• Published 5th Apr 2016
  • 3,944 Views, 179 Comments

Sweetie - The Magical Little Bot - Grimweird

Can a Robot learn Magic?

  • ...

Emergence Emergency

It had been a completely normal day in Ponyville. And it was looking to be an equally normal evening. The birds were singing. The ponies were mingling. The fillies were heading home from school. And the many shop owners could enjoy an upswing in activity as others got of work and found themselves with a little more free time.

The whole town fell into that kind of drowsiness that comes when everypony just want to relax and socialize after a normal days of work. Which is why it was pretty unwelcome when the earth started shaking beneath their hooves.

The first sign that this was no ordinary earthquake was that Ponyville didn't naturally get struck by earthquakes. The second sign was when the ground beneath them erupted, and long fleshy tendrils started grabbing for their legs, like some Eldritch horror coming to life before their eyes. The were worms in the flower shop, and there were worms in the bakery. And not the small kind that might warrant some kind of filed complaint to the health inspection department. But big like a grown pony, and several times longer. Something that would quite surely be of interest to the extermination department. If they were not currently busy being undermined by their own set of slimy problems.

Not far enough from Ponyville, Rover was not having a very good day. Not only had he had to oversee the demolition of the prison area and the filling in of any holes those pesky little ponies had drilled down to the horrible depths. Now it seemed like his worst fears would come to fruition.

Not only did their homey caves begin to shake with the terrible tremors. It was a bigger tremor then any dog had ever had to endure in the history of ever (however long that might have been)

They had just finished putting the last boulders in place, when the boulders bounced back, and revealed the heads of those terrible tremor-causers.

Despite the whole cave being on alert, it mattered little when the walls exploded and long slimy tentacles started grabbing for everything in reach.

Dogs fought with tooth and tail. Bringing their many spears to bear, trying to push back the Tremor causers back down towards the depths they came from. But every time one retreated from the tip of a spear Another would sweep in from behind.

Rover ran through the caves, barking orders and trying to get his forces organized. A monumental task when the enemy was coming from everywhere.

His day became even worse when he from the holes in the floors spotted Three little fillies emerging.

“Ponies!” Rover cried “Why much ponies always bring ruin to Rovers life!”

The fillies looked around, looking very confused about where they had ended up.

“We followed the wrong one up” The orange one cried.

The yellow one advanced on rover. Who quickly backed away.

“The exit! Excuse me! Where is the exit? We really need to get home fast!”

“NO!” cried Rover “This all your fault! You bring terrible tremors to us”

The trio made a nervous face

“well … I guess we kind of did” Said the yellow one with a sheepish smile. “But were trying to stop it, so please, tell us where the exit is!”

“No exit! No helping ponies! Why ponies not just leave and never come back!? Leave and make your own exit. ”

“Ok, thanks.” The white one said.

Then her horn grew ten sizes into a big drill, which she shoved into the nearest wall, and made herself a big hole through which the ponies all disappeared, leaving Rover to howler in despair.


The Cmc emerged back in the quarry, where Scootaloos scooter still lay in waiting, the passenger wagon hooked on and ready for use, and a pair of emergency goggles hanging from the handlebars.

Wasting no time, the trio jumped on to their vehicle, and Scootaloo drove them with all haste towards their home town.

A home that had turned quite chaotic since they last left it earlier today.

Short of the buildings being toppled over, every street had been turned upside down with ponies and worms fighting for control. A fight where the ponies, having been caught unprepared, were loosing and finding themselves wrapped up in several lengths of worm.

Above the chaos - in the center of Town - The earth mother had wrapped herself around town hall like a spiral. Silouetted against the sinking evening sun. And on top of her head, seated like a crown, was the mole kings massive machine.

Scootaloo pulled up her goggles, and

“Ok Girls. Any idea of how we are going to stop this?”

“There is only one way to stop this” said Sim “is to stop the music. The magical flute is located inside that machine, amplified by a giant organ. We are gonna have to destroy it.”

“Right” Said Applebloom “So all we have to do it stop a magic flute which is located inside a giant amplifying organ located inside a Giant enemy crab located on top of a gigantic earth worm in the middle of a town wide brawl.”

“A giant mechanical crab” Sim corrected. “A mecha-crab.”

“Giant enemy Mecha-crab” Got it.

