• Published 21st Jun 2016
  • 1,757 Views, 65 Comments

Gotham Knights: Birth of a Princess - kitsy-chan

Batman, Zatanna, and others must decide how to proceed when a young girl gains the power of the sun.

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4: Late Knight Snacks

The ever-present hum of fans filled the air, a constant reminder that nothing here was natural. Not the lights — which held their own soft buzzing sound; not the breeze which came from the vents scattered along the edges of the floor and ceiling; not the flowers which gave off no scent; not even the gravity itself was real.

Life onboard a space station often meant sacrifices. Terms like real, fresh, privacy and sometimes even sleep, were considered luxuries. In an environment so hostile that the only thing standing between life and death was a single wall or glass windows, however, these luxuries were sacrificed willingly.

Routine and schedule were a necessity. Everything needed to be planned out, everything needed to be in its place, and everyone needed to do their jobs. From maintenance on the power generators, to constant monitoring of the water recycling system. Checks on air purification and circulation, as well as the replacment of filters, were always a priority task.

Distractions were rare, usually involving red lights and sirens. Alerts of some problem in the station itself, or in the space around it. Alerts of some emergency that could cost lives. Alerts to warn people to seek shelter in their quarters.

Narrowing his eyes, Batman looked over the cluster of technicians that had gathered at the door to the cargo bay. Some stood taking pictures with cell cameras, others whispered between each other, chuckling and chortling. The sound of whinnies and laughter came from the bay itself, though not particularly loudly. The sound was just loud enough to be drawing the attention of the staff it seemed.

Clearing his throat once, the techs and support staff, which had apparently not even taken notice of him yet, gave a short glance towards the Dark Knight. This, accompanied by a momentary narrowing of his eyes, was all he had needed to cause the crowd to scatter to, what he assumed would be, their rightful places.

“Now you’re getting it,” Victory whinnied as he pranced beside the little pony.

Looking up at the larger stallion, Tia smiled brightly as she trotted beside him, her front and hind legs moving in perfect timing as her mind and body got used to the motions. It had taken well over an hour or so to get to this point of mastery, but it seemed to be very well worth it in the end.

“I think I’m getting the hang of this,” Tia commented, a smile on her face.

Tossing his head back., Victory laughed. "I should hope so. Those 'are' your legs after all,” the pegasus returned, watching as Tia’s gaze slowly traveled to her sides, experimentally lifting a wing and stretching it out to poke Victory's side.

“What about these?” Tia asked as she slowly moved her wing spreading it and retracting it a few times.

“Those are called wings little one,” Victory responded cheerfully, before giving Tia a slight nuzzle onto her side.

Giggling Tia looked down and hopped a few times, be it out of excitement or the apparent endless amount of energy she felt.

“Duh, I know that," she told the pegasus with a laugh, "can I use them though?”

“Let’s worry about you getting to know to your hooves before we worry about your wings,” Victory suggested, looking around the cargo bay and, upon spotting the Dark Knight standing at the door, taking on a more serious stance as he moved his wing to shield Tia.

This gesture was not missed by a certain magician, whom had also held a clear view into the cargo bay.

“He’s taken a real liking to her,” Zatanna commented, glancing sideways to Batman. “They have been at it for over an hour now. She’s just so full of energy, I guess.”

Batman looked at Zatanna sternly and shook his head.

“Too much energy for her own good. She should be sitting and waiting quietly,” hearing this Zatanna blinked, raising a brow at Batman.

“Have you ever known a child to sit and wait quietly?” she asked plainly.

“I did,” the Dark Knight returned directly. The response left no question as to his belief that all children should behave like that.

With a soft grumble, Zatanna rolled her eyes at that whole concept.

Peeking her head out from under Victory’s wing, Tia saw Batman and, noting the flower he held, gave out a huff.

“I’m behaving, see? I’m no trouble or bother to anyone,” she told him.

Before Batman could truly respond, a voice suddenly came from his side.

“It was a great undertaking but I have managed to scavenge every carrot on the station. I have also found some celery sticks, a can of 'cheez whiz' — don’t tell the Flash — and the last of the carrot cake,” sir Justin could be heard calling out as he rounded the corner, shortly before spotting the Dark Knight. His eyes narrowed towards the knight. Sir Justin gulped before giving out a faint, forced chuckle.

