• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,062 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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When the Wind Meets the Diamonds

Kazemon of the Wind:
When the Wind Meets the Diamonds

I laid on the floor of the vacant building that was serving as my “Hideout”, a golden blanket covering my lower half, and my right arm under my head. My left arms was outstretched to it full length so I could used the light shining through the cracks of a boarded window to look at the item in my hand…the locket I found during my first day here.

“Two weeks…”I mumbled softly. “I have been here two weeks and still can’t recall what sent me here.”

Well…that wasn’t entirely true, bits and pieces were starting to fill in at random times. I remembered that my co-workers and I were forced to dress up for whatever reason, and like usual, I ended up with the short straw. What happened after that was just a blur. I know the locket I found had something to do with it; I just didn’t have enough pieces to put the entire picture together.

With a light sigh, I tossed my locket to my right, and it landed near my hat, my shoes and *shudder* skirt. Man, two weeks in as a girl and a shudder still goes down my spine anytime I thought of anything remotely girly.

And trust me when I say I wasn’t looking forward to what was to come.

I gave my head a quick shake, to clear it, and placed my other hand behind my head. I looked up at the ceiling and tried my hardest to just forget about things for the time being. Unfortunately, one question kept rearing its ugly head.

…Why? Why did I turn into Zoe? I was dressed as her digimon alter-ego, so shouldn’t I had turned back into Richard Gray? Or, at least a female version of my old self? Was it because I was dressed as Kazemon that I currently look like Zoe?

AHHHGGG, this wasn’t helping me. If anything, I was just getting migraine from all this over thinking. I carefully turn onto my side, whizzing through a closed mouth, and closed my eyes, planning on taking a little nap. My body, however, had a different plan in mind, if the rumble I felt in my stomach meant anything. I would have ignored the slight feeling of hunger, but you can‘t ignore hunger for long, can you?

So I sighed and slowly got to my feet, being very careful not irritate my midsection any farther. I let the blanket fall off of me and tried not to look at my “unmentionables” as I walked over to right corner where a few things were being kept. All they really were a sleeping bag and a saddlebag that was filled food…among other things I rather not say at the moment.

With a light moan, I bent down and opened the bag. I sighed when I found only wrappers. Whoever my mysterious benefactor was didn’t give me much…I think I ran out sometime last night. Still, I’m looked through the garage of food wrapping to see if I might have missed something.

I should have known I wasn’t going to get that lucky. I didn’t even have one little crumb and my stomach knew it, if it's loud protest was telling me anything. But then want could I do? All I could really do at this point was go out and steal something. …burnt toast, I couldn’t even believe I’m thinking about doing something like actually stealing food. But what choice do I really have…? I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it’s a good idea to keep up your strength while you recovering or it might take longer to recover.

Speaking of recovery…I opened the other side of my bag and took out the brown pouch that I found after my first fight with that digimon. I wrinkled my nose as I opened the pouch and took out a mushy, pale green paste…I hopped it paste, and proceeded to rub it onto my injured midsection. The stuff, medicine I think, was magically absorbed into my skin once I finished applying it.

Heh, magic, I was still having trouble believing that I was in a land where magic was possible. Then again, I was still trying to wrap my head around what had happened to me. If only I could remember the full details of that day then maybe-my train of thought was broken by a loud growl from my stomach.

I sighed as I began to close the pouch. No sense in over thinking things when my body was screaming at me to feed it. Hmm, I just realized my meds were nearly gone. I sometimes wished that my mysterious benefactor would come around…then again, if he or she would show up I probably wouldn’t be debuting stealing something just to survive.

Another loud growl broke my train of thoughts again, and I sighed as I exchanged the pouch from a black cloak, neatly folded, and returned to my resting spot. I set the cloak down and proceeded to get dress. I was in the process of fixing my hat when I heard something hit the floor.

I looked around and easily found near my feet. Much to my surprise it was G1 Digivice. I gingerly picked it up and was looking it over when something weird happened.

“We are the Digidestined. If you ever need aid of some digital monsters, just press some buttons and we will be right over.”

I blinked five times, and then looked around. There wasn’t another soul within range, so where did that voice come from? I looked back at the Digivice in my hand…did the voice I just heard come from this thing? And if so, what did it mean?

