• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 30th


I've been a brony since October 2013, and it's only now that I have finally decided to take action and find my true place among the herd.


Rainbow Dash had become obsessed with a classic fantasy game show from decades ago, and just wouldn't stop talking about it. Pinkie Pie liked it because of how fun it looked, and Twilight was interested in it from a technical stand point. Only Sunset had no reservations about a show that tried to emulate a fantasy setting. No matter how much Rainbow told her about this game, "Knightmare", she just wasn't interested. Little did any of them know that this game was much more than appearances suggested.

A chance encounter with an old oak door and Rainbow's enthusiasm lead the four into an old castle, one whose magic was unfamiliar to Sunset. Within the dark confines of this ancient fortress stands an ante chamber, home to Treguard, the castle's master, and of a dungeon that exists below. For years, he has fought a never-ending battle against the Opposition, but now he has found an ace up his sleeve in the form of the four girls who suddenly walked in on him.

Rainbow is aghast with excitement, and Sunset wished they could go back home. Treguard offers them a unique position: Become the latest team to brave the dungeon and retrieve a quest object and defeat the Opposition headed by Lord Fear. Much to Sunset's horror, she had been chosen to become the dungeoneer, and must now brave the tricks and traps of this fantasy game whilst being guided by her friends.

Despite how real it all looked, it was just an old fantasy game from long ago... wasn't it?

This is an idea that I've had in my mind for a couple of years now, but I never got around to doing it out of fear that I wouldn't be good at writing MLP fanfiction. The show "Knightmare" was a children's fantasy game show created in the U.K that ran from 1987 to 1994. Teams of kids aged between eight to sixteen would attempt to conquer the fantasy dungeon that existed beneath Knightmare Castle. One of the four acted as the dungeoneer while the other three acted as advisors. It was a difficult game since only eight of the sixty-nine teams who competed across the eight series succeeded.

To learn more about Knightmare, check out its Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knightmare and the official website. http://www.knightmare.com

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 15 )

A chance encounter with an old oak door and Rainbow's enthusiasm lead the four into an old castle, one Sunset didn't recognize as being Equestrian in origin.

Why would Sunset recognize it as Equestrian in origin? There is no Equestria in the human world.


Good point, so let me rephrase that a little bit.

Why has no one thought of this before? The girls could have all kinds of adventures in a camp fantasy setting, or just squabbling over which way to point the hapless Dungeoneer. The characters are all good, but the background was a bit long winded; going into depth about things like how Tregards personality changed over seasons destroys the illusion a bit. The idea is great, so good luck with this.

Wow. You're gonna be busy with two stories, and this one sounds so good. Keep ut up! I love how you write.

Sorry to ask but... Is this going to be like "The other journal" that you focus too much in this story and leave Majora for a year?

Oh god, I remember this show...

Welcome, watchers of illusion, to the castle of confusion. Phase across time with us once more, for this is the age of adventure.


Nope, not this time. This one is relatively small compared and will be done in about twenty chapters--a rough estimate. My main focus will be on the world of Termina.


I'm going to be incorporating aspects from all eight series of Knightmare, although I'll be honest in saying that series six and seven will have the most influence. I'm actually glad you brought up that quote. I didn't include one in the prologue, but each chapter will start with a quote from a Knightmare character be it advisor, dungeoneer, or character.


That will be the only background information the story gets. Everything else is going to be coming at the girls leaving them unprepared for what awaits them. Not even Rainbow Dash's hyper enthusiasm of the show will be of much help. She didn't watch every episode so there are some things she doesn't know, like the Dreadnort. :raritywink:

7310268 Ooo, happy days. I loved the marching skeleton that would collapse as time went on, and Hordris the Confuser was my mental image of a wizard for ages. Is Sir Hugh De Witless going to turn up by any chance? The FrightKnights and the Treeman were really cool too. I even found most of the Knightmare gamebooks in the library, they were good as well...(so on, so on)


Hordriss is definitely going to be included as what would this kind of story be without him? Sir Hugh on the other hand... You know what, I think he would make for an interesting conversationalist with Sunset, and she would be aghast at his personality. Lord Fear and Lissard will have their moments together, and what they have to say about an "unusual" dungeoneer will be interesting to say the least. Not all characters from Knightmare will be included, so some cuts will be made.


And it's only going to get worse from there until they see eye to eye.

Good so far, Lord Fear, lizard-guy, Tregard and Sir Hugh all very much in character. So nostalgic.

I didn't know that no team ever retrieved the cup; I guess it represents the Holy Grail, so classically rather difficult to find. In one of the Knightmare gamebooks, Tregard and Pickle actually quested for the Holy Grail at the time of the crusades. I rather like Pickle, so glad to see him.

Dungeoneers weren't allowed to headbutt attackers were they? Guess Sunset thinks rules are made to be broken,


No team ever did win the cup, and in Series 6, no team ever chose to go for it despite being allowed to choose their quests. I figured why not have Sunset and the others go for the one quest object that has never been won.

I had to re-watch one of the episodes that Sir Hugh appeared in so that I could get his character down, and how someone like him would react to Sunset. I'm planning on including Hordriss (leaving him out would be a sin), Dreadnort, Smirkenorff, Motley, Honesty Bartram, Olaf, Mrs. Grimwold, Festus, and a couple of characters from Series 4. There are some who won't make the cut because either I'm not fond of them or I think they wouldn't work very well.

I wanted Majida to be the assistant, but I wasn't about to leave Pickle out of it. I do have this conversation in my mind where he and Treguard talk about why the former left, and Sunset is caught in the middle.

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