• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


They are known far, wide, and—thanks to one member in particular—deep. At least, they would be if they were worse at their job. As it is, the crooks responsible for some of the greatest thefts in recent history remain unknown to all but each other. Now their boss is calling them in, for what is sure to be...

One Last Job

Rated Teen for a coprolite-mouthed Diamond Dog.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )


I really don't know what else to say about the rest of the story. I'm actually kind of curious what stories Pinkie told with them.

… you're a madman, you know that, right? Fortunately, I happen to enjoy certain flavors of insanity, so consider that a compliment.

I honestly had no idea what was going on, up until the final section break. So, well played FoME, well played.

That was utterly and appropriately baffling.

A good read to round out the evening. Thank you for it.

Sweet Celestia :facehoof:. I didn't catch on until Madame le Flour's name came up. I got a pretty big kick out of it once that did happen, and it made the rest of the story that much more enjoyable! Very touching at the end, too.

I like this as a more roundabout way of dealing with the show ending. It's not that I don't want stories that focus on the Mane 6 as a group and how they're faring at the End of All Things, but it's the little side-plots and like this that are really magical to me. I hope to see more focus on side characters and how their lives are affected by the end.

Thanks for the story! :twilightsmile:

I agree with Pound and Pumpkin, this was perfectly Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

And, while this may be slightly worrisome, I think it was also perfectly FOME. A deeply meta, quite funny alt-universe farewell to the show!

On one hand, I feel bad for those four. On the other hand, I know that they're the negative aspects of Pinkie's psyche, so them finally 'leaving' is likely good for her in the long run. And the Cake Twins :pinkiesmile:

That being said, I agree with the consensus: you're a mad genius and this was an awesome story.

All I can do is my reactions to certain parts, for this left me otherwise speechless.

Rocky... ok, Rocky Balboa reference, hey what do you think? ADRIANNE!!!

Mr Turnip... I gave him a South Wales accent.

Sir... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a fever dream or some other Pinkie Pie insanity, ala season 1.

Madam... yup, definitely fever dream.

Puppet theatre for an unwilling audience is so much better than my fever dream idea.

Awww now I’m sad the show is ending.

Wait... she’s an alicorn in this?! That only raises more questions!!!

Awesome! Nice use of pre-existing characters and all!

I thought it was gonna be total AU, but no!

All the characters have grown up! Awww! :heart:



began an ended > begin and ended / begin an' ended [?]

you've been her the longest > you've been here the longest [?]

"around the good Madame le Flour"
And this is when I finally realized. :D
Season 1 Pinkie Pie episodes, indeed. :D

I can't seem to figure out how "Mymigurax" relates to "Gummy", though... Unless the latter's just a nickname.

Very nice. :)

It began with tales of chivalry in Avalamb, the exploits of a very clever donkey, and so forth. Pumpkin liked the stories with Sir Lintsalot and Madame le Flour more, while Pound liked the ones with Rocky and Mr. Turnip, so when Pinkie did crossovers—the first of which blew the Cake twins' adorable little minds—she drew friendships and rivalries accordingly.

But then the twins' tastes started maturing, and rather than put away the puppet theater, Pinkie decided to adapt her stories to her growing audience, until a final farewell performance that might have overcompensated just a touch.

9878082 9878121
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the bafflement.

The rest of Equestria is just as involved as the narrative ends and we take up the reins. They deserve some consideration as well. Especially whoever gets glossed over by the finale, assuming they even show up.

As I've said in the past, if you're good at writing Pinkie, she takes up permanent residence in your brain. Such power comes at a heavy price.
:pinkiehappy: And that price is a party in your head where I'm invited!
:pinkiecrazy: FOREEEEVER.

Still, I like to think I make it work for me.

As her therapist—and the only even remotely qualified pony willing to try dealing with that mass of neuroses—Starlight was concerned when she heard Pinkie was channeling her intrusive voices for the twins' entertainment. But then she sat in on a performance, saw how Pinkie was transforming what had once tormented her into a positive shared experience, and left satisfied that Pinkie knew what she was doing.

It's probably a good thing she wasn't at the finale.

