• Member Since 28th Nov, 2013
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Worldbuilding is my passion, and if those worlds involve small pastel equines, all the better. Updates and new chapters posted on the 15th of the month.


This is the core story of the Camaraderie-verse.
Reading order:
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 1 (Ch. 0:0 - 1:27.4)
Lady of Love
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 2 (Ch. 2:0 - 2:27.3)
King in the North
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 3 (Ch. 3:0-3:14.3)
The Other Side of the Mirror: Vol. 1
Camaraderie is Sorcery, Season 4 (Ch. 4:0- )

Maps of Equestria
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4

What if Equestria wasn't all sunshine and rainbows? What if the lands were wild, untamed, and ruled by powerful (and corrupt) nobles in the names of distant kings and queens? What if magic belonged not to every unicorn, but only to the privileged (and persecuted) few?

Camaraderie is Sorcery is a dark fantasy retelling of the story of Friendship is Magic. In this Equestria, the land is divided into kingdoms hungrily eyeing each others' lands and resources. This is a world where peasants are born, work, suffer, and die without their overseers shedding a tear. It is a world where bandits and monsters occupy both the wild places and the civilized ones (but in different forms). This is the world where Twilight Sparkle lives. Cant'r Laht, a shining city perched on the edge of a mountain with more nobles and mages than it knows what to do with, has been Twilight's home her whole life. Now, as the one thousandth summer solstice of the Fourth Age approaches, she will leave Cant'r Laht and depart for the tiny hamlet of Ponieville, where five companions await her. These Brave Companions, as the ballads will come to commemorate them, are already bound by destiny, though they do not know it yet. For who would ever imagine that a sorceress, a farmer, a Hunter, a blacksmith, a druidess, and a baker would ever become comrades with the strength to stop the end of the world?

Author's Note: I drew inspiration from several dark or realistic fantasy sources for the world of Camaraderie is Sorcery, but the most influential was the world of Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels and CD Projekt RED's video game series of the same name.

Chapters (104)
Comments ( 196 )

AU Dark and with inspiration from Sapkowski's works on the Witcher Series? You just got a new reader!

Damn, this Twilight is such a snob!

Good work on this part, I don't seem to see any errors, and the extensive descriptions are a really good thing to read (yes, I love long and wordy stories).

Hope to read the next soon!

Glad to hear you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Hmm, interesting. I have to say, I'm excited to see where you'll take this.

Nice to see that the story's back! Very impressive the trials for the mane six.

Ah, how uncharacteristic of Celestia being so bitter and stingy, even towards an egg!

Thanks, hope I don't disappoint.

Yeah, I tried to take some more liberties with the story this time. The next chapter should be even more so.
That's what happens when you have to live in this world for over 1600 years and your own magic is slowly killing you. The Celestia of this universe is much more bitter and vengeful than her MLP:FiM counterpart, as Twilight hinted at when she expressed surprise that Celestia embraced Luna instead of smiting her.

Also, thanks for the comments!

Heh, this episode was funny in the canon show. In this setting it' s hilarious!!!

Whoa, nicely more complex and intriguing!

Thanks! The next few are nearly completed so hopefully I can get them out in the next couple of weeks.

Heh, this Trixie looks more obnoxious than the canon one...

I may have let some of my personal feelings about Trixie sneak in here...

:rainbowderp: Oh. My goodness. I am stunned. I am literally stunned. This was awesome! Where do I even begin?

I am in love with your writing style. That, and the tone you set more than makes it thrilling to read, even though I already know the story. And it really felt like the beginning of an awesome fantasy series. It almost takes me back to middle school.

Honest, I could see myself sitting down in a library reading this over a stack of Harry Potter, Eragon, Redwall, Lord of the Rings, you name it.

Sorry I'm gushing, but this is amazing, and I really hope the rest is as epic. Liked and faved instantly. :rainbowkiss:

Thanks so much for your praise and fave! It really means a lot to me to hear when someone enjoys my writing and makes all the work of writing worthwhile. Hope you stay invested and enjoy the rest of the story!