“Well be just like Rainbow Dash.” Said Scootaloo. A mad grin spreading over her lips at the very though of impressing her idol with some heroic deed.

“And Applejack and Rarity too” She added, with a second look on her friends.

“I don't know about Rarity” Said Sweetie “She hates crabs.”

“Ok but first we are gonna have to get over and up to that blasted thing.” Said Applebloom

“Leave it to me.” said Scootaloo, slapping the goggles over her face. “Hold on to your hooves and heads.”

Her wings flared and buzzed into action. Within a second the scooter and the wagon when from stand still to a high speed frantic safety ignoring race - Speeding through the chaotic streets of Ponyville.

In the streets ponies were brawling, biting running and trawling. Yes. Actual trawls were being used as a general tactic, by both sides. Two ponies tried to capture a hoard of worms in an net in an attempt to subdue them. Though the tactic generally worked better for the worms. As they with their numbers made a sort of living net that herded ponies in front of them, and captured all that could not run fast enough.

Through this, Scootaloo scooted ahead with a speed unprecedented, given the many obstacles in their way.

She jumped over burrow, rocketed around holes and sided across hollows. All the while dodging obstacles like pony legs and worm lengths.

It was like the ever shifting ground beneath them had become her own personal scooter park. All Applebloom and Sweetie could to was to hang on fro the ride with a mix of awe and terror at the skill their friend presented. They all ducked as they tunneled under somepony's legs, only to immediately be sent skywards by a suddenly appearing borrow, and ended up grinding along the length of the worm that appeared from under them.

Sweetie did not think she could have done it better. Correction: She knew she could not have done it better. Once again the flesh proved itself capable of feats unmatched by machinery. There was just something about raw innate skill that no amount of upgrades could hope to replicate.

Why Scootaloo had not gotten a mark in scooting, she would never know.

She had the wing power of an athlete. Even if she didn't have the lifting capacity.

“Hang oh!” Scootaloo shouted. As if that was not what her friends had been doing all along.

A building toppled over in front of them, Its forming a ramp that the equipage rocketeered of. For a moment they were flying. Sailing high over the barricade that the worms were forming around the town square and their mother.

Flying towards the town hall and the giant earth mother that had wrapped herself around it. Like the giant monster from some horror film.

They landed at the base of the earth mother. Sweetie was amazed. Even though the earth mother was exceeding the town hall in length, there was still more of her that had yet to be surfaced.

She was sure that the spiral she had formed around town hall was supported by her own length sticking even further into the ground then there was head and neck sticking up, rooted like a counterweight.

(A scary thought was that it might only be the proverbial neck, or perhaps midriff of the Earth Mother being visible above ground)

A theory further supported by that the only reason town hall wasn't crushed was that the mother wasn't leaning herself on it for support. And Sweetie got a very good look at the Town hall in all its levels as they raced up the spiraling back of the earth mother.

The ground vanished below them as they did lap after lap around the town hall. Passing its second and third floor, then the roof.

And finally the mole kings giant mechanical crab came into view, prancing about on the top of the earth mothers head.

The thing was the size of a house. A house they were about to collide with at high speed.

“Sweetie – you're up!” Applebloom shouted, and cupped her hooves for sweetie to step up on.

Scootaloo swerved at the last moment. The g-force nearly flinging the wagon of its hook at the big mecka. Using the force of movement, Applebloom heaved and threw Sweetie towards the red surface of the mecas red ironed hull.

Sweetie folded out her drill like a might spear, hurling for the Moles machine like a projectile.

She collided with the hull with a might clang.

And slid off.

Carrying the momentum, the drill was sent downward off the meckas round hull. Making Sweetie in turn flip over and collide back first with the red iron plating. Producing another might clang.

Dizzy and disoriented, Sweetie realized that she was falling. Sliding off the mecka-crabbs hull with the drill still spinning and pointing straight towards the earth mother.

“Sim! Retract the drill now!”

The little mole grunted in response, having been knocked over from the impact.

Realizing she was about to make a canal through flesh and blood, Sweetie could only cut the drills power, and turn herself sidways mid fall, so that the drill did not pierce the earth mothers hide.

Alerted to their presence, the big mecka-crab began to turn around. Sim had gotten back to pulling the necessary wires to retract the drill just in time for the red light from the Mecka grabs glowing eyes to fall upon them.