Huh. I never thought that the movie reference might act as a red herring. I do love it when people find hidden depths I didn't mean to put in, even when they lead to dead ends.
And that last bit is the real reason for the AU tag. Did you notice how neither Cake twin will work at Sugarcube Corner? Let's just say that it's in good hooves. Ones with friends who have knacks for business expansion and kingdom mangaement.

One post-show blog I want to put together is a rundown of underutilized minor characters out of whom we can get plentiful story mileage. Pinkie's hallucinatory friends are certainly on there.

Mymigurax ==> Gummy The rest is just vaguely draconic sounding filler. And I figured if all four of the "Party of One" guests were involved, he should be as well.

Neat. I especially liked Rocky's point of view. The aversion to light was a nice touch.
Also, that "job for life" line is pretty awesome.

On the AN:
I remember Crunch. Among the many, MANY video tapes my parents recorded for my siblings and me (we spent a lot of time away from any sort of tv connection), we had a single tape containing that two-parter. Only thing I knew about mlp at the time.
And Crunch was terrifying as a villain. Petrified the entire landscape around him, including any and all creatures present. Most looking horrified as they realized what was happening.
G1 was pretty hardcore.


G1 was pretty hardcore.

I and everyone else keep bringing it up, but even Applejack the "silly pony" was willing and able to straight-up kill a dude for the crime of being in her way (and slavery, but that's just the same thing worded in a way that makes it illegal)


Comment posted by Gale Maze deleted Oct 12th, 2019

Not familiar with that one, though I haven't seen all episodes.
Keep in mind though that G1 AJ wasn't called 'silly' because of her sweet and naive personality. She was a silly pony because she was clumsy as the day was long and kept destroying things by ramming in to them.
For the rest though... drugs, slavery, involuntary transformation, the world getting submerged (twice, with different fluids)... There was a lot going on

He didn't even get the dignity of an episode; this was the evil wizard from the comic that explained how twinkle-eyed ponies came to be.

Ah, thanks!

I didn't catch on to what was really going on until Madame le Flour was mentioned. I had thought that Mr. Turnip was a distant relative of Hayseed Turnip until that point. I love your Equestrian versions of the New York boroughs, and how each character has a unique voice. This story straddles the line between creativity and insanity, and I love it.

I think this is the best end-of-show fic I've read so far. Genuinely funny as soon as you recognize the names (and great settings for Manehatten). At the end I actually thought this was a crossover with the "Pinkie Says Goodnight" comics.

9879234 .

G1 AJ wasn't called 'silly' because of her sweet and naive personality. She was a silly pony because she was clumsy as the day was long and kept destroying things by ramming in to them.

That's quite true. She was "silly" because she rammed into fences and apple trees with her head. And when that evil old wizard kidnapped ponies and blinded them, Applejack "sillied" him right off a cliff.

That and the G1 Movie had an almost-invincible Gray Goo as a villain. G1 didn't mess around.

I had that same moment of realization. Everything was so obvious in hindsight :twilightsheepish:

Huh, I didn't catch any of those references until I read the comments - fantastic :)


I caught on at Madame le Flour.

That gave me emotions. How dare you.

Perfect fic 10/10.

Ditto. Having started the show with seasons 4-5, then seasons 3 and 6 when Amazon added them, and only caught up on seasons 1-2 when we got around to buying those on DVD, many of the "iconic" moments from the early fandom are only very vague or tangential memories to me. I'm much more likely to recognise a s4-7 quote than s1-2, so I guess I wasn't very likely to spot the reference here.

The fic was delightful though, both the pre-break depiction of gritty Manehatten, and the post-break bit of wonderful mindbending. Thanks as always, FOME!

(When you said this is an AU, did you mean it's set post-Momento Morient?)

Oh joy, someone else calls that borough "Princesses"! I'd even go so far as specifying that Hooflyn is in Princes County -- but replacing it with Barklyn and making it a diamond dog ethnic neighborhood is a stroke of genius, and it works really well.

Thanks! One of the first things I did with this one was flesh out the rest of New Yoke City. As I said in the author's note, it's nice to give the rest of the city some representation. And just how much our NYC owes to what lies below street level, it only makes sense to have Diamond Dogs contribute to Equestria's.

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