• Published 18th Jul 2016
  • 3,334 Views, 43 Comments

Exotic Goods - FanOfMostEverything

Lyra finally gets to bond with Twilight and Moondancer, doing so over an incredible discovery.

  • ...

Beyond the First Impression

Bonbon's Bonbons, like many buildings in Ponyville's small commercial district, doubled as both shop and shopkeeper's home. Unlike some buildings in the area, it distinguished itself only with a sign in the shape of a wrapped candy hanging above the door.

That and, for a few seconds, a plume of smoke wafting its way into one of the upstairs windows.

A cry of "Holy Celestia!" came from upstairs, wrecking the sedate atmosphere. Hooves further trampled it as they galloped down to the store level, revealing Lyra Heartstrings with a letter in her magic and a face-splitting grin on her muzzle. "This is incredible! This is amazing! Bonnie, where's Twilight?"

Bonbon blinked. "Why would I know?"

Lyra spared a split second to look around the otherwise empty shop before saying, "'Cause you're an awesome super-secret agent?"

"Decommissioned super-secret agent," Bonbon huffed.

"But you still put trackers on the Bearers of Harmony so you know where they are in case of monster attacks and can keep doing your duty with plausible deniability?"

Bonbon met Lyra's grin with a deadpan expression. She held it for several seconds before looking away. "Pinkie Pie keeps eating the trackers."

"But you keep replacing them?"

"Yeah, yeah I do." Bonbon sighed. "How'd you know?"

Lyra's smile went from manic to fond. "Because I know you."

Bonbon returned it. She said, "Flip the sign for me, please?" as she reached under the counter and pulled out a briefcase identical to the one she'd stashed in City Hall.

After moving the sign in the front window to "Closed" and locking the door for good measure, Lyra moved to her side. "How many of those do you have, anyway?"

"Enough. It's an earth pony thing. You've seen Pinkie Pie dip into her emergency stashes."

"I figured that was just a Pinkie Pie thing."

"You've clearly never seen the Apples' hat closet. We really like redundancy." Bonbon opened the briefcase. Within, a row of six crystals glowed in familiar colors above a complex geometrical diagram full of curving lines and runes that were oddly difficult to focus on. Lyra recognized it as an illusion spell matrix. Bonbon poked the lavender crystal, making the matrix light up and project a three-dimensional map of central Ponyville. Twilight's cutie mark blinked in one very distinct building. "Well, she's close by."

"Sugarcube Corner. Perfect!" Lyra kissed Bonbon's cheek. "Thank you!" The other cheek. "Love you!" And one on the lips. "Bye!"

Bonbon could feel the dopey smile spread across her muzzle as she watched Lyra gallop off. "The things I do for best-friendship," she sighed.

Lyra burst into Sugarcube Corner and skidded to halt by the front counter. "Twilight! You have to come with me! This is the find of the century!"

Few others were there, as the bakery was currently in a post-lunch lull. Most just focused back on their pastries of choice once they saw it was Lyra raving and prancing in place. Twilight gave a quizzical frown as she turned away from Pinkie Pie. "What is?"

"I just got a letter from New Frontiers. Cryptozoologist, we met through Bonnie, yadda yadda, point is she's found something incredible. Sent a letter to me via synthetic dragonfire."

Pinkie gave a low whistle. "Must be pretty important if she spent that much."

"But what is it? And why me?"

"She also sent a photo." Lyra separated the picture from the letter and passed it to Twilight.

Her eyes widened as she took in the picture. "Oh. Oh my. That is a very large minotauroid golem." Even scorched as it was, presumably from transitioning between worlds, it seemed far too well-made to be a mundane statue. A pink unicorn mare with a blonde mane, presumably New Frontiers, stood by the figure for scale, showing how the helmeted head resting on the ground next to her was nearly as big as her barrel.

"Not just minotauroid." Lyra's grin grew to worrisome proportions. "Humanoid." Indeed, the construct had no horns, and the muzzle was all but nonexistent.

Pinkie frowned. "Wait, I thought we pretended that the mirror world didn't exist most of the time."

"No, it just doesn't come up much," said Twilight. "Sunset Shimmer and I co-authored a paper on it in the Canterlot Journal of Xenocultural Studies."

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, right, the CJXS."

"Gesundheit," said Lyra. She turned back to Twilight, all but pronking in place. "So yeah, you're basically the closest Equestria has to an expert on this thing." She came to a halt. "Also, Moondancer's there, and I never got a chance to help coax her out of her shell. Seriously, you couldn't have grabbed me along with Pinkie?"

