• Published 26th May 2016
  • 4,230 Views, 44 Comments

Bad Dreams - Synthetic Soul

The two sisters told me they were my friends, but the nightmares showed me that they were liars. They had horrible plans for me. The nightmares showed me the truth. They are my friends. They're all I need.

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Problem Solving

Deep within the labyrinth that is the Nightmare Realm lies a nearly empty chamber. In the room were two objects. One was a fire pit, lit with purple flame. And in front of that pit, standing just in front of the wall lay a mirror, seven feet tall. The frame was made out of ebony, and designed to look like two snakes were coiled around the reflective surface, meeting at the top with their mouths open, looking like they were about to swallow a skull. The reflective silver was dirty and stained, but was still usable enough for Nightmare to see his reflection as he stood in front of it. Behind him and the fireplace stood two rows of Nightmare ghouls. Their bodies were cracked and decayed in various ways, but they all shared a similarity in the same toothy smile.

Nightmare observed himself in the mirror. His visage had changed so much since he left the physical world. His appearance was horrifying, and before he became Nightmare, Noah would have recoiled at the sight of such a face. But Nightmare did not regret his change, nor did he wish to return to the way he was. The first lesson Nhilese had taught him was; ‘Don’t be afraid of what brings you terror. Be more horrifying than your fear. Be something for your fear to be afraid of.’ Nightmare had taken that lesson to heart. It was his motto, his creed. It’s why he turned the creatures he abducted into ghouls. So that they wouldn’t fear what scares them, they would scare their fear.

Nightmare pulled away from the mirror, and raised his right hand, tapping the silver with his clawed pointer finger. The surface rippled like water, glowing slightly. It was now that the mirror unveiled its true purpose. It was not simply a mirror, it was actually the one and only portal that allows beings to enter and leave the Nightmare realm. It was through this portal that Nightmares ghouls entered the dream world, and through this portal that normal beings were brought into Nightmare’s realm.

The corrupted human then turned to face his minions, stepping to the side.

“Go. Bring us more souls to save,” he commanded. The ghouls didn’t respond, they simply began shuffling forward, heading towards the mirror. Nightmare watched as every last ghoul passed through the portal, traversing into the dream realm, to bring Nightmare more beings to turn. When the last ghoul had departed, Nightmare stood back in front of the portal, and waved his hand, turning it back into a mirror. Only, instead of a reflection, Nightmare was able to see his minions as they traversed the space like realm of dreams. He watched as they limped and shuffled, making their way to various doors that led to the mind of innocent Equestrians. Currently, he observed the dream world of Ponyville.

Nightmare watched as a turned griffon reached its decaying claw up to the doorknob of one of the doors, and turned it, opening it. The ghoul then stepped into portal. But, as it tried to enter the dream, white lighting in the pattern of a spider web appeared, blocking the entrance, and causing the ghoul to scream out in pain.

Nightmare reeled back as he saw this. The ghoul was pushed backwards and the door slammed shut. Nightmare observed this, as it happened to multiple other minions. Each and every door was protected by the same enchantment, preventing Nightmares minions from entering the dreams.

“What the hell is going on?” shouted Nightmare. Something was preventing the ghouls from doing what he had ordered them to do. It was some sort of enchantment, one that Nightmare was not familiar with. Whatever it was though, he would find out.

“Nhilese! Nhilese, where are you!” called the former human as he stormed through the Nightmare Realm. He stopped where he was, putting his hands on his hips. “Where the hell is that damn snake?” he muttered as he raised one hand to his chin. Suddenly, he felt a pressure on his leg. He turned his head to see his servant and teacher wrapping himself around his leg, slithering up to his upper body.

“You called Massster?” greeted the serpent.

“Nhilese, something has happened. The Nightmare ghouls are unable to enter pony’s dreams. They’re being repelled by something!”

“Hmm…ssshow me.”

Nightmare wasted no time, he began making his was back towards the portal chamber. As soon as he entered, he marched over to the mirror, and waved his hand in front of it. He had since recalled his forces, but he was able to replay the events prior onto the surface of the mirror like a movie. Nhilese slithered his head to just adjacent of the former humans head, looking into the portal. He watched as the images replayed, showing the Nightmare ghouls as they tried and failed to enter Ponyvilles dreams.

“I have ssseen this before. Dream Catchersss. Putrid, annoying little devices that prevent our kind from entering dreamsss. Talismansss hung over the bedsss of physical beingsss, to keep us from saving them,” explained the serpent.

“What do we do?” questioned Nightmare.

“There isss sssomething I can do to fix thisss situation.” Nhilese then whispered into Nightmares ear. When he finished, Nightmare nodded, and made his way to the fireplace. He leaned down and reached his arm into the purple fire. After a few moments, he retracted his hand, pulling out a ghoul that had once been a young earth pony colt named Blue Crest. Nightmare pulled the former colt out of the fire, and set him down onto the floor. As he did this, Nhilese slithered down from the corrupted human, and coiled on the floor. Nightmare kneeled down in front of the pony ghouls, and spoke to it in a friendly tone.

“My friend, we need to borrow your body for a little while. Is that ok?” questioned the former human. The colt nodded with his jaw hanging open. Nightmare then nodded to the snake, giving his command. “You may proceed.”

The black serpent raised its body, before slithering into the colt ghoul’s mouth, down his throat, into his stomach. The ghoul once known as Blue Crest didn’t even react as the snake made his way into his body.

