• Published 22nd May 2016
  • 2,653 Views, 226 Comments

The Life and Times of Flix the Hippogriff - AlaskaIsCold

Just because Flix isnt as fast or as strong as his older brothers and sisters doesn't mean he can't have his own kind of adventures!

  • ...

A Pan-Galactic Party!

Author's Note:

It only took me like a year to figure out how to do this... gah...

1615 CST (Canterlot Standard Time)

Luna was aware of the time since she had another two hours of Day Court before it would flip to the Night Court and she could talk preparations for the Midwinter celebration. Even though she was distracted, she continued to carry a conversation with Polistae and Olare over the status of the current emergency love reserve and where the next expansion should be placed.

“The crystal caverns under Canterlot will be filled to capacity in as soon as five years. We need to find another vault-like area that can be used as a secondary coffer. A few changelings have voiced a concern about the need of such a vault, but when Twilight completed the census a decade ago, the population of changelings had increased 12.8% more than expected. For our plan of being able to sustain 50% of changelings in hibernation and 50% of changelings being active, we will need the new vault soon. Do you have any ideas?” Luna looked to the two queens as Scribe actively took notes while the group talked.

Polistae spoke up. “I think the best two areas would be in Midwestern Equestria or the steppes of the northern dragon lands, as they are the most geologically sound. The best option, of course, would be your moon, but if such a disaster happened, we might not have the resources to retrieve the reserves.”

Olare was about to add her two bits to the debate, however, as she was about to speak, she was cut off by one of the guards at the door.

“Presenting Prince Flixtradamus and Princess Orlondinium!”

The trio of royalty looked confused as a strange tune started to play. It was upbeat but... also quite campy.

“Oh, by the Moon...” Luna face-hoofed.

Polistae started to laugh.

Olare narrowed her eyes, not liking how their conversation was derailed.

Flix slipped in with a grin and hop in his step while Orlonda pranced after him. Flix was wearing a school bus yellow zoot suit that had shoulders going out way further than they should, but that wasn't the most distracting thing about him. That would be the three different monocles he was wearing – two on one eye, one on the other.

Orlonda was wearing what could only be explained as the byproduct of a mating between a disco ball and a glow stick.

Polistae looked over to Orlonda with a grin. “Oh, so you are a princess now, hmm? When did this happen?”

Flix looked at Polistae and raised his claw, giving a snap causing a crown made of tim-tams to appear on his changeling companion’s head, her sparkly dress was changing into a T-shirt that said “#1 Princess”.

Orlonda made a gesture to her crown and then to her shirt. “I believe my credentials are in order.”

Before the others could speak, Luna raised a hoof. “Flix – what is it that you need? You very rarely come to court... actually I think this is the first time you showed up.” She blinked and looked back at him.

Flix grinned. “So, Discord and I are planning something big for your celebration. I needed to get you on the same page so that when we do our thing, you won’t get caught off guard.”

The two queens narrowed their eyes, starting to grow concerned since Discord was involved in things.

“Ah, don't worry! What we’ll do is going to be contained to the entertainment district of Canterlot. I just have to fill you in on the details of what we are going to do so as the MC, you aren't taken by surprise.” With that said, he motioned for Luna to come over to him.

She slowly raised an eyebrow and walked over and leaned down as Flix started whispering into her ear. The two queens grew worried when they felt the princess’ emotions go from fear, to amazement, to almost being giddy then back to her reserved “Court” face.

“And when is this supposed to happen?”

“Your celebration is from 1800 to 0600. My thing is from 2200 to 0200. It can’t be maintained for longer than that.” Flix said matter-of-factly.

Luna sat for a moment and though. “I think this can work, and I also think that if we do this, it will greatly ease relations in the future between the two worlds.”

Once the pair started to talk about other worlds, it finally got the Queens’ attention. However, before they could get close enough to hear, Flix jumped back and pointed to Orlonda. “MY PRINCESS – THERE IS A MISSION OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE!”

The drone stood at attention. “YES, MY LEIGE!”

Flix raised his talon up and held it for a few moments as his entire claw became brighter and brighter before the two fell through trap doors that appeared in the floor, and disappeared as soon as they shut, moments before the two Queens scrambled over to figure out what had happened.

Luna, however, was giggling yet again as she clopped her hooves a few times.

Polistae looked to Orlare and then back to Luna. “Okay I’ll bite – what was that all about?”

Luna just grinned. “Oh, you are going to have to come to the celebration to find out now, aren't you?”

