• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 3,643 Views, 149 Comments

Flames - Olakaan Peliik

Coming to the ponylands: Not Planned. Being an ambassador for dragon kind: Not Planned. Finding a better place to live where my sister would be safe: Planned.

  • ...

XXIV - Fights

Feels like it's gonna be a pleasant Thursday morning, I thought, stretching out my wings, legs, and spine as I made my way toward the bathroom to take a shower. As I made sure my scales were presentable I couldn't help but get excited about Niirah’s performance next week. She was gonna be so surprised when her new harp shows up out of the blue. Well, it’s not a “new” harp, but it’s new in the aspect as she is now the owner of a harp.

Anyway, I got dried off before going downstairs, my warm scales drying me off in minutes. Kii was already downstairs eating cereal, and humming along to some tune in her head.

“Good morning Kii. Sleep well?” I asked as I started making my tea.

“I did. Did you?” Kii asked.

I nodded. “Indeed I did.”

Kii smiled up at me as I sat down after making my tea. “Oh, Alezah is here.”

“Really? Where?”

“Napping on the couch,” Kii said, finishing her cereal and taking it to the kitchen. “She even brought home company.”

“Company?” I repeated.

“Another dragon. I've never seen them before. Gotta go to school. Bye!”

I waved as she hurried out of the kitchen. Once I heard the front door shut, I decided to investigate this “company.”

Taking the final sip of my tea, I stood and headed for the living room. I was totally expecting a griffon male, or a stallion, or even a smaller male dragon that I could scare into leaving. I was pleasantly surprised by this though.

Alezah had brought home another dragoness. A fire dragon, like us. She seemed familiar, though I couldn't place where I’d seen her before. This new dragon had ash-white scales, with fire red details around the eyes, on her wings, and the common dragonly spines adorned her spine with her colors. Even I had to admit, she was pretty. Not as pretty as Niirah, though.

Alezah was cuddling with this dragoness on the couch, both of them asleep. I wonder what happened to her previous suitor?

I used my wing to wake my sister. “Sister? Care to wake up?” I nudged her.

She slowly woke up and gradually realized more and more of her surroundings, her eyes widening in panic. She slowly slipped from her partner's grasp and pulled me back into the kitchen.

“What—” is all I managed to get out before she started to freak out.

“Oh sweet spirits, this is not how I wanted you to find out,” she paced back and forth. “We weren't supposed to come here, I wanted to go back to my place, but I must've gotten turned around or something.”

“Alezah,” I tried getting her attention.

“This kind of thing is totally okay brother, and it's not easy to talk about. My last suitor never listened and was near emotionless. That dragoness out there understands. I just haven't felt like myself until now, I feel like I'm finally free. You just won't understand. And... and, If you banish me from the family—”

Okay, that was it. “ALEZAH!” I shouted a bit. She jumped and seemed to shrink away from me. “I'm happy for you!” I said.

“What?” Alezah asked confused. I pulled her into a hug. “You're not mad? Or thinking of banishing me from the family?” she babbled, apparently not knowing how to react.

“Spirits no! I'm a little insulted that you thought you couldn't talk to me about this, but I'm not mad. I'm sad actually.”

“Sad?” She stayed in the hug.

“You’re my little sister. I thought you knew that you could talk to me about something like this. I didn't know you were so unhappy.” I squeezed her tight; I felt some liquid dripping onto my chest and realized that Alezah was crying.

“I'm sorry I doubted you,” she whispered and hugged me tightly.

“Aww… That was so sweet.” I heard an unfamiliar voice. Alezah parted the hug, I turned to see the couch dragoness standing in the doorway. “That certainly went better than when I told my family,” she said, stretching.

I could ask about that later. “Care to introduce me to your partner?”

“Ahem… Krein this is my partner, Cala.” She paused a moment. “Cala, I'm sure you know who my brother is.”

“Sure do,” Cala nodded.

I was about to ask how they met but a tapping on the sliding glass door distracted me. “What is that?”

I moved around the kitchen counter to see a pigeon with a scroll attached to it. It was pecking the glass. I opened the glass door and it cooed at me.

“Is that for me?” I asked it. It seemed to nod and allowed me to take it. Once it flew off I closed the door and turned back to my sister.

“That was odd. Who's it from?” she asked. I opened the scroll.

‘Dear Speaker,

I have indeed thought long and hard about your request of asking me to aid in the restoration of the Dragonlands. At the time, there was nothing you could offer me or my kingdom, however, there is something we could discuss. I will be sending a representative in a day’s time to negotiate a true treaty between our kind.

Your Ally,
King Aspen.’

“Woah,” I said, already thinking of the preparations I needed to make.

