• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
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"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"


This story is a sequel to Princess Trixie Sparkle

Note: The events of this story was written before the animated version reached it's final episode, therefore this story acts as a sequel to the written version, not the animated version (which has several additions and alterations that give certain characters more validation in their actions).

After everything that's happened, Trixie has finally gained what she's truly wanted, friends who love and respect her, as well having become the chosen bearer of the Element of Forgiveness!

But her actions during her time in Twilight's body have not been forgotten, and Shining Armor plans to remind her of that...

Now has a Dramatic Reading by ChaosServant 12345.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Well, HELLO, turns out I'm the first one here! Well, then I should post THIS right away:

Because, seriously, who goes to the comment section for a story they haven't already read? If you're on the story's page, just click on chapter 1 and read it!

Rant aside, let's dive right in!

(WARNING: The following may contain sarcastic, serious, joking, thoughtful, and/or downright unnecessary commentary and/or fluttercensored swearing. Viewer discretion is advised.)

So we start this off with Trixie getting snacks, and a brief explanation that Pinkie Pie threw a party to celebrate their success against Astelle and Trixie's new status as the Element of Forgiveness (still can't get behind a seventh Element, but oh well) when Shining Armor comes in, looking none-too-happy.

“Oh hi Shining.” Trixie smiled brightly. “Trixie was just about to return to the party-”

“Not yet.” He said. His horn glowed for a moment and enveloped both the door and the window. “We need to talk.”

“Uh… about what?” She asked nervously.

Everything.” He stated in a stern tone.

Yup, I knew THIS conversation was bound to happen eventually.

“Willingly aiding an enemy of the crown, using an not one, but two illegal magical items, using said illegal magical items on royalty, impersonating royalty, abuse of authority, not to mention willing supplying said enemy of the crown with said illegal magical item! Hell if we had let the justice system do its work it would've been a miracle just to have you beheaded! Because trust me, that would be merciful compared to half of the punishments that could be carried out for your actions!”

:twilightoops:Wow. Shining's not holding ANYTHING back!

And for every feeble defense Trixie throws up, Shining just busts it right down.
-Saving Fluttershy from the Manticore? Wouldn't have happened if Trixie hadn't switched hers and Applejack's bodies.
-Cooperating with the Mane 6 to make things right? Only while acting like a total bi:yay: the while time.

“Was Trixie helping save Equestria not enough?!” Trixie angrily retorted, growing tired of all of her failures and misdeeds being thrown back in her face.

“Yes, you saved Equestria from a threat that you technically made even worse! What made you think giving Astelle that amulet was ever going to work out in the end?!” He stated, growing angrier by the second. “And where exactly did you get the idea to believe that you had ANY right to act like WE were the ones who should've been asking for forgiveness for not believing you?! YOU DID NOTHING BUT LIE AND MANIPULATE TWILIGHT AND HER FRIENDS SINCE THE WHOLE SITUATION STARTED! WHY SHOULD WE HAVE BELIEVED YOU?!”

(missing word)
And even so, Twilight forgave her. Y'know, I think TWILIGHT should have gotten that Element! I mean, Trixie was forgivEN, not forvigING! Wait....
(looks at previous review of Princess Trixie Sparkle and replies thereof)
:moustache::moustache::moustache:I see what you did there, Alphamon. I see it.:moustache::moustache::moustache:

Now, I've already gone through this story three times before typing out this review, and THIS scene....just gets me every time.

As she looked up at Shining Armor that guilt only increased when she realized something:

He was crying.

“Do you have any idea what it was like to look down at my sister as she explained everything that happened to her because of you?” He asked, trying to remain stone-faced despite the tears pooling into a puddle at his hooves. “To know that she was suffering, that she was terrified, broken and alone, and I was unable to do anything about it?!”

“N-No… Shining I-”

“It hurt me as a brother.” Shining continued. “Because once again I was unable to do anything for her while she suffered, I felt more ashamed of myself than I did during the changeling invasion!”

I think this music can pretty much go with this scene and the rest of the story.

And while Trixie mulls these thoughts over in her head, she finally realizes......she was f:yay:ing horrible. And REALLY f:yay:ing lucky!

She was brought out of her thoughts when she noticed Shining getting much closer to her. She instinctively took a few steps back only to realize that she was backed up against the wall. “W-Wait, I-”

“You may have everyone else buying your whole "Element of Forgiveness" stunt. But know this: as far as I'm concerned you're still that selfish self-absorbed mare who try to ruin my little sister's life despite her showing you nothing but kindness.” Shining Armor snarled as he glared down at Trixie. “And I'm warning you right now. You take one step backward, one slip-up, give me one good reason to think you might hurt my little sister again, physically or emotionally, and I will put. you. down. right then and there. Permanently.”

:twilightoops: *gulp*

So Shining leaves her to her thoughts.

Trixie looked down at the necklace that represented her Element and silently weeped. For the second time since she received her Element, she believed she didn't truly deserve it...

’Not yet…’

And that's "A Brother's Promise". My thoughts? A true epilogue to the original story. Seriously, this was well done.

Story: A simple continuation, but potent in tying up loose ends the original left. There wasn't really a lot to it; just Shining thoroughly warning Trixie not to stray from her current path. And really, nothing else was really needed. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised Magpiepony didn't include a scene like this! I imagine you've already contacted her about this?
Score: B- (8.35)

Writing: Penmanship was good. Shining Armor was WELL on point with his character, especially considering it was his sister who was hurt in the main conflict. Same with Trixie; she's definitely nicer since her reformation, but there's still that trace amount of selfishness that everyone knows and loves (except me). Definitely well-written.
Score: A (9.64)

Humor: Yeah, this one is definitely a more serious fic. Score: N/A

Moral: Forgiveness is earned, and everyone has their own limits. What may allow one person to forgive you for something, may not grant forgiveness from another for the same offense. Twilight may have forgiven Trixie, but Shining Armor most DEFINITELY hasn't. And, unfortunately, I know this lesson all too well. Half the time I'm Twilight in these situations, and others I'm Trixie. So, yeah. I get this one well enough.
Score: B+ (8.92)

This story was definitely a way for the author to voice their opinions on another story, and it definitely got the point across. And it was done in a way that was realistic in the context of said story. And it actually made me rethink my opinion of the ending of said story. So I think it did its job well.

