• Published 8th May 2016
  • 4,903 Views, 56 Comments

"So... what IS your call sign, anyway?" - Vivid Syntax

Spitfire has a call sign, just like every other Wonderbolt. However, she tries to keep hers a secret, and it's FAR worse than "Rainbow Crash."

  • ...

A Proud Day

Late at night in the Wonderbolts barracks, Spitfire laid her head on the pillow. Her bed was soft, her wings ached, and her eyelids were heavy. Other beds creaked around her as her fellow team members crawled into bed as well, and contented sighs echoed in the nearly silent room, laden with physical exhaustion and the satisfaction of a job well done. Most of the bedside lamps had been blown out, and a thick darkness blanketed the room. Each of the beds was full, all except for one: Rainbow Dash was still cleaning up the compound, the usual punishment for the worst flier of the day.

With a raspy voice, Spitfire gave her final order of the night: "Great show today, team. We've got another one tomorrow, and I want you all well-rested. We'll have to be if we want to make up for Crash's stunt today."

A few of the Wonderbolts laughed quietly.

Spitfire relished moments like these. Teams that laughed together stayed together, and she silently congratulated herself on getting them through the recent transition. She finally allowed her eyes to close as she said, "So, if there are no questions, then good night, 'Bolts. Lights ou–"

"Captain Spitfire?"

Spitfire's eyes shot open, and she sat upright. Her ears swiveled to a grey pony with a curly white mane a few beds down as her vision came into focus. With a flat voice, she asked, "What is it, Silver Lining?"

Silver Lining cowered, then relit his lamp and looked directly at her. "Captain, you whispered something to Crash today, and, well… what is your call sign, anyway?"

Spitfire sucked in a sharp breath, then quickly said, "Not important, Silver Lining. As far as you're concerned, it's 'Captain.' Now, if there aren't–"

"Actually," came Misty Fly's voice from across the room. She relit her lamp and sat up as well. "I don't think I've heard it, either."

Spitfire's eyes went wide, and her ears flattened against her head. "Some other time, Misty Fly." She set her shoulders, put on her most professional voice, and said, "Right now, the whole team is exhausted, and we need sleep."

From the bed next to Misty Fly, Soarin' snickered from under the covers. "Aw, c'mon, Spitfire. They're going to find out eventually." He sat up and rubbed an eye with his hoof. "Might as well tell 'em now."

Spitfire paused. Images flashed through her mind of her first performance as a Wonderbolt. All those fireworks…

She rapidly shook her head. "Absolutely not." To herself, she thought, 'I'm the captain, and I need to command a certain level of respect.' Deep in her mind, though, she knew she was making excuses, but she everything inside her told her to close the subject completely. "No! We've got another show tomorrow, and I don't want any more catastrophes!" She raised her voice. "Do I make myself clear?"

The barracks were filled with a half-hearted chorus of, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good! Lights out." Spitfire flopped onto her side and turned out her lamp, pulling the blankets over her head. She pursed her lips and screwed her eyes shut.

But Soarin' wasn't done. "Ya' know… I bet they could get Rainbow Crash to spill the beans when she's done cleaning up."

Spitfire's eyes shot back open, and she snapped upright again. "Soarin'…"

"Oooooor…," Soarin' continued, rubbing his chin theatrically. "I guess I could tell them. I bet my version's even less flattering."

Spitfire ground her teeth together. "Soarin'!"

Misty Fly peeked her head out from under her blanket. "Wait, really? You were there?"

Soarin' nodded. "Oh yeah. I was in the reserves at the time. It was a much bigger show than today's was, and Princess Celestia was there, too!"

Spitfire felt her stomach drop, and she stared directly at Soarin', mouth hanging open.

Soarin' smiled wickedly back. "And it was a big show, too! Huge crowd. See, we'd advertised that we were going to try out some new pyrotechnics…"

Silver Lining, who was leaning on one foreleg, cocked an eyebrow. "I thought the organization said those were too dangerous?"

Soarin' nodded at him. "Well, we don't usually do them anymore, not after what happened to Spitfire."

Spitfire's cheeks felt hot. Her breathing had gotten heavier, more rapid. She tried to cut Soarin' in half with her eyes.

And meanwhile, the rest of the Wonderbolts had leaned towards Soarin', begging him to continue.

"C'mon, Soarin'! What happened?"
"Was it bad?"
"Tell us!"

Soarin' winked at Spitfire from across the room. "Last chance, Captain."

Spitfire snorted and mentally went over a dozen extra flight exercises she could make Soarin' do. "You're going to pay for thi–"

"Worth it!" Soarin' flopped backwards into his bed. He folded one foreleg behind his head and gestured at Spitfire with the other one. "Go on, Spitfire. Tell 'em."

All eyes turned to Spitfire.

Spitfire sighed. 'The team that laughs together…'

She sat up proud. "It was a big show in Canterlot, part of the week-long Summer Sun Celebration festivities. Ponies had come from all over the countryside, and we were performing in Canterlot Stadium." She nodded to Silver Lining, "And yes, we were trying out some fireworks, even though management had some… concerns."

"Some totally valid concerns," Soarin' added with another flick of his hoof.

Spitfire narrowed his eyes at him, but then she relaxed. "The fireworks were rigged to fire at the same time as our takeoff, and…"

Spitfire looked around. Every single Wonderbolt stared at her, most leaning towards her and wearing anticipatory smiles.

"…and during my takeoff, I bumped one of the launchers, knocking it over. I hadn't even realized it until the firework screamed toward–"

"Did it hit the Princess?" Silver Lining asked, jumping onto his hooves.

