• Published 23rd Jun 2016
  • 8,329 Views, 538 Comments

Things Are Rarely as They Seem - Orkus

Habeas Brittle, a carefree changeling who left his hive, is attacked by a grim figure as he wanders through the Canterlot countryside. Wounded greatly in the scuffle, he is found and cared for by a filly belonging to a widowed mare with a dark past.

  • ...

Of Changelings and Ponies

It was a good amount of time after leaving the house through the rapidly-growing snowstorm that Persica and Peach Blossom reached Canterlot. Her friend Bumble had once more invited her there to play and sleep over at his house, and the filly was all too eager to ask her mother for permission. She granted it of course. After a small trek through the city, they soon arrived at the location of the Bee residence through the freshly-plowed streets.

Seeing them arrive through the frost-coated window, Apini Bee went to the door and opened it just a crack. She motioned a hoof through it for the filly to enter, while keeping it mostly shut to shield the inside from the storming elements outside. Peach Blossom, wearing a backpack and clad in a very thick jacket and hat, as well as a pair of large boots, looked to her mother a last time.

"I'll see you later, Mom," she said, hugging Persica tightly and warmly.

"I'll see you later too, sweetheart," Persica replied, kissing her daughter on the forehead. "Now, go have fun with your friend."

Peach Blossom left her mother's side and trotted to the steps leading up to the door of the house. Apini Bee opened it fully from the other side for the filly, but just before she could shut it behind her, Persica had followed behind and put her hoof out to stop it when it was merely a hair ajar.

"Might I just ask one thing of you, Apini?" she asked.

"Of course," the being on the other side responded. Out of the few times she had the chance to speak with Apini, Persica never had truly spoken with her face-to-face. It was either concealed in beekeeping equipment or hidden behind a door, as it was now. Such a factor was a minuscule bit of trivia to be sure, but it was an interesting thought to mull over for but a brief second.

"Just... take care of my daughter," Persica said next. "Just make sure she stays out of trouble, that's all."

"I shall, Persica. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on both her, and my own child," the voice on the other side agreed. "Did you see that grin on her face when she came in? She seems a bit more excited than usual, don't you think?"

"That's what I've noticed too. Blossom's been just plain adrenalized to spend more time with Bumble," Persica concurred. "Just make sure she doesn't run too fast when they inevitably go to play outside. Slippery ice, and all that..."

"I'll watch over the both of them. And Hearth's Warming is just around the corner," Apini chuckled from the other side of the door. "Kids are bound to get as excited as they are."

"They surely must be," Persica chuckled lightly, the frigid wind howling in her ear as though it was a voice telling her all was fine and it was time to depart. Giving a nod, Persica, somewhat reluctantly, turned around and started to slowly tread down the steps and walk off. Apini watched this from the crack of the slightly-open door, then after giving a final glance, she closed it.

After leaving Canterlot behind, Persica was in a bit of a hurry to get back home. As she had previously left it with her dear daughter, she distinctly remembered seeing Habeas Brittle enter the house as they reached the road; a small brown sack hoisted over his shoulder that triggered only the mare's curiosity. Though not at all paranoid that the changeling she had grown to fully trust was about to do something dreadful like steal some of her possessions, she did believe that he was up to a troublesomely mischievous activity. While she trotted over the road through the blinding rain of falling snow, another thought came back to her mind from but three days before, as she had taken him to Canterlot while she was shopping for some spices and other assorted ingredients for future meals.

When they had trotted through the marketplace, she saw him speak and barter with one of its many vendors. She had given him some money to buy supplies for when he was surely soon to leave, whenever that day was to come, but what he had gotten was concealed within a sack he also purchased. That same sack he went into the house with was what he used to store whatever it was he bought.

Her property came into sight as the mid-afternoon sky was just beginning to grow into a darker shade, and she quickly shuffled through the thick snow on her way to the front of her house. Knowing she'd have to eventually shovel out the path enough to reach the road, or better yet, perhaps get Habeas to do it, she made a mental note before getting to the door. Kicking the snow off of her hooves, she entered it and came into a mostly dark room that her eyes needed to adjust to. Closing her eyes to help the process go faster, she removed her hat and coat and intuitively placed them on the nearby coat rack, just as her ears detected and recognized the sound of holiday music playing on the radio somewhere in the background, singing through the halls.

Opening her eyes, she turned about and came upon an unexpected sight. Like something one might do in a power outage, candles were scattered about the house on nearly every placeable corner; each one set safely in a holder and lit with flickering yellow flames, sending off a waxy smell into the air. Another odor soon caught Persica's nose as she started to venture deeper into her abode, deciding against flipping the light switch along the way, and it smelled of something positively scrumptious that was cooking in the kitchen oven.

