• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
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Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!


"There is no TRI."
3642 BBY
Taris was once a massive, urban city-planet under the care of the Galactic Republic. Three-hundred years ago, an attack by the Sith Empire changed that, transforming the world's sprawling city into a sprawling wasteland of dirt, destruction and disease. With the recent truce between the Republic and the Empire, the Republic has returned to Taris to rebuild and restore the planet to its former glory. They soon realize that task is more challenging than they could ever have anticipated.

Applejack is no stranger to hard work, even if she may be a stranger to Taris. Nevertheless, her expertise, as well as that of her friends, is called upon to help restore life to the faraway world. Together, they believe they can give this world a brighter future. Unfortunately, others see a very different future for Taris.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 10 )

Well, this is gonna end badly... oh well, should still be interesting.


1. "There is no TRI." There is no "three"...? Or am I missing a pun?

2. Always glad to see another SW:TOR player/fan :pinkiehappy: . What server are you on? (If you play)

3. I applaud your correct timing for Govenor Leontyne Saresh, during the Chapter 1 portion of the [Republic Class Protagonist] Tales of 'vanilla' SW:TOR. And despite the failure of the Taris Resettlement Initiative, Saresh's dedication and efforts to the project would see her rise to the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic (after the assassination of Chancellor Janarus by the [Bounty Hunter Protagonist] Tale.

4. UN-fortunately, the use of HK-55 is vastly incorrect. HK-55 will not be built for another +15 years from the 'vanilla' SW:TOR timeframe, during the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion-era. And even then, only a single HK-55 model was ever able to be produced (for Sith Lord Lana Beniko) before the Sith Empire fell to the conquest-war of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul (which halted any further production of the -55 model).

As an addendum since we are talking HK models, the HK-51's are also not in existence until +2 years after the the conclusion of the Chapter 3 [Republic Class Protagonist] Tales, with the rise of the Dread Masters on Belsavis' bonus-zone of Section X. So this also means this is long after the Taris Resettlement Initiative was put down by Darth Gravus, Thana Vesh, and the [Imperial Class Protagonist] Tales.

5. That is not to say you cannot use some other form of unique (or more readily available for the timeframe) droid for this story. For example, the powerful (but very expensive) GSI Combat Support Droids existed during this period of time, and were assigned often assigned to important personages. And the GSI Droids could take both a quite a beating, as well as have capable ranged firepower and melee capability to fight off a good-sized mob-group of generic-mob rakghouls (or a single gold-mob one). Another option are the Czerka Battle Droids, not as powerful as the GSI Combat Support Droids, but also far more economical.

7261695 TRI- Taris Resettlement Initiative. It's meant to be a foreboding way of saying this ain't gonna end well. As far as HK goes, I just had to throw him in there. Not that I don't love the GSI CSDs, but HK(in all his incarnations) is just too superb a character. But HK-47 is becoming far too storied to use, HK-51 isn't quite used enough but HK-55 is perfect for our current role.

And with HK-55's construction, they were quite vague about his backstory. Who's to say Lana, being the Sith she is, didn't exaggerate or lie about him to cover up something? There are many ways to explain his inclusion into this story and connect him to the chronology but the point is, he's here now. There will be a few changes to the story but more or less, it will parallel the events of the Republic's attempt to recolonize Taris seen from Applejack's point of view.

As for me, I play on Prophecy of The Five and Shadowlands. No other server but I have a couple toons on Harbinger. I was originally on Davik's Estate before the great merge, I'm the GM of three brony guilds(2 Pub, 1 Imp) and I have 3 guild ships named after a couple of my Pony OCs (The Go Gallant, the Vice Grip and Gallant which is a spare). They're mostly inactive guilds and only partly active servers but hey, at least it's still going.

Why doesn't this story have a tragedy tag?

7262116 Because it's not ultimately a tragedy or sad story. The other tags are more prevalent.

That… might actually work

Nope. Rakghoul don’t seek food, they seek to infect. To further Murr’s influence and power.

Applejack is being a total dumbass. She knows NOTHING and yet is chastising and bossing and the people around her are acting as it she’s right. And letting her be above the rules, repeatedly. And coming up with “ideas” that there is no reason to believe no one in a thousand years thought of. This is ridiculous.

It’s well-written and I like the ponies being introduced to the galaxy, but Applejack ruins the story. She’s the bad apple that spoils this bunch.

I'm just one person and she cares about her family, first. I could've written this in other ways but focusing on one pony, one character minimizes the workload.

Also, according to the journals of the Promised Ones, the rakghouls do eat meat.

Yes, but clearly the beasties aren't interested in that more than killing or spreading. Otherwise baiting-and-purge would have been a very easy and efficient way to eliminate them and they wouldn't be a threat in the first place since the creation of the Murr talisman.

Baiting and purging doesn't seem to be a strategy they use during the days of the Old Republic at all. Hence why Gizka are still a problem. Rakghouls have exhibited some strange traits if you've ever participated in THORN's operations.

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