• Member Since 1st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.


It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The perfect day for a surprise picnic. So why is Rainbow Dash in a fight to the death with Applejack? Is their friendship over? Will the Wonderbolts need to find a new member? Will there be another death in the Apple family? Read and find out.
Not related to any other stories I've written.
Thanks to my editor TheMajorTechie.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

I liked how you wrote the ending. Will there be a sequel anytime soon?

I wrote this story as a one-shot. I have thought of a few ideas for follow on stories. I guess it depends on two things:
1). I'm moving and starting a new job, so I don't know how much time I'll have.
2). Feedback from readers.

But I appreciate the interest.


Seemed like a fun tale to me.
I don't understand why anyone would give you a down vote.

The ending seems fine for me, let the readers think about the situation.

Good luck on your move and new job.

That story was great. It progressed in a timely fashion, there wasn't too much dwelling on unnecessary details, but it also gave us enough to allow the reader to understand the setting, it was funny, the ending was perfect. You did a great job.


Thanks for the feedback. The other story I've written is of a much different tone. It has a slower pacing, details the setting more, and isn't a pure comedy - more of a comedy-drama. I didn't think it would work too well for a story of this nature, so I switched things up a bit.


Hello. You asked for explanation, so here goes.

I`ve disliked your story without reading, because you made a post on TWG about people doing it and reading it annoyed me enough to justify the effort of clicking link and writing out this explanation.

On a side note - don`t do it again.

P.S. = I wanted very much to give you a second dislike for using words "Read to find out" in desc, but sadly, it`s not possible to double-dislike something.


I've got to say, down voting a story without reading it....I thought of returning the favor, but decided to take the high road. I'm working on another story. Perhaps you'd like to read it when I publish it? Should come out in a few weeks.


Oh, I actually lied about not reading it. The downvote is entirely deserved on a content as well and I`d rather not subject myself to another such experience.

This was delightfully silly.
And I'd love for it to get a sequel.

And now two lines that really stood out to me:

“Who’da thought we would tie after fifty rounds of rock, paper, scissors?”

Either they were using actual rocks, papers, and scissors... or the pony version of that game is a lot more complex than ours.

Rainbow Dash hesitantly walked over to the water’s edge.

I think you meant to put "Applejack" there.

Thank you for feedback. It's always nice to hear from readers.

Generally I don't update my work. I prefer to let my work testify to how much effort I put into, and serve as motivation to be more diligent in the future. I did proofread this several times, so I am a bit embarrassed that the latter notation slipped through under my RADAR. I realized that it created confusion, so I corrected it. In regards to the former, I never really thought about it. I can see how difficult it must be to play such a game. I'm sure that they found a way, like they have numerous other human activities.

In regards to a sequel, I've been kicking around some ideas. We'll see where the end up. But in the meantime I will continue posting new chapters to my other story, Dreams of the Heart, every Friday.


7259314 Now that I think about it, they probably play it using cards or something similar...

And thanks for the response.

Cool story.

Thanks for the feedback.


7301116 I should elaborate. I liked how well you portrayed the characters, I liked the plot, since it was believable and great. I also liked the ending, since it was pretty funny.

Sorry for not saying that before.

I wasn't being sarcastic. Even something as simple as

Cool story

is appreciated. I like hearing back from readers, whether good, bad or indifferent.


I say destroy the Mirror Pool!!!!!

The most reasonable thing is to create a clone army for a more safe galaxy

My only complaint is that it feels like it ends too soon. I dunno how it could continue, just that it seems to end without a satisfying conclusion. Or maybe it just needs one more sentence to end it properly. Could just need a short tongue-in-cheek statement to finish it on a humorous note.

Best advice I can give. Hope it helps!

I appreciate the feedback. I had considered writing a sequel, but these days I feel like I barely have time to sleep, much less write. *Sigh*

Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you soon.

Eh, it's work. Maybe things will lighten up.

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