“Good woah, or bad woah?” Cala asked.

“Official Embassy business. I shouldn't discuss it yet. I'm sure it will be in the newspapers in due time.” I started to grab my things for work.

“Do you mind if we chill here for a minute?” Alezah asked.

“Of course I don't mind. Just lock the door when you leave.” I closed the door behind me.

Dwiin, Niirah, and Algae were all with me in my office to give me the weekly rundown.

“Dwiin, you start,” I nodded to him.

“All but one of our guards showed up for their shifts today, I will be dealing with that. I also paid the RBI Detention Facility a visit, he’s ready to be transported,” Dwiin reported.

Dwiin had refused to say Ash’s name since he found out Algae was with eggs. But I heard Ash’s new home was fancy. The Sea Dragons had been putting together a rather ingenious prison.

“I'll let Viing know. I want you to pick another dragon other than yourself, we are entertaining guests tomorrow. I need you and your choice to meet them at the road entrance to Canterlot, be there at dawn.”

“Understood,” Dwiin nodded.

I looked at Algae. “Anything?”

Algae was sitting, partially leaning on Dwiin, blinking in obvious fatigue. “Both of our warehouses are full, and security is on alert until we can get some of it sold,” she said, stifling a yawn.

“Good. You sure you don't need to go early?” I asked.

“I appreciate the concern. But I will inform you when I need to go,” Algae said proudly.

“Fair enough. You two can go.”

Niirah was holding a few pieces of mail. “What have you got?”

“Some mail I thought was urgent, and should be brought to your attention.” She started to give them to me. “Let's see, a letter from Fillydelphia’s Mayor, a letter from Olakaan addressed to Princess Luna, and what looks like an invite of sorts.”

“I'll take these two. Put Olakaan’s letter in a larger envelope, and forward it.”

“No problem.” Niirah nodded and left my office.

I watched her leave before turning my attention to the mail in front of me. First things first the one from Fillydelphia.

‘Dear Ambassador,

I have spoken with my community council, and unfortunately, they are convinced that inviting such an influx of citizens into our city would be too much to handle. We have agreed, however, to start small, and to start with security. The Captain of Fillydelphia’s guard has informed me that he would need at least fifty guards to fully enforce his precincts. I realize that that is a large number in regards to dragon soldiers, but I am confident you will figure out how to address that. For now, that is the best compromise we can provide at this time.

I wish you the best of luck,
Mayor Reuben.’

Fifty guards? Certainly, I couldn't get that many guards all at one time. Perhaps five waves of ten? Ten at a time to better slow the integration. I set that letter aside to write back as soon as I could, with a reminder in the back of my mind to send a letter by mail to Viing. Onto this invitation.

It was fancy. Opening it I saw the words “A Royal Wedding!” in big bold fancy lettering. It was an invitation to the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I knew who Shining Armor was, we were sort of friends, more on the side of acquaintances really. But where have I heard that name ‘Mi Amore Cadenza’ before?

It clicked in my head just who it was. “Oh Princess Cadence! Why wasn’t that obvious?” I checked the date and blinked in shock. It was this weekend? That seemed kinda rushed. Regardless I didn’t think it would be best for me to attend. Despite my efforts to ingratiate myself with pony society, many ponies were still unnerved by my presence.

“Krein! You need to come and see this!” I heard Dwiin call.

I stood and went to where not only Dwiin was standing but Algae and Niirah as well by a window. “What’s the matter?”

They all just pointed up at the sky. A purple magical barrier was enveloping the city, covering us all like we were in a big snow globe.

“I think you might want to pay the Princesses a visit,” Niirah suggested, looking rather nervous.

“I think you may be right,” I said.

As I got closer to the castle I noticed a great increase in the number of guards on the streets than normal. Whole squads of Pegasi flew overhead. Unicorns and earth ponies traveled in groups of four.

As I continued to walk I was aware of a foul stench on the wind. I had never smelt anything like it, but it smelled horrible, like rot and decay. And it was there, I'm not that crazy.

Ponies seemed unfazed by the increase in security and the huge magical barrier surrounding Canterlot, and nopony except me seemed to notice the smell. I hurried to the front gate of the castle.

As I approached the guards seemed to tense up. “I wish to speak with the Princesses,” I said.

“Sorry Ambassador. But all meetings with the Princesses have been suspended until further notice,” Walker said.

“I wish to speak to Captain Armor then,” I said firmly.

“Very well. Follow me.” Walker said as his fellow guards opened the gaits.

I followed him in into the guard access part of the castle. He was silent and completely focused. With how the rest of the Canterlot Guard looked, I shouldn’t be surprised. From the last time I visited Captain Armor’s office, the mood was much different.