In Ponyville the moon was raised high into the night sky. Ponies were in their beds, sleeping the night away. In the house that was home to Blue Crest and his mother; Cyan Meadow, the young colt lied motionless in his bed. His mother was leaning on the bed as she slept like a student who had fallen asleep during class.

Without any other body movement, the earth pony’s eyes opened, to reveal glowing yellow eyes. The colt’s head rotated to look at the sleeping mare next to him. He then sat up, and gently removed the blankets from his body, and maneuvered himself out of bed. The floor clacked as his hooves hit the floor. The colt then looked over to the mare and saw one of the accursed dream catchers, hanging from the bedpost.

The ‘colt’ made his way around the bed, and stopped once he was next to the mare and the catcher. He then opened his mouth, releasing a long tail like appendage comprised of red sinews and tendons. His jaw cracked as the meaty tail exited his mouth, and then proceeded to pick up the catcher, and bring it to the floor. The tail then receded back into the body. The possessed child then raised his hoof, and stomped down onto the charm, cracking it into pieces.

“Despicable thing,” commented Nhilese in the body of the colt. He then turned and made his way towards the bedroom door. As he did though, he heard movement coming from behind him.

“B-blue Crest?” came the sleepy voice of the Colts mother. The possessed pony turned to face the mare, as she shakily made her way from her position next to the bed, to the floor. “You-you’re awake!” Overcome by sudden joy, the mother made her way to what she believed to be her son, and wrapped her hooves around him in a hug. “You’re awake! Oh sweet Celestia, I thought I’d lost you! But you’re back! My prayers are answered!” sobbed the mare, overcome by joy, as she hugged her son tight, having failed to notice her son’s glowing eyes.

‘Poor mare, she thinks her child has come back to her. It would be cruel to lead her on like this,’ thought the serpent.

“Mother…there’s something I wish to show you,” came the voice of the child.

“Yes, what is it son?” questioned the Meadow, as she retracted from her son. The possessed child offered her a kind smile, before his mouth opened, and the snake like tail shot out of his mouth, piercing the mare’s body like a knife.

The Cyan Meadow’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open, as she looked down at the flesh that pierced her body.

“B-blue C..crest?”

‘Sorry, he can’t hear you right now,’ echoed a voice in her head, as her vision started to fade. The last thing she saw before she faded to black was the cracked and torn smile of her son.

The mare’s body fell to the floor as the tail retracted. The possessed colt tilted his head at the corpse, looking at the dead mare for a few moments, before turning and making his way out of the room.

“Now, to destroy the rest of those meddling trinkets.”

The morning sun rose, and with it, the rooster that lived in Sweet Apple Acres crowed, waking the pony residents of the farm. As soon as the sound was uttered, Applejack opened her eyes, and sat up. She let out a yawn, before she got out of her bed, ready to greet the day.

By the time she was downstairs, Granny Smith was making breakfast, and Big Mac was at the table, reading the paper.

“Morin y’all!” greeted the element of honesty. The two other members of the Apple Clan reciprocated the greeting as Applejack sat down at the table with her brother, and waited for breakfast to be finished.

A few minutes passed before Granny Smith finished her cooking, and placed the prepared food on the four plates, one for each member of the family. It was when they started eating that Applejack noticed that the youngest member of the Apple clan was missing.

“Hey, where’s Applebloom?” questioned Applejack.

“Haven’t seen her yet. Probably still asleep,” replied Granny Smith.

“Hmm, it’s not like her to sleep in. Ah’ll go wake her up,” said Applejack as she got up from the table, and made her way to the stairs. She climbed the steps, and then made her way to her sister’s door.

“Applebloom? Applebloom, you still asleepin”? questioned the mare, as she stood in front of the door. She didn’t hear any response from her younger sister. She knocked on the door, and once again waited for a reply, but did not receive one. Getting a little annoyed, she opened the door to her sister’s room. As she entered, she saw the filly lying in bed on her back.

“Applebloom, you get up now, ya hear? Breakfast is getting cold!”

Applebloom did not stir from her slumber.

“Applebloom?” her sister still did not react. Getting worried, Applejack made her way to the filly, and gave her a gentle shove with her hoof. “Applebloom. Applebloom!” Applejack increased her efforts to wake her younger sister, but nothing she did worked. Now she was starting to panic.

“Ah don’t get it, why won’t she…what’s going on? It’s almost like…” she shook her head. That wasn’t possible, there was now way Applebloom had been taken by that monster, she had the….

Applejack looked over to where the dream catcher should have been, to see it now absent.

“What, what the heck!” Applejack now started to search for the protective charm, but after intensive searching, she couldn’t find it. “No…no this can’t be happening! Applebloom! Applebloom can ya hear me?” No matter what she did, Applejack couldn’t get her sister to wake up.

“No no no, this is…this is bad. Ah…Ah got to get Twilight!” Applejack then dashed out of Applebloom’s room, racing for Twilight’s castle, praying that her friend could help. The Nightmare realm now had one more member prepared to be added to it’s ranks.

Author's Note:

Well, it's been a while since I've updated this story, which is why it may not be as good as usual, unless it is, in which case forget what I just said.

If you want to see a pony related animation that I made, it's right here.

If you feel like checking it out, I'd appreciate it. Anyway, if you liked this chapter, feel free to leave a comment. And as usual, I hoped you this chapter!