• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
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It's fanfiction all the way down.


This story is a sequel to Pan Flash

First Take isn't Rarity -- but she does play her on TV.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 318 )



Damn son, them updates.

EDIT: seriously, them updates. You ok, OP?
At least it's realistic in terms of child actors.

I liked the first tow of these and then they just went to hell

You know what I think only Barnstormer and Pan Flash will end up ok. Butter Up needs some help but with it she should be alright. The rest are going to be failed child actors. Which is better than par for the real world.


Going through a bit of a bad time, actually. But I'm glad you enjoyed!

The charmed life of a child actor/prodigy.

Wow, First Take is an utter bitch with a serious all about me personality, attacking your coworker and threatening them afterwords, just because one has a shitty childhood does not give them the right to treat others like complete crap.

I like this one. In the previous, I mentioned that it felt like it was setting up the next story, and I was oh so right.

Probably should add the 'dark' tag though. Because this one is dark. Everyone in the Actingverse has their issues, Butter Up brushed up against some dark things, but this one is really diving straight into the darkness that exists in the real world. You had many hints beforehand, but this one really puts those things front and center.

I really love how much you show the emotions of First Take in her actions and words, yet never outright state them. So much of the story was about how real people don't wear their emotions on their sleeves whereas actors portray the desired emotions, and yet ironically, you did an excellent job of showing the emotions of First Take during the story while never really going into the implausible territory. One thing I found interesting is how much I was reading into the little notes about her body language. Despite the entirely nonhuman motions, it was effective.

Not everyone will love this story, and those looking for a happy slice of life story should probably run screaming in the opposite direction. But this was still a very good story. Great contrast with the first one, and it really paints "Deep Cover" in a totally different light.

God. My Little Actors: Rehab is magic.

Every single one needs to find either themselves or go start life over elsewhere

> 30 votes
> mfw featured


I read this chapter and now I'm scared of what Celestia's gonna' be like.

I do wish that these were chapters in one story, not separate one chapter stories. That way, if one comes across them later, they'd be able to read them easily in proper order.

I can't say I enjoyed this story as much as the earlier ones but it is by no means bad. I'll come back in a week, reread and see if I can put things into words better at that time.

Is this going to continue with other actors? We've had the Mane 6, but the only other actor that's even been mentioned (as far as I can remember) is Amazon. It would be interesting to hear about her.

I recently read the other parts to this, and I gotta say, this is probably the best 'fim is a tv show in Equestria' story I've read. I know this is probably the end, but I really like this universe and can see lots of fun things you could write, should you chose to do so. There is a lot that I want to say, but for now I'll leave it at this. You have a great series here and you're a fantastic writer.

I can't help but notice that "parents took all of their child's earning and spent them" is also exactly what Pan Flash's parents did. The contrast between the two situations was very interesting.

You should do one of these for the actor who portrays Discord within the actingverse. Be interesting to see how he deals with having to act completely nuts on screen constantly

7361767 Yes, but Pan Flash gets something back out of that: college funds for her and her siblings, as well as love, appreciation, and family support. First Take gets zip. Unsurprisingly, there are far too many real-world examples of human First Takes.

That slap sent a ripple of unnecessary rage through me :rainbowderp:

7361816 If Spike is CGI, then Discord most definitely is. Or a puppet.

7361945 I suppose that is a point. Maybe an extra then like Lyra and Bon Bon. They might be wierded out by their popularity, especially since they just hang in the background

7361606 Celestia's an adult actor, so I'd think she's in much better shape.

I hope, at least.

Well, that was depressing.

In the author's blog post he mentions that there's one more entry (which seems like it will have all of them together)

I don't know what it is with this Author. Everything I read by him starts out lighthearted and fun, but then turns sad and overly emotional and starts annoying me. This series had such a fun start but it just quickly got bogged down. The first one was fun. The second one wasn't as fun as the first but was passable. But they just wend downhill from there. The author seems to like to write "Ponies with problems" and it tends to take over the narrative too much.


Well... yeah.

Nearly all of my stories are either Sad or Dark/Horror.

If you want to read something funny, read Regarding The Need for Sex Education. It's one of the two happy stories I wrote. :rainbowwild:

Why on Earth do these need to be separate stories if they all exist in the same universe, have the same format of a single chapter one-shot, and they apparently even take place during the same time period? Do you just love the feature box that much?


No, I refuse. Though I am glad you enjoyed!


You could stop reading the series.

No, wait, shit. What am I saying? That's insane! Read everything I've ever written immediately.

Sorry, I don't know what came over me there. I briefly forgot that viewcount is the most important thing in the world.


It does not. But it does explain a few things, at least.


I really love how much you show the emotions of First Take in her actions and words, yet never outright state them. So much of the story was about how real people don't wear their emotions on their sleeves whereas actors portray the desired emotions, and yet ironically, you did an excellent job of showing the emotions of First Take during the story while never really going into the implausible territory. One thing I found interesting is how much I was reading into the little notes about her body language. Despite the entirely nonhuman motions, it was effective.

Thank you! I spent a lot of time on her body language, since with her #Meta commentary about it, I knew it was going to get exceptionally closely scrutinized.