Ooh, I've got chills! :pinkiecrazy: Seriously, I cannot express how much I love this story! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you so much and thanks also for watching me!

I will enjoy reading this whilst sipping a goblet of blood and wine.

And once again, I'm completely amazed. Too tired to go fanboy mode, but seriously, this fic is criminally underrated.

I hope Hadish stands in for Sombra, and gets the same fate.

Before the Second Conjunction, you were disappointingly lacking in skill and magical potential

Ouch, damn Sunbutt, that's a pretty brutal put-down for your most faithful apprentice. Guess being mortally ill means she never bothers using any tact.

To be honest, who's going to call her out on it?

I for one cant wait till discord show up in the story

I have just barely started reading this and I am already addicted to it! I absolutely love the creativity and time that you put into this story. To be honest, I kind of wish I had thought of something as cool as this. :twilightsmile:

I'm looking forward to the future of this! I, for one, can't wait until the Wonderbolts Academy retelling. I really want to see how it works since they're Hunters instead of stunt flyers. Lightning Dust is sure to be interesting with her recklessness too.

Please keep writing! This is great!

Thank you so much! I hope the story lives up to your expectations. :twilightsheepish:

armored nights

Yep, really gotta watch out for those stars with steel plate, ya’ know.

I do have a proposal for your translation conundrum, as mentioned a few chapters back - post a blog with a link that readers can follow along with on another page. It could either be a new blog each chapter, or each chapter could have it's own section on the blog. Rather than having to scroll to the end of the chapter to figure out what the characters are saying.

Interesting thought; I might try that with season 2

What would my subjects think of me if they could see me now she thought, my body weak and immobile while I puke up my supper?

Another poison attempt on the immortal I guess?

or will you meet me as an enemy again as I fear?

"Either way I'm apparently dying."

“She’s headed down a lonely path if she keeps putting books before friends.”

and dusted his doublet off

You're a fire breathing dragon, Spike, the heck do you need clothes for? With ponies I can understand because of the cold, but seriously the heck Spike?

We have two completely different legends mentioning the same things. I can’t believe that’s a coincidence.

The creator of one couldn't have based their legend on the other!

seriously, Occams Razor Twilight, as an intellectual you should know this one. True reality will vindicate you but you don't know that right now!

what with all the added accents and rules and all

It's more pretentious and using it makes you sound smarter. There is literally no other point to it if the 'lesser' alternative is easier and conveys the exact same idea. Just move the 'High Equestrian' exclusive words to the 'Low Equestrian' dictionary and make it a uniform language.

and just above Dictated to Spike the Dragon.

I'm pretty sure she knows Spikes handwriting by now Twilight, especially if it's double signed by you already. Seriously, how stupid do you think Celestia is that she needs that indicated to her?

“…but I think it’s high time you stopped reading so many dusty old tomes,”

:twilightoops: "But I'm a sorceress! That's 90 percent of my character class!"

Twilight wasn’t looking forward to an extended stay in a muddly little hamlet whose denizens couldn’t even spell the town’s name properly.

Oh, and Cant’r Laht is so much better a spelling than Ponieville is it? Get your head out of your plot Twilight, you elitist prick.

But that’s what you got when peasants with knowledge only of Low Equestrian tried to make their town’s name sound formal: Middling Equestrian, a mongrel language no educated pony would touch with a ten pastern pole.

Canon Twilight? a little antisocial.
This Twilight? An elitist judgmental jerk stopping just short of calling Ponievillians inbred yokals.

as the most powerful living sorceress, Celestia was not to be questioned.

By social etiquette or by law? Because one of those paints Celestia in a verrrrrry bad light.

“Celestia arranged to have you live in a mage’s laboratory while you’re here. Doesn’t that make you happy?”

Well at least the town won't be kinda, sorta deprived of its public library. Seriously I have no idea how that works with it being the towns library but her home. Can ponies just walk in and borrow books whenever during business hours? Do they have to knock and hope she's in a good mood? So confusing.