“What are you doing?” the Dark Knight asked.

“I am simply taking proper care of the equines. Victory and the little one are getting along fine, so I am bringing them food and drink… umm… sir…” sir Justin grumbled, lowering his head from the gaze of the Batman.

“I could not let her go without eating, so I brought what Victory likes so she could try that.”

Looking out from under Victory’s wing, Tia stood, smiling brightly. Seeing the food, the filly's tail began wagging vigorously as she tilted her head. A loud grumbling sound from her tummy could be heard over the machinery, and even from where the three heroes that stood at the door, as she suddenly looked up wide eyed, a light tint of red washing over her cheeks as she took notice of how loud that apparently was.

Zatanna, who couldn't help but to give out a light chuckle at this, took the tray from Sir Justin and, without so much as glancing at Batman, walked over towards where Tia and Victory were. It wasn't until she was only a few feet away from the pair, one of the two now looking even more excitedly as she watched her come, that Zatanna set down the food she held with her on the ground.

“Okay, let’s get some food in you, eh?” the magician said to Tia with a slight coo, to lower Victory's still defensive stance, if only slightly.

Making her way past Victory before bounding to the tray, Tia sat herself down in front of it with a look of elation as she gazed at the food before her, licking her lips.

Reaching down with a hoof, she initially tried to 'pony-handle' a carrot. Using one foreleg, she rolled a carrot away from the rest, singling it out before she then tried to pinch it between both of forelegs in an effort to gain a sort of grip on it.

“Hon, what are you doing?” Zatanna asked, withholding a laugh and smiling at the filly.

“Trying to eat. It's harder than you think to hold these things,” Tia replied, gesturing to her hooves with a bob of her head before returning to her efforts of attempting to grab hold of a carrot.

Her tongue stuck out momentarily as she struggled even further, which proved to be the breaking point for Zatanna as, unable hold back her giggles, she rubbed the filly's back gently.

"Why not just lean down and bite it off the plate?” Zatanna asked, to which the filly momentarily puffed out her cheeks.

“I’m not an animal,” Tia said defensively, “I’m not going to be rude about things.”

With a soft wicker, Victory came to Tia's side before and leaned down and to give her a gentle nuzzle. In one quick motion he turned his head and bit a carrot himself for himself.

Eating it slowly, he once again raised his wing over kept the little filly, shielding her. Swallowing he let out a soft chuckle.

“Accepting your form does not make you an animal. We have very nimble tongues that we can use to move and manipulate food easier. Besides, how else are you going to eat that carrot cake?” blinking, Tia looked to and fro between Victory and the cake, a sigh escaping her as she gave in.

Proceeding to follow Victory's example, Tia all but buried her muzzle into the cake, making a notable mess of herself as she dug in.

It wasn’t the best way of doing things, but perhaps she was just too hungry to care. Quickly she devoured the cake in its entirety, leaving nothing more than a small section on the tray, now emptied, where the sweet had previously been. Having finished, Tia looked up towards Batman innocently, a small dollop of cream on the tip of her muzzle being all that remained as she licked off everything else that her little tongue could reach.

"Sorry about the mess,” she apologized.

Stepping back, Batman shook his head with a sigh before walking back into the hall. Looking down the corridor he made sure it was clear of staff.

Having easily noticed what the Dark Knight's actions had implied, Tia frowned, looked up towards Zatanna with a sad look upon her features.

“I said I was sorry!”

Unsure of what to really say on the Dark Knight's actions, Zatanna settled for giving Tia a quick hug, so as to tell her it was fine, before she stood and stormed into the hall, following the Dark Knight. It didn't take her long to find him, spotting him barely a few yards from the door.

“Ok, Bats, what is your problem?” she interrogated, crossing her arms as she looked to the caped crusader.

Looking back towards Zatanna Batman narrowed his eyes.

“Everyone around here is letting their guard down around her. We don’t know the extent of her power, and we don’t know if the attraction people are having to her is just because of her or some magical effect she’s putting out. The fact that Victory was ready to fight for her shows it could be more than just her being a child,” he explained, to which the magician rolled her eyes.

“OR it could be just that Victory sees her as a helpless foal and doesn’t want her hurt or abused. Victory could see YOU as the threat, not part of his herd or family, and as such wants to keep the foal safe from you. That's a very basic instincts Bats,” Zatanna informed the Dark Knight sternly, glaring fiercely as she put her hands on her hips.

