• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 605 Views, 10 Comments

Shy Victor - Arcelia

Fluttershy enters a jousting tournament

  • ...

Shy Victor

A warm, shimmering beam of sunlight shone over the length of her lance. A crowd of ponies gathered behind the circular barriers enclosing the small space around her. Beads of sweat glistened on her forehead where she stood at the far end of the court.

As more onlookers gathered, her legs grew unsteady and her breaths more rapid. Fluttershy was unsure of the name of her opponent, but she was sure that she didn’t stand a chance against the pony who approached from the other end of the court.

The mare’s build was rugged, strong, clearly the result of years of experience. Silver dragon-scaled armor covered most of her torso and legs, but it was her helmet that was most astonishing, curving its way around her angular head and mischievous eyes. Her fiery mane protruded out of the opening and down the side of her face, crimson strands glowing in the sunlight.

Fluttershy glanced down at the much smaller, less exquisite armor that covered her barrel, following the thin steel plates to where the empire’s crest interlocked on her chest. She wore it with pride, but it was nothing compared to the sturdy armor of her opponent.

An uneasy feeling grew in the pit of her stomach. She clenched her teeth – there was no way she was ready for this. She knew she would be defeated. The mare that stood before her was an unfair match to say the least. Her cold gaze sent shivers down her spine, locking her legs in place.

She knew deep within that she stood nothing against this pony.

This entire situation was all due to a string of unfortunate events, none of which were supposed to happen. Due to injuries, Rainbow Dash was unable to participate in the Crystal Faire jousting tournament, so it had been decided that Fluttershy would take her place and face off against one of the empire’s elite jousters. It was no coincidence whatsoever that her opponent was also one of the empire’s royal guards. She had been handpicked from the victors of the previous tournament, and therefore made a more than worthy opponent to Rainbow Dash, one of Equestria’s best fliers.

But now it was she who stood in her place, knees trembling under the weight of her lance. A mere piece of wood was all that stood between her and the mare on the other side.

The deep tone of the flugel horn sounded. The tournament was about to begin.

Beneath her, the ground shuddered from the collective stomping of the audience’s hooves, cheering beyond the final blow of the flugel horn. Dust gathered in the air as her opponent reared her hooves, eyes like daggers piercing the length between them, the rattling of armour her anthem.

With no other choice, Fluttershy followed suit and charged, her lance shaking about beneath her. The tip of her opponent's lance grew near as she closed her eyes and braced for the impact.

In a split second, she felt something round brush up against her forehead, detaching her helmet. The mare’s hot, weary breath travelled over the coat of Fluttershy’s cheek as the length of her lance swept past her opponent’s side. She opened her eyes, and found herself safely on the other side.

She turned to look at her opponent who stood a short distance away, baffled by the small pony’s unlikely escape. Her eyes fell on the steel helmet that sat halfway across the court. She was down, but not out. She could still rise a victor in the next match, she just needed to be brave – something she was not entirely familiar with.

Fluttershy turned her gaze once more to her opponent. Something about the fierce and untethered look in the mare’s eyes told her she might not be so lucky next time, that her opponent would try to knock her down harder – a silent message that she was not to be underestimated.

The mare strode off the battlefield, carrying her lance in tow while the timid pegasus was left there to watch her toned calves carry her to the challenger’s tent. How she was going to prepare for the next round was hard to tell, but she knew how proud Rainbow Dash would be if she found out that she had won the tournament in her honor.

~ * ~

The afternoon sun had crept low in the sky before Fluttershy made her way back out onto the battlefield, drenching her coat in warmth. The short walk to the other side felt like a thousand miles, and with each step, her heart sank lower into the pit of her stomach. It was impossible now to fight back the tears welling in her eyes.

Her opponent joined her once more across the length of field. The mare looked more confident now, more sure that she could easily dismantle her in one finishing blow. Perhaps the last round had just been a warm-up session right before she unleashed her true potential.

Fluttershy placed her helmet back over her head and let its weight rest onto her skull. Taking her lance beneath her wing, she steadied her hooves against the ground. This time she could not fail. If Rainbow Dash had taught her anything, it was that all you need to win is a smidget of confidence and a smile.

She knew then that she wanted to win, that she wanted to succeed, to rise up as a champion and prove not only to the ponies around her, but also to herself, that she was capable of anything. Today, she had decided, would be that day. For too long, she had been held back by fear, told that she was too small to become anything bigger or greater than what she already was.