The two Queens just stared at the Lunar Princess.

Scribe spoke up from her desk. “Whenever Flix shows up, Luna, Free, and Path tend to get this way.”

Orlare facehoofed.

# # #

Back on Chakona, the Prime Minister was about to finish hir last round of paperwork for the day when hir interom let out a cheerful “Bing!” The chakat looked at hir schedule seeing that it was empty and then tapped the comm, Only to hear her aide begin to talk. “Sorry for bothering you so close to the end of the day, but there is a Princess Orlondinium from Equestria here to see you.”

“Ah, send her in please!” Sunflare raised an eyebrow and mentally went over the list of people that she met from Equestria. She realized that Orlondinium was not one of those that shi met previously. Maybe it was one that had to stay on the ship, or maybe this had to deal with the ad she was receiving reports about. It would be answered soon as the changeling stepped in with a smile and wave.

This was strange. While the others were always trying to be diplomatic and sensitive to carefully read out the situation, this one bounced in and greeted her with no real sense of protocol.

“Hi, Sunflare!” Orlonda smiled and did a half-assed bow. “Sorry for coming in at the last minute but I’m here to invite you to something.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“Well, while the party is going on at the club, there is somebody that wants to meet you and talk for a little while, but he can only do it during the party.”

“Ignoring my questions about why it has to be during the party, who am I to meet?”

“Wandering and Starry's Father.” Orlonda started to grin.

Sunflare nodded slowly, wondering why their dad of all people wanted to have a meeting with her, or how he was going to get across the vast distance between worlds. She looked back to Orlonda trying to get any kind of read off of her.

“So be there by 2200 hours. That’s when the meeting starts. I need to get back and prepare the club. See you there!” Orlonda did another half-bow and trotted out of the room, leaving a bemused Sunflare.

# # #

Many different eyes were looking at that one club in the entertainment district. The amount of chaos that Flix and Orlonda caused by outright buying one of the largest venues and then booking a worldwide commercial was enough to make Flix burp from being so full.

Orlonda frowned a bit. “How can you even burp?”

The chimera stretched and stood up, flapping his mismatched wings a few times. “It’s the same way you burp when you get filled up on emotions. Right now, I’m pretty much at my max capacity for chaotic energy. I wasn’t expecting so much. Basically, I’m saturated with it. I think it will be more than enough to maintain it.

“Maintain what?”

“Oh, you’ll see.” Flix grinned as he walked out of the green room. Orlonda smiled as she changed her form, becoming taller, more impressive, her chitin enhanced in a series of ways. A few of them were noticed as soon as she stepped into the black lights that were on the stage, showing off her old Bunyip tribal markings. The beat and the tempo were starting to reach a breaking point as Flix appeared in a flash in the center of the ring.

“HELLO CHAKONNAAAAA!” his voice boomed out as he looked at the sea of faces, as they all screamed back excitedly in response. Between Flix amping them up subtly with his magic as well as the music, it was a heaving, rolling sea of bodies moving up and down and side to side with the music – a unique blend of primal with techno music. For a moment, he was amazed; it was almost like he was looking at churning ocean. Chakats, Rakshani, humans, Caitians, morphs – they were all here. Flix made a motion to the chakat DJs who slowly turned the music down a bit as Flix grabbed a mic and started to speak into it. “Are you ready for the main event?!” he almost screeched out, his grin widening as the entire crowed yelled back at him as he paced around snickering.

His entire talon started to light up as did the walls. For those that had no idea what he was doing, it would just look like magical effects, a light show, but in reality he was creating a space that obeyed the rules of the Chaos Lord that created it. It took a lot of energy but with everything that had happened, he had more than enough. With the zone established, he reached his talons out and tilted the room, shifting everyone to one side of the room. They were laughing as they slid around, still too amped up on the energy to let worry enter their minds.

Flix looked up at one of the highest VIP rooms that looked over the floor. “The real party is just about to start!” He reached out with his talon, his form blurring slightly, and from across the void a lion paw grabbed back.

# # #

The largest party in the Canterlot entertainment district was in full swing. There were two festivals that were occurring: the much larger mid-winter celebration and then in the very core, there was the largest venue, completely booked out. When one thought about the history of the festival, it turned from a giant rave to more of a music festival, and each year there was an emphasis on a certain style and group. This time they had an emphasis on the cultures down under, and on the stage there were a few bunyips, a pair of dragons and a few changelings playing a deep rolling bass beat, gradually increasing the tempo until it hit a crescendo and two aspects appeared in a flash on the screen. On one side, there was Luna shifted into her Nightmare Moon form. Over the years, while Nightmare Night retained its light-hearted kid-friendly theme and her role in the mid-winter celebration was more of a Mistress of Ceremonies and judge of the bands performing, it was for an older crowd, but she loved it nonetheless.

