• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Mother's Day is approaching, and Applejack can't help but feel a little down. Sunset tries to cheer her up, only to stick a foot in her own mouth. Fortunately, Sunset knows just how to make it up to Applejack. It's amazing what you can do with an interdimensional portal.

Rated Teen for frank discussion of mortality, just to be safe.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

Applejack quirked an eyebrow at that, then tried to shrug. It ended up more like a push-up.


Also, nice fic. It's got a warm healing vibe to it made alive by the touch of surrealness surrounding it. It's also got AJ's trait of honesty running through the plot - funny how AJ-centric fics tend to have that vein in terms of how they feel - quality banter, and a twist that's just twisty enough to be fresh while keeping that vibe. All around perfect for the season.

I did watch Masterchef just half an hour ago, so it sounds weirdly like a food review, but yes, I liked the fic.

Twilight hastened to add, "Don't worry! Equestria's a clothing-optional society, and it's not like anypony can see anything you don't want them to."

Is this a magic censor, or proper tail management? In my world, it's all pretty much done with the tail.

Hadn't considered that AJ's mom was an orange, but it fits. Thanks for the beautiful story. I especially loved the reveal that the appleparents love all Applejacks equally.

Glad that this story's idea didn't offend Princess Temperance, and that an entirely nonexistent and completely unrelated cabal of royal assassins allowed this idea to survive and bear fruit.

Author Interviewer

That was everything I wanted. :D

Bittersweet, but I can see that Death in Equestria isn't as sorrowful as our little Earth. When death isn't as a great a mystery I can see why religion wouldn't be as big.

"Sunset, yer a magic unicorn from another world and kickin' yer keister gave me magic floatin' horse powers. I'm ready to believe just about anything."

You get a thumb's up for this line alone. :rainbowlaugh:

7197671 Most likely the tail, unless you're reading a fanfic that does some dark far-too-serious things with the concept that reality is warping to obey the laws of children's shows.

At first, I didn't find anything odd about the name Jonathan Jonagold. Then you mentioned Dio Brandywine.

No apologies needed.

Plus, this means that Applejack's son is going to be Joseph Jonagold. He gon' rock that scarf.

Well, Applejack is the only one who can actually lecture Applejack and have it stick. Thanks for the story and the reminder of that salient fact.

7197671 7198399
Actually, I do use a species-wide, strategically applied illusion I call the groinal veil. No attempts at dark deconstruction intended.

Honestly, with all the ideas waiting for me to realize them, I could use a visit or two from the Assassinorum. :applejackconfused:

And I've always thought Applejack's mother was an Orange. Why else would she want to seek the glamour of Manehattan but to recapture some vestige of Valencia by trying to become her?

Sorry I couldn't fit in any ponies punching their analogues. Applejack refused to fight herself while she was working. Still, thanks for the inspiration. :twilightsmile:

The whole premise of Equestria Girls is wonderfully absurd when you stop and think about it. Of course, the same could be said of any magical girl series.

I treasure any series that lets me explore the character interaction between multiple instances of a single person. It's always an interesting avenue to explore.

Is Applejack gonna bring the rest of her family to visit sometime? I'm sure everyone else would also love to visit applejack' parents. Granny Smith most of all, since one of applejack' parents is her foal.

A great mix of comedy, feels, and worldbuilding. Good to know that your take on Equestria's afterlife, while heavily inspired by Greek myth, isn't nearly as tragic as Theros'.

i'm getting a feeling so complicated

"Well, when they do," said Jonathan, a dark look on his muzzle, "make sure Granny puts th' fear o' Celestia into 'em."

I feel as though Applejack would be very confused as to why the one of the ghosts of her father was telling her to have Granny Smith put the fear of her principal into potential boyfriends.

As I think about this it started to make more sense and I'm not sure how to feel about that.


You know, I usually like what you write, regardless of what it is, and Applejack is one of my favorite ponies... But, while the story started strong and was good for most of it, the scene at the end where the two of them meet and human AJ calls out pony AJ felt unnecessarily tacked on and more than a little preachy.

Possibly. Twilight will need to do further research to determine how many humans Equestria can safely accommodate without undue temporaspacial strain. And whether the portal's physical age distortion will reduce human Granny Smith to dust the moment she goes through the portal.

Fun fact: When making the planetary dynasts, I used enemy color pairs for attitude and color scheme. (Cadence got blue-red, something that the comics seem to corroborate. Prepare the shipping algorithms! :pinkiecrazy:) Temperance got white-black, of course, so when Athreos was printed, I was rather pleased with myself.

Applejack's mind was too busy trying to process her parents asking her if she'd taken a romantic interest in a horse to notice that.

