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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


Fluttershy finds a dead nuthatch outside her home. She is a very silly pony.

Based on a true story.

Now with a reading by Illya Leonov and Miss Shellah!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )
Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jul 20th, 2016
Author Interviewer

It's that bird in the cover art.

That description though xD

It's an interesting idea, that Fluttershy's cottage isn't (or at any rate, isn't effortlessly) an island apart from the harshness of the natural world. I loved the description around the nuthatch itself; looking at birds at rest is a strange thing, in that it's hard to believe so little substance and so much fluff makes a creature, so it felt true to life in that respect.

That was absolutely lovely. I really enjoyed what you revealed of Fluttershy's internal life, and of her relationship with her animal friends and the role magic plays in her life as a ground-living Pegasus. Well done! :yay:

7407166 > ask a question
> downvoted
This site lel
OH THAT'S A BIRD I didn't realize.

Author Interviewer

I can see how that might take one off guard.

7407352 The picture's pretty low-res on my phone for some reason, and I have shit eyesight, and I've been awake for four (five?) days and am starting to lose grip on reality, and I've never encountered a bird called a nuthatch before.

>point out I asked a simple question

Author Interviewer

I am giving defensive upvotes. >:B Ganbatte!

7407413 Godspeed, magnificent bastard.

Addressing my comment to Present Perfect, I could try and explain, but some things fall beneath the radar of common understanding. Forgive me if I am oblique.

I haven't ever heard of a bird called a nuthatch until now, but they look cute. Wonderful story you have here too. :yay:

Aside from "Tanks for the Memories", I haven't really read that many fics that focus on Fluttershy's perception of death, especially in regards to her animals. Though, based on her bluntness in the episode, it makes sense that she's come to terms with it.

And it shows in this short story, even though she doesn't always like it. Nice job. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer


I'm not too surprised that few know what a nuthatch is. I have something of a freaky knowledge of birds. That's kind of why I used this title. :B Glad you liked it, freaky or not!


Do you do bird watching?

After two immigrant chipmunks committed birdslaughter and bird feeder fraud, Fluttershy didn't even give them a time out.

Trump has promised to build a wall around Fluttershy's Cottage to keep out chipmunks, and institiute strict mean's testing to keep non-birds out of bird feeders.

Fluttershy: wrong on immigration, wrong on crime, wrong for Fluttershy's Cottage.

"It's time to make Fluttershy's Cottage great again."

Why a nuthatch? There are funnier birds like great tits and tit tyrants. And blue-footed boobies.

But honestly, a good concept used well. And sorry about your blood sugar.

Author Interviewer

Used to, back in the day. My parents are birders, so I grew up banding and stuff.

Author Interviewer

Simply because it's what happened. Also because 'nuthatch' is just the weirdest word, when you look at it. A word in which you pronounce both the 't' and the 'h' separately adequately sums up the dreamlike haze that surrounds my reaction to the events which inspired this piece.

7408548 Erm, sorry about that. Long story short, on the one hand I liked and favourited the story because, among other things, it felt different to anything else I had read on here and I really liked that. On the other however, I was kind of drunk at the time, so yeah, more 'nonsensical' than 'oblique' with entire sentences missing. You have my apologies. It won't happen again.

(Does that pose happen often? It's kind of freaking me out.)

Yes, it does.


I totally get the feels. I have had to bury pets, and there's a lot of wrenching. Someone who feels as strongly as Fluttershy would connect to wild animals in a similar way.

I also use "nuthatch" a lot as my preferred euphemism for mental hospital. Mane-iac uses it a lot in my second Power Ponies story. It just sounds... right. Properly dated yet also whimsical and light to take the edge off.

Author Interviewer

Absolutely fine, then. :B

Hah! :D

Well, this hit every possible positive point it could. Exotic magic, a Fluttershy stronger than she gives herself credit for, meditations on nature red in tooth and claw and Fluttershy's attempts to assert order (which is especially fascinating when contrasted with her close relationship with Discord...)

You hit this one out of the park. Thank you for it.

Author Interviewer

Yet just by this comment, I realize there was a lot more I could have covered. Thank you though. :)

It's always so weird to read stories like this and realize they were made by the same guy who wrote Discord's Deli of Chaos. Also, good job on this one! I'm not huge on the earth magic theory, but I kinda liked your take on it here

Author Interviewer

It's just that I pulled a darf, with random comedies instead of clop. :B

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Now Reviews #89.

My review can be found here.

This was lovely.


Author Interviewer

I find lots of dead things.

I'm only responsible for about half of them. :pinkiecrazy:

Full review here (which you've seen anyway), but in brief: surprisingly touching, and the small scale really works in its favour. :yay:

Author Interviewer

You just linked to the story. >.>

8057586 That is because I am an idiot. :pinkiecrazy: Link works now.

Poor little thing. But yes unfortunately, it's how nature is.

this was really cool

Author Interviewer

Glad you liked it. :)

Cute in a creepy way. Nice stuff!

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