• Published 22nd Jul 2016
  • 3,377 Views, 43 Comments

Cursed Crusader - Caffeinated Pony

One Nightmare Night the Cutie Mark Crusaders take an unfortunate turn into the Everfree Forest, and Sweetie Belle is afflicted with a a terrible curse.

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I woke to the sound of Apple Bloom's breathing. I was wrapped in her embrace, her warm breath pushing my mane to the side with each exhale. I found my muzzle pushed to her chest, her scent clouding my other senses. I looked up at her, finding her totally asleep. Her warm body was pushed up to mine, letting me bask in her heat. The hoof that I found outside of the blanket felt like it was submerged in ice water, and I pulled it back under the covers. I silently thanked her for being such an amazing friend. She wasn't afraid of me, like Twilight had been. Instead she was the same friend I'd had the week before. Maybe, even better than before…

I pushed my cheek against her. Her and Scootaloo were the ones keeping me grounded in all this. Moments like these were the ones that made me feel like I could keep going. A moment later, I felt an awful pain in my stomach. I was the hungriest I'd ever been in my life… and it was starting to hurt. In no small amount, either. The agony that pierced my torso was blinding, and I couldn't help but whimper out loud. I looked up at Apple Bloom, taking in a small breath through my nose. I found my mouth watering uncontrollably. Her earthy smell, coupled with apples and above all else, food…. It felt like my head might snap. I prodded her with a hoof, scared at myself for what I was thinking.

“Apple Bloom, w-wake up!” I whined softly, not wanting to bother Scootaloo.

The farmhand blinked awake before looking down at me. She tilted her head to the side, yawning. She was absolutely stunning… even with her mane sticking out in random directions thanks to her bedhead. My problem was more urgent than my appreciation of her charm, though. I was about to talk again, but she spoke first, her voice sleepy as she commented.

“Oh, hey Sweetie… your eyes are really dark now. There's still a bit a' white left in that one though…” She said, smiling and pointing at my right eye.

I nodded, biting my tongue to keep myself under control. “Apple Bloom, I'm starving… I mean it. I haven't eaten anything in almost two days. It hurts so bad now…”

My friend stared at me with concern written over her face, but she also seemed a bit hesitant. She knew what feeding me meant. I looked up at her desperately, pleading with her. The farmhand looked to the side, then back at me.

“I don't know, Sweetie… you gotta bite me, don't you? I don't know if I like the idea of being stuck by those teeth. They look like they might really leave me bleedin' for a while.” She said, her voice laced with hesitation.

“It shouldn't hurt too much after the first bit…” I lied, smiling at the cautious filly. “At least it didn't for me. And besides, you can just say when, and I'll stop, okay?”

I felt awful for telling a lie to her, especially when she trusted me so much. My stomach felt like it was a compressed ball of fire in my chest, though. I needed to feed soon or I would pass out. Apple Bloom eventually nodded, and I let out a relieved sigh. To reward her I leaned close and planted a kiss on her nose, smiling. I didn't really know why I'd done that… but she deserved it for being such an amazing friend. Nopony else would be willing to feed me then besides her. She blushed a bit, looking away from me.

“Y'all just be careful and don't drink too much… I don't want to go passing out on you.”

I nodded, leaning against her. I instincively went for her front leg, shivering with anticipation. The aroma of her fur and flesh was overwhelming. As I fastened my teeth around her upper foreleg I was granted a sudden moment of self-reflection. I was in my bed with my friend, about to sink my incisors into her artery and slowly drink the blood that spewed into my mouth along the grooves of my unnaturally long fangs. She was alright with this… which gave me pause. I hated what I was about to do, because it wasn't good for her. She might not become a vampire, and I might not kill her, but it still felt horrible. It didn't matter what I felt, though. My stomach shouted the execution order, and I sank my teeth into her.