Great contrast with the first one, and it really paints "Deep Cover" in a totally different light.

Poor Deep Cover. Her story is the saddest of all, but she never lets it show.


No. It was made very clear in the previous story that the family had a discussion about that. It was also made clear that it was a once in a lifetime chance to make them happy and that's what had Pan Flash so upset. That she couldn't do that for them again.

Also, the quoted per year college tuition cost lines up pretty well with our own, so GapJaxie is clearly using our modern economy as a baseline in the story. A 7 day cruise in a top of the line suite for two people only runs about $4,000. Hell if they wanted to go frugal (who spends time in their room on a cruise ship?) they could do it for less than half of that. A one time dream vacation is not hurting their finances that much, if at all.

This story is missing a few tags.


Child actors' lives are not, generally, charmed or happy. But this story ends well for at least some of them.


My Little Viewcount: 1,500 Followers is Magic?


Maybe, but not in their own stories. I may do a, "And all the rest!" collection of shorts.


First Take is not a nice mare. She is, in fact, deeply cruel.

I'm getting to a point where part of me wants to write a counter to this entire series that doesn't have all of the characters in varying degrees of fucked.

This was well written, but it was not enjoyable.


Okay, first, I love the Feature Box more than precious life itself. But second, no, that is not why these stories are broken up. It's because the first one was a one-shot that was never intended to have any sequels, and I got badgered into doing just one more, did Deep Cover, and then got pressed to do others, and it kind of snowballed.

If I do any more after First Take, they will all collectively be one story. No more need for this.


Yes, hello, I'm GaPJaxie. Have we met?

Ahem, more seriously. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the story. I certainly love my dark and horrifying stories, but I know not everyone does, and sometimes you just need a good comedy. But I should tell you that of the 27 stories I've written for FiMFic, 24 of them were Dark, Horror, or just had some kind of sadistic twist at the end.

So for future reference, if you crack open a GaPJaxie story that is not explicitly labeled comedy, you've got about an 88% chance of that happening.

I like this. Another!
*smashes director's coffee mug*


You could also consider making them less formulaic than "introduce new character being a bitch to the previously introduced character" every time. And in general the concept behind these fics has far more potential than just wasting it on the usual "real life is the polar opposite of what we see in the show" gimmick. You're aiming right for the lowest common denominator with that.

There was a comic somewhere that did this exact same concept, but restricted itself to just one panel each, not to mention it didn't go for this "CRAWLING IN MY SKIN" vibe. It tried to make it amusing. I prefer it way more to this fic, and no, not because I'm not into depressing stories. I have both written and read plenty of those.


Well, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. Hopefully you got something out of it!

7362113 Yeah...I just....grrr, whether she's Pan Flash or Pinkie, I dun like it when people bad stuff happens to my favorite poneh :fluttershbad: But I enjoyed this story anyway :pinkiesad2:


So what you're saying is that badgering does work.

That being the case, how many emails do I need to write for you to finish Siren Song?

7362111 Well yeah. Some of these are on the right path... others? Well time will tell.

Still Pan is probably the one I'd most want to be friends with. I'd try for a few others but I'm not sure I'd truly enjoy being their friends as opposed to just feeling like I'm fighting a battle to help them learn to be happy.

I'm getting too old to be people's personal support nets when they need it and abandonned when I'm no longer useful.

7362115 It feels so much like the human world. I'd read a story about pony actors for FIM, but where the "real world" ponies share the same mores as the ponies presented in the series.


While I also enjoy writing sad, dark, and otherwise depressing things, I make a case to tag them appropriately.

I enjoy your work for the most part; if not for the content, then from an objective standpoint.

But seriously though, the 'sad' tag is there for a reason.


Absolutely this, yea. Pan's doing it to further a goal - she's Norway here, investing her oil fund to pay dividends when the oil runs out. First Take is Venezuela, on the other hand. Kaboom.

Clearly you just need adequate bribing to do the Amazon story. I shall just have to figure out what that is at Bronycon!


Well, apparently he's doing something right, because my stupid ass continues to read them, despite my feelings.

I feel like I'm looking for a light at the end of a tunnel that does not, and will not ever exist.

"reached up to tape her cheek"

"Then again they don’t have"
"again, they"?

I hope that things improve for you soon.



Besides, I've already posted the "What happens" plot summary. It's kind of spoiled now.


Besides, I've already posted the "What happens" plot summary. It's kind of spoiled now.

Already knowing the ending? Nothing a few shots of bleach won't cure!

Anyway what happened with Spike in that story? Don't recall seeing him mentioned in the conclusion or anywhere else in the story.


Nearly all of my stories start happy, and end sad. There is only one story I've ever written that goes the opposite direction. A story that starts sad, but ends happy, and earns it's happy ending.


Intern is a very special story to me. I write what I know, and to be honest, my life to date has not been terribly happy. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and a host of other problems, and I generally have a pretty dim outlook on the world and the human race. But all is not gloom and ruin, and so if most of my stories are stories about what despair feels like, Intern is my story about hope.

You don't have to read it if you don't want to, but I'm just putting it out there.

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