Spitfire recoiled, then regained her composure. "No. Nopony was injured."

Misty Fly shrugged. "Then that doesn't seem so bad. I bet nopony even noticed."

Spitfire felt her wings droop. "Oh, they noticed alright. It didn't hit anypony, but it did cause something of a… health concern."

"Health concern?" Silver Lining asked. "How so?"

Spitfire pursed her lips.

From his bed, Soarin' giggled and said, "Wait for it…"

Spitfire sighed. "It completely exploded a nearby latrine."

The room was utterly silent.

…until High Winds said, "Wait… does that mean…"

"Yes," Spitfire replied, wincing. "Ever since then, they've called me Shitfire."

And even on the opposite side of the compound, Rainbow Dash could hear the laughter.

Comments ( 56 )

This is gold! :rainbowlaugh:

Pffffft... Snerk... Bwahahahahah! :rainbowlaugh:
Wonder how the logo looks like.



Glad you liked it. Thanks for checking it out! :rainbowwild:

Jeez, what does the patch for that call sign look like? :rainbowderp:

I'll leave that up to your imagination, but notice that Spitfire's never been seen wearing her jacket. :rainbowlaugh:

I spent a long time trying to figure out what Spitfire's nickname could have been. The best I could come up with in that time was Spit-take.

The one in the story ended up popping into my head shortly after the episode, and I thought, "Oh yeah, that's way worse than 'Rainbow Crash.'" And once I had that, well... I pretty much had to write the fic. :raritywink:

Please write a version of this where her nickname ends up being Spank Flank and I'll leave the rest in the air

Al hail Captain Spitfire, Supreme Commander of Shitstorms. :rainbowlaugh:

Like I said, these stories will be coming in by the droves... :pinkiehappy:

That's a solid name. I'm a fan. Although, honestly, I feel like Spitfire could've twisted it into something badass.

"Hey, Boss, why do they call you Shitfire?"

"Cause I don't take shit from anypony. Now drop and give me twenty!"

Or something.

Damn, you beat me to it.

How about SpitBall, cause she accidentally hits Celestia with one she was aiming at Soarin` :twilightblush:

Good ideas! I knew it had to be something "worse than Rainbow Crash," so I tried to push it a little further.

That would be an awesome follow-up story!

This was freaking amazing! I wish they could have said that in the episode! It would have been the best episode I've ever seen!:rainbowlaugh: which is saying something because I've seen every single episode except for Wendigo Wasteland

"Shitfire" was my first thought, too, and he first thing I did upon watching the ep was to rush here to see if anyone else had the same idea. Great story, though in my headcanon "shitfire's" back story involves a ton of spicy food and a very unfortunate skytrail...

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. And while they can't say things like that on the show, well, that's where fanfics come in. :raritywink:

Thanks, fellstorm! I thought about giving her a similar backstory, too, but I figured I'd leave her with some dignity. :rainbowlaugh:

7199051 Was thinking the same thing :rainbowlaugh:

That's amazing!

:rainbowlaugh: Yup, WAY worse than Crash!

This is my new headcanon.

It'll probably get disproved or replaced with canon later on, but until then...

"Slutfire" was my first thought. I quickly sided with "Shitfire" as it was far more likely (or is it? :trollestia: ).

Comment posted by insertfootinmouth deleted May 11th, 2016

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

Jeez, now I need to write that story, too. Miiiiight need to up the rating on that one. :rainbowlaugh:

I didn't even try to incorporate her name into her nickname when trying to figure it out since Rainbow seemed the only one with a play on her name. Kind of missed this option as a result. I was thinking tamer things like flying diaster, toilet terror, flounder, face plant, wingless wonder.

All good options, but I liked the idea of something short and sweet. :raritywink:

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Later Reviews #51.

You can find my review here.

You're giving me a complex, TD. :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for the review!

I don't mean to! I'm more of a facitilies guy. :trollestia:

More seriously, grats on getting featured.

...I got featured? :rainbowderp: You mean in the box?

Hm. Maybe I'm just misremembering.



I need to get around to reading Not In Bluff Nor Bravado Nor Loneliness. I keep putting it off for some reason. :fluttershyouch:

And here I got my hopes up.:rainbowlaugh: And aw, jeez! "Bluff" should have been the first one you read! I consider it my best work (maybe after Sensation, but that's kind of a different ballgame altogether). When you end up reading it, I hope you'll like it, if only so I don't have to see anothe combo of "Vivid's a good author" and "Not Recommended." :derpytongue2:

The first story of yours that I read IIRC was For When It Rains, which I really liked. Bluff has been on my higher priority lists for a while now, but it always seems to get bumped for something else... or laziness. :trixieshiftright:

It isn't even that long!

MY call sign?

Mantis. Yours?

Usually just "Vivid" around the fandom. :raritywink:

MJP #45 · Oct 14th, 2016 · · 9 ·

her callsign is "bitch" cause she is a bitch,

also, spitfire not sharing her call-sign is hypocritical, don't you think, she told RD to just deal with it, yet she's embarrased by something, she tell the other wonderbolts to "just deal with"

Shitfire! Holy fucking shit! Oh my
God! That's what I came up with, only it involved Indian food. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay..... yeah do gotta admit... that is worse then 'Crash'.

And the next day, spitfire made it against the rules for the wonderbolts to call each other nicknames.

Rainbow dash:not so fun being called a nickname even if it’s just a friendly jab is it?

Spitfire: I’ll take down your probation immediately if we say neither of our names never happened.

Rainbow: Deal.


My reaction to the ending

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