Twilight shrugged her wings. "I may be getting better at flying, but I can't airlift two full-grown ponies. I don't have room for two full-grown ponies! Spike had to hang onto my tail on the way back to Canterlot!"

"Eh, point." Lyra's grin returned. "Still, this way, the three of us can bond. Over science!"

"Well..." Twilight's horn lit up, and a thick day planner manifested before her. She flipped to the current date. "It looks like I have only one friendship adjudication scheduled for today aaaand it's Fluffy Clouds." She sighed. "I don't like to badmouth ponies behind their tails, but that stallion's composure has all the resilience of spun sugar. Pinkie, do you think you can handle him?"

"Sure! I've been meaning to work more with spun sugar."

Twilight couldn't help but smile. "Perfect. Lead the way, Lyra."

The site was about an hour's trot from Ponyville, in the grasslands between it and Canterlot. Twilight and Lyra said little along the way, both eager to see the artifact for themselves.

Just as a spot of black showed on the horizon, a shout came from above. "Halt!" A royal guard swooped down and landed in front of them. He glowered and spread his wings. "Who goes there?"

Lyra looked back and forth between the guard and the alicorn. She settled on the former and pointed a forehoof at the latter. "Seriously?"

The guard's stern expression didn't shift an inch. "Standard operating procedure, ma'am."

"You do not know me, mortal?" Twilight squared her withers and locked eyes with the guard. "You do not recognize one who walked the Path of Harmony to its conclusion?" She spread her wings, her eyes glowing with power, her mane waving in an unfelt wind. "Then allow me to enlighten you!" Twilight sprang into the air and stayed there. She did not flap her wings, she simply hung suspended as though gravity were something that happened to lesser beings.

A legion of voices issued forth from the alicorn. "I am Philia and Terminus, binder and separator, unity and uniqueness! I am the machine that is greater than the sum of its parts! I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship!"

Twilight landed, and in a blink, the oversized nerd with whom Lyra had galloped here took the place of the incarnate goddess. Twilight held out a forehoof. "And it's very nice to meet you."

The guard bumped the offered hoof. "Likewise, Your Highness." He turned to Lyra. "And you are?"

Lyra's jaw had dropped at some point during Twilight's introduction. A few choked sounds came out of her throat before she said, "Are we just ignoring that? Was that also standard operating procedure?"

"Yes," muttered a blushing Twilight. "At Luna's insistence." She took a deep breath. "Suffice to say, she can fit an unreasonably high number of grapes in her mouth, I lost a bet, and now I have to do that when asked to identify myself in a regal capacity for the next decade."

After a moment, Lyra snorted. "See, this is why we need to hang out more often."

"We really do."

The guard cleared his throat. "Ma'am?"

"Oh, right. I'm Lyra Heartstrings." She pulled the letter out of her bag and held it in front of the guard. "New Frontiers asked for me personally. Also, note the not-changeling-green aura."

He took the note in hoof and looked it over before nodding. "She did mention you. Alright, everything seems in order. Proceed."

Less than a minute later, they were able to see the mysterious object in full detail, light trails of smoke still wafting off of its burnt form. Moondancer stood by it, wearing her usual ragged turtleneck, speaking with the mare from the photograph. Twilight noted the cutie mark, a heart without context, representing a love of the unknown according to Lyra.

New Frontiers perked up and turned to them. She smiled and approached. "Hello!"

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight gave a sheepish laugh. “Of course, you probably already know that.”

“The wings are a bit of a tipoff," Frontiers said with a smile. "Would you be willing to answer a few questions about your ascension some time?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. "As soon as Celestia answers mine. Now—“ Her jaw dropped as she looked over New Frontiers' withers. “Moondancer, why are you licking the alien!?”

Moondancer looked up from the creature’s head and smacked her lips. “If you can think of a faster way to get a chemical analysis of the thing, I’d like to hear it.”

Twilight squeaked out a few incomprehensible noises before saying, “Litmus Paper’s Concise Chemical Countdown?”

“Don’t think I’ve ever… Oh. Right. Yeah, that was a few hundred books ago. I went with Exotic Cuisine’s Polymorphic Palate Permutation." Moondancer frowned. "Unfortunately, just because I have a dragon’s sense of taste doesn’t mean I actually know how to process what I’m tasting. I’ll have to ask Spike.”

