• Published 7th Jul 2016
  • 1,497 Views, 55 Comments

Where the Sunflowers Grow - Bluespectre

Rush, the latest and rather unsteady addition to the newly constructed palace, is home. Trials and tribulations lie ahead for the new Royal Consort who has to contend, not only with a new world and a new body, but the suspicious ponies of Equestria.

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Chapter Two - A Stranger in the Bed



The orange coated maid trotted up the corridor and nodded to the guards,

“Morning Grove, Felt, shift nearly over?”

The two guards shifted their positions and nodded a greeting to the newcomer. It was a long job, guarding the Princess: long hours on your hooves, most of them intensely boring, but at least it was indoors and both of them could live with that. The two guards had been at River Valley where Grove had served in both the first and seconds battles on that hallowed ground. He would take boredom over watching his friends butchered by armoured Legion monsters any day of the week. Gratefully, he took the offered cup of tea from the maid and smiled,

“Thanks Lilly, you’re a life saver.”

The orange coated maid plopped two sugar cubes into his cup and gave it a quick stir with an effortless glow from her horn while Felt, just glad of a hot drink and a distraction from the monotony, groaned at the feeling of hot tea slipping down her throat. The female guard stretched her legs,

“I’d swear you two were twins.” She said, raising an eyebrow, “Minus the armour of course.” She closed her eyes as the steam from the tea tickled her nose invitingly, “You even look alike now – to a degree.”

Grove rolled his eyes, “Hardly surprising, we are cousins you know. Anyway,” he tapped his head, “no horn, see?”

“Well, magical cousins or not, you’re alright in my book Lilly.” Felt sipped her tea, “You make a mean cuppa.”

The orange unicorn smiled and pushed into the Princess’s room, pushing her trolley in front of her. Moments later, the door closed behind her with a click. Felt glanced at her colleague,

“That was mean, Grove. You should have said something.”

“Said what?” the stallion replied, “Just belt up and have your tea. I think our morning’s about to get a little more interesting…”

Lilly pushed her breakfast trolley up to dining table, just as she did every morning without fail. After so many years it was as natural to her now as drawing breath, and she loved her job. Some of the maids envied her closeness to the Princess, whereas some actually pitied her; they just couldn’t understand how somepony could wait upon one so powerful and not be constantly quaking in the shoes - after all, didn’t she know how terrifying the Princess had been during the war? Her magic could make anypony who displeased her vanish in a poof of smoke, with only a pile of ash left where they had once been. Lilly smiled to herself; she didn’t care about gossipers, she had her Princess to care for and that was all that mattered. She lifted the lid off the tureen and sniffed the hot breakfast muffins - they smelt divine. Nimbly, she lifted off the top of the butter dish, checked the jam pots - two types today - the morning paper of course, and set about arranging the side plates just so. She scratched her head: two plates? The cook must have made a mistake. Not to worry, she’d just tidy everything away when she was finished. Now it was time for a quick tidy up before the Princess awoke. She was still fast asleep by the look of things, so she’d best be quiet.

Lilly shrugged as she carried her cleaning box towards the bathroom; the Princess was normally up by now. Yesterday, what with the memorial event and the dedication of the new monument, it all must have been very demanding for her, not to mention emotionally draining. Lilly pushed open the bathroom door…

She let out an involuntary squeak.

Lilly’s hooves flew to her mouth in shock; what in Equestria had happened here?! There were towels, soap, toilet paper and pools of water everywhere! It was…it was awful! Good gracious, there was even fur there too: great clumps of chocolate brown fur in the sink and long black hairs as well. Some villain had been in here and all but destroyed the Princess’s beautiful new bathroom suite! She backed up towards the door and stopped, took a breath and rubbed her forehooves together with a determined look on her face. Right then! This was a challenge was it? She’d take it on, she’d conquer it, and when she was done, when the Princess was up, she’d report this and have the villain found and see the vile miscreant flogged for such an act of wanton vandalism! Snorting, Lilly ploughed into her work.