“You again!” The mole kings voice echoed over some internal loudspeaker. “My my you are proving to be of some Nuisance. But I admire your spirit. Come to witness my true accent have you?”

“No. We have come to stop it!” Sweetie shouted.

“You will try!” The mole king mocked. “But what can a trio of fillies ever hope to do?”

“And one mole!” Sim shouted.

“Sim?” The mole king laughed. “Well, well. If the misbehaving child has not finally returned to her king!

“No.” Said Sim. “I've come to take you down!”

“And how do you plan to do that? You are but a tiny mole.” The king paused “So tiny that I cant even see you from here!”

Sweetie felt her left microphone be disconnected. Sim climbed out of her ear, and climbed to stand defiant on the top of her horn.

“Can you see me now? Can you?!” Her tiny voice was full of anger.

The mole king burst out laughing.

“So this is what you have been doing. Riding shotgun in a tiny robot.”

“We might be small! But we are going to stop you!”

“You are in over your head” Said the mole king “ You always have been, and you've always been a nuisance, just like you're whole family. But no matter. You are but another nuisance that will be sorted out today. And once I am done with you. You will all learn your place.”

The mecha-crab reached out a giant claw, grabbing for them. Sim ducked back inside Sweeties head. Sweetie wished she had somewhere to duck herself.

Just before the claw swooped down and swooped her up. Scootaloo blurred past the descending claw, and a pair of yellow hooves swooped Sweetie up from behind.

“Hey! Where did you go?” The mole king shouted.

“Underneath you!” Sim shouted back.

“Sim! Stop giving away our position.” Applebloom yelled.

Scootaloo circled around under the mecha-crab, avoiding its feet as it begun to stomp around trying to find them.

Sweetie jumped of the wagon, and once again activated her drill. In impacted with the mecka crabbs underbelly like the tip of a spear. But ones again it slid around and threatened to bounce off its rounded surface.

The whole central body of the mecha-crab was shaped like a pot. A singular portion of metal without any welding spots or imperfections along its surface. Finding a spot to push the drill through proved extremely difficult. Especially with the Mecka-crab moving about above her.

Even with the drill at full speed, she was barely drawing scratch lines the surface.

“I can't pierce him!” Sweetie cried “Not when he is moving around.”

“Its got to have a weak spot somewhere!” Said Applebloom.

“I know! The arms and legs!” Sim hollered “There has to be joints for them to move.”

The fillies nodded to each other.

“Everypony - Aim for the legs!” Scoot cried.

Sweetie ran for the nearest leg. Like on a crab. The meckanical “foot” was a long pointy cone of solid red metal. The fact that they were pointy pissed Sweetie of to no end. Since it meant that the Mecka-crab were balancing its whole weight on pointy ends, poking into the Earth mother like giant blunt needles.

Unlike a crab however, the legs of this crab weren't sticking out from the bottom of the machine, but from its sides. Meaning the joints were located higher up on the machine, out of reach from ground level.

No matter. Just as the leg raised to take another step, Sweetie tackled it with all her might, swinging her drill at it like she was fencing of an enemy lance.

The leg was knocked from its trajectory, and the whole Machine swayed over them.

“That's right Sweetie ! Knock him over!” Scootaloo cried.

On their end, Scootaloo rode straight for the claw, jumped and impacted with the claw by the wheels on her scooter in an impressive trick. She truck together with Applebloom, who delivered upon the leg her family signature applebucks.

“Oh no you don't!” The mole king cried.

Suddenly, all the legs raised up very fast. So fast in fat, that the fat underbelly of the machine remained hovering in the air for a suspended second. Before the forces of gravity took hold.

Sweetie was about to become very intimate with that underbelly, when she found herself swooped up again.

The next second Sweetie Was staring out over the chaotic landscape of Ponyville. The sight of the turmoil just barely giving her time to realize that Scootaloo had drove them out from under the machines underbelly, and realize that the mole king had almost butt stomped them all into very flat pancakes.

These realizations barely had time to register before the more pressing realization of that she was staring straight down at the streets of Ponyville.

Unfortunately, the nearest place to go in order to escape the attack had been to go straight over the edge. And the three fillies were now flying out from the earth mother, propelled by Scootaloos wings.

The crab-leg that Sweetie had fenced off came into view as the big robot came down. Stretched out awkwardly right beside them. The fillies Reached out and managed to grab hold of the leg. Using it as a swing pool to swing themselves back onto the earth mother.

