• Published 30th May 2019
  • 9,492 Views, 789 Comments

A Sunset Across the Galaxy - Professor Donger

Sunset Shimmer entered the mirror consumed by hatred and jealousy, she would come back something more.

  • ...

10: Prelude to Destiny

Sonata walked slightly behind everyone else, not that they had noticed.

She was going over the plan once more in her head, the one that she had relayed to her sisters two days prior, the one Darth Vader had given her.

This force sensitive, whoever she was, was powerful, far more powerful than Sonata had originally sensed.

When she called out for aid two days ago, a small insignificant light answered her. When the light had answered It was like a star in the night sky, small, fleeting, and oh so far away but still noticeable in the shroud of darkness that permeated Mustafar. What she hadn’t expected though was that weak light to not be so weak or so small. As the Equestrian approached Mustafar her light pushed back against Vader’s darkness with a ferocity she didn’t know any pony could have. When she landed on Mustafar, ignoring the fact that her landing was forced, the darkness fled from her and kept its distance.

Sonata wasn’t dumb, though, she could see that the Equestrian had struggled with the darkness as well, be it her own or Vader’s. there were cracks within the light, specks of darkness that hid down underneath, but her light was still impressive, still enough to maybe save Sonata and her sisters…maybe even save herself…

It was that thought that gave Sonata pause… Vader’s plan was to trap the force sensitive and corrupt them into becoming his new apprentice. Even from the great distance they had first felt her at, they knew that the Equestrian was going to be at least marginally more powerful than Sonata was. So, the goal was to corrupt her, and after that Sonata and her sisters would be free to go.

Now though, Sonata knew that plan was a bust and Vader probably did as well. The Equestrian was strong, stronger than almost every Jedi Vader had brought for Sonata to torture. She was nowhere near Vader, no one was, but she wasn’t someone weak enough to be goaded to the dark side without leverage.

Sonata and her sisters were that leverage.

Sonata felt her anger bubble to the surface and her gem hummed with power, causing her sisters to glance at her nervously. Ever since they lost their gems, they had been rather subdued around Sonata. They treated her as the de facto leader of the Sirens, which wasn’t something she wanted at all. They knew she was more powerful than them, so they treated her with the same respect and fear they would Darth Vader…

It made her sick.

She took a deep breath through her nose and continued her train of thought, Equestrians we’re all about “Friendship” and “Fellowship” and generally cared greatly for others, even the most introverted of ponies like Starswirl the Bearded still tried to help his fellow creatures. Calling out into the void in Equestrian guaranteed that the pony on Mustafar had come… but it also guaranteed that the Sirens would be used to bait that very same pony to their downfall.

So, in the short time they had before they reached the hangar, Sonata began to plan.

Sonata was so deep in thought however that she never noticed Aria and Adagio’s mental probing, or their mental whispers back to Darth Vader

Sunset didn’t know what she should do about the two stormtroopers happily conversing with each other, if she was being honest, she didn’t know what she should be doing at all.

The castle was nearly dwarfing them as they started towards the dock that awaited their return from the lava river and the force had been silent the entire trip.

The two had been fine company so far, but Sunset hadn’t come to Mustafar for the company, she had come for a reason, but as the Castle began to draw closer and the darkness started to metaphorically lap at her heels, she couldn’t help but shiver.

On Dagobah her sins were laid bare to her only in the cave she had stumbled across and even then, it wasn’t nearly as overpowering as it was on Mustafar…

She had left those two humans to die. She could have saved them, she SHOULD have saved them, everything Celestia and more recently Yoda had taught her had screamed at her to save them but she didn’t, instead she focused on her own safety and thought she was giving them mercy by killing them before the Lava did.

She sharply inhaled as they took a sharp turn, the two with her probably thought it was because of the turn and Gus had put a hand on her shoulder to steady her, his helmeted face tilting as if to ascertain if she was OK.

Sunset was anything but OK.

Sunset plopped down on the floor of the skiff and closed her eyes, once more letting the Force wash over her as she began to try and calm herself.

If killing those two storm troopers was something Sunset considered to be her first mistake on her self-imposed mission, then Meditating so close to the castle that was practically oozing Dark Side energy was her second.

Before, when she had calmed herself on the shuttle, she had benefited from her previous mediation, interrupted as it had been. She didn’t have that luxury this time.

The moment her mind cleared itself, she was assaulted by the pure cold of the Dark Side. On Dagobah the sensation that she got from the cave was cold, like falling into the mud during a jog or like the rain that constantly hit the planet's surface.

The Cold that assaulted her on Mustafar was like being thrown naked into the ice and snow of Mount Canterhorn’s peak.

‘He sees you.’ A voice whispered, Sunset looked to the left, Gus wasn’t there.

‘He knows who you are…’ the same voice, Sunset looked behind, still nothing.

‘Forward, look forward!’ Sunset listened to the voice, her voice, her heart pounding as fear coursed through her veins.

She didn’t see Randal at the wheel, where he should have been, she didn’t see the castle that had once loomed over her. Instead, she saw a figure, a figure shaped like a man, encased in swirling fire and darkness with eyes like the sun. His arms and legs didn't hold the same fire... Sunset couldn't feel the dark side, or even the force from them at all, but that didn't matter.1

Her heartbeat quickened as the sounds filled her ears, the breathing, the screams, the pleas for mercy.

‘The Jedi turned against me! Don’t you turn against me!’

‘You’re breaking my heart…’


‘Henceforth…you shall be known as…’

“Darth Vader…” the words left her mouth as her eyes opened, and the metaphysical world around her became the physical once more. On the ramp stood the imposing figure of a man, clad in full body armor, arms crossed as if waiting for her arrival. Behind him stood no troops, instead three girls, all around her age and sporting the same pigmented skin that she had in this form stood at attention.

Sunset’s fist tightened as she took in the three girls, the three Equestrians. Mustafar’s Darkness…no Vader’s Darkness still tried to consume her, still tried to smother her light, but Sunset wasn’t listening to his voice anymore. Her eyes were focused on the three girls who radiated so much fear and pain that she had felt their cries across the stars.

For the first time since arriving on Mustafar Sunset felt the fear wash off her, but instead of being thrown into the Light, filling her with serene calm as she was taught, it was thrown into a burning Furnace of Rage.

The handrails of the skiff dented as if crushed by an invisible hand but Sunset ignored Randal and Gus’ cries of shock, instead her helmeted gazed locked with Vader’s and for the first time her Darkness which had been dormant since leaving Dagobah lashed out at another living being.

Vader’s head rose slightly, the saber on his belt moved slightly, almost called to his waiting hands in response to a coming threat…

As the skiff began to pull to shore, Sunset could hear the mad cackles of her future self echo through her ears, and for once she didn’t try to shut her out.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the length of time it took to write this chapter and how long this chapter ended up being, I wanted to have one more chapter to set up the coming conflict and give a bit more insight into Sonata and Sunset's thoughts before the action kicked in. Think of this as a prelude chapter before another chapter similar to Chapter's 3, 4 and 5 kick in. I should have it up by Friday if everything goes well.

Next chapter should be back up to normal standards length wise.

I hope everyone's staying safe!

1. Vader looks like this when meditating at least from his own view in the Force.