But right here, right now, that was all about to change. A raging fire burned inside of her, a strength that had guided her through most of life’s challenges and into a battle of which she could not bare to lose. To rise triumphant, to be bestowed a victor, was always her dream. She had been thrown into the jousting tournament by chance and was now forced to come out of hiding and into the daylight – into an arena, where she would have to show everypony how strong she could really be.

But if being strong and having a little faith was all it took, then why was she so afraid?

Maybe there’s no reason to be afraid.

How hard could it be? Rainbow Dash has done this before.

If she can do it, I can do it too!

But when the flugel horn sounded, she felt her legs turn to water. Nevertheless, she grasped the lance beneath her and began to charge. The mare on the other side let out a vicious battle roar as she too began to hurdle towards her.

Picking up the pace, Fluttershy propelled herself as fast as her legs would take her. The thunder of their hooves rang loud in her ears, rekindling the fire within her. Now was her chance. Today, she would rise triumphant over her opponent, over the obstacles that had so long stood in her way.

Today, she would rise triumphant over herself.

Her eyes fixated on the mare’s torso – she swung her lance about in the air.

“I, am so

fed up...

with silencing!”

Straightening her course, she steadied the lance with all the strength she could muster, before thrusting it squarely into her opponent.

The very tip of her lance smashed through the mare’s breastplate, causing her to topple. Fluttershy watched her opponent collapse to the ground with a massive thud, sliding across the dirty ground before grinding to a halt.

Digging her hooves into the ground, Fluttershy spun about and galloped over to the mare’s side. She stood there, staring at the collapsed figure of her opponent, scraped and battered from her fall. She felt the weight of her chest as she gasped for air. The world around slowed to a blur, and the cheers of the audience became but a dull roar.

Inspecting the mare’s wounds more closely, she felt the sting of guilt begin to course through her veins. She had fought in a trial of strength, but had only triumphed because of the pain and hurt she had caused another pony. Was this how you were determined strong? By literally pushing other ponies down only to make yourself look stronger by comparison? If this is what it meant to be victorious – if this is how a pony proved their strength to the world, by triumphing over another – then she wanted none of it.

Fluttershy grimaced. It was hard enough for her to see another pony in pain, but to know that this pony who lay on the ground was injured by her own hooves was more than she could take. On shaky legs, she began to turn to run from the scene – to flee from her wrongdoing – when suddenly, something caught her attention.

A pair of tiny wings fluttered through the air before perching on the very tip of Fluttershy’s lance. The little blue butterfly’s presence reminded her that she had not been alone this whole time, that this innocent and mesmerizing creature had been watching over her.

Fluttershy smiled. She knew what she needed to do now. Even if it did mean she would no longer be considered a victor, at least she would be performing an act of righteousness, rather than one fueled by pride.

She knelt down and extended a hoof to the mare lying on the ground. “Here,” she said. “Let me help you up.”

“But… why?” the mare replied.

“Because, I may have won the tournament, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be kind to my opponent,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

The mare took hold of the pegasus’s hoof and slowly made her way back to her hooves. “The name’s Rapid Rush by the way. I’m a member of the Empire’s Royal Guard. I didn’t realise that by participating in the tournament that I would ever come across such a worthy opponent,” she said as she rubbed the back of her mane.

Fluttershy merely stared at Rapid Rush. The lost look in her eyes confirmed the suspicions of the other mare.

“Wait… so, you think I’m a worthy competitor?” she asked.

Rapid Rush chuckled before placing a strong hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Of course! Perhaps not in your strength or agility, but in here,” she said, pointing to the right of her torso. “You’ve got a lot of heart, Fluttershy, and that’s what makes you so much more than a victor. That’s what makes you a hero.”

Fluttershy turned away from Rapid Rush and faced the open field. “But all I did was show you a small act of kindness. That’s not really worthy of being called a hero.”

Rapid Rush joined along her side, brushing against her coat with the warmth of her own. “Perhaps not, but I’m fairly sure that wielding the Elements of Harmony and rising up against forces of evil is,” she said, glancing at the pony beside her.

Fluttershy looked up at the mare with wide eyes. “You know about all of that?”

Rapid Rush broke into a fit of laughter at the pony’s surprise. Wiping away a tear from her eye, she said, “Of course I know! Everypony knows. In fact, it’s compulsory of any recruit to have a distinct knowledge of Equestria's history – which includes the bearers of harmony, of whom we are all familiar with. It has been an honour jousting with you, Fluttershy,” she said as she bowed to the pegasus.

“It has?” Fluttershy asked.