That bit stemmed from a facet of Applejack's character that's very interesting in multiples. She has a deep conviction that her way of doing things is the best way, if not the only way. So, when there's two of her and one of them thinks that the other could be doing it better than the first ever believed possible, yet consciously chooses not to... well, sparks will fly. Still, I can definitely see how that could feel preachy. (Honestly, I'm just glad that the alicorn OC wasn't the sticking point.)

I want comment on "death" in Equestria, or princess Temperance, or feels... but ...



You're talking to someone who writes alicorn OCs himself and even has a headcanon to justify them NOT being overpowered. That's never going to be a sticking point with me.

It's just that the 'you don't have a right to feel a certain way' moral has always been one that never sits well with me. It comes across as 'you should never want anything more in your life than what you have, because then you're a selfish, greedy, ungrateful bastard who deserves absolutely nothing in life'. I really doubt that's what you or anyone else you uses it means, but that's what it always felt like it was saying to me.

Pretty great, actually. Literally the only thing that frustrated me was the "ah" which is the dumbest thing this fandom ever came up with honestly. Unless said Applejack is like super wasted. Nobody talks like that. It makes my Dixie soul cringe.

I quite liked the jojo reference, considering I just cracked the first book of the english version today for the first time.

Also, were I to find myself in this situation, I'm pretty sure I'd kinda shut down from the philosophical ramifications of not only a confirmed afterlife, but an easily-accessed one.

So, AJ's "real" name is Jacqueline. Love it. And everything else, too. But that before everything else.


Isn't it more like "You aren't thinking of the other Applejacks?" I think EQG!Applejack understands EQ!Applejack's emotions of nonchalance, she just doesn't like it, because it shows that EQ!Applejack isn't thinking of the other Applejacks out there. Or something.

... Can I get an(other) example of the 'you don't have a right to feel a certain way' moral so I know what you're talking about?


Aren't the Planetary Dynasts colored in 4 colors each? ... What colors are each of the Dynasts missing?


So, EQG!Applejack doesn't know about Equestria's governmental structure?


Well, Pinkie Pie is Pinkamena.

Before FoME mentioned the enemy-Color thing here, I think all we knew was that each Dynast was primarily one Color but incorporated the other four at their creation: Cadence is primarily Red, and Temperance is primarily Black (those being the colors of emotion and endings, respectively), but (in the Elementals cosmology) Pinkie technically created the first of both with all five colors.

My apologies. I specifically tried to keep them out of this story, but some slipped in from snippets I'd written before making that decision. They should all be taken care of by the time you read this.


So, EQG!Applejack doesn't know about Equestria's governmental structure?

Hmm. She may. Actually, that would make for a very interesting conversation, Sunset trying to explain Equestrian governance to her friends. And possibly the principals.

Also, see below:

Bingo. Cadence can be thought of as "Red (and also some blue,)" Temperance as "Black (and also some white,)" and so forth. In Temperance's case, she's like Erebos or her grandmother, a kind soul who satisfies her ambitions by helping others.

I really need to do something with Divergence, Princess of Journeys...

Twilight shook her head. "Temperance doesn't hold any real political power unless you believe some ridiculous rumors. Besides, she's a close friend." She smirked. "With my life the way it's been, a brush with death just means it's Tuesday."

"Generally, yes."

Not "Generally, Saturday"?

Wait... We've got EQG!Rainbow confronted by EQ!Rainbow, the reverse for Applejacks...

Can we get something for each of the Mane6? And Spike? ... What are the other princesses doing in EQG-verse?

Repost: "What does EQ!Cadenza look like through the portal?"

Well, at the very least, we have the Twilights meeting and the Pinkies sharing a lollipop. I suppose that leaves the Fluttershies to fascinate one another and the Rarities to admire one another's couture. (Or make catty remarks about it. One of the two.) The Spikes... I'm not sure how well they'd get along. For a long time, one was operating on a very different mental level than the other, and even now, I'm not sure how well they'd be able to relate to one another.

As for the other planetary dynasts, I honestly haven't given that much thought, though it's a very interesting question. That being said, I'd expect human Cadence to come out of the portal as a pegasus. I doubt she's ever warmed a witch's heart. Certainly hasn't managed it with Cinch.


Was this ENTIRE THING a set-up for JoJo? Be honest.

No, just a happy accident when I realized what I could do with the name "Jonathan Jonagold." If it were a setup, I would've ended the story there.

I make no definitive statements about either Applejack's potential to harness the Ripple, use a Stand, or pose dramatically.


Having gone through all your Elementals of Harmony Stories, we've seen Temperance, Cadance, Vigilance, and Prudence, so we know what they do, but what does Divergence do?

Divergence has the title of "Head Ambassador," an hindquarter-covering honorific made because, like many previous Princesses of Journeys, she wanders the world for wandering's sake. She actually is a great diplomat, spreading goodwill towards Equestria wherever she goes, but she rarely stays in one place for more than a week. She loves meeting new people, especially children; her life actually resembles Trixie's on a frequent basis. (Well, canon Trixie, not EoH Trixie.) Her cutie mark is a black line that appears to vanish into the horizon, resembling a road or river carved from obsidian.