She got to the kitchen and who she saw, just in front of the oven, was Habeas, jigging joyfully to the current tune the radio was giving out. Bobbing along the edge of a counter possessing a host of unlit candles, there was a lighter in his hoof and he was moving from one inactive candle to the next, lighting each one with the device. He instantly took notice of the mare as he brought the lighter near the last unlit candle, and peered her way.

"Habeas," she asked with curved brows and heavy annoyance in her tone that demanded an explanation for his odd antics. "What is this? What did you do to my house?"

He lit the final candle and placed the lighter down before turning his attention back to the stove for a brief second, then to Persica herself. "Allow me to explain. Persica, I know as a fact that you've seen how my wings have grown back. I tested them out last night and I briefly flew around without a hitch. They're able to fly again, they're able to carry me aloft in the air as good as they ever have," he sighed. "I'm fit as a fiddle."

"And I said that as soon as that's so, you're to leave," she grunted. "Why haven't you skedaddled yet?"

"That's... kind of why I put all this on," he said. "This is most likely going to be the last time I have the chance to dine with you. I didn't want to just abruptly leave after all that has occurred. I wanted it to be... memorable."

"That's why you did all this?" Persica was taken slightly aback by this news. She took another look around the kitchen and at the candles littering its edges like scattered pebbles. "This sure looks like it was awfully... tedious to put up."

"What's more memorable than dinner by candlelight?" He glanced back to the stove in a brief motion; the food held cooking within ready to be taken out at any minute. "I can't wait to see you feast your eyes on the meal I've prepared."

"What's cooking in there?" Persica asked. Habeas smiled back to her.

"A delicious green bean casserole, and an apple pie," was his reply. "I bought the ingredients for them when we were in town last. Well, and these candles too."

"You didn't buy anything for yourself?" Persica gawked. "I gave you the bits to do that!"

"I already have everything I need," the changeling said back, right before the sound of the oven's timer went off with a chiming ding. With haste he opened the oven up, letting a small cloud of light smoke escape out of it, and peeked inside. Seeing with pleasure that the food was indeed ready, he put on a pair of oven mitts and removed the two items from within with his hooves, and put them on top of the stove to cool off for a few moments. The pie looked solid and splendid, and the green been casserole was quite exquisite; the golden-brown onions scattered over its tip giving off as much a desirable vibe as its delectable smell.

"Mm-mm-mm!" he hummed. "This is going to be great!" As Persica only watched, Habeas then went to a cupboard and pulled out two empty glasses to put upon the table, then approached the fridge and opened it. What he took out was one of the few bottles of peach schnapps that still remained since the previous autumn. He went up to the glasses with the bottle in hoof, undid its cork, and began to pour the liquid substance into one of them.

"Are you sure that's a bright move?" the mare asked the changeling when he began. "You do remember what happened the last time you only ingested a small amount of it, right?"

"That's why I'm only having this much," he grinned, pouring his glass to only a measly few centimeters. Tapping the bottle against its rim with a clink, he went to her cup and poured a much more sizable amount in comparison, which to say was half-full. Persica thought about what she should do next as Habeas went about getting out plates and scooping the casserole onto them, but the only conclusion she came to was accepting the meal he had worked so hard to prepare, and so went to her chair and sat down at the table. Habeas passed her one plate and fork, sat down with his own on the other side of the table, and they both started eating under the candlelight and sounds of music on the radio.

It wasn't long before more words sprouted up through the silence. "This is... pretty good," Persica complimented, taking another bite the moment she finished speaking. "I've eaten plenty of green bean casseroles. But how'd you make this taste so... divine?"

"Well, I made it with as much skill and love as I could muster," Habeas said. To this, the mare lowered her brow in doubt.

"You did, eh? If that's so, then how do you eat food - that you yourself made - that has love in it?" she inquired, stewing around and prodding at the palatable meal on her plate with her fork. Habeas put a hoof to his jaw and pondered for a moment before answering.

"Well, I guess it's kind of like how you would picture vomiting up your breakfast, and then preparing it for-"

"Okay, I get it. Too much information." Persica lightly chuckled and held a hoof up to halt him, just in the case her words did nothing to stop him. With a respecting nod, Habeas ceased his story and looked to his dinner. Shrugging and putting on a small smile, he began eating it again.

When they both finished up the casserole and downed their schnapps in the process, Habeas brought forth the apple pie. Cutting into it with a knife, they both served each other a few pieces and quietly dug into it while the light of the burning candles surrounding them illuminated the otherwise dim room pleasantly. The changeling felt a pulse of pleasure flash through him when he heard Persica let out a moan of elation when she first tasted the dessert.

