• Published 2nd May 2016
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The Last Impressionist - CrackedInkWell

On the way home one night, Fancy Pants discovers a painting of extraordinary quality being thrown away in the trash in the poorer part of Canterlot. Curious, Fancy discovers a depressed artist who's down on his luck named Acrylic Brush.

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Chapter 32: Acrylic’s Gift

We returned home a few days later. Once we reached Canterlot, father looked for a replacement for Acrylic before returning home to Trottingham. From there, we returned to the way things were. My coltfriend was getting an education, Princess Luna by his side while I continued on with my job. Of course, Acrylic continued to paint when he could between his duties of a Valet and his schooling. I’m relieved to say that through the autumn months, my dear Acrylic hadn’t attempted suicide, although he did need a shoulder to cry on from time to time.

The two of us went on dates, went to our guys night out at the Blue Smoke Bar for our card games. Each time we go, of course, Hoity would bring along somepony new to the table. The gents over there would ask us how we were coming along and what we’ve been doing the last time we’d seen them.

Months seemed to fade away as we kept each other’s company. Despite what fears he had, we stayed as a loving couple. Although I confess, Acrylic for a long time had been rather shy to show affection in public, but I on the other hoof sure did. When we walked down the streets of the ever cooling autumn evening from the castle for his lessons, I would lean up against him as we walked. I was, and still am, thankful that he never once pushed away my tiny advances. Holding his hoof, putting a foreleg over him, even nuzzling in a crowded room.

Now before I go any further describing what happened during the winter months, I must let you know that in that time, while we continued to get used to sleeping in the same bed, I kept my promise to not… Violate him. Although, at the same time, I confessed that each night, I wondered when we could go further. Of course, It wouldn’t be my first time, and I was prepared on my half when the time called for it. However, Acrylic did make it very clear that he was a virgin, he wanted to wait until he was not only comfortable with me but ready. He knew that all he had to do was to give the word, and I would be obliged to serve.

But I’m getting off track. The family reunion of Lord Night Light took place in early December, luckily for us; it was in Canterlot’s palace. Luckily for my coltfriend, he didn’t have to paint so many ponies. There was Princesses Cadence, Twilight, Prince Shining Armor that he sketched out onto the canvas, along with Lord Night and Lady Velvet. Sitting on the armrest was Spike the Dragon that sat next to Shining. Needless to say, that it was a small affair in which we were invited to. The family was posing for the artist, with the Princess of Friendship sitting right in the middle of the couch while her parents were propped up behind the sofa.

“And then, Pinkie said ‘Yep, it’s in the oven.’” Twilight delivered the punchline. We all laughed heartily at the story of Twilight Sparkle’s very eccentric friend.

“I tell ya Twilie,” Prince Armour shook his head, Sitting to his sister’s left. “You must have the craziest friends ever.”

“How come you get all the excitement?” Cadence asked. “It makes me wanna take a break from the Empire to come down to have some of those adventures myself.”

“Well, why don’t you?” Spike wondered. “I mean, you guys can just railroad down to Ponyville whenever you want.”

“As much as we’d like to,” the Prince replied. “I don’t know if both of us could escape all the paperwork.”

“Yes, you can. I mean, all you have to say is, ‘I Shining Armor and Cadence, by the power invested in us, blah, blah blah blah; wish to take a day off.’ Besides, you could at least hire somepony that would look over the Empire while you’re away.”

Lady Velvet looked confused and turned her attention to the Princess of Love. “You know, maybe I’ve heard wrong, but aren’t you two expecting?”

Shining gave a confused look, “Huh? But my Cadence isn’t pregnant.”

“At least not yet,” his wife added.

While they were talking, I glanced over at how Acrylic’s work was coming along. I smiled, “It looks pretty good so far.”

“It’s getting there,” he mumbled as he picked up some light turquoise on his thinnest brush. “Just need to get the color shading in.”

“How close are you with the painting Mr. Brush?” Lord Night Light asked.

He peaked over the canvas, “I think I’m on the final layer. There are just some colors here that are being stubborn.” After sinking back, he added, “Sorry for the wait, by the way, this is taking much longer than I anticipated.”

“Oh we don’t mind,” Cadence told him. “Besides, we like that we didn’t have to stay still for hours on end.”

“I tend to work quickly, your Highness.”

“A change in subject,” Lord Night interrupted. “Fancy, what are you planning on doing for Hearth’s Warming?”

“Well, since you brought it up,” I leaned back against a column. “There’s that annual party that the servants put on for Hearths Warming Eve. After that we all open presents the next morning, and we finish it with a feast for lunch. The servants invite their families over every year, but Acrylic’s on the other hoof is up in the air at the moment.”

“But what are you going to do?”

I shrugged, “What I do every year? I look for thoughtful gifts for my loved ones, overeat and drink until I pass out.”

This got Acrylic’s attention, “I thought you said you’re not an alcoholic?”