“That thing could be poisonous! Radioactive! Thaumohazardous! Who licks an alien!?”

Moondancer just smirked at Twilight, slowly raising one bushy eyebrow.

Twilight flushed. “I told you that in confidence!”

“Well, this is new,” said New Frontiers. “For once in my life, I don’t think I want to know.”

“I kind of do,” said Lyra.

“Oh no. We are not discussing what may or may not have happened while I was under the influence of a pubescent simian endocrine system. Especially not if it finds its way to Twinkleshine and her gossip column. We are focusing on the giant golem.”

"It's not a golem. It's a machine." Moondancer's horn lit up, and the immense object followed suit. The outer parts faded into invisibility through what Twilight recognized as Onion Skin's Tiered Transparency Transmutation, revealing pistons, gears, and further mechanisms, which faded out in turn as Moondancer gave a tour of the object's innards.

As the construct returned to full opacity, Twilight forced her jaw closed. "This is incredible! I don't even know what some of these parts are!"

"Whatever they are, we know they're not of this world," said New Frontiers. "No one on Equus could build something like this even if they wanted to. Do you think humans built this?"

"It looks a lot like them." Moondancer said as she released her spell. She frowned. "More robust proportions, though."

After a few moments, Twilight said, "I don't think so. Their technology may be incredibly advanced, but from what I've seen, this sort of construct is found only in their fiction. I could check with Sunset Shimmer, but it doesn't seem likely."

"Well, not just their fiction." All eyes turned to Lyra. "What?"

"Please, elaborate," said New Frontiers.

Lyra tilted her head. "Seriously? I'd expect you of all ponies to know about this."

Frontiers shook her head. "I focus on concrete leads and old stories. New inventions are... well, that. New inventions."

"Well, it's a lot like that one Power Ponies comic with the robot legions of Alpha Centauri."


"From the Czoach robota, meaning 'forced labor,' first used in the play 'Russet's Universal Robots.'" Lyra frowned at the trio of dumbfounded faces. "What? I'm allowed to know things!"

"Heh." Moondancer gave a half-grin. "Never expected that comic books could shed light on something like this."

"Yeah, well, point is that humans don't have a monopoly on the idea of mechanical life."

"'Life' seems a little strong," said Twilight, "but we're definitely looking at mechanisms far more advanced than anything we've conceived of. Especially nonmagical ones. And it's indisputably humanoid."

New Horizons looked to the sky and smiled. "Well, if there's another world out there, I see no reason why there can't be more. Indeed, this 'robot' seems to be strong evidence for it."

Twilight frowned. "Unless Discord's messing with us, but this doesn't seem like his style. He'd probably fill the thing with..." She shuddered a bit. "Snakes, like it was a prank can of peanut brittle."

"Assuming it's genuine," said Moondancer, kicking the charred construct, "what do we do with it?"

"A good question." New Frontiers began to pace. "Teleporting it may be a bad idea; there's no telling whether it will stay in our world. And it's not like we can carry a full research lab out here in the middle of nowhere."

Twilight glared at her and pointed at the Canterhorn with a wing. "We can literally see Canterlot from here. We are not—" She took a deep breath. "Sorry. I can get a little defensive about Ponyville. I think it may be a sort of territorial alicorn instinct."

"Fascinating if true. Still, the question stands."

"I have an idea," said Twilight, "but we're going to need to find—"

Rainbow Dash dove down like a meteor with attitude. "Hey, Twilight. What's the awesome thing?"

"Isn't this supposed to be a secure area?" said Moondancer.

"Yeah, about that." Dash went back up just as half a dozen guards pounced on her position, all shouting "Halt!"

Dash sped by nearly at ground level. Twilight's long experience with the pegasus allowed her to make out "Little help?" through the Cloppler shift.

On the next pass, Twilight put herself between the guards and their quarry. "Gentlecolts, please, stand down!"

They did so, though their glowers made their displeasure clear. Dash looped around and came to a relative stop, hovering and smiling. "Thanks." She narrowed her eyes as she watched the stallions return to their posts. "Buncha jumped-up warhorses."

Twilight looked askance at her. "You're in the Wonderbolts Reserves."

"Yeah, and?"

"What are you doing here?" said Lyra, cutting off a royal tirade.

Dash nodded at the construct. "Like I said, checking out the awesome thing. What is it?"

"We can't yet say for certain," said Moondancer.

Dash hovered over it, considering it from all angles. "Y'know, it actually looks kinda familiar."