She amplified her voice and yelled out to the crowd. “HELLLLOOOOOOO MY LITTLE STARS!!!”

The crowd was cheering and soon everyone started to chant. “MOON! MOON! MOON!”

Luna couldn’t help but grin as she looked to Discord for a moment before turning back to the crowd. “This festival is the going to be a special one, my little stars, for tonight we are going to be having guests!”

Luna’s horn lit up and Discord walked to the middle of the stage, his talon starting to move up as he held a snap. Unknown to most of the participants in the venue, the alicorn was casting several things on the building: fear suppressor, and universal translator being the two most important things. With a huge magical shove, she pushed the crowd to one side of the area while Discord worked his magic. He reached out with his claw and felt someone grab onto it.

Between the gap the Chaos Lord and the Chaos Aspect spoke.

<Ah my student, you are positively brimming with chaos. What did you do over there?>

<Destabilized a multi-planet economy, committed borderline kidnapping, and made two alicorns completely lose their minds!>

<I guess I can accept that as back homework. Now, ready for the grand event?>

<You know it!>

Nobody really knew what was going on, but from the perspective of the ponies, the empty half of the room and the stage was suddenly filled with all manner of strange beings. The bands looked at each other, as did the attendants. There was silence for a few moments before the griffon started up a beat. She looked to one of the chakats who picked up on it and started to play a backup beat with hir instrument. One by one, each member of both of the bands jumped into the song. The fully synthed product becoming something so much greater than what each one could come up with on their own. The inhabitants from Chakona started to become swept away in the music as were the Equians as they became one mass, all moving in time with the beat.

Luna backed away slightly and looked at the being in the back center. If she looked from one direction, she could see Flix, and from a different one, Discord. “Are you holding it okay?”

When the response came back, it was both of their voices, floating in and out of synch with each other. “We are fine. At this rate, we won’t tire for a few hours, but we do need to stay still. Go enjoy the party. We will let you know when we have to separate.”

Luna nodded and waved up to one of the large VIP rooms that over looked the dance party, before she kept amping up the crowd with the music. The chakats were already becoming drunk off of so much empathic energies. The Orange Changelings were in awe of the new music and the culture it represented being shown to them.

# # #

Sunflare and Zuni entered the VIP room. Half of the room was glass and overlooked the massive party and the other half was just a normal wall. She looked over to Zuni and then to her watch. A few moments before it clicked over to 2200 hours, she looked over to see a large commotion on the dance floor as the MC raised his hand up and started to glow brighter and brighter. Something strange happened and soon a second being had joined her and the entire right half, the half that remained completely empty was now filled with ponies, griffons, changelings and some species she hadn’t seen before. When she snapped her head back to the other side of the table she was sitting at, she was staring at a grey earth pony and a red griffon, both smiling at her.

“Long Path, I presume?” she asked with a smile. It only took a few moments for her get a feel for the pony with her empathic abilities.

Ecstatic, curious, worried.

The earth pony couldn’t help but grin as he spoke back to her. “Lord Long Path, if you want my official title, but most nowadays just call me ‘that old horse’.”

Free waved a bit. “Lord Free Agent, but most just call me ‘that old bird’.”

“Ah, I would expect the parents of Wandering and Starry to be so formal, but it’s nice to have a relaxed meeting.” Shi nodded a few times and leaned back.

“Oh, we are informal but this is not a relaxed meeting. I have read reports about the Swarm, how they attack and their movements, and I have read about your culture and history.” Path leaned forward and clopped his hooves together. “The diplomatic road you will soon be going on is going to be a long one, but there is a shortcut, one that only you and not the Federation can use.”

Sunflare narrowed her eyes a bit and leaned back in her chair. “Back channels? Why do you think it will be so difficult?”

This time Free spoke up. “Path has done… well to put it in simple terms, unified all of Equestria, defeated the great evil, and then his son defeated its resurgence. Then after all of that, he had a sit down with the largest powers and create the beginnings of the Equestrian version of the U.N. We call it the GEC. He globalized education for all, then caused a technological boom lasting the past 150 years and funded the Cosmic Lotus, so he has a lot of what you would call soft power.”

