• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,795 Views, 94 Comments

About Last Month - Darth Link 22

Applejack and Twilight's relationship must deal with the fallout of Twilight becoming a princess, Spike's feelings on the matter, and much much more.

  • ...

The Coronation

It really wasn’t fair, a black mark on an otherwise happy occasion.

She had ascended, gained wings and became an Alicorn, and had been crowned Equestria’s newest Princess. That was the great part.

What wasn’t great was the fact that, during the resulting parade, her marefriend wasn’t allowed to be by her side. She had to march apart while she sat in the float, grinning and waving. They had to be married for real, her officially wearing the title of “Princess Consort”, to be at her side during public events.

It wasn’t fair. Applejack had been by her side for only a month as a lover, but she had been there far longer as a confidant and friend. Only her brother’s wedding existed as a black mark on an otherwise stainless record of dependability, and Twilight couldn’t pretend she was entirely blameless in that regard.

Which is why she was giddy as she waited in her room in the castle. Just as she removed the last of her dress, the door opened. Before she knew it she was tackled and had a pair of lips pressed against hers.

“Frisky, huh?” Twilight said as she broke away.

“I had to look at pretty old you in that chariot fer hours. And that was after weeks of ya bein’ too busy gettin’ ready to be a Princess to visit. You better believe I’m frisky.” She kissed her marefriend a few more times.

Twilight lit up her horn and closed the door, locking it. She broke apart long enough to speak. “Oh, you have no idea. Etiquette lessons, diction, a lot of things Princess Celestia couldn’t sneak into my lessons without me getting suspicious.” She then guided her marefriend to her bed. As the pair rolled onto the covers, kissing each other at every opportunity, Twilight wrapped her wings around her cowpony.

“Just long enough to wrap around one Applejack,” she smirked.

Applejack shivered at the feathers tickling her back. Then she smiled. “I think I could get used to that.”

After a few more kisses they lay in each other's embrace. It was Twilight who spoke first. “I need to teach you how to preen my wings.”

Applejack looked at her. “Wha... why?”

“It’s an intimate act among Pegasi... and Alicorns. Ever since Luna came back, Celestia won’t let anypony else preen her, and vice versa. You’re going to be the one preening me the most, if this works out.”


“Celestia did my first preening. It’s usually something a foal learns from her mother and... well, She said she wanted to have a memory with me my mother couldn’t have,” Twilight said, smiling while a slight blush crept onto her face. “I’ll allow Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to preen me for a while, but once you get it down I want it to be you.”

“Shucks, Twi, if it means that much to ya, of course I will.”

“Excellent.” She kissed her marefriend again as they pulled the covers over themselves.

“So... besides some wings I need ta help ya with, what’s this mean fer us?”

“It means I’ll be attending a lot of functions, and you’ll be my plus one. That’s it for your duties until we actually get married.”

“...And what happens then?”

Twilight backed away from the Earth Pony so she could look her in the eyes. “Well... it’ll mean a lot of things. It will be your responsibility to make foreign dignitaries feel welcome when they visit, to make public appearances with me, and... you’ll be taking on a few responsibilities I’ll be delegating to my castle staff at first. It’s a lot of government things...”

Twilight trailed off, and Applejack could see the worry on her face. She decided to correct that problem with a kiss.

“If it means bein’ with you, I can handle it.”

Twilight teared up before kissing her marefriend again. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

“You talk to Spike?”

At that, Twilight actually broke away. Everything was quiet for a minute before she answered. “Yes... but I have a feeling he wasn’t entirely honest with me about everything.”

“What d’ya mean?”



“You are okay with me dating Applejack, right?”

Spike stopped midway through reshelving a book. She turned to Twilight wearing the biggest, fakest smile Spike had ever worn. “Uh, why would I have an issue with it?”

“Well, you seemed upset at the whole thing.”

The dragon shook his head. “No... it’s just kind of weird. I never pictured you dating anypony, much less one of the others.”

“...And what’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight forgot her first goal and now looked offended.