A few more minutes passed by them while they devoured the pie. As she was just getting to the crust of her current, and potentially last slice, Persica made a glance toward Habeas and provoked a thought into coming to her mind when she noticed something she never before asked about. "If I may ask, how did you get that chip on your horn?" she inquired, pointing a hoof to the curved outgrowth sticking out of his forehead.

"This? Heheh..." Habeas chuckled anxiously and rubbed a hoof over his back. "That's a bit of a long story, actually. To make it short and sum it up, after I went about preaching my beliefs on how we changelings had alternative ways of acquiring love for everyone in the hive, Chrysalis gave me a very specific 'warning' on why I should stop."

"Oh..." Persica said. "That sounds like it must've sucked to go through if it never grew back properly."

He smirked and winced back in remembrance of the event. "It was a fire spell that seared it like that. But even so, I still don't regret a moment of it. Had it not happened, I might not have had the incentive to leave. Had I not left, I'd have never been able to explore the world. Or meet you and your daughter."

"Fate's a funny thing sometimes, isn't it?" Persica sighed, looking back down to the remains of the pie slice sitting before her. She was just about to carve back into it, when the current caroling tune on the radio ended, and replaced itself with another.

Persica recognized this song right off with a sniff of snide disgust. It was a couple's song, about someone admitting their pure, unconditional love to another. It was soft and pleasant, made for slow dances. She was perfectly content with ignoring it, but the changeling saw this opportunity differently.

"Ooh. Heart and Soul. I love this song," Habeas suddenly spoke. Exiting his chair with a squeak of its legs, he ventured in the direction of the living room to dance along to it before it could end, when he passed by Persica's still-sitting form. Stopping, he looked to her curiously, and then a dangerous idea popped into his head almost immediately.

"Care to dance?" he asked, extending a hoof. She quickly, but softly brushed it away, closing her eyes and snickering.

"Why should I?" she asked back. "I haven't danced in years."

"Then it's the perfect time to start again!" he giggled, reaching forward again and tugging on one of her front legs. "'Live every day like it's your first' is the creed by which I live. And it is indeed a good and healthy creed, if I do say so myself."

Deciding not to punch him to get him off of her, as it could have the unfortunate repercussions of injuring this delightful pest enough to get him to stay a few days more, Persica decided to humor the changeling and finally left her seat. Flittering the transparent wings on his back in joy, Habeas led Persica to the open living area where the radio was located. When he started to dance, Persica simply watched him go at it for a few seconds.

He clearly knew the tune enough to know the right moves to match up with it, and he appeared to be quite... good with these moves; as she'd have judged him were she a critic on how to dance, anyway. Sighing and shrugging, infected by the sheer happiness he gave off, she joined him.

Step forward, step forward, step back, step back. It wasn't hard to catch up with and match Habeas's routine with her now-active hooves. When she did, though, Persica saw that they were performing the proper couple's routine in perfect unison and harmony. As the music went on in its grand and high melody, the pair danced to it together; facing each other with only a scant few inches keeping them apart, but never touching. Persica was beginning to feel a rise in jubilation come from within her from doing this activity correctly and fluently with her odd partner, and soon she found herself quietly enjoying the experience. Habeas was more visibly having a great time, seen by the huge smile on his lips and closed eyes that reflected his personality quite correctly.

Step left, step right. Step left, step forward. As time went further on, the sound of the slow, soothing beat seemed to take over their movement completely. Now nothing more than stringless puppets slaving away to the soft and beautiful music, they danced on as though there were no other care in the entire world to plague their minds. Habeas's eyes opened after a small while, and when they did, the first discernible thing they saw was Persica's absolutely enchanting face. Only seconds after that, she then turned her attention away from anything else in the room and onto, and also into, those big, lovely eyes of his.

His eyes. His eyes were like a vast ocean of tealness, infinite and endless with charming mirth, and glowing brightly with raw affection, the glitter reminiscent of the sparkle of diamonds. Like a small boat finding itself astray in a massive swirling torrent of water, she started to find herself getting helplessly lost in them. Helplessly, hopelessly, and blissfully lost.

Seemingly in turn, Habeas became completely entrapped by her warm blue eye and her gray, sightless eye like a fish on the end of an angler's lure. They both seemed so utterly captivating and hypnotizing, even in spite of the latter's clouded rigidness. He could not help but gaze into them further, if only to feel his blood warm his body as it did. He was so mesmerized, so enthralled in Persica's sight, that he failed to notice his head drift toward her; his mouth opening just a crack. Neither did she notice this as well, as her own head drew closer to his in a similar manner. Their dancing had by now stopped, and as only paltry centimeters laid between their faces, their eyes began to close when an irresistible force overtook their senses.

And then, and only then, as the song came to its final conclusion and both their hearts began to truly pound within their chests like drums amidst a symphony of royal musicians, their lips finally touched.

And all went silent.