Eventually, the bathroom door opened, and the weary but victorious orange unicorn backed out with a floating bundle of sopping wet towels held in the glow of her magic. The clean ones were where they should be now, the porcelain was sparkling once more, and the soap…dear Goddesses, that soap! She shook her mane and sighed; it had been a hard battle, but determination and skill had carried the day. The forces of cleanliness and order ruled once more, and the Princess would be able to use the new bathroom safe in the knowledge that her maid army was on the job. Lilly grinned wearily and pushed the wet towels onto her trolley, noting that the breakfast had already been partially eaten. Good, the Princess was up! She’d apologise for any noise first and then tell her about that mess…

“Good morning.” The voice from behind the newspaper said conversationally.

Lilly curtsied, “Good morning, Your Majesty.” The orange maid froze…

“Just Rush will do.” The voice replied.

She looked up, watching in horror as the newspaper gradually lowered, and a jam and butter covered chocolate brown face grinned back at her,

“Those breakfast things were delicious! My compliments to…”


The door burst open and the two armoured royal guards charged in, their weapons readied. Lilly stood on her hind legs, one hoof over her mouth, the other extended towards the bed,

“The…there!” she gasped, “A…an intruder! In the Princess’s bed!”

Rush gave her a little wave.

“You villain!” Lilly squeaked, “What are you doing in here? Get out of that bed! GET OUT I SAY!” she turned to the guard, “Do something, don’t just stand there!”

Slowly, a familiar white head emerged from under the covers, a pair of purple eyes blinking blearily in the early morning light,

“Mmmf…What’s all the shouting? I’m trying to sleep…”

“Your Majesty?!” Lilly looked like she was about to pass out. She stared aghast at the smiling brown stallion currently licking crumbs from his muzzle, to the tired and confused looking Princess, and back to the wide eyed smirk of the shaking male guard. Suddenly she realised…

“You…you knew he was in here, didn’t you?” she hissed at Orange Grove, “You…you knew!”

Grove said nothing, but got a surreptitious kick from Felt who cast Lilly an apologetic look. Meanwhile, Celestia had sat up, and was rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her foreleg,

“As much as I like company,” she said with a yawn, “I’d rather have a little more quiet in the mornings, yes?” She waved to the guards, “You may go.” then paused, “Thank you for your diligence.”

The two armoured ponies bowed and as one, turned and walked out of the room, accompanied by barely suppressed sniggers and snorts from guardstallion Orange Grove. Celestia sighed; she would definitely be having words with that young stallion later by the looks of things. Lilly however, was still stood there, with tears pouring down her face. The Princess shook her head; this wasn’t good…

Celestia pulled herself out of bed and gingerly walked over to the young mare, helping her into a chair before pouring her a cup of tea. Lilly took it without a word.

“Are you alright?” The Princess asked gently. Lilly stared straight ahead silently. “I take it you’ve met the royal consort?”

“The…?” The orange mare blinked, turning her attention to the chocolate coated stallion who’d gone back to reading the paper, “Consort?” She didn’t know what to say! Was this true? Well, of course it was, but…the Princess had never…she didn’t…after all she was the…

Lilly licked her lips nervously, “But you…you’re the Princess!” she burbled.

Celestia nodded, brushing a stray wisp of hair from her maid’s face. “I am” she smiled kindly.

Lilly shook her head, “But…you’ve never…”

“No.” Celestia sighed, sinking to her haunches and pouring herself a cup, “No I haven’t, have I?” She stared into her tea, “We’ve never had conversations like this either, Lilly. I think that on reflection, perhaps we should have.”

The shocked maid took a sip of tea, looking up into her Princess’s fathomless eyes. Celestia looked sad for some reason, and a little distant,

“Nopony see’s me as anything other than the Princess of Equestria do they? The Princess of the sun” she said quietly, “But Lilly…” Celestia rubbed her muzzle sleepily, “I’m still a mare, and…and I don’t want to be alone all my life.” She gave the little maid a meaningful look, “You’re a mare, you understand, don’t you?”

Lilly didn’t know what to think, let alone say, she could only nod absently. The Princess: the unsullied, pure white alicorn, the one she idolised above all others, was with…with this…breakfast thief! She stared across at the thing on the bed who had put down the paper and was…walking towards her! She squeaked and pushed herself further back into the chair in alarm. Celestia shook her head at her behaviour,

“Lilly, I’d like you to meet Rush. Rush, this is Lilly, my maid, and personal friend.”

