• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
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"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019


This story is a sequel to The Midnight Mares : Tall Tale Trouble!

It has been several weeks since the events in Tall Tale. Specialist Midnight Song has returned to Canterlot, her new marefriend, Midnight Pickett, aka, Pockets in two. The latter is now training to be a Guard, and if that wasn't enough to keep the lazy thief busy, trouble is brewing in the capitol city.

Thieves, magic, zombies and relatives from Tartarus are on the menu. If that wasn't enough, the past comes back to bite our heroines in a big way.

Tall Tale was just the prelude, the real story starts now.

Still, the forces of evil are rising and our mares are on the front lines.

To the forces of said evil. May every deity in existence have mercy on your souls....

This is the second story in The Midnight Mares saga, cowritten with the oh so talented ThatOneVolcarona. reading the previous story is HIGHLY recommended. Otherwise this might not make much sense.

And that amazing coverart? Madacon Go give the guy a some love.

Update: F-F-F-Featured on 26/08/16. You peeps are awesome!

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 86 )
Comment posted by ThatOneVolcarona deleted Jul 16th, 2016

Hmm interesting. I am enjoying this already. When Shiffting Melodies ended I was wanting more Middnight Song and was hoping that Tall Tail would get its sequel up and running. I was not disappointed. Can't wait for more. No really I need more. Give me more. iambrony.steeph.tp-radio.de/mlp/gif/131190216856.gif

All joking aside please Keep up the good work.


Yeah, poor Moony... Ace is coming? *evil cackling ensues* you thought running was tiring!
Keep going! ;)

I am not ready, my butt is not ready!

I'm using this, it's too funny not to!

“I still didn’t understand a word of that,” Gossamer replied.

“It doesn’t matter, because music is deeper than words. Whether you understand them or not, music has a way of getting its message across,” Moon smiled and rubbed Pocket’s head.

I'm afraid i have to disagree with Moon here, if the music was made with words, then the words are actually important (less so if someone later puts lyrics to an instrumental piece i think). Especially in this song's case, as in context this is a princess joyfully belting out "Fuck you all; I'm leaving," repeatedly.

Otherwise love the story.:twilightsmile:

Lol knew Midnight was worrying for nothing!
Keep going! ;)

So strange thrives that are Stealing for an orphanage? And strange magic for a strange mare. Some form of Love magic?

Keep this up this is high quality stuff.


This chapter left me with a lot of questions. I'm so loving Shadow Blade.

Cântă cântecul de luptă

sing the song of... Fighting? Celestia's permission phrase then?
Pockets may just be the weirdest changeling ever! Maybe Cadance can help hone her new talents?
Keep going! ;)

7461307 - It's supposed to be 'Sing the Song of battle' but Google Translate sucks. Also... Changeling?

7462047 oh I wasn't Google translating, though that would have probably been easier! :twilightsheepish:
Current evidence seems to indicate her new magic is emotion based (or at least driven) and Changelings are the only species of pony (that we know about) that regularly deal with emotive energy, so...

Wow, that's not good, new magic (erm, extremely old magic) is terribly difficult to defend against.
Where are the changelings when you need them?
Keep going! ;)

7510192 - Oh just you wait. We're only just getting started. Shit hasn’t even considered hitting the fan yet.

7510380 oh, no, it's still being digested by the stomach, we're just now feeling the rumbles! :pinkiehappy:

Then she got then end of her hoof bitten.


Anyway, great chapter.

Update: F-F-F-Featured on 26/08/16. You peeps are awesome!

You've been featured before. It was back in July. I added this story to my Watch list upon seeing it. It was there for a day or so, although I can't be exact with the length of time since it was near midnight when I saw it featured.

Did you not notice it being featured back then, perhaps? How long can stories stay featured and why do they stay featured for random amounts of time?

Out of curiosity, is this the same "Midnight Song" as the one in "Shifting Melodies"?

I love this. Please update this awesome story soon!! I know two updates within 24 hours is a lot especially when combined are nearly close to 20,000 words.

The suspense is literally killing me!(but I guess that's kinda. The point isn't it)


7511898 - Really? Huh.

I don't have a lot of access time. Basically upload a chapter and go.

7512938 Yeah. It was featured back in July when you had two or three chapters in the story. I saw it in the featured box and I liked the cover art, so I checked it out and I kept a watch on it.

Your story really didn't stay featured for long. I'm surprised thinking back on it. Then again it probably was un-featured to make way for another generic cliche clopfic or something.

So that might help explain Pocket's diminutive stature.
Did she just infuse Midnight with... Determination???
Keep going! ;)

7515609 - Um... I guess? Is that a reference to something?

7516752 - Ah, never played it. It doesn't interest me.

7516783 yeah, it's just a meme. Every save point it mentions your surroundings and how it fills you with determination. :pinkiehappy:

Shifting Melodies and Midnight Mares brought me here! No, I haven't read this yet, but you can bet your ass I will read it and give you a clearly positive review once it is done. Midnight is awesome! Thestrals are awesome! A better, more in depth comment will be put on this story once it is complete. I tend to try to review most of what I read... and you can count on a good review. There aren't any other Midnight Song stories hiding anywhere are there? :flutterrage:

Sorry for the mediocre comment on a story I haven't read yet. I don't like reading in progress stories. Not only is it a pain to remember what I read between updates, but I don't want to risk the slight chance you might drop this story and be left hanging. I got burned by that... multiple times actually, and I can't do that to Midnight... especially if the world building gets to me.

