• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 26,683 Views, 2,907 Comments

Gilded Sister - Kind of Brony

A young girl who never got a chance to live is gifted that chance in the form of a new body, life, and brother. How will this old soul take to her strange world?

  • ...


Hello? Is anypony here? The… room, is quiet. Where am I? Or… was I? Everything is a blur, but I try to remember. Surely there’s a reason I’m here in this white place. The low hum that fills the air makes it hard to concentrate.

Wait… That sound… Fluorescent lights? But why…? I look around, shielding my eyes with a hand as the blinding white begins to dim and reveal shapes. It’s a hallway, spotless under the buzzing lights above. Antiseptic.

This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be here, and… wait. Hand? Legs. Feet. This- I wasn’t like this- or I was, but not anymore, not after-

I stumble forward a step, my desire to leave, to go anywhere but here taking control. My body acts every bit as alien as it looks as it moves, not under my control, but under my direction, as if it has a will of its own and is merely obliging me. I need to get away from here, the buzz of electricity growing louder, roaring in my ears.

It’s so hard, like walking on two stilts instead of four sturdy hooves, but the sight of double doors drive me forward faster. A sprint has me bouncing off walls, jarring the bones of this brittle, sickly body and causing a dull ache to radiate through each underused joint, but my palms eventually smack into the cool metal of the push bars, the sensation faint yet sharp, and I tumble through the heavy doors.

I’m panting on my hands and knees, eyes glued to the wooden floor, sanded smooth, but unpolished. He never got around to it before I got sick again, and I never got to come back to see it finished.

The buzzing is gone, replaced instead with the innocuous ringing of silence. My body works to push itself up slowly, almost reproachful after the marathon I forced it through, but still manages to get its feet planted beneath me. I fall back, slamming against a wall, dizzy from both the action and height of standing. Everything is much farther down than I have grown used to.

Feeling the wallpaper under my hands, running my fingertips along the familiar floral patterns, I do not even need to turn to recognize it. How can one remember a place so vividly when they hardly got to spend any time there? Shouldn't I forget?

Eyes that I didn’t realize were shut open to reveal home. Not the extravagant halls and high ceilings, the paintings and potted flowers brought in from the garden, but a small, quaint living room with an old couch facing a rarely-used fireplace and big carpet I’d always have my childish distractions sprawled across.

There are people- not ponies- on that carpet. Two sitting that are so, so familiar, both wearing bright grins, and a third standing between them I’ve never seen. This time, my body and I agree wholeheartedly and I push myself forward, wanting nothing more than to grab hold of these two and never let go.

One step. Two step. Three… Four. Fi- What? I press against a wall where there is none, fingers splayed across a barrier I cannot see. Pushing does nothing. Hitting. Punching. Pounding with everything I’ve got does nothing, doesn’t even make a sound.

I call out to them, but they don’t turn to me, don’t even flinch as they stare unwavering at the little one between them, a little girl, familiar yet not, with hair the same color as that which hangs in front of my sight now, and eyes just like her mother’s.

With a healthy glow to her skin instead of a sickly pallor. With legs that hold her tall as she jumps and plays instead of buckling under her own weight. With a smile that outshines the sun instead of one so brittle as to only be outmatched by those of a mother and father forced to watch their child die.

Similar but different. A younger sister to replace the useless older one.

When did I fall to my knees again? It doesn’t matter as I feebly try to get their attention, even just a fleeting glance, shouting with all the might my weak lungs could muster, trying to be heard over my own hiccuping and tears.

It doesn’t work, and why should I want it to? They’re happy, happier than they ever were with me. I should let them be happy with their new life. That’s what I decided, isn’t it? They’re better off. I have… I have new…

A muffled gasp from behind has me whirling around to see… ponies? Mom? Dad? Why are you looking at me like that? I… It’s me... It’s… Who am I?

Blue? Bluey, no, don’t- don’t be afraid. It’s me, remember? I’m your… I know I look different, but I’m- No, I’m not a monster, I’m not, I’m just different.

Please. I’m still your sister. Don’t leave me. Mom, Dad, Brother. You're all I have left. Please.


… …

… Pure…

… Pure, wake up…

…. Pure, I said, wake…


“Aaah-! Ooph!”

“… Oops. Uh, sorry, sis, but you wouldn’t wake up.”


“Well, duh, who else would be in the bed with you? Pauly?”


“You were crying in your sleep… Are you okay?

“I… it’s nothing. I’m sorry for waking you.”

“It’s okay… Are you sure?

“Really, I’m okay, just a… just a nightmare. Let’s get back to sleep. We have school in the morning.”

“Um, okay.”



“… Bluey?”


“I… I love you. Always.”

“Oh, uh, I love you always too… H-hey! Don’t squeeze me so hard!”


"... Are you going to let go?"

"Just for a little longer, please. Until I fall asleep again."

"... Fine."

"Thank you."

Author's Note:

Just a quickie. Hope it's not too disorienting. Sometimes, it's easier said than done, putting your past behind you.