• Published 24th May 2016
  • 672 Views, 26 Comments

Fool's Paradise - Chapter 13

A tale of two dreamers: a dream reached, and a dream lost. One will learn that dreams aren't always what they imagined. The other, that a dream unreached may not be a dream lost.

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Part: 4

Fool's Paradise
By: Rumble, Chapter: 13, Typoglyphic.

Lightning Dust woke up.

Her head felt like it was going to explode — her stomach wasn’t faring much better. She groaned in agony. She wanted to remain on her couch and sleep off her hangover.

The bile rising in her throat would have none of that.

The opal pegasus rolled from her couch and sprinted to her bathroom. With pure luck, Lightning made it just in time, spewing what remained of her binge into the toilet. Three more heaves later, the mare wiped her muzzle and returned to her hooves. Her head still hurt, but her stomach felt marginally better.

After a quick shower, the now damp mare trotted out of the bathroom and back over to the couch. She flopped back down, snuggling her way back into the well-worn material. It was now that bits of the previous night finally came back to her. She remembered arriving at the bar. Then drinking. Then drinking some more. Then finally bumping into…

She blinked.

Rainbow Dash?

Lighting rose to a seated position on her couch, now taking an active effort to remember the night before. Focusing more, she remembered bumping into the mare. The argument they had. She growled. The argument she had with Spitfire. Then she remembered leaving… crying. Why was she crying? She had been angry at the mare, not sad. Why would she cry? Pushing past that, she remembered reluctantly accepting Rainbow’s offer for help. Why had she accepted? More importantly: why had the sky-blue mare offered?

The rest was a blur and seemed irrelevant, at this point. Mixed feelings filled the mare. Most of them stemmed from the flood of emotion that usually came when she was reminded of the Academy, but there were other, more distinct emotions that came with it. Confusion was one of the most prominent. Through the haze that was her memory, she remembered her former Wing-Pony being concerned for her, going as far as helping get her drunk-ass home. Why had she done that? Why had Dash cared?

Lightning shook her head. Did it matter? She was gone, now, probably never to return… right? She was a Wonderbolt, from what she had heard. Why would she waste time with somepony like her?

It was now Lightning noticed the small piece of paper on her coffee table — beer table, at this point. Curious, she picked it up and read.

Hey Lightning I’m sorry about what happened to you at the academy. I didn’t know. You were right I should have backed you up but I didn’t. I got angry and couldn’t see what was right in front of me. I know there is no way I can make it up to you but I want to try. Me and the rest of the ‘bolts are going to be performing the day after tomorrow. Wednesday, depending on when you wake up. I've arranged for you to have backstage access for the entire concert. I know I can't make it up to you and take back what happened, but at least I can make it feel like it didn't. Accept if you want or don't. It's okay either way. Just show this note to one of the attendants and tell them to get me.

To the attendant reading this. Yeah, she’s with me. Don't believe me? Then call my ass and I’ll prove it to you. I hear you didn't… you’re fired!

~ Rainbow Dash

Lightning read over the note several more time, then several more after this. Was she for real? Did she actually mean it? She wanted to believe it was real, but part of her just couldn't. A new thought popped into her head: did she want to go? Yes, the idea did seem tempting, but did she really want to go back? Those were the ponies who had ruined her life. Her dream. Everything she had held dear. She didn't want to see them again… right?

Lightning shook her head, her eyes scrunched shut. The mare crumpled the note in her hooves, then threw it half way across the room.

“Stupid Dash,” she muttered through clenched teeth, then pressed a hoof to her temple. “Urg, stupid hangover!”

Her tired mind was in no position to make a decision like this. Especially concerning that… pony. Anger flowed freely though the mare; the cause of which, she didn’t know. She was just angry, and it felt good for it to be centered at somepony other than herself. Plus, she had to go to work soon.

Lightning's eyes went wide, then scrunched shut as she let out another growl.

“Damn it…”


Nirvana stood on her cloud, watching the weather team set up for an up and coming storm. A small yawn escaped her lips, but a smiled never left her lips. Sure, she was tired, and definitely not a morning pony, but she still loved her job. That — and a huge cup of coffee — was all she needed to force herself from her comfy bed.

As she looked around and observed her team, she noticed something missing. An opal something. The mare sighed, her smile fading to a dull frown.

“Well, I guess Lightning isn't coming to work... again,” she said sadly, the realization a huge let down. In truth, she felt sorry for the mare. She had heard what had happened to her, and gave her slack for such, but there was only so much rope you could give somepony before you realize it's only to hang themselves with.

The mare shook her head sadly once more, but perked up when she heard the floosh! and impact of something landing on her cloud. Nirvana turned to see a surprising sight, but one she welcomed. “Oh, great, you’re here!” she said with a smile at the panting, winded form of Lightning.

The mare was panting, having flown from her house to the location as fast as she could. Her mane was a mess, and she still had her toothbrush in her mouth, stupidly, thinking she could fly and brush at the same time to save time. She spot out the plastic instrument into her hoof.

“I’m here, boss,” Lightning began, squinting in the early-morning sun . “Had a late night.”

Nirvana shook her head, looking at the, once again, hung over mare. “Lighting... ” the mare began, then thought better. It wasn’t worth it. She took a step back, then pointed with a wing to a group of pegasus. “Just go to your post, please.”

Dust look like she wanted to retort, only to nod and take to the air, flying toward her post.

Nirvana watched as the opal pegasus joined the rest of her assigned team with a sad expression. “I thought I was making progress...”


Lightning wiped the bead of sweat that had begun to build up on her brow. Although she still stood by her statement that cloud pushing was, well, worthless, she would have to admit that it wasn’t easy. Wasn't hard, either. More … monotonous and boring than anything.

The opal mare turned and observed the rest of her group, all of which seemed to be in better shape than her. A tinge of anger briefly flew through her head at this prospect, but was quick to fade when she realized that this meant her day was done. The mare smiled.

“Lightning,” called a voice from not far behind her, “can you come over her for a minute?”

Lightning sighed and shook her head. She turned to see Nirvana waving her over. Crap. Lighting flew over to her boss. “Yes…?”

“You were late today,” Nirvana said, matter-of-factly.

Lightning flinched. “Y-yeah…”

“And hungover.”

Lightning bit her inner cheek. “Yeah…”

Nirvan shook her head. “I thought we talked about this, Dust: I thought you were going to try harder.”

That one stung. It took all of Lightning’s effort not to scream out a response. She held her tongue.

“You disappointed me today.” Nirvana shook her head, her body finally softening. “Get out of her, Lightning. Try to be on time tomorrow.”

The opal mare gave a quick nod, then took to the air almost immediately.


Lightning arrived at her home not longer after, slamming the door behind her. She stomped forward and into the kitchen, throwing open the refrigerator. To her dismay, and continued anger, it was void of anything alcoholic. Damn. With a huff, she closed the refrigerator and stomped towards the couch, vaulting over the back and landing with a bounce.

“What the hell does she think she’s talking about?” Lightning growled, staring at the ceiling. “I arrived five minutes late… well, maybe a little more than that, but it ain’t a big deal! I got there!”

The mare wiggled as the tried to get comfortable in the old piece of furniture. It wasn’t working.

Nothing was working!

Lightning growled once more, now sounding more like an annoyed lion. She was angry, and didn’t have and booze to drown out her anger. She was broke, pissed, and demoted. She was worthless! The mare rose with a huff, her attempt to get comfy for naught. She rested her head on a hoof, staring at her coffee table.

“I hate everyone…”