How the buck did I miss the fact that you wrote literally my favorite Pokemon story on this site? I read both stories in a day... loved them immensely, and then read Shifting Melodies, and wonder who the hell this Ausbrony is? My life is so fucked :facehoof:

7526463 - S'all good. I hope you enjoy what we have so far~

And thanks as well, hopefully I can go back to Pony/Pokemon fics again one day.

Sees a lack of number in the title

Is triggered

For real though you butt, ya forgot a lil something.


Just out of morbid curiosity... How many stories are you planning with Ms. Midnight Song? After reading SM, I thought this Pickets couldn't hold up to Ledger, but she grows on you as well. Are you planning a long running series with Midnight and Pickets together or is this story the only one? Personally, I would love it a lot (more than what would be healthy) if you had a long series as I adore the OC (isn't it funny how I used to hate OC-based stories and now I love them?) but I know how tiring and stressful it can be to keep up a story.

Also is Flare Blitz going to return for another adventure as I liked him too. Yes, I count the side stories but that isn't complete and thanks to my OCD I mentioned before...

Also, are you going to connect this indirectly to Shifting Melodies at any time? No, I am not asking if Ledger is going to show up, but is Toll Taker going to have a cameo and am I correct in assuming that this is indirectly a prequel to Shifting Melodies? Or at least uses the sameish character development and slight world building. I notice some differences, but Midnight is still the lovable little scamp that she was in Shifting Melodies and I notice your fondness for including likable Griffons in this story (though that could be coincidence)

7546333 - Wow that's a lotta questions.:pinkiegasp: Okay, in order~

1. "Have you read the first one yet. This is the second fic in the series. And yes, I do have more planned. While a third is definitely confirmed, Volcarona and I have ideas for at least five.

2. Flare Blitz. That... is a difficult one that I've answered in blogs before. I have ideas, but not enough for a story.

3. Hmm. How to answer this one. Shifting Melodies huh... Hmm... Nah, telling would be spoilerific~


Well, technically speaking I favorited this story after reading Shifting Melodies. Then I read the first one not long after I finished Shifting Melodies in two weeks. I usually don't favorite or follow sequels before reading the first one, but Shifting Melodies was different. Saying anything else falls under blatant fanboyism and worship. Yes, I can like a story that much. I grew sad about finishing SM and did some research and found out that there were two stories. So I favorite and follow the sequel assuming I would like it (cause of Midnight) before I actually read it... then I finish Midnight Mares in about three hours (though it felt like 5 minutes)

Hmm. How to answer this one. Shifting Melodies huh... Hmm... Nah, telling would be spoilerific~

You forgot the :trollestia: in this sentence. You heartless jerk :flutterrage:

You could have given me a vague riddle or something or had me solve a math puzzle using flowery language as a clue instead of withholding information. :ajbemused:

7546375 - Shifting Melodies and Midnight Mare's are completely different. With a completely different Midnight.


:facehoof: right... Just my need to connect things! I have connected video games to Tv shows that I saw to ponies, comics I have read to ponies, books to ponies.... so I connect OC Ponies to different stories. Ponies are rotting my mind and connecting a whole bunch of stuff. Well that makes things easier to understand. So.... naturally, are you going to tease similarities or am I assuming that you aren't evil like that and you wouldn't dream of being trolly like that :ajsmug: :pinkiesad2::trollestia:

My reaction to the promise ring: Aw.:heart:

Yes! We know her real name! Cereza sounds a beautiful name. While I was reading Ace's and Cereza's conversation I was listening to this song and I think it fits Cereza.

Oh and I'm shipping Cereza and Ace.

About time Midnight started moving forward! Granted, it took less time than with Ledger...
So the deer form is just a disguise. And the stallions called Aroma "Lord" and not "Lady".... Interesting...
Pockets is darn lucky she's a natural.

7546419 yeah, Ledger is still in Las Pegasus and knows nothing about Midnight at all, right? Hopefully not still stuck with Toll... :fluttershysad:

Keep going! ;)

7560710 - Ledger may or may not even exist in the universe. Volca and I haven't decided yet.

The pieces keep moving!
It's too bad the guard doesn't have any way to resist that mind control, that's going to suck. Here's to hoping everyone waits their turn to unleash hell on our intrepid heroes...
Keep going! ;)

7566046 - Yeah... Celestia's guard as having a bad run of dealing with shit above their paygrade.

I have no context of this story. I did an equivalent of a ctrl+f on my phone and searched for her name to read her parts.

I wouldn't change anything about them. Got it down to a fukkin' art, she's perfectly in character :rainbowlaugh:

7555940 From this point onwards, this shall forever be Cereza's theme. Volca's seal of approval :pinkiehappy:

7617984 If you ever get a chance to read this whole story and its prequel I highly recommend them. I understand if you have no time but one day give them a read.
You know I did not know that the Stella here was your OC Stella until I read the AN. I love it.
Oh god Stella and Midnight Song in the same place at the same time!!!! I feel sorry for everypony. But hey that just means more entertainment for us.


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