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to think this over as my growling stomach decided to add a small pang of pain just to get my rear in gear. With a light sigh, I pocketed the strange device, and picked up my cloak. I walked to the back, trying to keep my pace slow so I didn’t irritate my injured midsection anymore.

My body may be nearly healed, but my midsection was still tender, which didn’t surprise me much. After all, my midsection took the worse of it during my fight with that Kabuterimon. Even that medicine I was given could only do so much. If anything, it’s more like a painkiller than actual treatment.

…And I realized that I just stalling myself, I think I had been standing at the backdoor for nearly a minute with my cloak on. Strange, when I realized I was wearing my cloak, I become aware of a fainting ringing noise. I wonder where it was coming from, and I doing it again. Guess I really didn’t want to do this, but the growl and slight pain that came with it remained me that I was in need of food.

Man, I really hoped these massive hunger attacks were just a byproduct of the meds I been on, and not something else entirely. I wasn’t completely confident in revealing myself to the ponies just yet. And if there was something seriously wrong with me, I don’t know if the ponies of this world would have anything to treat me properly.

Man, there I go again, stalling and my body’s knew it too, as it let out its loudest growl and the tightening of my stomach was enough to put the final nail in the coffin, and I cautiously stepped into the back alley, keeping an eye out for ponies as I made my way toward what I hoped was a market place.


“Let’s see here,” Rarity muttered to herself as she checked her saddlebags. “I got my fabric from the import fabric store, the train with the others doesn’t arrive for another 40 minutes and I will be meeting Twilight at the station in 35 minutes…seems like I have time to get a drink at that lovely little café at the end of the market place.”

The up-and-coming fashion designer was currently trotting down the market area of Canterlot as she waited for her friend’s business with the princess to finish, and then they could catch the train for the long trip to the Crystal Empire.

Rarity sighed with contentment, today was the perfect day for an outing. The skies were clears and the damage from the battle from nearly two weeks was nearly repaired. Truly, nothing could go wrong on such a beautiful day.

“Stop! Thief!”

So, much for that idea, Rarity thought with a dejected sigh and looked to her right.

The Ponyville-born unicorn cocked an eyebrow when she saw the sight near a cart selling Delicious apples. A pale green unicorn with an apron for a cutie mark and mane covered in a baseball cap was currently holding a small Pegasus filly with a purple coat and a blonde mane in his magical grip.

Rarity frowned as she felt something…odd about the filly. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but something about the filly was calling to her. This feeling was so strong she was ready to jump in and help the poor deal, but she remembered that jumping into things too early could make a problem worse.

“Now, you little thief, where are the rest of my apples?” the stand owner barked in a hush tone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” the filly replied in a calm voice given the position she was currently in. “Yes, I did plan to take an apple, but I was also planning on asking if there was anything I can do to pay off the apple.”

The stand owner wasn’t convinced; he raised the filly just a little higher so he could glare at her directly in the eyes. For her part, the filly was rather unaffected by the glare, in fact, the filly was really calm, something that slightly impressed and disturbed Rarity.

“I know you’re lying to me,” the stand owner said confidently. “I just had a delivery not more than two hours ago, and now an entire crate of apples are missing. So tell me where you store them and I would let the charges slide.”

“Listen, I don’t know what you expect me to say,” the filly said calmly. “But I can tell you that I didn’t steal anything from you.”

If Rarity wasn’t impressed before she certainly was now. Not only was the filly handling things, but she also spoke in a mature manner. Even more impressive was how she showed little fear from being held in a unicorn’s magical hold; she knew from experience how much of a shock that could cause.

Rarity frowned with worry when she noticed the stand owner close to losing his temper. She thought it was time to step in before things got really ugly. She went to make her move and saw something moving behind the stand owned by the apple-selling unicorn. With a quick change in direction, she headed into the back where she saw something…interesting.

“Excuse me, good sir,” Rarity said politely as she stepped out from behind the stand. “But I believe I found the one who had taken your apples.”

The up-and-coming fashion designer took a step to her right and showed the stallion and filly a young colt, with nearly the same coat color at the stand owner, only a shade lighter, and looked quite ashamed about something.

Sour Core?” the owner said, with just a tiny hint of surprise in his voice, and then sighed tiredly. “What was your idea this time?”

