• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 577 Views, 22 Comments

Equestria's Beacon of Friendship - Paradise Oasis

Stories from old Equestria, centered around a towering lighthouse standing upon Horseshoe Bay.

  • ...

Ships that Crash in the Night

"Ohhhh, those two will look soooo cute together! I just know it!"

As she looked out from the observation deck at the foot of the friendship beacon, Lovestruck stared out at the crashing waves of horseshoe bay, scheming how to get those two lovebirds together she had just seen at the diner in Baltimare that afternoon. They had both been shooting longing gazes at each other as they ate their meals, and the white earth pony with a pink mane and white body just knew there was a spark of attraction between them. But the mare and the stallion barely knew each other, and getting one of them to break the ice was not going to be an easy task at all.

"Huh, maybe if I were to send both of them notes, telling each the other they had a secret admirer..." Lovestruck thought for a moment, then waved a hoof dismissively. "Naaaah, that's too cliched! Perhaps if I arraigned an 'accidental' meeting...."

Putting cute couples together was Lovestruck's special talent. Ever since she was a filly she had been paring up the fillies and colts in her class, secretly arranging things so that the ponies would get together. Perhaps it stemmed from her parents always arguing, or from never having a personal romance herself. Whatever the case, this earth pony could not resist the urge to pair members of the opposite sex together! Sometimes, her trickery wasn't enough, and her earth pony magic would have to step in, but Lovestruck always got her single mare and single stallion as a couple!

"Hey, watch where you're going, you crazy crystal pony!" A stallion's voice called out from one of the ships docked in the harbor. "Your stupid cargo ship nearly rammed my tug coming into port!"

"Oh yeah? Well, your tug shouldn't have been parked at pier three!" An angry mare's voice shot back. "That's where the harbor master told me to dock when coming into port!"

Gazing down to the docks, Lovestruck noticed a mare and a stallion each standing on the dock beside two ships that nearly collided, hurling angry words at one another. The mare was clearly a Pegasus Crystal Pony, with a banana cutie mark, blue coat, and pink mane. The earth pony stallion, on the other hand, had a pink coat, blue and blonde mane, and a shooting star cutie mark. The pair made an odd contrast, standing there on the dock and arguing.

And predictably, the two argued like foul-mouthed sailors.

"You really don't have any idea who you're dealing with, do you, mister?!" The mare declared angrily. "I'm captain Banana Bliss, the best tropical fruit and produce hauler from the Crystal Empire! My employer has connections with the Equestrian maritime association, and you could lose your seafarer's license for this little screw up!"

"Oh yeah?! Well, it just so happens you picked a fight with Stardash, Lady!" The earth pony snapped back, snorting angrily. " I tow some of the biggest ships in the Equestrian royal navy in and out of Horsehoe bay! And if I weren't such a gentlestallion, I'd smash my tugboat right into your rinky-dinky little wooden toy boat!"

"Why you no good, old drunken sea dog!" Banana Bliss snarled at the stallion. "If I weren't a lady, I'd shove a coconut from my cargo hold straight up your fat flank!"

"My flank's fat?! Have you looked in the mirror recently?!" Stardash snapped back. "You could fit a whole crate of coconuts up that frigate-sized caboose!"

"Well, I never!" The Pegasus Gasped, scandalized.

"I bet you haven't!" The earth pony snapped back.

"Horrid brute!"

"Tramp steamer!"

"Boating beach bum!"

"Saucy sea trollop!"

"Infuriating idiot!"

"Stupid Skank!"

The two ponies were hurling a ton of venom at each other, raising their voices higher and higher and causing a commotion on the docks that was causing other ponies to stare. As Lovestruck stared at the two ponies, the cogs in her brain began spinning and she began to formulate a plan to get these two ponies together. Now, any rational or sane equine would've done anything to keep these ponies apart so they wouldn't strangle each other. But this was Lovestruck we're talking about here... and when it came to love, she was a horse of an entirely different color!

"Hmmmm, now lets see here... two strong-willed ponies, both whom love being at sea, and love sailing... arguing like cats and dogs... and have a lot of tension between them.... these two are perfect for each other!" She said aloud, to nopony in particular. "Okay, Lovestruck, now how are you gonna pull this one off?"

The mare really should have been minding her own business, but she just couldn't help but meddle in the affairs of other ponies. Whenever she saw a single mare and a single stallion with just the right things in common, this hopeless romantic couldn't HELP but try and bring them both happiness by bringing them together as a couple. She could picture it now....

Having both been invited by mysterious letters to a mysterious rendezvous at the base of the Beacon lighthouse, the mare and stallion find a romantic little candlelight dinner, complete with pasta and bread sticks, waiting for them. Deciding to sit down and eat, the two ponies glare at each other as they chow down on the meal. Anger and mistrust burns in their hearts, until they gazed into each others eyes. Each sees a refection -a spark- of a kindred spirit in the other.

"...I'm so sorry..."

"...I didn't mean to run into your boat..."

The more the two continue to talk, the more Banana Bliss and Stardash lose their antagonism towards one another. Staring into each others eyes, the two ponies moved closer and closer together, the spinning light from the Frienship beacon above illumintaing a warm glow on each of thier faces.

"Oh, Banana, where have you been all my life?"

"Oh Stardash, you're the only stallion for me..."

The Pegasus falls into the stallions strong hooves, and they kiss a passionate kiss of love, before declaring their eternal and undying love for one another.....

"Oh, Banana...."

"Oh, Stardash..."

"You worthless pound of stallion trash! I should call the harbor patrol on you!"

"Oh, yeah? Welll, not if I call them on you first, lard flank!"

Snapped back to reality by all of their arguing, Lovestruck groaned as she glared at the two ponies angrily for ruining her romantic dream.

"Then again, perhaps the direct approach is what is needed here!" Pulling a small pink bow with a red ribbon on it out of her purse, the mare loaded an arrow with a small container of pink liquid on the front. Taking aim at the two arguing equines, she let the arrow fly, where it exploded into a puffy pink cloud on the docks, that enveloped the two ponies.

"It's a good thing we earth ponies are the best at making potion magic, whipping up my special love potion was a cinch." Lovestruck declared, . "It makes bringing mares and stallions together sooo much easier that all that flowers, chocolates, and candy ever do..."

As the smoke cleared, the pair of ponies stared at each other with pink hearts in their eyes.

"Oh, Banana...."

"Oh, Stardash..."

Never taking their eyes off one another, the two dreamily trotted towards Bananas cargo vessel.. which, after about and hour or two, began to rock back and forth without any motion from the waves beneath it in the harbor.

"Sigh... another pair of satisfied customers. Well, my work here is done."

Satisfied, Lovestruck turned away from her latest handiwork, looking back up to the lighthouse dreamily.

"I wonder when the day comes that I'll get to meet my prince charming..."