Walker lead me to Captain Armor’s office and knocked on his door. “Come in!” I heard him call.

Walker stepped partway into the room. “Ambassador Krein here to speak with you.” I didn't hear anything from the room, but Walker turned and let me in.

I entered the office how I normally did. I bowed respectively. “I was hoping you could inform me of what is happening? All the guards, and the barrier?”

“I wish there was time to give you all an update. There was a threat made against Canterlot, and with the upcoming wedding we are on high alert,” he explained. I noticed he didn’t look all that well; he kept rubbing his temples and there were bags under his eyes.

“I heard about the wedding, congrats,” I nodded.

“Thanks. Was there anything else I can help you with?” he asked.

“As a matter of fact, there is. I was gonna be meeting a representative of King Aspen’s at the front entrance to Canterlot first thing in the morning. With this barrier up, I fear they will not be able to get through.”

“Am I to assume this is an important meeting?” he asked.

“It is indeed.” I nodded.

“Then make sure you have someone there to greet them, I will inform the guards in the area to let them through.” He wrote down the note.

“One last thing. I would like to offer the Embassy’s reserve guards to act as sentries at night. To better rest your guards so they are prepared to deal with whatever threat might come,” I offered.

“That is a mighty tempting offer. I’ll think about it and get back to you.” Armor winced and clutched his head for a moment. “I don't mean to be rude, but I really need to get back to work.”

Best I leave him alone. “Of course. Good luck.” I bowed politely and headed back to the Embassy.

Dwiin had already departed to meet the representative at the gates to Canterlot. I was with Niirah waiting for their arrival. Algae had decided to stay home today. She was not feeling well enough for work. Understandable, given that she's pregnant and all.

I waited patiently for them to arrive with Niirah, but couldn’t help but notice that Niirah seemed lost in thought and was frowning heavily.

“You alright? You seem a little off today,” I asked.

“Oh it's nothing really,” she shrugged.

I nudged her. “I'd like to hear it just the same.”

She cracked a smile before frowning again. “Someone bought that harp I showed you.”

I had to play this cool. “Really? That sucks, I know how much you wanted it.”

“I didn't think anyone would buy it, the shopkeeper said it's been there for years,” Niirah said, obviously upset.

“Any idea who bought it?” I asked, just trying to see how much she knew.

“He said someone bought it for their marefriend as a present. Which is okay I guess, but I wanted it.” She pouted.

“I'm sorry,” I said out of habit.

She glanced up at me, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything.”

“My friend is feeling sad and there isn't anything I can do about it. So, I'm sorry,” I explained.

“Yeah, well maybe later you could take me for ice cream,” she said with a grin.

“You've been spending too much time with my sisters,” I pointed at her accusingly. I heard the doors on the first-floor opening and the sound of hooves on tile.

Niirah and I got serious as soon as we could. I watched as I realized who exactly the representative was. Blackthorn, the stag in charge of the soldiers, and guards in Thicket. And the buck who had captured Niirah; a fact that Niirah obviously hadn’t forgotten, because I felt her bristling next to me as soon as she saw him. Oh, this was gonna be awkward.

“Blackthorn. Good to see you again,” I bowed in respect.

He did the same. “You as well Speaker.” He noticed Niirah and scowled. “I trust she is here for a reason?”

“I am the Speaker's assistant. I also would like to apologize for my behavior when we first met,” Niirah bowed respectfully to him.

Blackthorn blinked in astonishment and seemed honestly thrown because he was silent for a full three seconds before he regained his composure. “I appreciate that. But I want to ask, why is Canterlot so heavily guarded?”

“The ponies are being extra careful for the time being. But perhaps we should get on to why you are here?” I motioned a wing toward the room we'd be sitting in.

Blackthorn stepped in along with the few guards he brought with him. They sat in the first seats they came to. Dwiin, Niirah and I sat across from them.

“So since you are the one here, I'm assuming you have a security matter that perhaps you need assistance with?” I asked.

“Yes, we have been having trouble in our forests with an infestation of some rather large dragon-like beasts,” Blackthorn explained.

I felt my stomach sinking. Spirits, I think I know where this is going.

“They walk on their hind legs, spit acid, and fly. They are carnivorous and eat anything with a heartbeat. We lost almost an entire patrol to one last week.”

Niirah, Dwiin, and I all said the same word. “Wyverns.”

“They are a problem for us dragons as well,” I informed the deer. “They'll even eat us given the opportunity.”

“None know where they came from, just that they've gotten worse,” Niirah seemed to shudder.

“How many have been sighted?” Dwiin asked.

“Three different red colored ones and at least six green ones,” Blackthorn said.