Rush smiled, “Hello Lilly.” He reached out a hoof, wobbling slightly on his legs. Was he alright? She stared at his outstretched offering and gingerly shook it as if she were holding a snake that could bite her at any moment,

“H…Hello” she muttered.

“I’m sorry about the bathroom.” Rush said, hanging his head, “I’m still a little unsteady on these things.”

Lilly stared at him incredulously, “Things?” she asked. She looked at his legs and his hooves; they all looked perfectly normal. She looked up at the Princess pleadingly.

“Rush, Lilly, I think we need to have a chat.” Celestia said magicking over another chair and yawning slightly, “First though, I need a wash to freshen up. You two get acquainted whilst I get myself ready.”

The door to the bathroom closed, leaving the two ponies looking at each other awkwardly.

Rush cleared his throat, “So…erm…you’re the Princess’s maid then.”

Lilly nodded silently.

“Have you worked here long?”

Lilly nodded.

“Ah…that’s good…yes…” Rush trailed off, his eyes downcast. Suddenly Lilly realised she was being rude to somepony who was special to her Princess and…and…

“Have you and the Princess…?” she blurted and suddenly covered her mouth, blushing furiously. What was she thinking! Good grief, what was she about to say! The chocolate brown stallion was watching her now with a combined expression of horror and amusement - and it was her fault! She took a breath, tried to steady it, but the stallion spoke first,

“Lilly, forgive me. I feel I’ve been rude to you and we may have got off on the wrong foot.”

She peered up at him; ‘Foot’?

“You see, I’m not from this world originally, or rather, I am, but…” he groaned and gave his mane a shake, “Let me start again.” Rush cleared his throat, “My parents are, were, Equestrian. Mum, for certain ‘reasons’ ended up on another world where she was trapped while she was pregnant with me. When I was born there I grew up as a, I suppose, a different being to what you see now.” He smiled, or at least, it looked like he was trying to. Rush continued, “Tia found me and brought me home.”

Lilly’s eyes went wide with shock; Tia? TIA?! Did he mean the Princess? Such…such outrageous familiarity! Only Luna was permitted to call her that and…and… She took a breath, trying to keep her composure. None of this seemed real, and yet, here he was, talking to her. The Princess was in the bathroom, she was sat here in front of the fire drinking tea, and…and…

“I hope we can be friends.” Rush said with a smile.

Lilly looked into his big blue eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. They were so…blue! She licked her lips and swallowed a mouthful of her tea,

“Y…yes!” she stammered, “It’s…it’s nice to meet you…Rush?”

He nodded.

The bathroom door opened, allowing the Princess into the room, followed by a rolling wall of steam. She looked more like herself now; her mane was still a little damp and sagging of course, but it was most definitely the Princess. Lilly looked up at her as if she were a rescuer come to save her from a wild beast.

“Thank you for waiting me, both of you” Celestia said pleasantly, “Now, how about a nice cup of tea and a chat?”

Lilly’s eyes went wider than ever as the Princess began to tell her of her time in the human world. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and yet the Princess had never lied to her, so why did she find the story so…incredible? If she was trying to explain away finding somepony special, then fine, she didn’t have to contrive such a fantastical story as this, did she? But what if…what if she felt she needed to? Was it because the Princess didn’t trust her any more? Lilly cast a glance at the newcomer and furrowed her brow; she just didn’t know what to think. Could he be this…what was it again, a ‘human’? She’d never heard of such things before!


There had to me more behind this story. Perhaps this new stallion had influenced the Princess somehow, and concocted this ludicrous tale at a time when she was suffering from the loss of her sister and that terrible war. Yes! That had to be it. She took a sip of her now almost cold tea; there was definitely something shifty about this ‘Rush’ character and…

“LILLY!” Celestia shouted.

The orange maid jumped in surprise, nearly dropping her cup,

“Oh! I’m sorry Your Majesty, I was miles away.”

“I could see that!” Celestia said, shaking her head, “So, what are your thoughts?”