The hard crusty hide of the giant worm nearly tipped them over as they landed. Only Scootaloos expertise in riding on the gravely streets of this village saved them from somersaulting over the other edge.

In front of them. The robot had sat itself down awkwardly, and now had trouble getting up. Its legs scrambled to get a grip on the sloping sides of the Earth mother. Unable to rise in any elegant way, it put its giant claws down, and used them to try and heave itself up.

“NOW” Sweetie shouted. And charged at the exposed belly on the machine.

The drill fouled out again. And this time it struck true. Unable to move, the big mecha-crabb couldn't make things difficult for her by moving around.

The scream of metal grinding against metal was heard, and smoke rose from the tip as it challenged the density of the red metal. Still even with the drill pointing straight into the belly, she wasn't piercing the armor.

The red metal wouldn't just give. There wasn't enough pressure, Sim informed her.

Sweetie didn't have time to dig her hooves into the hide of the earth mother. The screams of her friends made her look up, and notice the big, claw like shadow that had fallen over her.

She jumped out of the way just as the giant claw came down. The Mecka-crab rubbed its belly, scraping her away like she was some parasite, and blocking her advances. The other claw was raised and swung for her.

Sweetie swung her horn/drill, and met the claw head on. The shriek of mettal pierced the ears like a train breaking into station as the giant claw grabbed around the drill, unable to get a proper hold on sweeties spinning spear, whose rotation caused sparks to fly.

Realizing who would win that battle, the claw let go.

Sweetie got no time to rest, the other claw was already swinging at her from the other direction.

Sweetie parried the blow. But fending of one claw had given the other the time to raise again. She parried a few move blows and jumped aside.

This would not work. Whenever she defended herself against one claw, the other would just swing at her from the other direction.

“Any ideas girls?” She asked.

“We need to get up and destroy his arms!” Said Sim “Its weak spot is in its joints Look, there are basically big holes in the armor where the arms and legs are sticking out.”

The fillies looked, and noticed that yes, there were basically big shoulder pads protecting the upper joints, but the underside was left unarmored, basically big enough for a pony to squeezes inside.

“So if we just get up under its armpits, we could get inside the machine!” Said Scootaloo.

“And destroy it” Applebloom finished.

“But how are we going to get up there? The arms will just swing at us!”

Scootaloo kicked the wagon of her scooter, and raised her wings.

“True. But it can't swing at all of us!”

The girls formed a circle, and very quickly discussed their plan.

“Hey! What are you girls plotting!” the mole king shouted.

The girls broke the circle, and took up a battle pose.

“We are talking about how we are going to defeat you!”

“That's rich” the mole king laughed. “Look around you! You ponies are chance-less against my forces. I command the very powers of the depths, At my command entire mountains shall move.”

The mecha-crabs eyes turned to look over towards Canterlot mountain.

“It is you who are out of your depth mole king!” Cried Scootaloo. “Literally. You think you've won just because you've popped out of the earth? You've probably only succeeded in waking Rainbow Dash! And when she comes by, she is gonna sweep you all up in a tornado of rainbows!”

“Really?” The mole king sounded skeptical. “we shall see.”

“As awesome as that would be to see” Scoot admitted “We wont. Because we are going to stop you before that!”

The mole king laughed gain. It was a laugh that was getting under sweeties skin and shell with how self, confident it was. The worst thing about it being that he had right to be self confident. So far he had managed to stray of all their attacks.

The laugh ended quickly when Scootaloo charged ahead on her scooter. A giant claw moved to grab her. But could not hope to match her speed.

Instead. Sweetie belle ran straight at the claw. Knocking it aside with her drill. She then turned and met the other claw head on. Standing her ground as the claw tried to grab her.


Sim pulled the wire. And the drill retracted into Sweeties horn. She ducked as The massive claw passed over her.

That's when Applebloom jumped on top of the giant claw, and began to run up the length of the metallic arm.

“Hey – what are you doing! Get down from there!” the Mole king cried.

The other claw moved to grab Applebloom as she passed between the arms two elbows. But an orange blur on a scooter ruched past and picked up the filly.

“Get down from there!” The mole king repeated. And raised its claws to try and sweep of its head.

That's when the sound of drilling once again assaulted its belly.

Sweetie did her best to find a hoofhold. But no matter how hard she punched, she wasn't able to pierce the red armor.