The earth pony let out a loud gasp, biting into her bottom lip and shaking in the unbreakable grip of my jaw. Her pain tolerance was beyond that of most ponies, having grown up with far more than her fair share of falls, bumps and bruises. Not to mention accidents with farming equipment. Still, she was struggling to keep herself calm at what she'd just felt. My teeth had entered her flesh with all the ease of a knife plunging into a tender steak, and she was starting to slowly lose blood into my mouth. She looked down at me with an understanding, but rather pained expression. One that I was totally oblivious to at the time.

The moment that the taste of her flooded my mouth, rational thought went out the window. Any self-awareness that I'd had before evaporated, and I melted against Apple Bloom. The release from biting into her made me drool, my whole body relaxing. The only part of me that remained tense was my jaw. I could have sworn I could hear her saying something to me, but it only registered to me as muffled whispering. I was completely lost in the flavor, my other senses dull and muted while I drank. Apple Bloom seemed to take the hint that may as well have been asleep at that point. She had stopped talking. She used her free front hoof to pet my mane, probably trying to calm herself despite the pain. It felt good for me as well, and let me relax. Small gestures like that reminded me why she was my best friend.

I sat there for what felt like forever, letting her life's blood run into my mouth before I swallowed. The earth pony seemed to get used to it after a while. She stopped shaking, and only reacted if I moved too much. After a while my hearing and other senses returned. Hours seemed to pass before she tapped the end of my horn, trying to get my attention the best way she knew how. I looked up at her, pleading with her to let me drink more. She shook her head, looking into my eyes.

“Sweetie, I'm startin' to feel lightheaded… if you need more you'll have to talk Scootaloo into this. My leg fell asleep a second ago… I need a break.”

Every instinct that I had told me not to let go of her. She was more delicious than anything I'd ever tasted before, and I wanted her to keep petting me while I fed off of her. I mentally lashed myself for being so selfish a moment later. She was already being unbelievably kind, and had even let me drink enough that she'd start to feel unwell. I unhooked my jaw, pulling my long teeth out of her leg. Apple Bloom bit the inside of her cheek, groaning from the pain. I licked my lips, savoring the last few trickles of blood while I watched her wound. The two circular holes sealed ten seconds after I'd pulled away, leaving two small puddles on her skin. I leaned down, licking up the thick drops before sitting up.

“Thank, Apple Bloom… you're the best.” I said, admiring her bravery.

“Don't mention it… either you or Scootaloo would do the same for me.” She said, waving a hoof.

Despite her good acting I could tell that she wasn't feeling well. She was pale, trying to avoid my eyes. To help her I wrapped the blankets around us extra tight, leaning my head against her. She was colder than before. Still leagues warmer than I was, though. I wrapped her in a hug, smiling up at the other filly. I heard her heart flutter a bit in her chest, and she looked away. She was smiling though, which let me know that the was alright with it.

“You know I can't stay upset when you get all touchy, right?” The farmhand sighed, wrapping her front legs around me in return.

“It's more fun, being touchy. Especially now.” I replied, giving her my best innocent smile. “I can see you much better.”

Apple Bloom nodded, looking around. “Yeah… I can't see past my own face in here right about now. Anythin' else you can do with those eyes of yours?”

I couldn't help but smile when her accent got the better of her. It was one of those quirks other ponies might find annoying, but to me it was one of the best parts about her. I could smell the scent of apples and earth in her fur, and her untidy mane coupled with her freckles made me want to stay under the blankets with her forever.

“I can see you're the cutest pony in the room.” I said, looking up at her.

She rolled her eyes, but I knew from the small twitch at the corner of her lips that she liked the compliment. I let a small laugh escape me while I ran a hoof over her shoulder. Her coat was soft… a lot more fine than I remembered it being. I could only guess that it was because of what I was now. She let me do as I pleased, not minding my wandering hooves. After a while she came out and said.

“You're a lot more happy on a full stomach. Feeling better?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “You're here… and it's better to be happy. I feel much better now, and besides, being sad doesn't help me. It would just make you upset, too.”