Rarity couldn’t help but stare a little…it was like she was almost watching male versions of Applejack and Applebloom, when the young earth filly did something wrong and her big sister‘s scolded her. Even when the young colt began to rub his right hoof against the ground in a clear nervous habit remained the country unicorn of her little sister’s earth pony friend.

“I thought that if I put the crate in a place where a lot of ponies were, I could get the stand some more business,” Sour Core replied after a minute of thought and looked at his father with pleading eyes. “I just wanted to be a good sale pony like you, dad. Is that so wrong?”

The owner sighed tiredly and let the filly go from his magic. The young pegasus instantly began floating in the air, but Rarity did notice some sort of light shimmering around the filly, but decided to let it go and focused on the matter between father and son.

The owner trotted up to his son and placed a hoof onto his son’s shoulder, and give his son a stern but fatherly smile. “Son, you get good ideas, I can admit that, but you execute them poorly,” the owner said in a firm voice. “The crate you took wasn’t marked, so how would ponies know where the apples came from? And why would ponies come here when they could get free apples from a crate just left out in a public area.”

Sour Core looked down at the ground. The young colt was truly ashamed by his actions, that much his father could see and he smiled gently.

“But you did try to return the crate in the end, so I believe a week’s worth of grounding is a fair enough punishment,” the owner stated in a calm voice. Sour Core didn’t like that and looked ready to protest, but his father cut him off. “And I want no “if” “ands” or “buts” from you young stallion. I gave you a task, to help your brother and sister with this month’s deliveries. Instead, you took one of the crates, and that in turn by caused me to make a hasty decision because I just happen to see a young filly trying to take an apple.”

The owner looked at the filly and offered a sincere, apologetic smile. “I am sorry for how I treated you earlier. My son has been causing me a lot of stress lately, and when I noticed that one of my crates was missing I guess I just snapped and took it out on you,” the owner said, his smile turning a little sheepish. “Can you forgive me?”

“It’s happens,” the filly replied with a light shrug. “I’m use to this sort of thing.”

Rarity frowned as she went over the filly’s words in her head. The young pegasus was probably only thirteen-year-old, but to use to something like what happened didn’t sit right with her.

The young fashion designer’s thought were broken when a familiar noise reached her ears, and she looked at the filly who was now wearing a sheepish smile and holding her stomach. Rarity just smiled in a near motherly fashion as she turned to the stand owner.

“Two dozen of your freshest apple, if you would please,” the ivory unicorn asked as she took out her bit pulse from her saddlebag.

The stand owner nodded and went to work with getting the order red, and with aid of his son, the order was quickly filled.

“That would be 21 bits, miss,” the owner said politely as he held the bag of apples in front of him.

Rarity nodded and exchanged the bag of apples with the mentioned amount of bits. The stand owner said a quick thank you and deposited the bits into his register. Rarity next looked at the filly and held out the bag.

“Here you are dear,” the young unicorn said kindly.

“Those are for me?” the filly asked in confusion, Rarity nodded. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take them.”

Rarity giggled under her breath when the child’s stomach broke her tough demeanor and the unicorn gently pushed the bag of apples into hooves.

“Oh, but I insist darling. It‘s not in my nature to turn a soul in need away” Rarity said kindly, then talked in a slightly higher pitch voice, “Especially one as cute as you.”

“Umm, Okay…” the young filly said awkwardly, as she looked at the bag uncertainly and then back at the pony who gave it to her. “But thank you, ms-”

“Please, call me Rarity dear,” the unicorn said, unknowing using a motherly tone with the filly. “And may I ask what you’re name is, dear?

“Umm, it’s…Zoe?” the filly said awkwardly. “And if you excuse me, I really must be going.”

Rarity giggled to herself as she watched Zoe quickly fly away. True there was something off about the young pegasus, but she could tell she was a good filly.

“Ah, it does my heart wonder to see such a good little filly,” Rarity mused to herself as she took out her pocket watch and checked the time. “Hmm, seems like this little detour didn’t take up much of my time. I can still stop at the little café and still be early for my meeting with Twilight.”

Rarity pocketed her watch and proceeded to trot off towards the café, none the wiser that she had a shadow following her, namely four suspicious looking ponies.

Author's Note:

I would like to say something before I sigh off for the day...a Crossover with another Displaced will be happening within the next few chapters, so look forward to it.