Story: B- (8.35)
Writing: A (9.64)
Moral: B+ (8.92)
Personal Enjoyment: A- (9.01)

Overall: B+ (8.98) :raritywink:

Now for one last question: Have you already shown this to Magpiepony? If not, mind if I point her in this direction?

Haven't shown her yet, but feel free to do so! Thanks for the review!

“This conversation never happened. Oh, and thanks for helping save Equestria."

You go and break Trixie down piece by piece and threaten to kill her if she slips? And then have the BALLS to say that this conversation never happened? If I were Trixie I would have gone back out there, tell everyone EXACTLY what Shining said, then tell him to kill me like he said he was going to do... if I don't just grab the knife from Pinkie and save him the trouble.

Did you even read the story before this one?

Only the last chapter. Regardless, to say all that, to threaten Trixie for one slip, and then to tell her that it never happened? No. I know Trixie did awful, terrible, unforgivable things. Shining has every right to hold a grudge and not forgive her. But if he's going to confront Trixie with something like that, do it in the open. Let everyone know how you really feel. And sure as hell don't threaten her life.

I suggest you read the entire story, and even check the animated adaptation while you're at it. Then you'll know exactly why he pretty much has every right to be this way in this story. Especially considering the fact that most of if not the entire story was Trixie's fault to begin with.

Twilight forgave her. Her friends, especially Rainbow Dash, forgave her. Even Celestia and Luna forgave her. THEY were the ones that Trixie wronged the most. If they can forgive, why can't he? Because it reminded him of his own failure as a big brother during A Canterlot Wedding. And my biggest problem isn't the fact that he's pissed at her. I would expect no less from Shining Armor. My biggest problem is what he said just as he left the kitchen. This conversation never happened? THAT is what I really don't disagree with.


Here's the thing, they forgave her to quickly, heck their forgiveness of her feels more forced than Starlight's.

Let's see, she swapped bodies with her. Then Twilight got thrown in the dungeons while Trixie impersonated her, and then she acted like a smug BITCH the entire time they were helping her... the story treats the heroes like they're in the wrong for not trusting her enough, Twilight had EVERY RIGHT not to believe Trixie! I'm sorry but this entire mess was technically her fault, little miss "Great and Powerful" brought this all on herself.

Not to mention that the entire time they worked together she made it explicitly clear that she had no intention of changing her ways, or at the very least being a little nicer, even going out of her way to avoid apologizing for her actions and constantly acting like she did nothing wrong. That didn't exactly win her any points with the ponies she was asking to help her.

Plus she seems to believe that she's completely free of guilt and absolutely no one has the right to be mad at her, when in fact it's the complete opposite. This entire mess is her fault even if Astel and Shadow were manipulating her, that doesn't excuse the fact that she willingly went along with it and proceeded to basically ruin Twilights life of her own violation.

I'm sorry, but I was completely on her side when I heard Twilight say she wants Trixie locked away in the same dungeon she shoved her into, if they're going for more sympathetic angle with Trixie they pretty much made her too evil in that story.

Don't get me wrong, I do want to see her redeemed, but at this point Trixie needs to go through a lot of pain and torment before she can actually earn that redemption. Especially since by that point she had basically WON. The rest of the group had been locked away and she was in possession of the ultimate power. And yet she automatically suddenly feels bad for everything she's done, despite the fact that she was more than willing to leave Twilight stuck in a dungeon for the rest of her life, and the only reason she did give up the Amulet of power to her Superior was because everyone didn't trust her even though she basically gave them every reason not to and barely did anything to hint that she was changing her ways or at the very least trying to make amends.

And the straw that breaks the camel's back here is that this all takes place after the events with the Alicorn Amulet, meaning that Trixie willingly through Twilight's forgiveness of her back in her face for the sake of petty vengeance.

I'm sorry, but the rushed ending just really made it feel unsatisfying in the end, if they wanted us to sympathize with Trixie need to give us more than just her pulling a heroic sacrifice at the last second.

So at this point, Shining Armor had every right to threaten her, not just as a big brother, but as enforcer of the law. Especially since again, Trixie have been forgiven before for doing a similar stuff with the amulet and get she immediately came back at attempted to ruin his little sister's life.

Comment posted by Creativa-Artly01 deleted Sep 23rd, 2018

Finally I can read this. Today Magpie posted the finale of the adaption and after watching the it, I went straight to reading this fanfic. This has been on my read for later for so many months. Anyway, reading this fanfic was worth the wait. You did exceptionally well in conveying Shining Armor's emotions through his words and how they affect Trixie like making her feel more guilty about the betrayal. That and making Shining up close and personal as a way of intimidation has my heart pumping. This is the best way I can describe how I feel about this fanfic. It's not in great detail, but this is the best I can do.

Hey, I did a reading of this fic a while back. You can listen to it here if you're interested.

Dude, that was AWESOME! Thank you so much! Don't suppose you'd be interested in doing another?

Comment posted by Even Evil Has Standards deleted Jun 7th, 2022

Does Shining Armor's threat remind you of Katara confronting Zuko in Book 3 at The Western Air Temple?

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