“It's okay, if you really need to. I know this is all really unfair, so I'll be here when you need me. Okay?”

I blinked, then hugged her tighter. “That means a lot, Apple Bloom…”

“We've been friends for years, Sweetie. Don't go thinkin' that I'll change because of this. You're still the mushy unicorn I went on field trips with, and helped me write my book reports.”

I did my best not to get emotional at her words, but I couldn't help myself. “I can't go to school with you anymore, though. I can't even go outside unless the sun is down. How are we going to do anything together…?”

“Sweetie Belle, you have all night. Every night. You never, ever got to sleep. Think about how much time you have to yourself now.” She shook me a bit, grounding me in the present again.

I nodded, seeing her point. I was fine as I was. I couldn't go to school anymore, but that wasn't really too big of a loss. I'd miss Cheerilee, and a few other ponies. Overall it was alright though. I couldn't go to the park until after dark now. I silently wondered if I would have to wear some kind of eyewear to prevent anypony from seeing my eyes.

“How do you think I'd look in glasses…?” I asked.

She bit her bottom lip for a second. “Kinda like a bookworm.”

I saw her face and pushed her for more, smiling. “Is that a good thing?”

Apple Bloom saw me smirking and gave me a stern glare. “You're just fishin' for compliments now, aren't you?”

Despite her words, I could see she was fighting back a smile. “Come on Apple Bloom. Just admit it, I'd look cute in glasses.”

The earth pony muttered a response under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear. “You know you would, Belles… you look cute no matter what.”

I leaned into her, my horn glowing. I began to brush her mane with my magic, something that I had to do often with myself. I mostly did it on the way to school, waking up too late to do anything but grab breakfast. She let me smooth it out and tie it back into her normal ponytail, while she did her best to avoid my eyes.

“You really don't need to be so quiet… I can hear you no matter how much you whisper.”

The freckled filly blushed a bit. “That ain't fair…”

“I told you didn't I? I didn't know you would try to whisper the truth.”

Just as she was about to say something we both heard a knock at he door. She jumped a bit, while I sighed. I'd wanted to know what she wanted to say, but Rarity walked in. She switched on the lights, being her normal instinct when she entered a dark room. I buried my head in a pillow, groaning from how bright it was. I couldn't see anything. I could feel Apple Bloom shifting next to me. The lights went out a moment later, and I heard my sister apologizing.

“I'm sorry Sweetie! It was habit. Are you feeling any better today? I heard you two talking before I came in.”

I sat up, squinting at my sister. The light from the hall was immensely distracting, framing her like it was halo. The brightness bled out into the rest of my room, blinding me unless I completely faced away from it. Rarity shut the door most of the way, which helped immensely.

“Yeah, I feel better…” I said.

I purposefully didn't tell her about feeding off of Apple Bloom. She didn't need to know. If she really wanted to, she would look the farmhand over once she could properly see. I'd left two perfectly smooth patches of skin of her foreleg where my fangs had been. They were fairly noticable to me, in the dark. I was sure that anypony looking at her in the light would see them easily.

“That's good… I hate to break you two apart at a time like this, but AppleJack wants her helper back. I thought about telling her about your condition Sweetie Belle, but I didn't know if you wanted her to know or not.” Rarity mumbled a bit towards the end.

My bedmate moved to get up, but not fast enough for me. I reached out and grabbed her hoof, pulling her back towards me. I knew Rarity couldn't see me properly, so I leaned forwards and planted a kiss on Apple Bloom's freckled cheek. She grew a flustered but appreciative smile, and gave me a quick peck in return before getting out of the bed. I sighed, sitting there. I could hear Scootaloo stirring. She would most likely want to go too. She had things to be doing, after all. It was going to be Monday… and school would be starting again for them. I settled back down into bed. It was cold without Apple Bloom there.

Author's Note:

Feedback is important for any writer! Please leave any meaningful thoughts you have below, and thank you for reading.