“Three?” I looked at Dwiin. “That means three nests.”

“Three nests?” Blackthorn asked, looking alarmed.

“Plenty of food in that area makes sense that they've taken kindly to the area,” Dwiin nodded.

“So you want our help ridding your forests of them correct?” I asked.

“Correct. In exchange, King Aspen is prepared to assist in the restoration of the Dragonlands,” Blackthorn nodded.

I know this is a good deal, but it would be wise to consult Lord Torch before signing anything. “If you would excuse me, I must discuss this with Lord Torch.”

Blackthorn nodded as I stood, left the room and went to my office. Once I was alone I touched the mark and concentrated on Lord Torch. Soon enough he answered.

“Speaker! I haven't heard from you for a time. I assume things are going well?” he asked.

“Good so far. I actually do need your approval for something.”

“Explain,” he ordered.

I explained the deer’s situation, and exactly what they needed and what we'd be getting in return. He seemed to think for a few moments, then let out an approving grunt.

“I approve. Whatever their treaty says, we will honor the agreement. Is that all?” Torch asked.

“It is, my Lord.”

The flame snuffed itself out abruptly, ending the conversation. I headed back to the meeting. “Do you have a document drawn up?” I asked sitting back in my seat.

Blackthorn nodded. “We do.”

One other the other bucks pulled a piece of parchment from a bag he carried.

The document had everything on it they had just talked about but put better. Stating that the Dragons and Deer are allies, and will protect each other and their land from outside dangers. That includes infestations. King Aspen’s signature already sat at the bottom of the page.

“As Speaker for Lord Torch, I sign this treaty on his behalf.” I signed the document appropriately.

There was knocking on the door. “Enter!” I called.

One of the workers from the floor below stuck her head in. “Speaker, someone from Celestia’s School is here. They say they need you at the school now.”

I felt my spine stiffen. Was Kii in trouble? “I'll be on my way momentarily.” Once she was gone I turned to Blackthorn. “I apologize, I need to handle this. Dwiin is more than capable to go over the remaining details with you. There are rooms upstairs ready for you and your guards should you need them.”

I bowed in respect before taking my leave and heading down to the ground floor. There was a pony there waiting for me.

“What seems to be the trouble?” I asked, my heart in my throat.

Fighting! Of all the childish things she could have gotten in trouble for! Fighting! I stood with Kii beside me as one of her teachers, Ms. Gingersnap explained what happened to me.

“...and that is when Crimson Charge intervened. When we couldn't get ahold of your other siblings we sent for you,” Ms. Gingersnap explained.

While it didn't sound like Kii's fault certainly, I thought I had taught her better. “What is her punishment?”

“If you had not been able to come get her today, she would have been suspended for three days. It will only be two since you are here. Monday and Tuesday since it is the end of the week now, and three sessions of Saturday school starting tomorrow.

So much for our weekend trip. “I understand. She will need to keep up with her schoolwork, yes?”

“Yes.” Gingersnap nodded.

“Very well.” I turned to leave. “Come on Kii,” I said calmly, which only seemed to scare her. She followed close behind me, head down and tail between her legs.

I only looked at her a few times on the walk home since I got her out of school. She was busy looking at the ground in front of her as she walked. When we got closer to our street I spoke up.

“I had to cut a very important meeting with King Aspen’s representative short today. I want you to know this,” I said to Kii. She let out a little whimper.

“We use our words Kii, we don't fight. You, or one of your friends, should have gotten a teacher sooner.” I sighed. “You have Saturday school now for three weekends. Which means we won’t be able to go on our little day trip this weekend like I was planning. Oh, and you're grounded until the Friday after next.”

“Two weeks?” she whined.

“I wouldn't complain if I were you. I think a two-week sentence is generous considering the situation,” I said firmly.

She lowered her head again and sniffled. “Sorry brother.”

“Your classmate would have made a fool of herself if you hadn't fought with her,” I told her. We walked the rest of the way home in silence.

After walking through the door, I took a deep breath. “Kii I want you to know that I'm not as mad as I am disappointed.”

“I'm sorry,” she said again, sounding close to tears.

“I know you are. You have a magic test coming up next week right?” She nodded. “Alright, I want you to study for that in addition to your chores. And since you do have that test coming up I will still allow your study group to study here, but I or one of your sisters will be here to watch you. Understood?”

“Yes brother,” she said with her eyes down.

I sighed heavily. “Good, now go upstairs and study. It’s still a school day, I don’t want you falling behind.” I watched her hurry upstairs then went to sit on the couch to read, or nap. Whichever happened first.

Author's Note:

Let me know what you think! Leave a thumbs-up and a positive comment if you haven't already! Or if you just feel like leaving a comment.