I chuckled, “Oh come on an old sport, you know I don’t make a habit of it. There’s a fine line between moderation and being completely addicted. But don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of things in mind for you to indulge on to make you as big as a house.”

He raised an eyebrow, “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re trying to fatten me up.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t mind,” I smirked.

Rolling his eye and shaking his head, he returned to the canvas.

“How are you guys with your Hearths Warming shopping?” Spike inquired. The family looked at him before at each other.

“Hey, I have barely gotten started,” Lady Velvet huffed. “It’s not easy to get stuff for you when my children are royalty.”

“I’ve already made checklists for that,” Twilight told them. “I think I have a pretty good idea what to get for everypony.”

“To be honest,” Shining leaned back in his seat. “I’m kinda having a pretty hard time figuring that out. I know the big day is some ways away, but still, it’s really tough when you have a city-state to run.”

“Or maybe you could just tell us what you wanted?” the little drake stated. “I mean, the whole family’s here.”

I tuned out at this point. While the family talked about gifts, I looked over at my coltfriend and I already knew the gift that was in store for him. Truth was, while I did inform him about painting the Lord Night Light’s family, I left the classes at the university out because I thought letting him know on Hearth’s Warming morning would be the perfect time to inform him. At the same time, I did wonder if Acrylic has something for me as well.

A couple minutes later, he paused, taking a step back from the painting, “Better. Much better.”

“Have you finished?” Princess Twilight asked.

My coltfriend looked over the group portrait, “I think so. You guys can come up and see.”

As Acrylic stepped back, the family got off the couch to go around the tripod. What they saw was that in the background of swirling blues, light purple and lime green were them at the bright red velvet couch. On the upper left with his forelegs dangling like his wife’s, Lord Night Light’s blue coat and mane was counterbalanced with small strokes of pink and violet. Lady Velvet had her gray coat, along with her white and light violet mane touched up with the silver of her coat, extremely light grays and blues in her mane.

For the children from left to right, Shining had his mane touched in turquoise and royal blue while his coat had quick brush strokes of eggshell white and snowy gray. Twilight had touches of dark pink and gold in her coat while her mane had different shades of purple. Cadence was touched up in cheery reds and whites that went on top of her hot pink coat and her tricolor mane moved and turned in several shades of yellow, purple and pink. As for Spike, the little dragon green and purple scales were expertly touched in silver, olive green, and dull dandelion that highlighted his light and shadow.

When Lady Velvet saw the work, she laughed, “Oh wow, that’s amazing!”

“It’s so colorful!” Princess Twilight commented.

“It’s so intense,” added Shining, “Kinda reminds me of those times we turn crystal when there’s an excess of love in the empire.”

Cadence nodded, “Yeah, I can see that. You know, I didn’t think it was possible that somepony could make you look better.”

He snorted, “I could easily say the same about you.”

“It’s not bad,” Spike nodded at his image. “I didn’t think anypony could pull something like that off.”

“This is indeed wonderful Mr. Brush,” Lord Night Light beamed as he went up to the artist. “We’re honored that you could come to paint us in such a beautiful way.”

“Oh it’s no problem at all sir,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I admit that it was difficult, but I’m satisfied with it.”

“I think you did a great job,” Twilight replied.

“Thank you everypony,” he blushed as he looked over to Princess Cadence, “Excuse me, your Highness, but could I speak with you for a moment?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

“Uh,” he looked over to me, “not here. I just want some advice on… something personal.”

Although puzzled, she followed him out of the room.

Out of earshot, it was my turn to address his Lordship. “Is the painting alright?”

He chuckled, “I really like it. This is stunning actually,” the blue unicorn turned to me. “I think I’ll be able to put in a good word for the University to give some master classes. Although, since I know that this semester is ending this month, do you think that he wouldn’t mind if you have him start in January, about a week after the New Year?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all your Lordship. If anything, it would be perfect timing since I wanted to tell him this on Hearth’s Warming – as a kind of a present for him.”

“Huh, that’s really thoughtful of you,” he nodded. “A change in subject, have you heard any news from your coltfriend’s family as of late?”

I shook my head, “I’m afraid not. There has been a very limited amount of information since his coming out. Oh sure, he still takes care of them by sending them an allowance. It might be unlikely they’ll be here for the big holiday, but whatever case, I’ll still be by his side.”

He patted me on the back, “Fancy, as your friend, I’m rather glad that you’ve finally found someone special. I think it’s about time that happens.”

“Now now old chap,” I chuckled, “let’s not jump straight to the marriage thing yet. It’s been about half a year since we’ve met. I think I would wait for at least a few more years before we hop into that sort of thing.”

“Did I tell you that she purposed to me a year after we started dating?” Lord Nightly inquired.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I’m very much aware, and it doesn’t prove anything. I wanted us to have the time to determine if we’re right for one another. Besides,” I smirked, “he does have the education to commit to.”

“Okay, fair enough.”