One of them, an orange earth pony mare in roughspun clothing with a cap upon her head, spotted Twilight and galloped over to meet her.

Okay, so since we know for a fact that Applejack can't farm apples in the winter(they rely on their cider sales to get them through the season) it's not freezing out. Why the clothes? To feel more realistic? Because these are talking magical ponies, realism kind of gets shot dead at that premise. Also, a cap? Depriving Applejack of her stetson? How dare.

Applejack took the horn hanging at her side and blew three blasts; one long, one short, and one long.

Was 'soups on' too simplistic for your setting, author? That change was as unnecessary plot wise as it is unnecessary in setting.

and the pegasus was swooping down at them from on high for a quick strike with her sword before ascending again.

So how's she holding that sword with her hoof anyway? Or is it something strapped to her foreleg? In her mouth? It'd be bad for her dental work if that was the case.

From pouches attached to her uniform, she pulled compact bombs and threw them up into the clouds. Flashes of light and crackling lightning accompanied the explosions as the clouds were torn to bits. Dash darted around, becoming a blur as she took out the remaining patches of cloud. In what couldn’t have been more than ten seconds, she’d cleared the sky.

Impressive! Oh wait, no, the other thing....oh right! Not impressive! Ponyvilles Rainbow Dash just needed her hooves to do the same job at the same speed. Git gud scrub.

Here Twilight thought she’d found a pony of class, and she was being snubbed again. This town just could not give her a break.

Really? Here I thought you were all about that snob life. You should feel giddy that you've found someone who could potentially be as elitist as you! Rejoice, you've found your people Twi!

Caen’r nof ill’r majia’i acca Ye’r accael

What happened to the magic wand on your head? Also google translating that from welsh gives only a partial translation.

This druidess musician had better be something special to force Twilight to venture back out into the countryside.

You know, author, I know you're making her extremely elitist and entitled so as to make her go through a character arc later on but Yahtzee said it best, and I have to agree. Deliberately annoying is still annoying.

The walls were far too thin

Maybe it was so he'd hear intruders trying to steal his research? Just because it wasn't purpose built for you or your situation doesn't mean it's stupid, Twilight.

The black alicorn wore exquisite silvery blue armor that looked impenetrable to any weapon.

Armor's meant to be as impenetrable as possible. The only reason it'd look otherwise would be if it were rusted and tattered. If it's a magical enchantment then wear clothes. They're lighter.

Then, as reality sank in, This is how the world ends.

Please, world, take her with you. And that's not a thought any reader should be having about the main character of the story.

Celestia wasn’t going to save Equestria from Nightmare Moon.

Or anything else ever again.

As their charred corpses fell smoking to the ground, Nightmare dissolved her physical form, transforming into a cloud of starry mist similar to her mane and tail.

Well that's going to make an easy redemption harder to swallow. She's got a body count now.

“Golden Oak owns a copy of Magical Relics of Modernity and Myth? Not even the archives in Cant’r Laht were able to procure a copy!”

Well maybe Cant'r Laht just sucks, did you ever think of that?

so I expect it’s called Patience or Humility or the like.

Well I know it's not your element then.

how do you intend to find the ‘Three Palaces of the Two Queens’?”

Who needs three palaces? That's just excessive.

Is she serious? What is it with this pony and touching me?

:twilightangry2: "Begone peasant. You are beneath me in every conceivable way."

“You see, her cubs were killed recently…by a cloud of purple and blue smoke.”

And now she's killing babies. Sorry Celestia, but I don't think you're going to get a redeemed sister.

Calm down, Twilight. Back when they still dared build their …‘churches’ in the wilderness around Ponieville, we Faust-fearing ponies always hunted them down,

:applejackconfused: "Killin' folks fer our beliefs is okay when we do it! Jus' not when it's someone elses religion!"

“But make no mistake, every Child of the Night will die if they are still here when we return. Let your friends know when you wake up.”

:raritydespair::pinkiegasp::fluttershbad: "Speak for yourself!"

Seriously, these ponies are bloodthirsty. I mean I get that these are darker times but yikes, not exactly the most root-forable protagonists I've ever encountered.