“No, no, not like that, really,” Spike said, holding his hands up in defense. “But you hardly ever seemed interested in dating before. I was kind of assuming you just didn’t care. You seemed to be in love with books more than anything. Like you were... asexual, I think is what it’s called...”

Twilight felt her ears drop. “I’m not that bad... and I’m not ‘in love with books’!”

“Twilight, there’s a reason I refuse to touch your personal copies of anything... I mean, really, the way you stroke that one…”

The purple Unicorn blushed. “Uh, well... Well, things are going to be different for a while. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

Spike smiled. “Yes, of course.”

She knew that smile. It was the smile of the Spike who had snatched an extra cookie after being told not to or the one that said he was happy getting a book as a gift.

It wasn’t real.

“I decided to let it drop then and press more later. Then I got that package from Princess Celestia, and this whole thing ate up my time... I need to talk to him again.”

Applejack wrapped her forelegs around her marefriend’s neck. “You want me there with you?”

Twilight placed her head under Applejack’s chin. “Maybe... you’re worried about him?”

“Well shoot, Sugarcube. If we get hitched, he’ll be my stepson. I need to look out fer him.”

Twilight pulled back. “Why does everypony say that? I’m not his mom.”

“You are completely his mom,” Applejack laughed. “And you outta be grateful yer gettin’ a daughter-in-law soon. You saw the way them fillies were all tryin’ to dance with him.”

Twilight giggled. However, her look soon turned worried again. “I don’t know. I know I mean a lot to him, but... a mom? He’s never gotten me a Mother’s Day present or ever even called me Mom. Not even when he was a hatchling.”

“Maybe he never knew better back then,” Applejack said. “I think you two need to have that talk.”

Twilight sighed. “Maybe... Look, this is our first private time in a month. How about we have some fun before we worry?”

Applejack put on a sly smile. “If you insist...”

The cowpony kissed her marefriend again and again. The two hugged it other tightly, trying to meld into the other one. For just tonight, there were no worries.

Spike shivered.

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I don’t know... I just got the weirdest feeling Twilight is doing something that would creep me out.”

The dragon drew two cards and eyed his fellow players. The five fillies all around him were all paying attention to their own cards, but only for a moment. A few squirmed, trying to find a comfortable position on the cushions that were laid on the floor. Their suite was fairly messy, as expected from five fillies given a room unsupervised, with the dresses they had worn to the coronation hung at Rarity’s insistence.

“So, Spike,” Silver Spoon said. “If your mom’s a princess, doesn’t make make you a prince?”

Spike stammered. “Twilight’s not my mom...” When they all gave him the same flat look, he went on. “I mean, not legally. Even if I did think of Twilight that way, which I don’t, I’d have to be legally adopted before I could be a prince.”

They all looked at him.

“You’ve thought about this...”

“No, the nobles brought it up. They don’t want a dragon anywhere near the throne,” Spike said, bitterness in his voice.

They looked at him. “They wouldn’t let Twilight adopt you?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“No, she’d be allowed, but they’d vote that I don’t have any right to the crown if anything happens to Twilight.”

“How could Princess Celestia allow that?” Scootaloo said, nearly throwing her cards in disgust. “Why would she give those twits so much power?”

“Because Equestria is way too big for just her to run,” Diamond Tiara said. “Even she can’t be everywhere at once. Don’t you pay attention in history class?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “She had to give some ponies power, especially during Luna’s banishment.”

“Not that it matters, Twilight’s not my mom.” He placed his cards down. “Full House. Beat that!”

Apple Bloom ended up doing so with a Royal Flush. As Spike collected the cards to deal again, the young farm pony spoke. “Spike, look... me and Diamond Tiara have been talkin’...”

All eyes turned to them. The pink Earth Pony scoffed. “We’ve been hanging out for a month. Don’t look so shocked.”

“Look, we can tell ya care about Twilight. And I don’t think it’s like a special somepony...” Spike looked sickened at the implication. “How do ya feel about Twilight?”