The mole king laughed again. The laugh irritated Sweetie all the way to her core. And perhaps it irritated Sim even more, as she cried inside Sweeties head about the drill that was her fathers final legacy was unable to pierce their adversary's armor. Perhaps the cried the most over being just a distraction.

When once again the shadow fell over her, Sweetie jumped back. Only to impact with the giant claws. They did not appear from above, or the sides, but from behind her.

Sweetie realized too late that she had underestimate the length of the arms. She was scooped up and pushed against the shell. Given a painfully close glance at just how little damage the drill had done.

She put her hooves against the shell. And attempted to push back against the giant claw. But the red giant had her in a massive hug. And the simple fact was that the big machines pistons were bigger then hers. For every inch she was able to gain, the claws pushed back harder. Even with all her energies directed to her legs she was unable to break its grip.

The mecha-crab could fight back forever.

The giant crab raised its arms, pulling her up among the length of the front until she fell into view of one of the big red headlights. Crushed between the claws and the shell, she would surely have struggled for breath had she needed some. She could feel her skin having been pushed out of place by the rough treatment.

A smile still escaped her lips as she saw the tails of Applebloom and Scootaloo vanish into the crab machines armpits.

“You stupid little mare. Don't you know that red steel is the strongest in the world? Of course you don't. You can not even fathom the magnificence of mole engineering.”

“Engineering that you sole from the surface.” Sweetie grimaced. She could almost see the mole king on the other side of the red glass. Twisting his evil mustache.

How could see not have seen that he was evil? He had an evil mustache!

“Stole? No. Improved. And put to good use. You ponies take your magic for such granted that you don't even realize how it can be applied to science and engineering. You have trains that run on coal for pete's sake COLE! What kind of sense does that make?”

“What kind of sense does it make mole children run around, risking their lives inside still operating machines!” Sim countered, before Sweetie could say anything.

“Unlike what you are doing right now!?” The mole king sounded scolding. “Face it Sim. You are able to Pilot that machine mare because of what My schools have taught you! Everything you know, everything you have learned, is thanks to me! If not for me, all of you would be stuck in the dark ages!”

Sim was about to go on some counter speech about how If not for the king. All of molekind would have reached the heavens by now. However, Sweetie shouted over her.

“Do not talk about me like I'm not here!” Sweetie was profoundly insulted. “I am not some machine mare to be piloted!

“And for the record! She is way more advanced then anything you have put together!” Sim added. “A true testament of engineering and magic”.

“Cant be that advanced, if you Sim was able to figure her out.”

-:: Oh that was just insulting. ::-

“But I will admit you are fascinating. In time, I'm sure I will come to learn just what makes you tick.”

“I am not some research specimen!”

“Hush little child now. In time, everyboddy learns their place.”

A huge crash was heard from inside the mecha-crab. Its arms shifted slightly and sweetie sank, her rear legs ended up dangling down below the claws while her torso remained trapped between the claws and the hull, with no was of getting her front legs under her. Her head was stuck in an odd angle in the gap between the claw and the hull, too small for her big head to pass through.

“Hey. What are you doing in here!?” she heard the mole king cry out.

“Stopping you.” Scoots voice was heard from the left side of the robot.

“And your stupid monologues.” Said Applebloom from the right.

Inside, the mole king could be heard pulling levers and gears. Nothing happened.

“You destroyed my arms! No matter, I have other 'hands' to take care of you. “

Sweeties ears was assaulted by the vibrations of the organ. Looking behind them. She could see a shoal of worms crawling up the earth mother. They slithered themselves over the big robot, and stuck their long tendril like bodies in after the two intruders.

Her friends screamed as they were carelessly pulled from their crammed spaces.

The mole kings laugh was an even bigger nuisance to sweeties ears then his cursed organ. He had been able to summon those worms the hole time. But had chosen not to until now. Why? To prove that his machine was better?

It was not better! It was bigger, and stronger, and tougher. But sweetie refused to see herself as inferior to this stupid machine!

It wasn't fair. This was supposed to be their moment of Triumph, the moment when the CmC redeemed themselves for all the wrongs they had done today.

She rained every curse she could think of over the mole kings stupidity, in for nothing else then to block out the sound of his voice. In he wailing she tried to get her back legs in under her, to take brace against the giant claws that were holding her stuck. But the arms were locked in place, even non functional they held her stuck.

