• Published 11th May 2016
  • 25,612 Views, 375 Comments

The Best of Friends - SociallyAwkwardPegasus

Princess Luna and Celestia are having trouble with the rather unpleasant nobles of Canterlot. The two must find a suitor before the week, or lose their right to rule. If only there was somepony that could fill the role?

  • ...

Favor Me This

I'm alive! Hey everyone, I'm not dead and neither is this story. Have a lot going on in my life right now, so not too sure how often updates will be. Though I hope you all enjoy the new chapter.

Chapter 3

It had been only been a couple of hours since the two regal sisters had found a so-called ‘solution’ to their problem involving most of the nobles of Canterlot. Their fate and the fate of Equestria now resided on the shoulders of a certain diplomat and friend, Eric Lancer, a human displaced from his world by means in which were still unknown. Celestia cracked a small smile, remembering the first encounter she had with the human. The mare’s smile did not go unnoticed as Luna gave her sister an inquisitive look.

“Sister, why are you smiling?” Luna questioned. Celestia responded with a light giggle before shaking her head.

“It is nothing Luna. Let us just focus on the task ahead,” Celestia replied, as the two sisters stopped in front of a particular door. Raising a hoof, Celestia lightly rapped on the door. A few moments of silence trailed by before Celestia raised her hoof again, only to have Luna magically crack open the door to peek inside.

“We do not believe Eric is awake at the moment,” Luna quietly stated, slowly nosing her muzzle through the door. Her assumption was quickly confirmed as she spotted the slumbering human nestled snuggly under his bed sheets. Luna softly smiled at the scene before opening the door fully to allow Celestia and herself entrance.

“Should we wake him Luna, or perhaps return at a later time?” Celestia quietly asked as she tried her best to navigate the dimly lit room. Luna pondered the question over in her mind for a moment before a wicked grin spread across her face.

“Sister, I think we should join him. After all, waking up next to two beautiful Alicorn princesses should help sway his decision when we ask him of our favor.” Celestia turned towards her sister to object to the idea, but quickly noticed her sister’s expression of playfulness. After a moment of deliberation, Celestia’s expression matched her sisters’.

“I believe you are right Luna. Let us wake him with the most beautiful of sights,” Celestia added. Both sisters giggled mischievously as they squirmed their way under the covers and positioned themselves on either side of the human. It wouldn’t be the first time the human had suffered from a small prank, especially since Luna was quite the prankster.

“What do you think he is dreaming of?” Celestia pondered quietly to her sister. Luna quickly turned her attention towards the human before lighting up her horn. Within seconds, Luna’s cheeks glossed a rosy red in color as her wings threatened to spring to action at any moment.

“Perhaps we should wake him now,” Luna quickly suggested, trying to change the subject and get her mind off of what she had just witnessed, though also made a few mental notes for later.

Lightly prodding a hoof against the human, Eric let out a small mumble before rolling over with his face practically touching Celestia’s. After a few more seconds of prodding, Eric finally succumbed to the annoyance as he began to stir. Blinking several times, he was greeted with the sight of Celestia’s beautiful eyes staring back at him with a sheepish smile. Like most creatures upon waking, it took a good five seconds for the human to register the situation around him before he quickly shot backwards, away from the princess and into the soft hooves of her accomplice.

“Oh my, it seems you startled him Tia. Do not fret Eric, I will protect you from my evil sister,” Luna playfully spoke, wrapping her hooves around Eric’s torso and nuzzling into his back.

“What the hell are you two doing in my bed,” Eric all but yelled, his tone full of surprise and confusion.

“We were only trying to greet you to a most wondrous sight upon your arrival from the dreamscape,” Luna playfully answered. Celestia just shook her head with a small giggle, watching her sister restrain the struggling human for a few moments.

“I am sorry if we startled you Eric. It was not our intention to do so,” Celestia calmly added.

“Well, I can honestly say I'm glad it’s you two and not some maid who thought they could get a little cuddle action going on. But I do have to ask, what are you two doing here?” Eric asked, no longer struggling against Luna who continued to nuzzle her muzzle into her friend’s bare back.

“We wanted to discuss a certain situation Luna and myself are currently in.” Celestia plainly stated. The tone was flat and Eric could tell it was something the mare dreaded in addressing.

“Why do I have a feeling that I am not going to like where this is going,” Eric added with a weak chuckle. Luna took this as her opportunity to release her prey and adorn a more serious appearance.

“Tell us Eric, are you familiar with the laws of old?” Sitting up in bed, Eric noticed how serious the usually playful mare was being.

“I am sorry, but I do not have any knowledge of the old laws. I barely know the laws of the here and now,” Eric jokingly added, trying to lighten up the mood somewhat. Unfortunately though, he was greeted with an awkward silence spanning a few seconds.

“There are many laws passed by our parents from a much different time than this,” Celestia continued, rising up out of the bed and making her way over to the curtains. With one fluid motion, the mare drew back the cloth shields as Eric winced in pain from the bright intrusion of light in his eyes.

“One such law is where our problem lies. It states that we must be wedded to a noble or foreign dignitary in order to help ensure a prosperous Equestria.” Celestia gently closed her eyes and basked in the warmth of her own sun before turning back around towards the human.

“The nobles have found such a law and are forcing us to marry one of them by the week’s end. If we do not comply, then we would lose our right to rule this kingdom and with it, power would be transferred to the court of nobles,” Celestia stated.