“The little one's lost everything. Her life, her friends, her family — she needs support!"

“And she will get that, but someone around here has to keep a level head,” Batman responded, before looking to the door of the room. “All of the power of the sun as magical energy could be an immense corrupting influence.”

Turning, Zatanna pointed to Tia, who was sitting cross eyed, head tilted as she tried desperately to lick the last of the frosting off of her nose. The little filly was doing her best trying to get the offending white cream that was just out of the reach of her tongue. Even her ears were focused on the dollop, which had her complete and undivided attention.

Looking to Batman with raised brows as she pointed out this supposed 'threat' he had been rambling about, she easily took note of the fact that he didn't seem to pay her any attention.

“She has no idea the power she has, or how to control it. That makes her a threat. That’s why she can’t stay,” at that very moment, a new voice intervened. Specifically, one of the Amazonian heroine variety.

“Can’t stay where?” Wonder Woman asked as she walked up towards the pair, attracting both of their attention as they turned to face her.

“In Gotham or on the Watchtower,” Batman answered with a nod, before greeting the heroine.

“Hello Diana. Thank you for this; I think Themyscira is the best place for her now,” nodding towards the Dark Knight, Diana made her way past him and towards the door to the storage area of the Watchtower.

“All right, let’s see this so-called terror,” Diana said, putting her hands on her hips as she came, before looking into the cargo bay.

At the time, Tia had her front end crouched down, wings spread wide while her flank was high and her tail wiggling. She was facing Victory, whose tail was also flicking back and forth and wings spread wide, with his head lowered to the same height as hers. Fighting back giggles in a sing song voice Tia finished the little ditty Victory had just told her of.

“…and give a little shake!”

As this transpired, Diana turned her head slowly to look at Batman, a smirk on her face.

“I see... A true magical threat to the world indeed," noting her sarcasm, Batman spoke up once more.

“Just because she looks cute and innocent, doesn’t mean she is not powerful,” the Dark Knight assured as he watched the Amazonian make her way into the room.

Looking over her shoulder, and noting the approaching woman, Tia turned quickly, sitting herself down on the deck and tilting her head slightly with a smile.

“Hello, miss,” she greeted, seconds before Diana knelt down and gently stroked Tia behind an ear.

“Hello there, little sister. How would you like to come with me? I have some friends that may be able to teach you.”

“Can’t I stay here with Victory?” Tia asked, looking back towards the pegasus. “He’s been teaching me so much. I was hoping if I learned quick enough, I could go home.”

“Oh little one,” Diana spoke softly, and continuing to gently scratch behind Tia's ear, much to her delight, "there are many who will teach you where we are going. This is too small and confined a space for someone as young as you.” As she said this, the Dark Knight chimed in from outside of the room.

“Remember Diana, this is her small form. Her larger form or true form is far closer in size to Victory," Batman informed. “In this form though, she can hide or limit her magical output, so it’s far safer for her to stay like this.”

Noting the Dark Knight's words, Diana continued from where her speech had left off.

“Well, you won’t have to stay in your small form unless you want to on the island. Would you like to come down and see it?” she asked the filly with a smile. "Will you at least come see what we have to offer?”

Looking back towards Victory, whom only gave her a slight nod in response, Tia let out a slow breath.

"Can Zatanna come too?” she asked, lowering her ears and looking up towards Wonder Woman sadly.

“If she wishes, Zatanna can come visit with you. I’m sure you’ll find new friends there too. Maybe some of the pegasi on the island will be as friendly as Victory is here,” though she didn't particularly enjoy the implications behind that sentence, particularly the one stating that Victory and Zatanna wouldn't be there with her for long after all, Tia eventually surrendered.

“Okay… I guess… But can I say bye to Victory first?” Diana couldn't help but to chuckle at this.

“Yes, you may. We have time,” Diana answered, watching as Tia turned around, her size and form growing to full size once again, and her mane taking on the ethereal colors as she trotted up to Victory and bowed her head. This, of course, took Diana off guard.

“By Hera,” Diana muttered to herself, standing up as Zatanna slowly walked towards her side with a smile.

“I know, right?” Zatanna said with a momentary nudge, she and Diana watching Victory bowed his head in return and blew softly into Celestia’s muzzle once. Gently he stepped forward and placed his cheek against hers, nuzzling.

