• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 2,951 Views, 75 Comments

A Gem in Canterlot High - Golden Flare

Before Peridot's ship crashed, another Gem that was held prisoner had escaped and used one of the escape pods and landed in a different version of Earth. Now he tries to live a normal life, but he'll soon realize the past catches up with everybody...

  • ...

Chapter 1: Typical Day

I was on my way to the library to study up when I felt a sinister presence, I knew it was Sunset because she's been breathing down my neck since freshman year. I tried to blend in with the crowd to lose her, but it's kinda hard to do that when I'm wearing a weird-looking cloak. I pulled back the hood and joined the students in stepping aside for the queen of the school, luckily for me, she didn't see me disappear from her sight.

Sunset growled, "We lost him!"

"Oh well, guess it's not gonna work after all." Snips dismissed.

"Yeah, plus he gives us the creeps anyway." Snails added.

Sunset grabbed them both by the front of their shirts and lifted them off the floor, "Find him!" then proceeded to throw them across the hall, landing on their butts.

"Y-Yes, ma'am!" they both said in fear and ran off.

For the love of karat, show some backbone! I thought, angry that people can be intimidated that easily.

I snuck away and made it to the library, I began to study with the time I have left before the first bell.

5 Hours Later...


The lunch bell finally rung and I picked up my things and stuffed them into my backpack. I left the classroom and made my way to the cafeteria after several hours of boring schoolwork and lectures. Eventually, I made it to my destination and got my lunch; a salad and an apple.

I took my lunch and went to a table in a dark corner of the cafeteria, the most secluded lunch table in all of CHS...and my personal spot. I sat down and began eating my food as I people-watch; everybody's in their own group, never separating to join anyone else, it's always been like that since I arrived here, but I can't help but feel like they should be more social. Rose Quartz would have a field day with these kids.

...It was then I had remembered a crucial part of my past. It had been over a thousand years since I first joined the rebellion against Homeworld and got captured and interrogated. I had been a prisoner for longer than I can remember...

1,000 Years Ago...

I couldn't believe it.

I thought I was doing the right thing, helping Rose Quartz.

But all it did was get me captured.

I sat inside my gemstone, my physical form all but destroyed, thinking about how I got into this situation. I was defeated in the war with Homeworld, my gem bubbled, and sent back for interrogation with the Diamonds. I don't know how long I was in my little containment cell, but I do know was that the silence was deafening, I quietly prayed that Rose would save me, but let's face it, she's light-years away, fighting for her life.

No. I knew I had to save myself. But how?

Not long after I reached this conclusion, my physical being began to reform and I found myself facing trial with Yellow Diamond on the judge's stand.

"Court is now in session for the trial of Black Crystal, for the crime for treason, how do you plead?"


Present Day

"Daydreaming, are we?"

A sickeningly familiar voice pulls me out of my reverie, it was none other than Sunset Shimmer, but without her little cronies. She sat adjacent from me, eyes staring into my soul and that evil smirk stretched across her face. If I wasn't trying to lead a normal life, I'd gladly take my scythe and slice that smile clean off her face.

"What do you want?" I demand to know, harshly, making it clear that I don't enjoy her company.

"Why, Black, you wound me!" she says, overdramatically, "I just wanted to grace you with my presence."

I give her a deadpan look, "...I'm not joining your little crew, and you're despicable for trying after I said 'no' last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and so on."

Sunset scowled, "Fine. Have it your way." she got up, but before she left, she said, "But keep this in mind: I always get what I want."

"Sure...whatever helps you sleep at night."

She snarled and stormed off, finally leaving me to my devices. I still don't get that girl's problem, I'm nothing worth talking about to these people, much less obsessing over. I have no friends, no family, no nothing, I have nothing she can benefit from, so why is she bothering me?


Darn. The bell rung. Time for the next class.

I throw my garbage away and place my tray on a conveyor belt that leads to the kitchen for cleaning. I head to my next class, the thought of Sunset wanting me to join her still fresh in my mind.

After the final bell, I decided to lounge on top of the base of the statue, watching the clouds overhead go by as the students leave the school grounds for whatever plans they have. I spend this time relaxing before I head to work, so I don't get too stressed out, especially with the Cakes' newest employee.

"Hiya, Blacky!"

Speak of the she-devil.

I sigh in exasperation, "Hey, Pinkie."

"Aww! What's got your pants in a wad, Blacky? You're usually not like this till break time at Sugarcube Corner."

"Number 1, stop calling me that, and number 2, Sunset Shimmer is why my 'pants are in a wad', as you say."

Pinkie harrumphed, "Of course it had to be that Meanie Meanerson Sunset Shimmer. What did she do to you now?"

"Still trying to get me to join her little gang."

"Still? Wow, she's pret-tee persistent!"

"No, 'annoying' would be more appropriate."

"Well, anyway, I'd love to chat more, but I gotta prepare a surprise 'Welcome to Canterlot' party!"

"What? For who?"

"The new guy! Abyssal Shield!"

Oh yeah. That guy. I noticed him a few times walking back home from work or school, he'd always take long walks in the local park ever since he came here. I swear, he's more reclusive than I am, why doesn't Sunset go after him?

"See ya at work, Blacky!" with that, she bounced away.

...I'll let that one slide this time.

I sigh again continue my post-work ritual. After a good hour, I chose to get up and head to Sugarcube Corner. When I got there, I immediately saw an anomaly, actually, three anomalies; Sunset Shimmer and her pet trolls.

I groan and walk behind the counter, ready to take orders for the customers, "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, how may I help you?"

Unfortunately for me, luck was not on my side. Sunset shoved the person in front of me aside, "Outta my way, nerd!"

"Uh, Sunset? You may be all powerful at school, but here, we treat people with respect." I say.

"Shut up, and just get me a chocolate milkshake!"

"Okay then." I write down the order and give it to Mr. Cake.

Sunset took a deep breath and spoke again, "So, Black...Black Crystal, listen; I'm a very patient woman, and right now, I am slowly, but surely, losing my patience. I can give you EVERYTHING you've ever wanted, all the power you need to control CHS alongside me, so...perhaps you're willing to reconsider...?"

"No." I quickly cut her off.

She didn't seem to like that as she slammed her hands onto the counter, "WHY?! I OFFERED YOU EVERYTHING, YOU HEAR ME?! EVERYTHING!! SO WHY?! WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO DEFY ME!?!"


That's all I could hear. Everyone stopped talking at Sunset's sudden outburst. But me? I stood my ground, not letting her get an inch in this argument we found ourselves in.

"...Let me answer that with another question: what do I have that you could benefit from?"

That made Sunset be taken aback, like she had no idea I was about to ask that.

"Simple. NOTHING. I have NOTHING for you. You're wasting your time, energy, and resources trying to get me on your side."

Sunset just stood there, mouth agape, taking in everything I said to her.

"I think it's about time you left."

I look behind me to see Mr. Cake, not very happy like he usually is. He took Sunset's order and tore it up in front of her, earning him gasps from everyone in the store. She turned back to me as I remained stalwart, she scowled and turned to her table.

"Snips. Snails. We're leaving."

The two little helper monkeys swiftly stood up and left the shop with Sunset in tow. I turn to face my employer.

"I'm sorry about that Mr. Cake, I didn't mean for—"


I quickly quieted myself when he spoke. He put a hand to my shoulder.

"Sometimes..." he gave me his usual smile, "...you just gotta say no, even to customers like that."

I can't believe it, I thought he going to fire me. I couldn't help but smile back. Suddenly I hear cheering, everyone in the sweet shop is cheering...for me? Because I stood up to Sunset Shimmer?

... I decided it was time to get back to work.

3 Hours Later...

I finished my job for the day and headed back home. I took the scenic route in the park, and during then I noticed Abyssal Shield, taking one of his usual walks; he had peach colored skin, spiky dark red hair, but I can't see what color his eyes are because of the sunglasses he always wears, he wears them because I recently learned his eyes are light-sensitive, he's wearing a black jacket with a blue t-shirt underneath, and denim pants, he's pretty much a loner like me, but he's been seen with a small group of friends. His best subjects in school are Advanced Math and Science, and enjoys videos games and long walks, like I said before. He dislikes bullies, I know firsthand because Sunset tried to intimidate him, but he stood his ground peacefully, any guy who can do that is okay in my book.

...Don't give me that look. You try to ignore Pinkie when she's ranting and raving about new students while working and you see how easy it is.

I didn't give him anymore thought as I continued home. When I got there, I saw a pickup truck in front of my house and sitting inside it was Applejack and Big Macintosh. I walked over and they greeted me.

"Howdy partner!" Applejack said.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing the famous Apple siblings?" I ask.

"We have a huge order for apple pies and fizzy apple cider tomorrow, and we need somebody to watch Apple Bloom and her friends for the day."

"Seriously? Can't you just get Rarity or Rainbow Da—" I stopped immediately after I saw Applejack's glare, guess she and Rainbow Dash are still butting heads, "Never mind. I'll do it."

Applejack lightened up and flashed me a smile, "Ah knew Ah could count on ya! See ya tomorrow!"

With that, the two started up the truck and left. I sigh in exasperation for the second time today and head inside my house.


Why do I have a bad feeling about tomorrow...?

Eh, I'll just sleep it off, it's probably nothing.

Author's Note:

I know this is more or less a normal chapter, but rest assured, the next one will be more action-packed :twilightsmile:

Abyssal Shield belongs to Shadow Hero.