Sweetie wised she could punch straight through. The robot and shove the Mole kings head where it belonged. As she was, she had to settle for a kick.

“What are you gonna do little Bot? Whining me into submitting? “

”No! I am going to stop you.”

”Give it up my little friend, you are too small”

“I might be small. But my heart is great! And i am going to break your stupid armor!”

Turning down her voice box to a volume only Sim could hear. She told her to redirect the adaptor, to feed the energy straight into her legs.

Sweetie kicked again.

And again.

And Again.

The armor vibrated under her hooves as she worked on it like a jackhammer. The whole shell rang out like a bell. Every kick was amplified by earth pony magic. The same magic that had accidental uprooted

uprooted a tree in Sweet Apple Acres were now denting the armor underneath her hooves. Hooves that were still outfitted with the crystals that her friend had helped charge.

Crystals that had remained dormant for a majority of the adventure were now being flooded with new adapted energy. And for every kick, she pushed a little more into the earth pony crystals.

But the armor still refused to crack And for every kick. Her energy levels dropped. Her battery was being depleted again and again as she sucked the energy down to her hooves. The adapter filling her battery with electricity slower then she consumed it. The only reason she had not blacked out was because of the illusive reserves of emotional energy that had been saved over years inside her Heart-Drive.

A Heart-Drive that was now working overtime with fury.

”Give it up you little fool!” The mole king mocked her “My armor is stronger then steel. It does not matter how hard you kick. You can never break it.”

It was true. Not even if she let go of all restrictions she would have been able to kick through the solid metal. But pistons and cogwheels weren't all that she had. She had a heart. A heart drive full of energy. Energy which she, with the aid of Sim, could direct at will.

-:: Sim, connect the Adapter directly to my legs ::-

Are you sure?

-:: Never been so sure in my life! ::-

Sweetie ignored every warning that her systems flashed. Right now, she did not want anything more then to break apart the stupid mole kings stupid mecha-crab. Her heart drive was burning with a fiery passion, and she pushed that fire through the adapter, into her legs. She pulled all of it into the earth pony crystals.

The energy inside them swelled up until she was sure they would burst. Then she filled them up even more, until the energy inside to her own mind looked like a sun. Then a red Giant. Then a supernova.

“What are you gonna do? Whine me to death!? You might be an impressive little piece of engineering, But in the end, you are nothing more then a power inefficient little prototype. (alt: Power hungry little unicorn) ”

“Who in the hay do you think I am? I'm not some robot! I'm not somebody prototype! I'M ME! SWEETIE THE CYBERPONY!”

And she kicked.

She delivered a Kick fueled with all the energy her hydraulic legs could muster – boosted by all her inner energy – strengthened by all the power of the earth! She released every ounce of energy stored inside the crystals all at once.

The shock wave that followed made the mecka ring like a bell. The crystals inside Sweeties legs shattered. - As did the armor of the mecka – the force was great enough to break the mecka-crabs hold on her. Its broken arms flew open. And Sweetie flew backwards.

She landed clumsily. Disoriented and whoosy. But her legs acted on their own, partially thanks to the little pilot in her head, and together they managed to get her hooves under her.

All Her systems was telling her it was time to hit the hay. She ignored all of them.

Looking up. She saw the mecha trying to recover from the stagger. Its arms hung worthless at its sides. And in the middle of its chest, a crack had formed.

“IMPOSSIBLE!” the mole king Cried.

A surge of emotions flooded her Heart-Drive at the sight. Sim relocated The adapter to redirected that energy back into her systems. All the energy of all the things that she felt right now.

-:: Loading emotional responses: Shock, Surprise, Relief, Realization, Opportunistic opportunity, Adrenaline surge with the knowledge that you are about to win! ::-

There truly was power in emotions. It wasn't much. But it was enough.

She summoned her drill and charged.

-:: Finishing move! ::-

The drill found the crack in the armor Its teeth biting fast and tugging away. Sweetie didn't even have to find her footing. She was propelled forward by the pull of the drill as the crack grew and grew. Her energy levels depleted quickly. She told Sim to use the adapter on the screwdriver Krystal in her drill. Use it as their main power source. (it was the only thing they had left. And she used every ounce of it) and finally the the hull of the mecha started to give.

“Stop!” Screamed the mole king. “You will destroy the sun stone. Think about it. Limitless energy! You will be destroying the one thing you desire most!”