There was no time right now to explain the proof that Equus was a globe around which all the celestial bodies orbited,

Then Galileo comes along and throws a wrench into those works.

“Your mirth will make them disappear.”

Meh, the song lost some of its charm in the George R. R. Martin remake. Seriously, it kind of feels like you're trying to apply Song of Fire and Ice logic to Lord of the Rings and the results are kind of jarring.

“I’m a blacksmith as well as a dressmaker, and unicorn hair soaked in sea serpent blood makes formidable armor.”

I'm afraid I don't follow the logic here. Hair + blood = super armor?

You may not be prepared to join the Wonderbolts yet, but after training with us you will.

If she's anything like canon Rainbow Dash then she's already objectively better.

the Element of … Sorcery!

Nightmare Moon then realized how stupid it is to let the heroes monologue and impaled Twilight on her horn.

Seriously, you made her a cold blooded killer, deliver on it or don't do it at all.

“I’m so sorry, big sister!”

:trollestia: "Certainly, just as soon as you serve your time for all the ponies you killed."

I don’t have any love for this tiny, dirty, insignificant little town, but it doesn’t matter. Wherever they are, I want to be with them; my friends.

Ehhhhhhh I'll take it. It'll take some getting used to for you to start liking the new town, but character growth requires baby steps sometimes.

She is not to be harassed, harried, or in any other way molested for trivial matters during her stay under pain of twenty lashes in the public square.

Well fuck you too.

“Does Ingrirtireth truly think he can get away with this slight?”

Why not? His mother clearly got away with naming him 'Ingrirtireth', and I promise you that's a much worse crime.

Cadence was a powerful sorceress, but she wouldn’t be enough to stop what was coming.

Why not? She clearly understands friendship better than Twilight does, and heck she's an alicorn, usually, that count for nothing? Yeah, that probably counts for nothing.

As Ingrirtireth’s hostage, she’ll give him important information on Cant’r Laht. All I have is an egg! You can’t question an egg!

So it's taken as red that they're going to torture/interrogate Cadance? That's not an agreeable compromise Celestia, that's fuck you, not happening. I know 'the needs of the many' blah blah blah, but that's no excuse to throw away the few! Fucking hell, you're not Celestia, you're Fuckup until you've earned your name back.

that bounced up and down on the uneven dirt path, spilling a beet here and there

Who are you, and what have you done with Applejack?

who just so happened to embody the spirit of the Element of Honesty?

Element of Trustworthiness. You changed the names remember?

She had tried to have her page pull the cart as well

Page, excuse to be lazy, same thing right?

Also, Spike's not the most effective hostage all the way out there. Princess Fuckup's kind of striking again. Especially when we get around to the Gauntlet of Fire.

Celestia, Matron of Sorceresses in Cant’r Laht, Guardian of Sun and Moon

Not anymore, Luna's back remember? Honestly.

but Twilight could think of nopony else to take with her

Look, I know Rarity's like the most forgettable pony since Wallflower Blush, but she didn't spring to mind immediately? Or do you lack object permanence? Are they just out of your life the moment you can't see them?

she and Spike had worked to harvest that morning spilled across the ground.

You mean that Spike harvested while you questioned Applejack? Jerk.

“A formal ball where all of Cant’r Laht’s nobility will be in attendance?”

No, an informal ball where Sheriff Silver Star will be the only attendee.

Friends or not, where did these ponies get the idea that they can just interrupt me whenever they want to?

Welcome to reality, where your position doesn't mean squat. Enjoy.

Now I’d appreciate it if you would close up that cloud and let me be like I asked.”

Have I really changed so much in so short a time?

:twilightangry2: "Have I really become less of a bitch?"

It was interesting trying to take an essentially "slice-of-life" episode and bring it into a dark fantasy world,

We should just be thankful that Twilight didn't take advantage of that 20 lashes decree Celestia put in place. I know it's her friends, but honestly it feels only just out of character for her, and that's unsettling.

By th’ time word reaches Celestia in Cant’r Laht, we’ll already be on our way.