“My thoughts?” Lilly blinked. So, this thing, this earth pony stallion, was sleeping next to her Princess was he? And by his own admission he was nothing more than a mere commoner, a lowly reed cutter of all things! Something was wrong here; something just didn’t sit right at all. She nodded her head and took a calming breath, “A world of talking bald monkeys.” Lilly said quietly.

Rush looked up from his tea, “I’m sorry?”

“It’s quite a tale.” Lilly said politely, “I can’t imagine what it must have been like, spending my whole life in a world with talking bald monkeys.”

Rush could feel his eye twitching. Why did she seem so…polite? He cleared his throat,

“We’ve told you what happened, Lilly. Whether you believe it to be true or not is up to you.”

“Indeed it is…’Rush’.” She said with a dubious smile, “I’m sure a lifetime of gathering reeds will provide you with an excellent grounding in court etiquette.” She suddenly sneered down her muzzle at him, “There will always be somepony who needs mats.”

“LILLY!” Celestia stomped a hoof loudly making the maid jump in fright, “I will not have you speaking to my guest in that manner! I thought better of you than that. What in Equestria has got into you?”

The orange mare looked like she was about to burst into tears, but stood her ground, “It’s him!” she said pointing a hoof directly at the startled brown stallion, “This fantastical story of his about coming from a planet of naked monkeys? The bastard son of a thief and a…”

“ENOUGH!” Celestia jumped down from her chair and flared her wings in fury, “This is intolerable! Lilly, I want you to go back to your room and think about what you’ve said. Until then, I’m afraid I shall have to ask Amber to act as my maid.”

“You…you’re replacing me?!” Lilly squeaked, her hooves flying up to her cheeks, “You can’t! I’ve been with you since I was a filly!”

The Princess remained stoic, “I’m sorry Lilly, but I mean what I say.”

The orange maid eyes filled with tears and began to shake. Rush took a step towards her, reaching out to…

“-Don’t touch me!” She screeched, “It’s all your fault! You! You’re a fake! A liar! You’re trying to steal our Princess away from us!”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Lilly.” Rush said calmly, “I only wanted to be friends with you.”

Lilly took a step back, shaking her head, “No you didn’t! You can’t trust a…a…” her face took on a look of confusion as a familiar armoured hoof gently but firmly turned her around. The stern face of Orange Grove looked into hers. He shook his head,

“Come on Lilly, you need to leave now.”

“Grove, you don’t believe this do you?” Lilly burbled, “This is ridiculous! He’s probably one of those changelings! A shapeshifting thing from…”

The door closed with a click behind her.

Celestia and Rush both sighed. They could still hear Lilly’s sobbing protests as she was lead off down the corridor. The Princess shook her mane and held her head in her forehooves,

“That didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped.”

Rush gave his legs a tentative stretch, “I don’t think we needed to go into the ‘land of the bald monkeys’ aspect, Tia. I think that’s when we lost her.”

The Princess groaned, “Oh, what I have done?!” She threw herself onto the bed, “Lilly and I have been together for years and now I’ve upset her by telling her the truth!”

“You have to admit, it does sound unbelievable.” Rush reasoned, “Here I am in your bed, and then we tell her I’m from the bald monkey planet.” He chuckled, “I can see why she might think we’re trying to spin her a yarn.”

“But you’re not from the monkey planet!” Celestia said in an exasperated voice, “Not really, anyway.” She pulled a pillow over her head, “I wish I hadn’t said anything at all now!”

Rush walked over to her, and stumbled awkwardly into the side of the bed, “Tia, look, I think it’s just all a bit quick for her really. I mean, I’ve only just arrived and…” he scratched his mane in thought, “I think it might be best if I slept somewhere else until everypony gets used to…”


Rush ducked as the pillow flew past him.

“I will NOT have you sleeping where I can’t…that is, you need to be where…” Celestia neighed loudly, “The answer is no. You are NOT sleeping somewhere else.” She looked up at him with her large purple eyes, “I…I don’t want you to.”

The Princess’s eyes glistened in the light from the fireplace, making Rush’s heart ache in response. He nodded resignedly,

“I don’t want to either, Tia, but…are you certain about this? The last thing I want to do is cause a rift between you and your friend.”