Spike looked at the deck a moment. “Why is it any of your business?”

“Because we don’t want to see you throw away what we wish we still had.”

Diamond Tiara’s answer was so blunt and short that everypony but Apple Bloom stared at her. The young Earth Pony went on. “Spike... have you ever really talked to Twilight about how you feel?”

“I don’t need to. I don’t...”

“Spike,” Apple Bloom said.

“...If I promise to think about it, can we drop it for now?” He dealt the cards again. While most of the foals picked theirs up, Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom held firm.

“Spike, please,” Apple Bloom said.


“Spike...” Diamond Tiara said.



“That’s it, I’m out of here.” Spike stood up, preparing to leave.

“But I have three aces!” Silver Spoon said.

“Fold,” Sweetie and Scootaloo said simultaneously, causing Silver Spoon to groan.

Spike tried to storm off, but Apple Bloom blocked his way, with Diamond Tiara soon joining her.


“I said no!”

“Look Spike,” Diamond Tiara said, “this is me talking. The filly who gave you the best kiss ever...”

“Excuse me?” Apple Bloom said, turning to look at the pink filly. “I kissed better than you.”

“Spike declared me the winner!”

“Spike didn’t declare a winner, he never bothered.”

“Well do you think he’d pick a blank flank loser as the winner?”

“Do you think he’d pick some prissy brat as the winner?”

“Better than you!”









“Nu... hey, where’d he go?”

The two Earth Ponies looked around and found that Spike had indeed disappeared.

“He walked out while you two were arguing,” Scootaloo said dealing cards to Silver Spoon and Sweetie.

Sweetie giggled. “If only you two could learn to share, you could both have Spike.”

The two Earth Ponies blushed. “Wh-wha?”

Silver Spoon looked up. “I don’t think a stallion can have more than one wife. My mom gets upset whenever that happens with Dad.”

“Plus, I think only two can have babies,” Scootaloo said.

Diamond Tiara tilted her head. “Can a pony even have a baby with a dragon?”

“I don’t see why not,” Apple Bloom said. Then she thought a moment. “Then again, I don’t even know how a baby is made.”

Diamond Tiara scratched her head. “I think dragons lay eggs, but I don’t think ponies do that.”

Sweetie nodded. “They do, I’ve seen Spike’s baby pictures.”

Diamond Tiara shrugged. “Well, maybe Spike will lay the egg.”

“I think I heard boys don’t do that,” Silver Spoon said.

At that point, the door came open and Rarity trotted into the room. “Girls, I just saw Spike storm out of the room. He wouldn’t even say hi to me, and he’s usually such a gentledrake. I want to know what upset him so, and no force will make me leave until you give me an answer.”

Sweetie Belle spoke up. “Rarity, where do babies come from? Can one of us have a baby with Spike? Can Spike marry two mares?”


Rarity turned around and left.


“What was that about?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out later. Right now we need to find Spike... an’ figure out how to make a baby, I’m curious now.

Rarity stormed into the suite she was sharing with the others. “Rainbow Dash, we need to talk about what the fillies are doing, quickly!”

“Can it wait?” the Pegasus asked. “Pinkie’s acting weird... well, weirder.”

Pinkie was scribbling on a chalkboard. “This isn’t right! They were supposed to have a falling-out by now! Then they can repeat the process and fall in love all over again, at least until the next sequel!”

“Pinkie... look, you need to stop this. Life isn’t a romance movie!”

“You’re right, it’s something far worse than that! It’s... an actual relationship piece!”

“...” Rainbow Dash shook her head, then turned to Rarity. “Okay, let’s hear it. Whatever you have to say can’t be any crazier than this.”

“I think Spike is seducing our little sisters into becoming a part of this dragon harem!”

“...I stand corrected.”

Author's Note:

Well, he's chapter one.

I was nervous about this chapter, because at first the jokes just weren't coming. I decided not to force anything and just let it flow. Sure enough, it all came out.

This will only be about ten chapters long, and there will be no sequel after that. Hope you enjoy!