So? Send a letter anyway. This is clearly an abuse of power, she might succeed in getting you shipped off but at least she won't get away with it. Fucking hell the ponies in this universe are shit people.

but Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Hunters around Ponieville had set out on a trip to hunt a leshen in the White Tail Woods a week earlier and probably hadn’t returned yet.

Applejack then realized that Twilight had a vested interest in continuing to be alive, and went about planning to fix the damaged wall.

That authority wasn’t just for show either, as she had demonstrated her willingness to use it a few weeks earlier when she’d had a group of minstrels lashed for pestering her.

Geez. And naturally she didn't have her friends lashed because favoritism. If you're going to be a horrible pony at least be consistently horrible.

Applejack came out of nowhere, galloping down from a ridge to the north, claymore gripped unsteadily in her teeth.

So...do physics not work in your more realistic dark fantasyverse? Because at best that thing should be digging into the ground.

but it’s obvious that you are working too hard,

Hey hey Twilight, hey, you know what'd help Applejacks condition? If you let her fall asleep.

Sugar Cube Corner serves mostly standard fare, so we’re a bit restricted in what we can bake

:pinkiecrazy: "We're not even allowed to have cupcakes in this insane universe! Honestly it's all I can do to keep myself sane!"

Her training with the Order of the Falcon had taught her how to be a fast fighter

The Order of the Sparrow just taught her how to make farting noises with her mouth.

“Thanks, I definitely will!” Pinkamena promised as she bounded away over what was left of the bridge.

This Pinkie is unnervingly reserved compared to most others. Makes me wonder what skeletons are hiding in her closet.

“There; I fixed your overpopulation problem and got myself something to eat in the process.”

You're lucky it's Fluttershy, or you'd probably wake up with venomous cobras biting into you or an ursa major attacking or something. Seriously, nature's a fucking scary thing, don't mess with one of its magical representatives.

“Once I return from dealing with the griffons without a knight to accompany me, it will prove so.”

All it'll prove is that you're a child who can't handle following protocol.

Twilight had more than enough skill with magic, but would it be enough to best a warrior like Gunter, who wasn’t called the Red Terror for nothing.

Weeeeeell given what I've seen of the magic in this world? I'd say the fight would probably go something like this:

“Um …” Spike said as he looked at Twilight and got a look that told him what his answer had to be, “Yes, I do.”

If this were season 6 Spike I'd pity the poor griffon Spike'd have to fight, but since this is season 1 Spike this will only end in pain.

The thought made her stomach flip, for whatever Twilight might be, she was not completely heartless.

No, just heartless enough to send him out to fight a trained warrior over inviting some mercenaries to a fancy get together.

“The duel is concluded! Spike the Dragon is victorious!”

I call shenanigans. Even if Shining Armor did give him a little training she's been living the mercenary life while he's been playing secretary. I'd have accepted 'you fought honorably, and have proven your worth' much easier.

Trixana took off like a shot out of town, determined to reach her home before Bann the Terrible’s hordes did.

They're already dead.

while a glow suffused Trixie’s horn

That's Equestrian magic! Cheater!

Could she truly be more powerful than I am? Maybe it’s a good thing that I won’t be confronting her.

Apparently Trix's been delving into the Alicorn Amulet a bit early.

“Right, of course,” Trixie said, giving a fragile smile,

My, but what a tangled web we weave, eh Trixie?

The sorcerer Butterfrain established the measurement system centuries earlier and set 1 Bu to be the amount of energy in the body of an average adult non-Source unicorn

Okay, but what's the ratio of Bu to Raditz?

And if it hadn’t, then it’s quite likely we’d be preparing for war with Tyrannus this very moment! It is quite likely that Cant’r Laht would fight alone, too.

:trollestia: "Hey guys, guys, remember me? The one that controls the sun and moon? Yeah, don't bother trying to protect me, I'm not important or anything."

but the citizens of the kingdom remained uneasy knowing that a dragon had left Tyrannus and entered Equestria.