Celestia smiled and nuzzled back.

"I won’t forget you or your kindness, Victory,” she told him.

“You’ll always be my little foal. Now get going, you don’t want to keep them waiting,” nodding, Celestia returned her attention to Diana once more, concentrating for a moment as she shrank down to her previous smaller form, and then bounded up to Diana wiggling her tail slightly. “Ok, ready!”

It wasn't long afterwards before the group — that is to say, Tia, Batman, Zatanna, and Diana —were walking down the corridors of the Watchtower. As this went on, Diana watched the little foal with a warrior’s eye, taking note of every action and reaction. The Amazons have long rode horses and pegasi on their island, but Tia wasn’t either of those. Her small stature and squat body had her far more compact than most equines. Her legs were also thicker than a horse’s.

Diana was quick to note however, the filly’s actions and reactions were not those of a true threat. She looked at everything with wonder and excitement. She was every bit a child, her eyes wide as she looked at everything new around her. Her smile was true, as were her tail and ear positions. She wore her excitement on her entire body with pride.

Even as the four entered the Javelin bay, Tia continued to exemplify this fact, giving out a loud squee of excitement as she noted what she would apparently be using for transportation.

“Are we flying in THAT?” she asked, already seeming hyper from giddiness.

Laughing, Diana nodded.

“Yes, little sister, it’s how we are getting to the island. How did you think we would travel?” looking towards Wonder Woman, Tia blinked.

“Well, when I heard fly…” Tia trailed off, looking back to her wings before spreading one ever so slightly.

Zatanna couldn’t help but giggle at Tia’s expression, leaning down gently rub her between her ears.

Blinking, Diana put her hands on her hips and smiled.

“Don’t worry little one, we will get you in the air soon enough. But for now, let’s get you strapped in, so you can enjoy the trip."

Nodding towards the Amazon, Tia watched as one of the ships seemed to respond to the presence of the four, mechanizations of all sorts resounding from it as a hatch opened, lowering a ramp just before the group so as to allow them to board. Bounding up the ramp happily, and entering the ship, Tia looked around before eventually choosing a window seat up front. From here she could see out the left side of the ship, and even out the front somewhat if she stretched her neck up a bit. She was still short in her current form, so her viewing options were limited.

Zatanna took a seat in the co-pilots chair, strapping herself in as she watched Diana work with the foal.

It only took Diana a few moments to have the little filly safely bound by the seat belts. Once this was done, Diana took her own seat, strapping herself into the pilot's seat and closed the rear ramp door using the remote. Keying the mic, she turned several switches as she called out, “Javelin five ready for drop.”

“Drop?” Tia squeaked, her mind only momentarily being able to process Diana's choice of words before bottom fell out of her world, or at least the station, herself giving out a surprised scream as a result.

The bottom doors on the bay had opened and electromagnets had given the Javelin a push so it fell towards Earth.

The Javelin accelerated straight down in a negative G drop, pulling Tia up out of her seat a little, and threatening to lift her off entirely, were it not for the straps that held her in place. Within seconds, the thrusters on the nose and tail shifted the plane so it was in nose down orientation, the g-forces now instead pushing Tia back into her chair as she caught a glimpse of the Earth for a moment.

Calmly Diana adjusted her course, the entire jet starting to vibrate as it hit the upper atmosphere, the advanced shielding on its nose and underbelly absorbing and dissipating the heat of reentry.

Looking over her shoulder, Diana saw Tia whose fur had actually turned green around her face and neck. A rather unnatural color for a rather unnatural pony.

“Are you okay?” She asked calmly, though a part of her guessed as to what was to come next.

“I don’t feel so…” leaning to her side, Tia found herself getting a second look at the cake she had just eaten earlier as the contents of her stomach decided that the floor of the jet would be an acceptable place to move to. Lying limply in the straps of her seat as she recovered from the incident, Tia whimpered, finishing her sentence “... well.”


Torches and candles flared to life around the room. The dark shelves covered in dust and cobwebs seldom saw much use as they had been read many times in the past. Skulls of animals as well as humans decorated the room, acting as a stark reminder to the dark magic present.

The candles flickered, giving off a dark green light with purple smoke rising from them as they illuminated the most prominent feature in the room: a mirror.