Sweetie heard him. Power shortage was her main weakness. The sun stone would make her never having to recharge again.

She did not care.

With a huge crack, the armor on the mechas front gave in. The drill quickly chewing its way into the machinery. Quickly making short work of the less durable cogwheels and steampipes. Sparks and gears and broken metal would rain down over town hall as she punched her way straight threw the mecha and out on the other side.

She landed on the Earthmother and. And with a single definitive click, the drill retracted into her horn.

She had just enough energy to retract the giant drill into her horn before the mecha lit up behind her in a blinding light from the cracked sun stone.

The heat and energy tingled through Sweeties body as it escaped from the broken stone like the air from a balloon. And the air was filled with a red ball of fire as the damaged crystal shattered, and all its energy released in a blazing explosion.

Sweetie did not even turn around to look at the explosion.

Parts of the mecha, no bigger than nuts and bolts, rained down over all over Ponyville and some of its surrounding countryside.

Sim climbed out of Sweeties ear, and lay down upon Sweeties head, exhausted. She did not even come with a witty comment as she lay and watched the rain of gears.

Among the pieces, a red little capsule pod descended upon a parachute. It sailed over Sweetie, and she heard it land upon the earth mother, not too far behind her.

Sweetie heard the pod hiss as it opened. A very swear, very angry voice exited.

“Heads up. Its the mole king” Said Sim.

Everything! You darn kids have ruined everything! It should not be possible! I am the king of all moles, and you are just some darn meddling Foals!. FOALS!“ He cried in disbelief “Years of hard worm ruined by a couple of Foals!”

“And one mole.” Sim added with a big shit eating grin.

“SIM!” The mole king Cried, and assulted them with even more curses. “All of this is your fault! You misshaped little miniature of a mole! You have been trying to undermine me for years! And now look at what you have done! These Foals would never have succeeded if it wasn't for you!” And now youve destroyed everything! Everything ruined! All because of you darn kids and your stupid robot friend!

And You! Sweetie! What are you!? How could a little rust-bucket like you ever defeat my marvelous machine! It should not be possible for a smaller machine to defeat a bigger machine! That doesn't make any mechanical sense!” Are you some kind of artificial abomination?! Answer me! What are you!?


“Turn around yourself!” Said Scoot.

A huge smack was heard, and the wheel of a scooter sailed past Sweeties vision.

There was a thud, like a small bag of beans hitting the floor. Followed by Scootaloo crying out. “And thats what you get for messing with the CMC.”

“Holy apples” Said Applebloom “Do you think you killed him?”

“Na. Hes fine. Look, he's wheezing.”

The worms had eminently released her friends from their grip and ceased the mole king instead.

Beneath them. The fighting had stopped just as suddenly as it had begun. The Worms had awakened from their hypnotic slumber and either disappeared back underground, or moved to surround their mother. The marketplace was filled with worms, while ponies gathered on the out skirting streets trying to see what was going on.

“Looks like someone has finally learned his place.” Sim scorned at the half conscious mole king.

Applebloom and Scootaloo ran up to Sweetie.

“That was awesome! - and the way you did not even look at the explosion was all like...” Scootalo put on out a pair of thick sunglasses and crossed her hooves “I'm to cool to look at explosions!”

“And the way you did not even look at him when he was yelling at you”

“The truth is girls... I can't turn around.” Said Sweetie.

-:: Energy levels: 0.0 % ::-

-:: Shutting down ::-

The battle had drained her of every last ounce of energy. Just moving her mouth to say those words drained her dry of every last bit of energy.

The last of her energy had just barely had enough to retract the drill into her horn . Her screwdriver crystal had gone dark and empty. After no more then a day had Twilight’s seemingly infinite sun gone out.

She was exhausted, physically and emotionally. In the most literal sense of both words. Her buffer had run out fixing all the abuse she had received during the day, and neither her mind or her Heart-Drive had the energy to produce any more emotions.

Her legs and body had already shut down, frozen stiff in their last position. And now her mind too, was going dark. Her vision was already fading. Only by pulling the last ounces of energies still coursing in her wires to her head was she able to hear how it all ended. The last thing she managed to get out her voicebox was:

“Crystals please.”

And then she blacked out.

Author's Note:

Your face when you realize I wrote thiss whole story to build up to a refference of this old gif:
