• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 354 Views, 8 Comments

Of DragonLords and Wolf Kings - RustyKat

A war breaks out between Dragons and Wolves. But what will happen when you're both wolf and dragon?

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The sudden glow of the wolf known as RustyAce provoked alarm from those around her. Who had ever seen a wolf hybrid glow? For all of the princesses knew that it was a summons from the Dragonlord. But she didn't know much about dragons. Why would she be summoned? Being an alicorn made her a princess, but the thought of royalty made her want to throw up. It was too boring.... Where was the excitement? The danger? It was like a boring novel being a princess.
She lived most of her life in Ponyville, ever since Starswirl mysteriously disappeared. She knew the reason but preferred to keep silent. After all, he was like a father to her.
Nonetheless, after a bit of research and some ponies staring at her, she knew exactly where she should go.
DragonClaw Mountain, the place are all dragons migrate. After all, it was the only place she knew dragons lived anywhere in peace. A dragon princess she once knew, by the name of SandStorm, had quite a fight when she encountered a pack of shadow wolves in her Kingdom, preying upon her subjects. The wolves were eventually caught and executed.... The punishment for killing so many of her loyal subjects she so dearly cared about.
She kept herself silent as she packed a first aid kit in her pack, knowing that this matter of summons was very secret. If she told someone, they would get involved, and she didn't want anyone getting hurt for her sake. That would be a heavy blow to her pride.
Taking off quietly, she had time to sort her thoughts.... And there were plenty of them.
Lately she had noticed the wolves being more secretive than usual. Not one wolf pack did she encounter on her last hunting trip.
She usually met at least one wolf pack, particularly the WaterEagle pack. She had made friends with their acient leader, and talked often. A lot of things she learned from these talks..... Thinking about them now brought her mind hurt.
And she wondered where her old wolf friend Prince Scar was. This would be the fifth day she had not seen him... And the last time she did, he was preparing for something. Him being a medical wolf, he knew a lot about herbs and healing flowers.
Why though he needed so much marigold baffled her. Marigold was for combat wounds, and fighting infections, as far as she knew. Did his father need of him is why he left? She knew how important being a prince could be in wolf society, if it was anything like pony society. But her mind questioned about exactly what a wolf Prince did, following royal duties.
She landed on the cliffside, where she had a good view of the Dragonlord. The Dragonlord was not much taller than the other dragons. The horns curved low on the side of the Dragonlord's head, her turquoise scales obvious in the light. Dark spikes ran down her head, ending at her tail. Her tail had something at the end Rusty couldn't make out what was. However, it surprised Rusty that the Dragonlord was female. The wings arched out gracefully where the Dragonlord sat, her expression unamused and angry.
"Dragons, I have summoned you all here for a dire reason. The wolves of the Ice forest have declared war against us.... And all dragon-like."
Murmurs of surprise and confusion were heard through the large crowd of dragons. Rusty's mind whirled in confusion and shock, despite the fact she was still out of the sight of everyone.
What reason would the wolves attack the dragons!?
"I, Dragonlord Ember, have summoned you all to fight these oppressive beasts and reclaim our dominance over land that should of been ours. They have killed many before.... We shall make them pay in trifolds!"
There was a cheer from the crowd of dragons.
Rusty knew if she walked in at the moment in her normal ponywolf form, everyone would be against her. But SHE had been sommoned.... Based on her unique genetics of Crystal PonyDragon, and YoshiWolf DNA.
But yet she feared her dragon personality. Unpredictable and eager for violence, the creature within was a ticking time bomb.
But.... She realized she had no choice.
Concentrating on her magic, she closed her eyes and calmed her breathing, willing the change.
Her paws ached as they shifted to claws, leathal and sharp. Her furry tail shed the pink mane around the skin, and became long and ropy. A line of pain arched in her skull and she cringed, feeling the horns sprout out, white and slightly curved. Her mane shifted, became a line of sharp spines that ran down her back, ending at the tail. The bones cried out in agony as they shifted to the unaccustomed new shape, changing her posture to bipedial. It was hard to concentrate on the shift as her skin burned, once it started to change to hard, flexable scales. Her eyes became slightly slits, and she noted ironically her clothing still fit perfectly. Oh the irony of stretch fabrics....
Finally, the pain ebbed away entirely, and she gave herself a good look over from a puddle nearby.
I look.... Awesome.
That was her last thought before her dragon personality took over.

It was then that DragonLord Ember saw Rusty's dragon form.
"I haven't seen you around here before. State your name."
All eyes locked upon Rusty's dragon form, some giving gasps of amazement.
"My name is Phoenix StarBlaze. I believe I was summoned here to kick wolf ass." She gave an evil grin. "And mutilate their bodies with my claws."
One of the teenage dragons whispered to another... And the other dragon so happened to be Garble.
"What a babe."
"Yeah I'd say. Wow..."
Ember looked over Phoenix with a skeptical glance. "I suppose so. That's what I like to hear."
She turned her attention back to the others.
"Now..... At midnight we shall strike. They will be asleep, and the element of surprise will be on our side. Prepare yourselves.... And meet me by Lightning Rock one hour before midnight. Tonight we shall make them regret they even messed with our kind!"

Comments ( 8 )

Way too fast paced and short but besides that it is pretty good just try to put some more meat on those bones if you get what I'm saying
Andrewlou4 out see yu

A bit disjointed as a 3rd person account...

What I mean is that It reads very much like a train of thought as opposed to a third person limited narrative. Have you ever considered writing 1st person perspective? I think your writing style would lend towards that kind of narrative.

I wanna see where this goes :pinkiehappy:

7142159 Finally! A positive comment! :yay:

7142165 I like it so far. I can understand the writing so I can imagine the story and it has been awhile since I read anything so it's nice to get back into reading again ^^

7142173 Perhaps because you're the only one that can. :fluttershysad:

That cover art is really off-putting and the summary comes off a little tired. If you're trying to attract readers, those two things aren't gonna help.

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