Weeks later on Hearths Warming Eve, I sat there in the chair in my study, watching the snow falling outside while my phonograph was playing a piece from Horseshoepin. While the servant party was winding down to where everypony was starting to drift to bed, I on the other hoof was still up, watching the snow dance outside my window. To me, this is my most favorite part of winter to watch the flakes waltz by the streetlights that illuminate them.

It was then that I heard a knock, “The door’s open.” I looked over to see who entered into the study. “Ah, Acrylic, it’s good to see you. How was the party?”

“I thought it was okay,” he said closing the door with his hind leg. “You were right, the food was really good. But why are you here? You didn’t stay too long at the party.”

Looking back at the glass, I informed him, “It’s because I wanted some quiet time. Look, have you seen the snow out there?”

He went over to the window that was on the opposite end of the room, “It’s lovely.”

“To be honest with you,” I sighed. “Normally, winter isn’t my favorite season out of the four. When you’re out there, you’re cold, wet, the wind is too strong, bitter and you risk falling over with every step you take. In my opinion, winter is meant to be viewed at a distance. For when you’re inside looking out, it’s beautiful. Cold, pure, but beautiful all the same,” I looked over to him. “So, why are you here? It’s not exactly time to retire, is it?”

I saw his cheeks turn pink on his red coat; he looked like he had something uneasy on his mind.

“Is something wrong?”

“Huh?” he snapped his attention. “N-No. Nothing wrong, it’s just…”

I raised an eyebrow, “Yes?”

“Well… I uh…” there was a further blush as it deepens. “I…” He sighed, “Fancy, can I talk to you?”

“Of course you can. I’m all ears.”

He sat down awkwardly across the room, pawing at the carpet. “This… This isn’t going to be… easy, for me to say this directly.”

I was curious at this point, but I said nothing.

“Fancy… I want to… give you a gift.”

“This early?” I pondered, “But it’s not Hearths Warming yet.”

He nodded, but his blush won’t go away, “I know… It’s just that… I uh… I feel ready to do it… now.”

“Okay,” I shrugged, looking around. “So where is it?”

Gulping, Acrylic stood up and gingerly walked over to me. “You see… Fancy, do you remember when we were coming back from Neighpon that I wanted to get used to sleeping in the same bed as you?”

“I do. Why?”

“Well… We’ve been dating for… what? About six or so months now?”

“Acrylic, dear, where are you going with this?”

He paused and took in a deep breath, “Fancy, for Hearth’s Warming, I want to give you a gift. Something that’s very personal. Something that I wouldn’t give away freely unless I made up my mind, and absolutely, without question or doubt, I am willing to give it to you. You know I trust you, Fancy, above anypony else.”

Wait… Is he… Is he proposing what I think he’s proposing?’ I asked myself.

“Fancy,” the Impressionist took my hoof into his. “For Hearths Warming, I’m giving myself to you. Fully.”

My jaw dropped. “By Jove… Acrylic, are you absolutely sure about this?”

He nodded, “Yes, I’m ready.”

I could hear my own heart skip a couple of beats as my cheeks heated up. “Really? You actually wanted to do it? Tonight?”

“I really do,” he smiled, “Besides, I do trust you. But I on the other hoof, have no clue what I’m doing.”

Now, I confess that when I heard that, there was only one thing in my head at that point.

Happy Hearths Warming to me!

“O-Of course,” he added, “I can’t make you if you don’t wanna. I wasn’t sure if six months was too soon or- whoa!”

Lighting up my horn, I swept him off his hooves, carrying him on his back before teleporting the phonograph into the bedroom.

“F-Fancy? What are,” I walked over to him in a loving gaze, “Oh…

“Acrylic, before anything happens, I must say that this is unbelievably thoughtful of you. In truth, I’ve been waiting for a while for you to suggest such an activity.” This made him blush. “Now, with that being said, I know that this will be your first time, I know how nervous you are at this moment thinking you need to please me. Please do me this favor and forget that. Tonight won’t be just about me, or you, but us. While I can’t guarantee that everything will go right in one go, I can promise you that on my behalf, I’ll try to look at this as a… kind of a performance.”

“Uh, o-okay,” he said. I start trotting out of the study, carrying Acrylic in front of me.

“The next thing is that if we’re going to really do this, I want you to understand one thing. If at any time I cross a line and make you feel uncomfortable in any way at all, please, say something immediately. And I will stop right there and then.”

He nodded as I carried him up the staircase, and headed down the hall towards the master’s bedroom.

“S-So,” he said. “What do I do?”

I chuckled, “Well, first you must take care of the usual duties as a Valet. But once everything is done, then I’ll assist you in the preparations to make this go as smoothly as possible for you.” Stepping through the door, I turned to him, “Just remember, you don’t have to do this for me. You have a say in stopping at any time.”

He shook his head and kissed me. “No. As I’ve said, I’m ready for this. Though I have to ask – do you trust me too?”

Smirking, I kissed him back, “Of course old sport. For now, let’s see where this goes.”

With that, I closed the door and locked it behind me.

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