Sunflare’s eyes went wide. Just how old was this pony? “And you want to help the Federation?”

Path leaned forward and smiled. “The Federation... I am not sure yet, but Chakona and chakats definitely. From the time I have spent with one of your citizens, your civilization is so fascinating and I want to learn more. The Federation has their channels; they will send ambassadors, the whole diplomatic song and dance. I am not an official anymore; my granddaughter runs things now.”

Path tapped his half of the screen and a map came up of Chakona and then the wormhole. “But there are two things that I need from you. And because I am unsure when I am going to be able to communicate with you again, I’ll need an answer so I can begin to put my plans in motion.”

The map split in two, one showing an area one light day around the wormhole, and then the uninhabited island of Emu Island. “I want Emu Island and the space one light day’s radius around the wormhole given to House Path – Emu Island for ten years and the area around the wormhole indefinitely.”

Sunflare started to laugh. “And why would I do such a thing?”

Path looked at her and she could feel him become dead serious. “Emu Island is so you can begin developing infrastructure so we can set up a magical defense station capable of fighting back the Swarm. I don’t want the Chakastra system to fall.” His seriousness lifted slightly. “I have yet to see a chakker game!”

Sunflare calmed back down as she started to consider just how important such an outpost would be if the Swarm reached that far in. “If I gave you Emu Island, what would you give Chakona?”

Path tapped his table as a globe of the Equestrian moon appeared. “An Emu Island-sized colony, on my herdmate’s moon for ten years, and we will bring chakat-kind up to speed on magic.”

Sunflare’s eyes went wide as she thought about the magic she had seen in person, and it was something that could solve a lot of problems on Chakona. “I need more time to think about this fully, Mr Path, but since I don’t have that time. I will accept these terms.”

Path smiled widely. “I was really hoping you would. Now we get to go over what needs to be done.”

A pony came in with food and drinks for everyone as they started to formulate how to properly defend the Chakastra system.

# # #

There were some surprised gasps when those that knew her saw Prime Minister Sunflare out on the party floor dancing with Sunny Day and Pale Petal. The three of them were causing a feedback in each other and the rest of the mixed crowd. The emotional energy was starting to reach a critical mass. So much positivity, so much joy, even the humans which were the most empathically stunted of the races present were becoming swept up in the festivities. At some point, a unicorn had conjured up paint and soon everyone was being painted in normal and reactive paint.

Luna appeared once again next to Flix/Discord. “Things are getting a little out of hand...”

The being still remained motionless. “It will be fine.”

Luna fretted slightly but trusted her two allies as the bands nodded to each other and shifted the tone, directing the energy from highly refined and technical to something that while still technical was deep, carnal, that induced action! Really it was one of the Orange Changeling drummers and the chakat lead keyboard player that caused things to go down the way it did. Luna held out as long as she could but much like a bird in a storm, she was soon at the mercy of the music as well.

# # #

Celestia woke up with a groan. While she wasn’t hung over, her body was sore in places she had long forgotten about. “NNNhh...ow.” She slowly looked around only to find half of her body curled around the lower half of the chakat she was dancing with earlier, while Pale Petal, now in her normal form of Polistae, but looking visibly heavier was curled around the upper half of the same chakat.

Polistae started to stir a few moments later which then triggered Sunflare to wake up.

The chakat slowly rolled onto her belly and stood up. “Uh...what happened, wasn’t I at a party before?” It took her a few moments before she felt the emotion of Celestia and couldn’t help but smile, which made Celestia start to smile again... which caused Polistae’s wings start the buzz. History was about to repeat itself before Path cleared his throat.

“Well... this wasn’t the outcome I was expecting, but at least everything is okay.” The pony laughed a bit while Free poked out from his side. He was wearing a blocking pendant.

“So the mid-winter celebration was a hit. And we also figured out a kind of… synergistic side-effect when you get enough Equestrians and Chakonans together. The happy ponies, griffons and thestrals induce happiness in chakats, morphs and eventually humans. The changelings act like an emotional sink, which is why things were okay for a while, but soon they reach their max capacity and dumped all the emotional energy into the air... which led to…”

Polistae raised her eyebrow slightly. “Which led to...?”

Path couldn’t help but snicker. “Having to break up several pairs, triads, groups, piles, for the split back to their respective worlds, but the strongest triad had to be taken away until they had time to cool down.”

Sunflare eyes started to widen. “How long?!”