“So what does this have to do with me? I'm not a noble so do you need my help with decorations or something?” It was Luna’s turn to rise from the bed before making her way next to her sister.

“Nay Eric. We require you assistance for a much grander position,” Luna stated with a small smile and blush before coming outright with their intentions.

“We would like for you to be our chosen mate Eric.” Luna brazing stated. The room descended into an eerie silence as the human just stared at the mares in front of him for over a minute.

“This is a joke, right? You are just messing with me,” Eric pleaded hopefully, though knew full well it was anything but a joke.

“We are sorry to spring this on you so suddenly Eric, but we were just out of options. Any noble we would marry would only use us to further his or her own political agenda and finances. The same goes for most foreign dignitaries, which left us with only one viable choice.” Celestia finished, praying to the gods above that her friend understood the situation they were in. It seemed like hours for the two mares, though only a few minutes had passed before Eric gave a sigh of defeat.

“Let me guess, if I don’t do this for you two then you will surely be used by the noble you select to be your suitor. And if you refuse, the nobles will just run this country into the ground instead,” Eric questioned aloud, receiving a nod from both princesses.

“Well, I guess we really don’t have a choice then. I’d honestly hate to throw you to the wolves after all you two have done for me. Though I have a few requests if we are going to actually go through with this. First off, no sex. It’s nothing against you two, but I do not feel comfortable right now with anything sexual with a pony. Cuddling is fine, but please keep it at just that. Second, I want a throne of my own in the throne room. Nothing fancy, just someplace I can sit with you two while you listen to nobles drabble on about how unfair their life is. And the last thing I want, is to the see the look on those noble’s faces when you crush their little hopes and dreams at a power grab,” Eric ended with a smirk. Luna and Celestia both looked towards one another before giving each other a simple nod.

“Your terms are acceptable. Does this mean that you accept our offer?” Celestia asked, just to clarify so there were no misunderstandings.

“Yes, I accept your offer for marriage,” Eric stated. As soon as the words left his mouth, Luna had spread her wings and glided over the bed to meet Eric with a hug.

“Tis a most glorious day Prince Eric. Thank you!” Luna shouted as Celestia could hardly stifle a giggle before approaching the two.

“Thank you Eric. This means so much to us,” Celestia added with a soft nuzzle to the side of his cheek.

“You’re welcome, both of you. Though if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to get a few more hours of sleep.” Luna quickly released the human from her hold before removing herself from the bed.

“Very well. We shall see you at dinner then,” Luna added before walking off through the door in which she entered.

“Sleep well Eric,” Celestia added as well, giving her friend a light smile as she followed out her sister.

“And you know the rest from there,” Eric stated, finishing up his last drink with a refreshing sigh. Throughout the whole story, Copper’s tail couldn’t stop swishing from side to side as Eric had held his friend’s attention for the better half of the last hour and a half.

“Why did you make that first request? What kind of homo stallion are you?” Copper demanded, seemingly upset with the fact that his friend had essentially cock-blocked himself from two of the hottest mares around.

“Because I actually don’t view you like that. At least not right now that is,” Eric stated before flagging over the bartender.

“I can’t believe it. My best buddy is the soon to be prince of Equestria,” Copper said, more to just reassure himself that he wasn’t dreaming than actually believing it.

“Yeah, it’s a lot to take in still. Though I would like you to keep it on the down low for now. My guess is that most of the nobles are going to keep quiet about the whole incident while they try to find a way around it.” Eric added before noticing the mare hunched over the counter with her front hooves and a mischievous grin on her face.

“Oh really now? And what happens if a certain bartender were to reveal what she just heard to the news stations? I mean, I’m sure she could make a few extra bits from divulging such juicy information. I guess it just depends on how much of a tip those patrons leave,” the bat mare stated with a grin. To her credit, it took balls to try and extort the future prince of Equestria, which was something Eric found quite likable about the mare. But at the same time, he wasn’t going to let it slide either. So why not have a little fun with her, at the expense of Copper of course.

“It takes a lot of guts to try and extort the future Prince of Equestria? The same one that hypothetically could have an individual thrown in jail for doing what you suggested the bartender was doing.” Eric stated, watching as the mare’s smirk faded and was replaced with one of worry.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” was all the bat mare could say before she interrupted by the human.

“Though you do make a good point. How a bit of a compromise, shall we?” Eric stated before turning to Copper.

“Copper, since I am essentially your boss now, you have to take orders from me. You see this lovely young mare behind the counter. You are going to take her out tonight on a wonderful date. Whatever she wants she will get. You are then going to walk her back to her place where she will invite you inside. Now stay with me soldier, because I am only going to say this once. You are then going to rut her over and over again. You are going to do this until she can no longer walk in a straight line or even stand. You are going to make her moan and scream so loud, that ponies in the Crystal Empire will remember the day for the rest of their lives. Do I make myself clear soldier?” Eric finished, looking between the two ponies whose faces were nothing but rosy red cheeks and slacked jaws.

“Good, I think I made my point.” Pulling out a bag of bits, Eric gave the mare more than enough to cover the cost of the meal with tip before turning to Copper.

“And this is for you my friend. Use it well,” He stated, dropping the rest of the bits for Copper before walking out of the bar with light chuckle. Both Copper and the mare just stared as the human made his way out the door and around the corner of the building. Slowly turning back towards one another, Copper uttered only one thing to the mare.

“S-so, what time should I pick you up?”

Author's Note:

Well, I think Copper is going to be having a good night. Much like myself since it is 3am and I need to sleep!!!