, I really like short, emotional fics with the feelings displayed through prose rather than dialogue.

Plus, this story feels like a fic I wrote, Childhood's Legacy. Not so much in what happens in the fics themselves, but more like how they feel.

Aww. So sweet

Fluttershy would be one to be upset at the killing of an insect. 'Tis her nature. Sadly, that dragonfly lives no more.

Kids a psycho better call a therapist.


This was lovely

Thanks. This was actually something I saw firsthand a few years ago.

I saw it coming, but that didn't make it hurt any less. The fact that Fluttershy's first thought is to blame herself makes it all the worse. Very nice blow to the heart.

I saw the twist coming a mile away, but this was still a good read. Fluttershy's realistic reaction to the colt's actions was well-written.

I expected it, but then the twist wasn't the point.

What a splendid, true to the term, slice of life.


Kids squish bugs, that's normal. It's when they deliberately torture them or move on to larger animals that one should worry.

Good to hear. Thanks you both.

7416676 If you go strictly by the show squishing an insect in Equestria might by just as bad as killing a "higher animal," like a dog or a cat in our world. In show Fluttershy can reason/scold bees to release a breezy, coordinate her flight with butterflies to put on a show, has a pet giant wasp that acts just as smart as her other pets etc.


On the other hand, she's been seen feeding fish to ferrets and worms to birds...

That is some amazing characterisation. Namely, how the main conversation of the Mane 6 fades away as Fluttershy gets distracted (reminds me of myself sometimes :twilightblush:), her naïve optimism for the colt, and her reaction to the twist. Oh, and the self-blaming as well.

That was fucking phenomenal.

That was a little dark. Children can be terrifying. :fluttercry:

Aw. Fluttershy seems to feel like she crushed his acquisition of a cutie mark.

The fact that the foal is somewhat of a grey character makes it all the more chilling. Not to mention how Fluttershy takes in what happened is rather extremely accurate, and rather tragic.
It may be a very depressing fic, but I still like it nonetheless:twilightsmile:.

Thanks! I was overly proud of the title in fact. Which one was the innocent one?

It would have been OK if he'd eaten the dragonfly. Children often eat odd things.


Consistency? What's that? As spurious in cannon as the claim by fans that this generation has an overarching plot trajectory (which it doesn't half the time)? XD

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