I really do need to write a story about her at some point.


Hmm... On personality-colors... Cadence is blue-red, Temperance is White-Black, Vigilance has got to be Red-White (Fighter and Order), Divergence is Blue-Green (Flow and Nature, so Exploration or something? And the Flow is not staying in one place), and Prudence is Green-Black?

Who's the oldest? Divergence I guess? 'Cause she doesn't seem like she'd want to abdicate until she's explored everywhere or something? Vigilance is XXXI, but she seems to have a sisterly relationship with the contemporary Temperance... Prudence is likely second youngest and Cadence is XL so she's likely the youngest...

On planets, I guess Divergence is Mercury, Cadence is Venus, Vigilance is Mars, Temperance is Saturn, Prudence is Jupiter.

Actually, Prudence is green-blue, carefully cultivating information to promote healthy, robust societal development. Divergence is black-green, the tireless wanderer whose greatest aspiration is to see the world for herself.

I'm undecided on relative ages. (If I had decided, I don't remember now.) That said, you nailed the planets.


Well, as this currently seems to be the 5 Sisters discussion area... As Elementals of Harmony doesn't have a group page...

What powers do the Marks of the 5, give? Cadence is Love Spells (Unicorn Aspect), obviously... Powered by Love (Earth Aspect), as seen in My Little Praetor... How does her Love Cutie Mark affect her Pegasus Aspect?

I guess asking for the other 4 would be spoilers?

Huh. Honestly, I'd never thought of the "Powered by Love" thing as specifically earth pony magic. :twilightsheepish:

In any case, the planetary alicorns' abilities are better classified as alicorn magic through and through. This is on par with mass dreams, calling down plasma from the sun, and (apparently) activating suspicious zebra potions. It looks like incredible unicorn magic, sure, but it's more accurately described as a blend of the tribes' magics that's greater than the sum of its parts and usually uses the horn as the output device.

As for what their marks provide... incredible talents and nearly irresistible urges to put them to use. There's a reason the Divergences behave like salmon, returning home only to breed and die. There's a reason the current Vigilance willingly banished herself to geostationary orbit so she could watch all of Equestria's borders at once. There's a reason Cadences keep marrying mortal ponies even after dozens of generations of heartbreak. The planetary alicorns perform vital planar balancing just by existing. Keeping a universe stable means that they generally aren't.

It's very Triptych Continuum: A price to pay for every gift. And much like Jason Ogg, the price paid for the planetary princesses' talents is the need to use them.

I make no apologies whatsoever for the JoJo reference.

The JoJoke alone is worthy of an instant favorite.

Feels were had.

While it doesn't apply to this headcanon, the fact that there isn't an obvious way for a pegasus to use that mark may have been a factor in her Ascension (as canon has her born to that tribe).

I mean, yes, unascended Cadence couldn't fire literal love magic at couples, but I imagine that even if she'd never met Prismia, she'd still make a fantastic matchmaker, marriage counselor, or similar official in matters of the heart.

Or, as Cozy Glow demonstrated, there's always ritual magic... and now I've gone and terrified myself. :twilightoops:

I just came from Derpibooru when I asked FoME where he made a JoJoke in FimFiction. By God, I am surprised as you are.

"I actually did know." Sunset looked away, a hand on her forearm. "I have a database on all of the... well, the exploitable aspects of the student body. I wanted to get rid of it, but Pinkie insisted I keep it. Said it'd be 'a big help,' whatever she meant by that." After a moment, she focused back on Applejack. "Still, why is that a problem?"

Something tells me Pinkie made her keep it over birthdays or something. :ajbemused:

Mac didn't say anything more until they pulled up to the school. "I know you don't need me to tell ya this, AJ, but yer friends are weird."

But in a good way Big Mac. :ajsmug:

Applejack nodded. "'Preciate it. That'd get real old, real fast."

That and some might get creeped out about it. :fluttershysad:

Twilight giggled. "Pinkie being Pinkie appears to be a universal constant."

Uh huh... 😒

Valencia rolled her eyes, though she still smiled. "You'll want to sit down for this one, Jacqueline. It's as long as it is bizarre."

Sometimes I forget that's applejack's real name. :applejackunsure:

"Sure I did. Can't get two words into that story without AJ complainin' how she's heard it a thousand times before."



"And it was Sunset's idea," added Twilight.

I'm still curious as how Sunset knew this place. 🤔

This story sure was great and ngl I kinda felt the same ad applejack in regards to missing family but instead it's my grandparents from my dads side of my family who both have sadly passed away in the last 2 years who I both miss dearly. :fluttercry:

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