• Published 28th Mar 2016
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ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!! - Bucking Nonsense

The most terrible villain Equestria has ever known has returned... with the mind of an extremely eccentric human behind the wheels.

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THE OVERGOAT RULES YOU... But He's Not A Jerk About It.

Having a reputation as being the baddest mofo in the world can be a double-edged sword.

To be fair, there are plenty of awesome advantages, not least of which is the fact that most people know better than to fuck with you. It also means you get great service wherever you go, and even if the sign says 'No shirt, no shoes, no service', you could sit in a restaurant in the buff, and no one is going to say shit about it.

But the other edge is that everyone is afraid of you. Not just afraid, but absolutely terrified. Ever see Blade III? That scene where Blade tries to comfort a baby, and it starts crying in fear? That's the price of being the baddest of the bad: No one can see you as anything other than the kicker of ass and the wrecker of faces, and even if the ones you wreck are always the bad guys, it does not change the fact that almost everyone is going to see you as what you might do to them if you're angry, and not who you are or what you're really doing.

Case in point: It was halfway through my meal of beer and pancakes that one of the mares noticed that my mug needed topping off. I hadn't actually noticed her before, and she did stick out a little more than the others, since her hair was arranged in such a way that it hung over her face, so that you couldn't see it. Were she not butter-colored with honey-colored hair, she might have managed the stringy-haired ghost girl look, given how thin and waifish she was, but instead it just seemed a little off. She might have completely escaped my notice, though, were it not for one little fact: That hairstyle reduced her ability to see clearly, and instead of pouring the beer into my mug, she poured it on me. Complete and total accident, but the look on her face when she had realized what she had done was almost comical: It was as if she'd just accidentally kicked Godzilla in the nuts.

All I did was look in her direction, I swear. I didn't have an expression on my face that I knew of, and Bray later admitted that, in spite of the accident, my face had looked surprisingly cheerful at the time. Still, the next thing I knew, the mare had this deer in the headlights look as she had her back against a wall (and pushing against it, as if in hope she would suddenly gain the ability to phase through solid matter), with a wooden spoon in her hooves. The spoon is an important detail, as she was desperately trying to use it to slit her own throat, as impossible as that was with an implement with no real edges.

That, right there, is rep. That is the pinnacle of a nasty reputation, that someone would be so terrified of you that they'd prefer to try and saw off their own head with a dull spoon, rather than experience whatever you might do as punishment.

But seriously, that kind of a reaction over a little spilled beer? I'd call it ridiculous, but there was one detail I'd left out that sucked any funny right out of the moment.

It was the scar on her face.

I know what you're envisioning: Some cute little number, a white line on her face that marked an injury. Or maybe something broader, but pink, and still managing not to detract from the beauty of her face.

Get that image out of you hear, right fucking now. Scars don't always work that way, in spite of what anime and comic books might tell you. This was not a cute scar. This was worse than words could adequately express. Remember how I mentioned that a whip can do serious damage? This poor mare had taken a whip lash full on to her face... and then it had turned septic, and had festered for a long time before it finally had cleared. Her face was a ruin, and while she did have one good eye, a pretty blue one, the other had that cloudy whiteness that bespoke the infection having taken the sight from it. She had more scares than the other mares, almost more than all of them put together, and there were other scars that I could see now, on her chest and underbelly, that spoke of someone having whipped her viciously, without the concern of whether or not she'd still be able to work, or even still live, when they were done.

This was a mare who knew full well the wrath of evil men... well, evil individuals, it might be better to say. And if Grogar was the boogeyman that she'd heard tales of since she was small, and was a thousand times worse than her previous masters, then surely my wrath must make what she'd already lived through seem like nothing.

Like I said, a reputation like Grogar's is a double edged sword.

"Stop that," I said, after the initial shock of seeing her face wore off, "it won't work, and you're just embarrassing yourself."

Surprisingly, she dropped the spoon as if it had caught fire. "Better," I said, nodding. "Now, listen carefully." I turned to the other mares, who were all staring at me as if they were expecting me to flip out and start exploding heads, including Bray. "And you'd better pay attention too, Bray, because I'm setting a policy here." Bray nodded, but said nothing.

I continued, stating, "There are a number of things I'll punish someone for. Unforgivable rudeness, trying to inflict harm to myself or my servants, theft, and more than a few other things, but let's keep this brief. But an accident like spilling a drink? No. I'd like to think that I'm not that petty." I looked over at Bray, and with an eyebrow raised, I asked, "I'm not, am I? Be honest."

Bray blanched slightly, then said, "Well, I would never call you petty, master..."

Expression and body language told me that he would never add the words 'To your face' to that sentence, but it was implied louder than words.

So, apparently, Grogar wasn't just a typical tyrant cut in the mold of Skeletor and Cobra Commander, but he was also a petty fucker as well. Petty isn't me, though, and while I might pretend to be a lot of things in this dream, I wasn't going to be that.

"Good," I said with a nod, then turned back to the mares. "So please, don't... overreact like that if there's an accident. It makes both of us look foolish."