A large oval shape with an almost Celtic pattern of intertwining raised golden strips to it , the mirror hung on the stone wall above a semicircle of dark candles.

Faust walked up to the mirror with an uncharacteristic half smile on his face. Lifting a hand, mists formed and joined with the smoke around the mirror into a swirling vortex. Within moments the form of a dark haired man appeared in the mirror. Lowering his hand, Faust held up his prize.

“So you’ve found it. And this should interest me why?” the man asked coldly.

Faust’s smile widened.

"Why, with it I can rebuild a new key!" He returned.

“And open the door?” the man in the mirror inquired, a huff escaping him as he quickly realized what this would entail. “Very well. What do you wish for in turn?”

“From you? Nothing. I Know better than to trust you,” Faust stated calmly almost as pointing a fact.

“The terror you will bring can serve my needs more than well enough."

“I see, then why do you even bother contacting me?” the man then asked, sitting back down in his chair.

Faust smiled. "Because, to make this work, I will need a distraction; I will need some way of drawing the Amazon's attention away from the gate.”

“And you expect me, to somehow arrange that?” The man questioned as he steepled his fingers, looking towards Faust.

“Well, I’m sure you still have some contacts. Maybe one of your family members?” Faust suggested with a smirk, letting the thought simmer.

“If not, I understand. I am in no rush,” watching as the figure seemed to think for a moment, humming lightly, Faust couldn't help but to give out a light chuckle as the man snapped his fingers.

“Eris does owe me a few favors. She should be able to provide a nice distraction,” the man said, chuckling darkly.

“Then it is settled, I will contact you when I am ready.”

“This should be more than amusing,” the man commented, snapping his fingers once again as the smoke around the mirror exploded into flames before vanishing, leaving the sickly smell of sulfur and brimstone. A moment later the mirror simply reflected Faust's grinning face.

“Amusing, yes, but I will get what I want,” Faust stated confidently as he turned, heading to his lab.

“This time.”


Diana flicked the switch to drop the rear ramp, the ship responding with the hissing sound of the pressure equalizing between the ship's atmosphere and the new sea level pressure. Next came the sound of the hydraulics coming to life, lowering the tons of metal to the ground.

Once this was done, Diana unstrapped herself from her seat and made her way over towards the filly, still strapped in and still rather weary looking, avoiding the mess she had left on the floor with care.

Using a cloth to wipe off Tia’s mouth and foreleg, Diana smiled.

“It’s okay, little sister. Even great warriors can become ill at times.”

Nodding slowly, Tia snuggled into Diana as the Amazon picked up the filly with little effort.

"I’m sorry,” the filly apologized weakly as she moved herself further into the Amazon's embrace.

Walking down the ramp, Diana smiled, looking at the several Amazons who had come to meet her. They stood waiting with spears and shields, yet still their faces bore smiles. Diana looked down at Tia and gave her a little squeeze, alongside a reassuring nod, before putting her down on the ground just before the lowered ramp of the ship.

Three women were waiting, one of which having been stroking the muzzle of a white pegasus with white mane and tail. All three were also noticeably very tall.

“Diana, welcome back. Is this the little one?” a woman asked, her long red hair in one massive ponytail that almost touched the ground.

Nodding, Diana then glanced towards the filly, turning as she began to introduce the three to her. “Tia, this is my mother Hippolyta; our queen. This is Artemis; she is our weapons master. Finally, there's Philippus; she is a great warrior and general.”

Bowing deeply, so much so that she touching her horn to the ground, Tia’s tail gave away her excitement before she rose herself up once more and gave a broad smile. “A real queen? Wow. That means you’re a real princess, right miss?”

“That’s right,” Diana returned proudly.

“What’s it like to be a princess? I wonder if I could be a princess someday….” Tia asked and wondered, looking up towards Diana.

Stepping down the ramp as this went on, Zatanna similarly bowed before the queen.

“Your Majesty,” she greeted.

Diana knelt down and gently poked Tia’s nose.

“I don’t know, I can’t say. First things first though, let’s show you to your room,” nodding, Tia glanced up towards the pegasus that accompanied the three other women, waving a forehoof.

“Hi, I’m Tia!” looking down the pegasus tilted her head and let out a giggling nicker.

“Pleased to meet you Tia, I’m Dasher.” Spreading her wings and crouching she struck a more 'action ready' pose. “But if you like, you may just call me Dash.”