Heyyyyy, the episode about racism isn't for another couple of episodes! Read the right scripts ponies!

What are you playing at, Ingrirtireth?

Or it could be a regular dragon doing his own thing. He's not responsible for every dragons actions any more than you're responsible for every ponies.

they still avoided the old estate of the mi Amore barons. The memory of how death had struck there was still fresh in many of their minds and they refused to go anywhere near the remains of the property

Between selling her off as a hostage and this I'm starting to get the vague impression that you're not that big a fan of Cadance?

“He would be wise not to underestimate her, as would you.”

Canon Celestia gets bitchsmacked down every time a threat happens and she's healthy. I get the feeling that this Fuckup's even more of a glass cannon than her.

but it was important that Fluttershy be with them when they confronted the dragon

And, y'know, making sure that your friend is okay.

“King Hyelliff will announce that he will attend the summit in Cant’r Laht in the spring,” Twilight said boldly.

:ajbemused::fluttershbad::pinkiesad2::rainbowhuh::raritydespair: "So what do we get for risking our lives facing a fully grown dragon?!"
:twilightsmile: "Silence, peasants, my machinations are more important than you."

Maybe we should have brought the Elements of Harmony.

That would have been the smart thing, yes.

“What did you expect?” Twilight asked with a sly grin, “He was not here long enough to collect any treasure, and he did not bring it with him from Tyrannus. Of course the cave is empty.”


His scales were black and shiny like obsidian, but their edges were blood-red, complementing his glowing ruby eyes.


but would make him practically invulnerable to anything the residents of Equestria could throw at him.


The White Procession had arrived.

Hey Centaurs, considering how many chapters are left guess what time it is.


while he was distracted, disemboweling the pony left out in the cold.

Geez, Tireks cousins are jerks.

The White Procession was here

Wait, this is a regular thing?! Hey! Princess Fuckup! Are you going to get up off your lazy ass and do something about this sometime this century?!

More of the bat-ponies flew over the wall, and crossbow bolts began to rain down on a crowd struggling desperately to disperse.

So bat ponies aren't Lunas in this one eh? Interesting. Still, I'm expecting some fiery retribution from Princess Fuckup or she's completely dead to me. These are explicitly her ponies after all. In her territory. There is absolutely no excuse for her not to protect them.

More coin that you make in a year, more than you’ve seen in your life!

I call bull, Rarity, the Apples have to pay land taxes and tariffs and all that just like everyone else, and they own a sizable chunk of land.

Three died already, killed in the streets or their homes afore the king’s guards could step in

Man, Wexel, you gotta step up your king game.

We can’t count on Cardinal Oelifus protecting us either; the Church has gone quiet since those priestesses were found burned alive down by th’ docks.

Seriously, is no one in power doing anything about this shit? Seriously, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack are the only non assholes so far, with Twilight on the mend and Rarity taking a huge dive this chapter. I'm bordering on Darkness Induced Audience Apathy here.

Any mage displaying great skill in magic may be selected to join the lower 2nd Council, and after some time may be invited to move to the upper 1st Council.

Wait, wouldn't the presence of a better 1st council render a 2nd council redundant?

Standing in the blowing snow were eight centaurs in full armor, weapons out and at the ready.

"Have you heard the good news about our Lord and Savior Tirek?"

You challenged us

Challenged you? CHALLENGED YOU?! You're the ones attacking THEM you blithering moron! Unless this is somehow sanctioned by Princess Fuckup as some kind of population cull you're doing something very very hostile, illegal, and earning of a serious bitchslap. Actually, all those things apply regardless.

“Surely you didn’t think that the only element I was master over was ice,”

To be fair, you guys did seem to be going with a theme.

and especially how evil magic was.

:trollestia: "Oh, okay!" then she immediately stops moving the sun, letting it sit there boiling the lands until it's an uninhabitable wasteland. Ye gods these guys are a special breed of dumb.

“No!” Zecor screamed into the dark, allowing the tears to flow freely.

This can only end well.

“You know that necromancy is forbidden and that no rogue sorceress could possibly have the power to raise the dead.”

