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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 86 )

a fun little romp, i like it ^_^

My guess: It's NONE OF THE ABOVE!

I'm calling it early, they all know the tongue thing, and the first pony she visits scissors instead of doing oral. Onto the next chapter!

...Dang, can't win them all. Though herm princess Twi was a pretty sweet consolation prize!

^.^ Glad to hear it!

Spoilers! :heart:

And it all worked out okay in the end. I think we all learned a valuable lesson today.
[roll credits]

Dun dun DUN!
(That would be fun, but where would Scootaloo have learned the tongue thing? Also, isn't she pretty small to be able to pull off a Mare Do Well costume?)

Are you rushing these? Or just saving the best stuff for later? Not that these are bad or anything, they're just a little sparse compared to your usual standard.

Comment posted by whiterook6 deleted Jul 27th, 2016

I'll be watching this one for sure! Did Dash not get a good enough look at Mare Do Well to see if she had wings or a horn?

7428855 Do you check everyone you mate with for wings and a horn?
I uh... hope not. That would actually be a bit weird.

Well, to be honest, I kind of am focusing the bulk of my efforts elsewhere at the moment.
But this story had to be done; the will of the supporters will not be denied.

Of course not.

Hah, amusing. I'm not really a fan of futa, but it worked nicely for this chapter. I expect Rainbow to face a lot more unexpected kinkiness as she goes through her other friends!

You know, there was this very popular and well done story about Rainbow getting into a romance with MMDW, and trying to figure out who of her friends, exactly, was in that suit. Can't find it anywhere -- the author maybe took it down, and I can't remember what the title was -- but this story vividly reminded me of it. Only, you know, as shameless clop. :pinkiehappy:

Huh, so this concept has been done before, at least sort of.
Good to know.
And after all, there is nothing new under the sun.

Judging by it being featured in FlutterDash group first, then TwiDash group, my guess is it'll be Fluttershy.

It was Cthulhu all a long.


Well, that explains the tongue tentacle thing.

Huh. This certainly is something.

Guessing on the first chapter for posterity- it's Rainbow Dash, having time traveled to bang herself so she'll go on to bang all of her friends.

It just keeps coming and coming!

heh heh

How Mare Do Well could kiss, lick and suck while her mouth is under tigh putple fabric mask? :rainbowhuh:

Yes, thank you! That's exactly the story I was thinking. I thought I had it in my faves, but apparently didn't. Again, thank you. :pinkiehappy:

I'm going to bet Mare Do Well is actually a pony of her own, and Rainbow ends up super confused when it's none of her friends that match her experience and she still doesn't have it figured out.

Which of her friends did she just fuck?

Dunno if I'd use that wording Rainbow, you were pretty much just laying there and taking it like a good filly :raritywink:

I agree with some of the other comments, I don't think it's any of her friends (which makes Rainbow going and trying to screw all of them all the funnier). It could be Discord for all we know (porn fanon does tend to give him a talented tongue), but I really don't think it's one of the other Mane 6.

For the fic itself, I think the foray into present tense is an interesting choice. I have to admit, since most people do it on accident while using the more common past tense, for the first bit of the fic my brain kept going into "editor" mode and thinking it was a mistake. But you were perfectly consistent as far as I could tell. I still think past tense is absolutely better in pretty much any writing situation, but you executed well anyway.

This is my fanfic aesthetic. Absurdity :derpytongue2:

I want to say it's twilight, but maybe Rarity. Can't tell for sure.

Probably Rarity or Fluttershy. The ones who act prim and proper or introverted are usually the kinky ones.

It is a thing.

:rainbowlaugh: No, but that's a fun idea!

No pun in ten did.

She's just that good.

Thanks! ^.^

That would be one poor, confused Rainbow Dash!

Present tense is perfectly valid. ^.^ The Hunger Games, to give one popular example, was written entirely in present tense.
In this case, I think it gives the prologue a bit more of an authentic 'Rainbow is surprised about this' feel. And I pretty much just rolled with it from then on.
Also, I thought I knew who it was, but... A lot of the comments here about it being none of her friends are opening up intriguing ideas...

I can tell.

Nobody has any faith in Pinkie, apparently.

But IS it one of the Mane 6? Maybe you're playin with us.

It's totally Princesss Celestia in her Sunny Skies pony

I'm... well, I'm no longer sure who it is.
I'll find out with the rest of you!
The one thing I am sure of is that Rainbow's going to have to hook up with a lot more ponies in order to find out.

my money is on a non mane 6 like Lightning Dust or Spitfire hehe. also I would love to read a one shot of lyra and Bon bon roasting RD

"If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it, or you must sign up for Dirty Little Secret's Patreon and get him to write it for you." - Toni Morrison (paraphrased)

16 hours since I posted it and now it hits the feature box? Huh.
And here I'd given up hope.

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.

Then I got laid.

Too bad I'll never know what did it.

Ah a more sexual version of what is actually my favorite story here called "The Games We Play by Absoluteanonymous".

I will be honest I hope it is the same character playing Mare Do Well.

Hmm...my guess would be that it's all of her friends. Not literally all of them in the costume, of course, but in the sense that they were all behind it. All of them wanted a piece of Dash, so they came up with the MMDW plan because they knew that - being who she is - she'd decide to have sex with them to figure out who it was. So it doesn't matter which of them was physically in the costume, because now all of them will get what they wanted: a chance to taste the Rainbow.

In the science of deduction we can remove Twilight Sparkle as the suspect in question considering the story isnt over and there is already a chapter for her. Fluttershy could have some sort of assertion but I doubt skill is what she would have. Aj could be a candidate, there are many ships so she could be a suspect. Rarity could be lesbian, but in this context I doubt she is considering the fact that she is in to men in this current timeline. Our second possible suspect could be pinkie pie... Need I explain more?

What if it is luna she has the mare-do-wellcostume (i think) and she is quasi-imortal wich would give her a long enugh life to devolop that particular talent.:unsuresweetie:

Sonofabitch! Ill never fucking finish reading all the stories in my Read Later shelf if this keeps up!

I vote its none of them, its just a random pony being Mare do well.

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I guess the first question I would ask is. "What color was her vag?"

...'sigh' I'm sad right now. I wanted to post a pic, gif or video of Recoome saying "You Do Well" but I couldn't find one. Now I can't finish my joke.:fluttercry:

It was going to be really funny to (I hope).:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

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