The mares gave very slight nods, although they were still clearly terrified of me. The scarred mare, though, had an unusual expression on her face. The best description I could give was if she'd been in a horror movie, and knew she was in a horror movie, and had expected Leatherface to burst into her room, chainsaw roaring, but instead had been met by Santa Claus, with a mug of cocoa in one hand, and her teddy bear in another. Certainly this situation was welcome over the alternative, but it just didn't mesh with how she'd expected the world to be.

"Now," I said to her, "come here. I want you to tell me how you got that scar on your face."

Trembling, she approached me, and began stammering at high speed, seeming to have difficulty in forming sentences as she did so. After a moment, I said, "Stop. Let's start with the basics. What is your name?"

She gulped, took a deep breath, and said, "They call me Number Thirteen, master."

Thirteen, as she was used to being called, had been born a slave. She was the child of two slaves, who had themselves been the children of other slaves. She was, in fact, probably a fiftieth generation slave, if not a higher number, but let's not split hairs here. The point is, slavery was so deeply ingrained into her being that she ought to have been born wearing manacles and a collar, and maybe a gimp mask for additional effect. She'd been born and raised on a farm, and for a while, it wasn't a completely terrible life for her: The Trogs running the farm weren't overly whip-happy, and only used their whips if a slave was disobedient, unusually slow, or lazy. The elder who had run the place hadn't seen the point of whipping ponies who were hardworking and industrious. It was counter-productive honestly.

Slavery is something that's been around for about as long as there have been people. I don't endorse it, and won't defend it, but historically, there's been all manner of levels of slavery. In terms of severity, I'd rate the elder's practices as four out of ten, maybe five. His slaves had no rights, no property, but at least he wasn't an asshole about it, and he didn't work anyone to death. I've heard and read about much, much worse.

But then the elder died of a bad case of 'mysterious circumstances', which is a very easy condition to catch when you're pretty wealthy and have at least one heir who is completely without morality. There must have been an epidemic that year, because the elder's eight children and sixteen grandchildren died of mysterious circumstances within the same week, leaving exactly one left, and boy howdy, was he a rotten little fucker.

His name was Trog-Gob (Most Trog names start with the word Trog, for some reason, don't ask me why), and if you looked up 'Sadist' in a dictionary, you'd see a picture of him "admiring" a picture of himself torturing a kitten. To him, the point of whipping ponies was the whipping. And he didn't stop there. The painting that Number Thirteen painted for me was like that of a medieval era serf farm being transformed into something equal parts pre-Civil War plantation, Mordor, and Dachau. The entire farm went from a four or a five on my previous scale to an eleven or higher. The mortality rate exploded, to maybe one or two a year, mostly from natural causes, to a dozen a week... on a slow week. Gobstopper had apparently set up some kind of a bulk discount deal with slave traders in the area, so plenty of new slaves came in to replace the dead ones.

Thirteen gained the scar on her face because, for an instant, Trog-Gob thought he saw a defiant look on her face. Just because, for a fraction of second, he had believed that she was thinking ill of him, he decided to make an example of her. He had her whipped... for an entire day. No breaks, no rest, he and a bunch of his cronies whipped her to within an inch of death, and Gobble-Gobble delivered the final lash himself, with a whip that he intentionally fouled, to ensure that the wound would become infected, and become every bit as horrific as it became. He wanted any pony who saw her face to know the price of looking, even for a second, that you might fight back was far too high.

He'd eventually gotten tired of admiring his own handiwork, though, and sent her as tribute, when Bray requested new slaves to clean the palace, six moons ago. Compared to where she was before, this place would be heaven... if she didn't elicit such looks of horror when anypony saw her face...

You ever want to kill someone so badly that you actually get wood from thinking about it? I haven't even met Mister Gobbles, and I wanted to kill him that badly. Seriously. I'd like to think that's a natural reaction to this kind of an asshole. Fuck that guy with a flaming cactus. In fact, I was seriously considering that as one possible method of dealing with him, once I found him.

First things first, though...

After hearing her story, I turned briefly to Bray, and asked, "Remind me, Bray, before my passing, how many wizards were there more powerful than myself?" Total shot in the dark, I know, but I was banking on the fact that, if I was this feared, then I had to be a wizard of some sort or another.

"None, master," Bray immediately replied without even an instant of hesitation or doubt, "Not even the princesses themselves could stand against you."

Turning back to Thirteen, I said, "I can hardly have someone else's handiwork showing on one of my servants," I stated, bluntly. "It would reflect poorly on me. The only scars that my servants should have are the ones that I give them." Which would be none, of course, but given I was playing the part of Grogar, I couldn't just say that, you know?

She got that deer in the headlights look again. Like I said, Grogar's reputation was a double edged sword.

I asked, sincerely, "How would you like me to remove that scar from your face?" Hell, why not? I've always liked working magic in video games, and it would be nice to get a feel for it, however it worked in this dream, before I went down to the farm and gave Trog-Gob a cloven-hooved enema.

Once again, she had that Santa in the place of Leatherface look. I had to admit, horrendous scar or not, it was adorable.