Path looked to her. “Don’t worry, but it’s been about two days.” He looked at their horrified faces. “Celestia, don’t worry, Luna has been pulling triple shifts so you are covered. Polistae, Fancy Pants knows what’s going on and it took us ten minutes to get him to stop laughing. Which leaves me with you, Prime Minister Sunflare, My son is currently resting up, he is preparing to take you to two minutes after everyone else was shifted back. But first – breakfast!”

Sunflare looked to Celestia and then to Polistae, completely confused despite the fact she was relaxed from all the previous activity. “How can he be so calm all the time?”

Free’s ears swiveled back to hear as he grinned. “He's just like that. Come on – food is already prepared!”

# # #

It was one of the most awkward breakfasts ever. Everyone was in comfortable silence, but then it was Polistae who broke the ice.

“Okay...I’ll ask. Why am I so large?”

“I think the term kids use these days is THICC,” Free snickered before Path tapped him on the muzzle.

“Your body stored all the love energy during the party, and it was so much that you had to swell up a bit to handle it. At least that’s what Cadence figured when we called her to check up on you,” Path replied.

“So why are we all so sore?” Celestia asked.

“I think you kno–” Path was cut off.

“You guys had soooo much sex. I mean really, I was impressed. Queenie here shape-shifted into things that defied even my imagination Seriously – ten stars all of you!” Free golf clapped.

Polistae’s eyes went wide when she looked back at the other two. She was old, yes, but she still could lay eggs.

The other two looked back at her, then all three of them looked back to Free.

“What? I’m not going to spoil the surprise. It’s not like I even know. They just had me check up on you every few hours and make sure you had water available. You didn't even register I was there the few times I did go into the room.”

The conversation was about to go in an entirely new direction but the main door opened as Destined walked in with Blue, both of them smiling before the male alicorn spoke up. “Ready to head home, Shir Sunflare?”

The chakat looked at the two of them and hesitated for a moment before standing up with a smile. “For now, yes, but I think I will return later. This place and its people are too nice for just one visit. So, how does this work?” She walked over to Destined who had his hoof to Blue’s side, drawing on him for a little while longer before he pulled away. “Oh, just put your hands on my wing and off we go.”

Sunflare looked to Path with a sly grin. “I appreciated our talks... and the mini vacation.” She nodded to Destined to go. Just before the pair disappeared, she blew Celestia and Polistae a kiss.

Celestia and Polistae looked to Path as the two disappeared. “What talks?”

Path took a sip of his coffee and shrugged. “Right now, I would be more worried about being a dad, Celestia.”

# # #

Sunflare appeared next to Zuni and she immediately looked around before she was hugged by her aide.

“I thought something happened in the shift back, but the last few stragglers have appeared. We really do need them to teach us how they do that!” Zuni coughed a bit and let her go, having regained control of herself.

Sunflare however was looking around, amazed that Destined was able to send her back exactly to the time and place he said he would. “Those Equians are amazing in more ways than one, Zuni.” She nodded and started to walk out of the room, she had preparations to begin.

# # #

In the VVVIP Lounge in the entertainment district on Chakona, a.k.a. Flix's loft, Orlonda was fretting over her new husband. He was weak and squawking every few moments, despite the fact that he was reassuring her, the new wife couldn’t help but worry.

“A few things are confusing me. I should be overflowing with energy after all of that, but now I barely have any. It’s hard to move. Why did Discord take it all? And more to the point, why did it turn into –that? I think the chaos was nudged somehow.” He weakly went to the table and laid his head down on it while Orlonda moved a straw to his beak so he could sip.

“Do you know how long until you are back to 100%?”

“I’ll be fine in a few days; this world is chaotic enough. I hope he had a good reason for tilting it the way he did.” Flix groaned weakly and sat back only to be picked up and cradled by the much larger and stronger Orlonda.

# # #

Discord was lying at the bed of Fluttershy with a bright smile on his face. His love looked healthier than she had in a long time. This was not something that was not lost on her as she stood up and flexed her wings.

“I feel... wonderful!” she gasped and flapped her wings powerfully once or twice both in happiness and in experimentation.

Discord couldn’t help but smile as he grabbed her and hugged her tightly while thinking to himself. 'One day from everyone... roughly twenty thousand in attendance... completely worth it.' He leaned in and gave her a kiss, only to be grabbed and tossed onto the bed, letting out an “oof” as the pegasus jumped on top of him.

“I am not going to waste this good day. We are going to do something we haven’t done in years.”

Inside, Discord was screaming like he had just won the lottery. On the outside, he just smiled.

“Yes, dear heart.”

# # # # # # # # #