• Published 20th Jul 2016
  • 1,269 Views, 325 Comments

Going Deep Under - The Bricklayer

The seas harbor many mysteries, and one of them is about to be uncovered. Question is, will those that have uncovered it survive the experience...?

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Part 6: A Graveyard of Ships

The Bermuda Triangle... What can I say about it? Well, I suppose the first thing to mention is how many ships have been swallowed up by it, like the USS Cyclops, not to mention many others. The list goes on and on, as the Triangle has been around for centuries, leaving disaster in the wake of anypony who dared sail into it's unforgiving maw. The very same maw that only recently swallowed up the Sharptooth leaving no survivors and the very same one that the Moby Dick was now sailing into.

Understandably, Captain Rainbow Blaze was very nervous about what he was about to be venturing into. Of all the locations he'd sailed into, the Triangle was the one place he never had the guts to dare adventure into on his five year hunt for the Kraken. There had been many other locations he'd gone to on his hunt for the beast that seemingly came from the depths of Tartarus itself just to destroy the USS Barracuda and it's crew but the one place Rainbow had never gone was the Bermuda Triangle.

"Insanity. That's what this is. Absolute insanity, blast it." Rainbow mused to himself as he sat in his captain's chair, his face emotionless. He couldn't let his nervousness show, not now. If his nervousness did show for even a second, his crew would pick up on it and they'd become nervous themselves. He had to be their rock, if you will, and keep the calm no matter the situation.

"How far till we reach the Triangle Mr. Gallants?" Rainbow asked his griffin second in command and lead navigator.

"By my calculations, only a few moments till we breach it's interior." The stone grey griffin responded. Like his captain, he too was nervous but didn't let his emotions show and tried to keep up a confident front.

"Good. Soon as we breach the interior, input the coordinates for the Sharptooth's last known location. My guess is, that's where we'll find it." Rainbow ordered and his second in command nodded back at him response.

"Already done, sir." He said. Rainbow smiled, even if on the inside he knew that smile was a false one. While it may have seemed that the voyage into the Triangle was going well so far, it was only till they reached the Triangle's heart that they would find out if they too would receive the Triangle's infamous wrath. Gallants began to count down.

"Breaching the Triangle in three... two... one!" He yelled before saying "It's official, we are inside the Triangle!"

Rainbow, just for a moment, had his confident facade vanish.

"Now then, it's just only a matter of time until we find out if we too are about to face the power of the Triangle..." He mused.

It wasn't even an hour later that the crew of the Moby Dick found the first signs of the Triangle's infamous power. Right in front of them, outside the bridge's window was a huge amount of wrecked ships that had sunk due to what could only be guessed as the power of the Triangle. The entire thing was giving everypony a rather incredibly eerie feeling if they were to be honest. Rainbow Blaze feel a chill run down his spine, it was as if someone had run an incredibly cold finger down it.

"By Celestia... What happened here?" Ender Knight, who was also part of the crew whispered as he made a motion of crossing himself with his hoof. He, like everypony else on the bridge who was gazing at this site began to feel incredibly nervous. Not without reason mind you. After all, if the Triangle could take down all of these ships, who knew what else it might have the ability to do?

"The Triangle, no doubt." Fancy Pants muttered to himself as he wiped something off his monocle to get a better look at the sight in front of him. "It's just the only logical explanation."

"Ay..." Rainbow Blaze responded in a gruff tone of voice. Outside, the two front lights on either side of the window illuminated the artificial reefs created by the sunk ships.

"Logic. Huh." Ender murmured as outside the window, the hulking ruins of a old Spanish treasure ship were passed by. "Didn't even know you could apply logical reasoning to the Triangle and it's power." He said sarcastically.

"You're telling me." Grape Vine muttered in agreement as he, like everypony else studied the sights in front of them, every so often their eyes drifting nervously to one of the many wrecks in front of them. "Is anypony else just getting the feeling that we should just make like jackrabbits and go ahead and just clear on out of here?"