Silly Twilight, you know what happens when we assume don't you? It makes and ass out of you, and you.

After everypony who ever followed her when she left town was cursed or never returned, we started avoiding her as well.

Ponies that follow her into a dangerous monster filled forest? That can only mean she's a witch!

The Brave Companions (not appearing to live up to their name in the least)

Give them a break, they're in the middle of a monster filled forest tracking down the little sister of one of their friends before she gets cannibalized by what they think is a dangerous woods witch.


As Gaius put it

“There’s a difference between trembling with fear and trembling with reasonable apprehension. Perfectly brave Men Of Action can still tremble with reasonable apprehension, or have recurring, nightly, reasonable-apprehension-inducing nightmares.”

The sorceress inhaled suddenly when she saw that Apple Bloom was dangling over the cauldron, the back of her tunic held in the zebra’s teeth.

Okay, and I thought the book title 'Suprenaturals' was a dick move to force a misunderstanding. This is Zecora all but stabbing a life like doll of Applebloom in terms of forcing the misunderstanding to boil over.

So, when Penumbra said that Celestia had requested they lend Ponieville aid, it meant that the most powerful sorceress in the world had genuinely made a plea for them to help and they had chosen to do so.

Geez, no wonder they have such puffed up egos!

placing her hoof in the semicircle of runes she’d drawn

Why a semicircle? I mean a circle I could understand, that's practically tradition, but a semicircle? That kind of feels...incomplete.

“Solith?” Penumbra asked, looking at the sky now, still sneering.

Why?! There is literally nothing to sneer about!

A bold move, I must say, though not a wise one.

Why not? It worked well last time.

The Cant’r Laht 2nd Mage Cadre was ruthless, and they would be willing to sacrifice anything to obtain their objective.

Probably should have sent the 1st or 3rd then. These guys are assholes.

The Cant’r Laht 2nd Mage Cadre really is something.

Eh, I'd argue that who you are is more important than what you can do.

Twilight had found herself sleeping in the Great Hall with the common rabble

Twilight, at this point you are the common rabble. Just accept it.

As a fellow unicorn, surely she is working on some task that I can do as well.

I thought magic was reserved for a select few? Please explain this, because as a non magical entity she should have years of experience that Twilight does not in doing things non magically. Unless all unicorns are sorceresses/sorcerers.

“A heathen priest of the Red Faith is in Ponieville, spreading his blasphemy, and he’s brought thugs along for protection.”

I can't keep track. Is it the Red Faith or The One that's been burning the magical people? Because I side with the one not doing that. Also, in a dangerous world like this how dare he have protection? The monster. He deserves whatever comeuppance he gets.

“A red priest!” Applejack exclaimed angrily before turning to her sister

A guy that doesn't believe what we believe existing and talking about his beliefs?! DEATH IS TOO GOOD FOR HIM! TORTURE EVERYONE HE LOVES INTO INSANITY AND STARVE HIM UNTIL HE'S DESPERATE ENOUGH TO CANNIBALIZE THEM!

“You are no longer welcome here. Leave Ponieville immediately.”

What? Are priests immune to the law? He should be arrested for inciting an attempted murder!

“Margrave Tristan ordered the warning bells taken down for examination by his executor,”

Margrave Tristan's in cahoots with this invading force and the 'attack' is just to allay suspicion.

but fixed Twilight with a long, burning stare before sweeping out of the room with a flourish of his cape.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

with a flourish of his cape

Which wouldn't really look like much of anything, being a quadruped and all. The cape would be resting with gravity on his horizontal back. It'd make more sense if this was human or anthro for him to 'flourish his cape'.

and the guarantee that a few minor nobles of Los Pegasus would send their younger children to Cant’r Laht as hostages.

Again with the hostage thing, what the hell?

along with all the ponies within it until not even their bones remained.

Holy SHIT Princess Fuckup!

Do you kick puppies and steal candy from orphans, you outright murderer?

Fluttershy was carrying so many of the amphibians that she was having a hard time keeping ahold of them,

If only she had a cart.

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