New Frontiers gasped. "It does?"

"Yeah, I fought something like this once."

Jaws dropped. "You what!?" cried Twilight.

"Yup. Coolest dream I ever had."

The others groaned. Dash turned to them, then her face twisted like she was about to sneeze. Her mouth fell open, and a shrill voice not her own rang out. "Megatron is no more! I—"

Dash coughed and smacked her chest a few times. "Sorry about that. Gilda came over last night, brought dinner, we caught up, and even the griffin food ponies can eat leaves you really gassy."

After several uneasy looks, Lyra spoke up for the group. "Uh... not a problem."

"So, what's the plan with this thing?"

Twilight smiled. "Actually, it's a good thing you showed up. Could you arrange an airlift team? Whatever this is, teleporting it may compromise it."

Dash saluted. "On it."

"Great! Once it's in Canterlot, we can start dismantling it." Twilight pranced in place. "We'll learn so much!"

Author's Note:

Here's the closest thing I can offer for context. And yes, that is a Death Battle reference.

Dash is only in the reserves because it seemed best to set this before Starlight could be "helpful," which would probably result in her reactivating Megatron so he could bring himself to Canterlot.

Also, it is not easy to come up with a ponification for Czech.

Comments ( 43 )

I hereby lay claim to the honor of first comment! :moustache:

I came here for Moondancer licking a Transformer. I was not disappointed.

Also, Dash's appearance was the best. :rainbowlaugh:

A fun little one shot. If you ever get some time, I'd be funny to see what happens when/if Megatron wakes up. Or what will happen when Equestira gets Cybtroian tech.

Nice little story the part about Twilight's identification and a bet with Luna was funny. Rainbow Dash was apparently a bit too fast for the guards to catch up.

There is not nearly enough bouncing Lyra in the world.

7403326 Name checks out.

Moondancer licking a Transformer. Huh. You know, it works for me. :twistnerd:

She said, "Flip the sign for me, please?" as she reached under the counter

The underlined word does not exist in the current version of the text. I suggest you rectify this discrepancy.

Also, this was hilarious and far too short.

Meanwhile, back in town, Pinkie has managed to somehow ruin everything

"Who just licks an alien," huh?

I ship it.

Silly Bon Bon. You shouldn't make the tracking devices out of candy!

Pretty great, even if this feels more like the first chapter of something than an entire fic.

Loved the bit with Twi's new SOP for the next decade, and that it was the result of Luna giving her a sucker bet. Luna putting that earth pony hammerspace to good use. Bon Bon made good use of it, too. :pinkiehappy:

"Oh. Oh my. That is a very large minotauroid golem."

I like how she used the magical analog for robot.

The tech could be beyond human capabilities. I also know that ponies are less advanced than humans.

OMG, just when I thought you couldn't make things even more awesome, you prove me wrong! :heart:

for some reason I thought this said incomplete

Aww yeah, that was great. Exactly the expansion from the short excerpt that I was hoping for.

This is FIMFiction's 100,000th story! Congratulations, FoME and FIMFiction!

A nice silly story, I approve.

7404701 Wow, really?

In your face HarryPotterFanFiction.com!:rainbowwild:

Now owr site has 20% more stories than yours.:rainbowdetermined2:


This is glorious.

RUR? Heh, I wonder how you'd ponify Karel Čapek's name. Probably a bit difficult to do :rainbowlaugh:

Still, this was a fun read.
That Twilight's introduction though! Also finding out it was a bet... I bet Luna's cackling maniacally every time she hears about that introduction.

Also, Dash's entrance. That was awesome. And a reference to the Death Battle. Nostalgia strikes!

This is really good, but I'm a little sad that there isn't more to it.

I get it was supposed to be a joke, but damn if I wouldn't enjoy seeing another chapter/sequel to this.

Knew someone would make a story from this image... I approve!:yay:

Great! Now make a full sized sequel because that was awesome!

Well, that was interesting. Favorite part had to be Twilight's regal introduction and Luna's dare.

But, kind of irritated with Rainbow here. I really don't care that it's in her personality to ignore posted guards and or rules if awesome is nearby: I still want to see reprecussions. Here, it would have been beautiful and perfectly fine to see the hoard of guards she bypassed in unison tackle her to the ground and have Twilight have to bail her out.

Seriously though, Rainbow gets away with so much stuff in so many stories that you could almost make a bloody drinking game out of it.