"I... I second the motion." The female crewmember with mostly black fur and an earring that along with her scar made her resemble a pirate, agreed with him.

"No." Fancy suddenly spoke up in determination. "We're here for a reason. We've gone to far now just to make a run for it. We've got to find that submarine."

"Hate to break it to you, but I don't want to be around to find out what happened to those ships and see it happen to us." Grape replied in fear. Inwardly, even if he didn't show that same fear, Fancy agreed with him. But there was something else that overrided that very fear at that moment. It was determination. It was determination not just to prove all the naysayers wrong, but to find any clues to Atlantis and achieve his old friend Night Light's dream for him, even if he wasn't around to see it achieved himself.

"Man up sailor!" Rainbow suddenly said, in a surprise moment of agreeing with his friend Fancy. "We've got a job to do here, and no old myth is going to stop us now!"

This moment of determination from Rainbow seemed to spread to the rest of the bridge crew as well, and at that very moment they too wanted to follow Fancy and Rainbow in finding the wrecked Sharptooth, wherever it may lie no matter the danger.

"Gallants!" Rainbow ordered and the Griffin in question saluted in response to his captain's authoritative tone that left no room for argument.

"Sir, yes sir!" Gallant barked in response while still saluting with one of his front claws.

"Set your scanners to search for the Sharptooth, if I'm right it should be the biggest thing out there." Rainbow ordered to the griffin, who followed that order and was soon scanning the area around them as the Moby Dick continued to move forwards through the graveyard of ships, it's lights illuminating everything around it.

It wasn't even a few moments later that the scanners suddenly began beeping. They'd found their target. The beeping wasn't needed however, as the Sharptooth could easily be seen outside the windows. For just a brief moment something else, a shark like form could be seen outside the windows as well, but it moved far too fast for anypony to take any real notice of it.

Rainbow smirked as he mused "There you are." to himself before he turned to Silver Speed.

"Get a small team of divers ready. You're going on a little trip." He ordered and Silver Speed saluted before Rainbow turned to Grape and Ender, who couldn't help but to swallow nervously in unison.

"...And you two are going with her." He said and Grape muttered "Wonderful. I had to open my big mouth didn't I?"

Perhaps this was needless to say, but Grape Vine was... less then enthusiastic about going for a dive in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. He had read up on every legend of every ship and their crews that had vanished in it's waters, never to be seen again and Grape had no intention of joining them thank you very much. But right now, he along with Ender Knight, Target Quartermane, Night Glider and Silver Speed were being fitted to do exactly that. That is, being fitted out with dive suits to take a journey into the Triangle's dangerous waters. The dive suits themselves were heavy and bulky with a big helmet that had a small round porthole on one side for the city's wearer to see out of and another side of the helmet had a tube connected to the suit's air tanks.

"Er, I hate to ask this but what is the likelihood of failure on these?" Ender asked nervously as he pulled on his helmet.

"Not great, so I wouldn't be worried." Night Glider replied as she put on her own helmet before muttering ""Here's hoping this won't mess up my mane and give me helmet hair."

"Actually, he should be worried considering what could happen if it does fail." Silver Speed told her and Ender grew even more worried.

"A-And that is?" He asked with more then a hint of trepidation, not really sure if he wanted to know.

"Well, the forces of the deep sea pressure would come in and crush you into a little ball of flesh." Silver Speed answered before she noticed Ender's expression, with him looking rather green around the gills. "But like Night Glider said, that's not likely."

Ender wasn't exactly reassured.

"Oh yes, great job with the reassurance there." Target deadpanned. Soon, everypony was ready and the airlock opened allowing the water to rush in.

"Well, here goes nothing..." Grape Vine thought to himself.

Author's Note:

Okay, first thing I'd like to do is thank those who pointed out the error with Twilight's age so I could go back and correct it and change it to 1911 instead of what it was before. Okay, on the chapter. You would not believe the writers block I had for this chapter, which was why it took me so long to get it written and published. Anyways, enjiy#