• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am a master of self-inserts and self proclaimed lover of Rainbow Dash, I'm also cringe as fu-


Comments ( 75 )

I really liked this story. Granted it's clop he acts sorta like me

Dai needs his own proper story. That is how good this fiction is. First. Seriously continue with the awesome works. Also i will Half-favorite. Half because im not using the favorite book mark.

Oh how boredom can turn into a short story.

Ya know, this would make an amazing story and not a short one.

Thanks man! :heart: Glad you really liked it! And Dai does? Heheh, nice!
If that's the case, you must be an interesting fellow~ :yay:

His own proper story? How so if I may ask?
Also, thanks man! :heart: any favorite is a good favorite :rainbowkiss:

Exactly man, hahaa, thanks for faving :yay: There might be a new story coming out soon, a nice little crossover with Red Faction :trixieshiftright:

You really think so? :rainbowhuh: Hmm... maybe.
Thanks for reading and faving :yay:

I agree with blaze fury

Perhaps there will be more, stay tuned friends :heart:

I could proofread it if you do

Glad to hear, hehe

I... I'm spellbound.

The story was bucking amazing, and for some reason got me a hard-on the size of Mt. Everest.

Chapter II, please?

Such praise, thank you very much! :heart:
Hehehe, maybe there will be one eue

7397082 If there isn't, Mt. Everest will be sad it doesn't have a buddy.

7396971 Yea, a story of a man who became a navy seal sent to equestia as a foal. It would make for an interesting story.

Really now? Hmm... perhaps I'll write up something, maybe Dai will get a bigger role, assuming more people would be interested in such a premise.

7397271 Well all I can say is that you need to get it out to the people that read this short. Maybe put the hint in the Author's notes and have a vote.

I just did actually, thanks for the wee help laddie :yay: perhaps we shall see a full story :heart:

7397334 Well I was happy to help. And I hope to see a full story as well mate.

Well, we'll see when the poll is done~ :rainbowkiss:

A humna turned colt tries to build himself a life in Equestria after being sucked into it a few years ago.


Whoop, thanks for spotting that good sir.

What Do You Want To See In A Possible Sequel??
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Click to Comment and Tell Me What You Wanna See

A human turned colt tries to build himself a life in Equestria after being sucked into it a few years ago. But he's basically a child, and no one really believes him when he says he's an adult trapped in a child's body. So, he's stuck with the crusaders, helping them do their thing.


But now... he's got an itch to scratch, and Sweetie Belle...


You made me laugh good sir, heheh

While the whole 'bad ass gets turned into a kid' thing isn't the most original story concept, it hasn't been explored that much in the MLP universe. Besides, even the most tired cliches, which this is not, can be good if done well, so I say go for it. Let's see a full story.

Its hard to be original nowadays, least for me anyway, hehee. I have over a hundred or two hundred something stories planned, and I'm pretty sure at least 98% are tired cliches :rainbowlaugh:

But eh, why not... perhaps a full story will come out soon.

A Thousand Views
Thank you all for reading~
Love you lots~

7407775 Like I said, cliché can still be good if it's done well. If you think about it, even fics like Past Sins uses an old cliché or the amnesiac villain.

That is very true, very true. Man I need to actually read that more, urf.

While there are more than a few typos, this really seems to have some potential for a continuation.

People are loving the crap out of this story.
And sorry about the typos, I'm bad about those :pinkiesick:
Thanks for reading!

7424438 Well like I said, there's a lot of potential in this set up. And adult in a child's body could get up to all kinds of amusing shenanigans, especially if you elaborate on the the other mares' regarding him as cute leading to other interactions.

Indeedy, a lot of people seem to think so, hehehe.
And the poll results are insane with yes.

7424813 *insane yessing intensifies*

Legit though, all you suckers want a sequel so badly it seems :rainbowlaugh:


Alright alright, I'll work on one, at least I'll try to anyway, haha

Do not worry Master Vader, I shall get to it soon.
*disappears into a swaggin' fog of blue and black*

i don't like child clopfics those who right them i consider them to be hanise and those who find any pleser of any kind in this form of clop to be sick and tormented minds and future rapists

Well I find great joy in writing guy, and in the writing world, anything goes... anything. Writing is a way to do and experience things you can't do in real life, like with games, there shouldn't be rule that you can't write whatever you want. That's dumb.

And if you don't like this kind of work, then don't read it then. No hate to you bud, but I don\t exactly intend on stopping at anytime soon. :pinkiecrazy: So I guess I'm a hanise individual, and my mind has been sick and tormented for quite some time my dear friend. :yay:

for u to tern this story around for me i have an idea advance the story to include the real life choce and resalt of under age child berth// sweetie becoums a mother so on so on maybe said child gits taken by authorities you the know real life highschool pore choice scenario i don't know maybe add a little romy o skip the death they run take said child with them come back a few years later there more mature eegh shoulder shrug just a thought maybe title it life choices

I highly doubt there'll be anything like that happening anytime soon, or at all.
Sorry to disappoint :P

was that a sarcastic tongue at the end or are you seriously trying to say hell no in a kind way

Its a no, if you're really wondering... I shan't spill secrets~

not a SEQUEL !!!

how a bout a prequel.:twilightsmile:

Mmm... mayhaps, who knows.
Thank you for watching.

mar now.
Mare now.

Why thank you for spotting that dear boy :yay:

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