Moving on, this was a fun little story and I would love to see more, with more interaction between Twilight and Lyra.

Sorry for the long delay, everyone. Between the Writeoff and job hunting, I'm driving myself to distraction. By which I mean a lot of Overwatch videos on YouTube. :twilightsheepish: In any case, better late than never.

7403347 7403490
Can't say I didn't deliver what I promised. :rainbowwild:

7403349 7403589 7405878 7406363 7408955
:twilightsheepish: I have an unfortunate tendency to write one-shots that raise all kinds of possibilities without making any plans to explore those possibilities. Sorry about that. Still, you're welcome to use this story as a jumping-off point if you're so inclined. And who knows? I may revisit it at some point. No promises there, though.

There really isn't.

:pinkiehappy: "Ruin? Or improve?"

"Pubescent. Simian. Endocrine system. My better judgement was drowning in estrogen."
"Uh huh. And how's your pen pal in the Crystal Empire?"
"This is how you're getting back at me for never going to that party, isn't it?"
"I can beat either the joke or your skull into the ground. I've made my choice."

Hey, she works with what her cutie mark gives her.

In Luna's case, it was shapeshifting. It's easy to fit fifty grapes in your mouth when you can do decent bullfrog impression. Twilight saw her reassume the Nightmare moon form, but never realized how much fine control she had until it was far too late. Bonbon, however, totally folded space. It helps if you don't think too hard about it as you do it.

It's always important to bear what the characters know in mind. Same reason why Twilight hesitated to consider Megatron alive.

Seriously? Wow. I'd like to thank BronyCon for making Ferret feel ill enough that she had to delay the editing by a few days and myself for not noticing the GDocs notifications for a few more. :derpytongue2:


Heh, I wonder how you'd ponify Karel Čapek's name.

If I knew Czech, I might be able to make a few suggestions.

Luna doesn't laugh when Twilight announces herself. No, the Princess of the Night feel a warm glow of pride in her breast, knowing that she's forced her fellow alicorn to finally shed that excessive humility of hers.

Rest assured, once the artifact is secure in Canterlot, Dash is in for the lecture of a lifetime, plus a dressing-down from Spitfire.

7414832 And then after that proud display of power and Luna's feeling awesome, Twi reverts back to herself and Luna facehooves. Maybe next time, Twilight.

As for Čapek's name... eh... a hard one at that, as that is not a word in the language. But it could, with both eyes slightly closed (and extremely drunk) be considered as something close to čáp, which is a crane (the bird). Fluttershy would be all over that.

It's almost a shame Pinkie Pie wasn't involved- she personally knows Megatron from the Hub ad days, after all.

Author Interviewer

Goddamn. I don't care if you write a sequel to this, I need more of these characters, they are all fucking perfect. XD

So, Rainbow Dash is a deep-cover / amnesiac Transformer. :derpyderp1:

Either that, or she ate one at Gilda's stayover. :derpytongue2:

I don't care if you write a sequel to this. Just write more Lyra-Twilight-Moondancer goodness, pleeeeaaaaaase! :scootangel:
(Now I'm pondering what Moondancer is doing in the Oversaturation universe...)

So, where does "Fucking Perfect" stand grammatically, compared to "Present Perfect"?
(I have many regrets, but this ain't one)

Author Interviewer

Outside the realm of proper names. :B

So much :rainbowlaugh:

This was a great short. I would love to see this continued or perhaps a sequel if you ever get the urge for it.

Weird if Starscream possesses Megatron when/if Rainbow Dash touches it. or when he leaves her body, however that happens... :pinkiesick:

And I rewatched the Death Battle a few days ago and forgot that I had seen it before due to this! And it is still awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

Such an incredible story!

If she's feeling cheeky (and smart) enough, she could argue that the speed and ability to out-fly a squadron of royal guards is her easiest and quickest way of identification. Might do a little bit for the Guards' pride, too... "It's not a 'critical security failure', Ma'am, it's part of procedure. Now could you help untangle us, please?"

(Re-reading it, this story is still a prime example of everything I want in the stories I read, and I just love it.)

Is it wrong to want another chapter to this?

I want to see more.

That was fun! I know this was meant to be a quick one-shot, inspired by a joke in the final panel of a comic book, but I'd love to see it continued.

The others groaned. Dash turned to them, then her face twisted like she was about to sneeze. Her mouth fell open, and a shrill voice not her own rang out. "Megatron is no more! I—"

So was she dreaming she was Starscream, or something?

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