Celestia shook her head and glanced towards the door, “I’ll talk to her. Rush, whoever I…” she gave a light whinny, “Who I choose to be with is my concern and nopony else’s, ‘friend’ or not.” Jumping down from the bed, the Princess walked over to the table and picked up her brush with her magic, “A friend would understand that.”

“She will.” Rush reasoned, “She’ll just need some time to adjust, that’s all.” He shrugged, “I have the feeling she won’t be the only one either.”

“I won’t be dictated to by anypony!” Celestia snapped, “After everything we’ve been through, I am not surrendering! I will NOT!” She pulled angrily at the brush and hissed in pain as it caught on a tangle. Rush rolled his eyes and trotted over, taking the brush from her,

“Tia, for the Gods’ sake, please…” he raised an eyebrow.

Celestia visible relaxed, letting out a pent up sigh, “I know.”

“Come on, let’s have a look at this then.” Rush raised himself up on his back legs, the brush held in his forelegs as he began to brush out the long rainbow mane of his Princess. Clucking his tongue at the knot, Rush worked at it, being careful to avoid pulling too hard and hurting her. Finally, with a relieved smile, he finally worked it free and continued to brush in long fluid strokes. Beneath his ministrations, Celestia closed her eyes and sighed,

“You have a way of making me see things differently, Rush.” She said quietly, “I don’t care what other ponies think…I need you.”

Rush paused; he didn’t know what to say. He’d never really been ‘close’ to anyone before, not even, as much as he hated to admit it - his late wife. ‘Love’ was something that was known to the people in the human world certainly, but tended to be looked down upon as some kind of mental affliction. After all, people ‘in love’ did strange and inexplicable things driven by a lack of control brought on by an imbalance in their emotional state - or so he’d been told as a youngster by the village elder. That hadn’t stopped the girls of course, and many of them often whispered about who they liked and who they planned on marrying when they were old enough. The boys on the other hand had only really been interested in showing off to one another with their sword fighting skills, and more than one had ended up going home crying over bruises and scrapes from being hit with a tree branch by an aspiring ‘warrior’. Now that he thought about it, maybe the girls had had the right of it all along. Rush shook his head; had he truly never loved his wife? Arranged marriages were the norm in his society, but a couple who chose each other wasn’t unheard of, more so amongst the peasantry of course, but…


He looked up, “Hmm?”

“When did you learn how to do that?” Celestia was looking at him with a curious smile.

Rush frowned, “Do what?” he furrowed his brow and looked down, suddenly realising that he’d been standing on his two hind legs, holding the brush in his forehooves and…and…

“I…oh, shi-!“

For a split second their eyes met, just before the chocolate brown stallion suddenly overbalanced and toppled forward onto the Princess, carrying the two of them into the table and sending crockery flying in all directions. With a cry of surprise, Celestia found herself buried under upset cushions, assorted crockery and a rather heavy stallion.

The door flew open.

“Majesty!” The guards charged over, roughly grabbing Rush and hauling him off the Princess, “Get over there you!”

Rush blinked in surprise at the razor sharp point of a spear hovering mere inches from his muzzle. By the look in the guard’s eyes, he had no doubt the mare would have used it on him if…

A golden flash of light burst in the room, snatching the spear from the guard and throwing it out into the corridor with a loud clatter. All eyes turned to the Princess, the alicorn ruler of Equestria who was suddenly radiating anger like a thunderhead. Celestia’s eyes glowed with the white hot intensity of the sun as she spread her wings wide, causing the guards to bow low in submission, their eyes staring at the ground. Her chest heaving, Celestia quickly released her magic and leaned down, helping the guards ponies up. They both looked at each other in shock, but remained silent.

“Thank you for your diligence.” Celestia said politely, “It was an accident, that was all.” she gave Rush an exasperated look, “However, in future if I need help, I will call for you. Agreed?”

The guards answered simultaneously, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Excellent…” Celestia paused, “Where is guardspony Orange Grove?”

The guardsmare looked to her colleague who answered, “He’ll be back in the barracks having his breakfast Your Majesty.”

The Princess smiled wryly, “Hmm…”

“Tia?” Rush gave himself a shake, “You’re up to something.”

“Am I?” she replied with a grin, “You know, I believe it is nearly time for my morning stroll.” She let out a sigh, “Once we’ve tidied up.”