“Indeed it has. I think it’s time you accepted your reward. After all, it’s not everyday that an outsider wins the Empire’s annual jousting tournament,” Rapid Rush said as they left the field. “So let’s just say, it’s certainly worth a celebration.” She smiled at the pegasus beside her.

~ * ~

Under a twinkling sea of stars, the Crystal Faire celebrations carried long into the evening. But as Fluttershy boarded the train to go home, something held her on the platform. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed Rapid Rush stepping onto the platform, but this time with her burgundy coat on full show. For the first time that day, Fluttershy saw the mare not as an opponent, but as a fellow pony.

“Fluttershy!” Rapid Rush called out, trotting her way. “You forgot something!”

Once Rapid Rush strode closer, Fluttershy noticed a shiny object peeping out of the mare’s saddlebag. “Here,” she said, placing the object in her hooves.

Fluttershy stared at the object in her hoof. It was small, but it was still far too much. “No, Rapid Rush. I can’t accept this. You have it,” she said, pushing her hooves into the mare’s torso.

“Fluttershy, please. Keep this as a reminder of your victory today,” Rapid Rush said, pushing her hoof away.

Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you, Rapid. You’re one of the kindest ponies I’ve ever met. But I never wanted to be a part of the tournament,” she said, casting her gaze on something in the distance.

“Then why did you participate? There was no rule that said anypony had to enter. It was meant to be a historical recreation of the jousting tournaments of old,” Rapid Rush explained.

Fluttershy gazed into the mare’s auburn eyes. “Because… my friend, Rainbow Dash, she was injured and was unable to participate. I took her place, so that I could defend her honour. After all, she’s done the same for me countless times. It’s the least I could do.”

Rapid Rush beamed. “Fluttershy, you sure are full of surprises. You know, I never thought that a pony like you could be so… noble.”

Fluttershy felt warmth rise to her cheeks. “Well… you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.”

“I won’t, especially after today.” Rapid Rush held her smile as she looked in the direction of the palace. “Say, if you’re ever happen to be in the Crystal Empire again, I live in the knight’s quarter’s near the castle, so feel free to visit.”

Fluttershy smiled at the mare’s invitation. “I’ll be sure to pop in soon.”

Rapid Rush gave a nod. “I knew that the tournament would be a gruelling exercise, but I never imagined that I would make a new friend out of it.”

“You would be surprised how many friends I’ve made from all the crazy adventures I’ve been on,” Fluttershy confessed.

Rapid Rush chuckled. “I can only imagine.”

“Well, I better get going. Angel will probably be waiting for me when I get home. He’s probably been missing me so much… I sure hope he’s okay,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head.

“So… he’s your stallion friend?” Rapid Rush smirked at the mare, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh no, he’s not my um… you know,” she mumbled, her cheeks blazed with crimson. “He’s my pet rabbit.”

Rapid Rush nudged the mare in the shoulder. “Don’t be so embarrassed. I completely, understand. Although, Angel would be a bit weird for a stallion’s name.”

Fluttershy screwed up her nose. “It would be.”

Rapid Rush gave her a pat on the withers. “You have a safe trip back home alright? Don’t wanna have to be called out there to save you.”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said, pulling the other mare into a soft embrace. “Goodbye, Rapid Rush. Thanks for everything.”

“That’s okay,” she said as she pulled away. “See you later, Fluttershy.”

With that final farewell, Fluttershy boarded the train back to Ponyville. She watched Rapid Rush wave as the train sped up, pulling away from the station and into the starry horizon.

It had been a long and arduous day, but a memorable one all the same. She had entered the field a shy pony and walked away a hero.

The End

Author's Note:

First of all, I would like to give a massive thanks to my excessively talented editor Vertigo-01 who has poured so much time and effort into this and I am eternally grateful.

The themes and conflicts expressed in this story are ones that I hold close to my heart, they are challenges of which I've had to face recently and are what have made this story so special.

I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 9 )

Your completly right, this story is special! I loved the details and the mood felt really nice. I've never considered the fact that Fluttershy could be called a hero for her kindness. While the moral felt just a little bit forced, it was pretty sweet all in all. Liked and Faved:twilightsmile:

Found one questionable thing:

"But... Why?" the mare replied

I'm not positive, but I think "why" should be lowercase, since it's in the middle of a sentence. Also, what does Fluttershy mean by 'being tired of silencing'? Does she mean her shyness?

Anyway, I think you're a great writer! Keep writing these amazing pieces!

~Harmony Pie

Thank you, I'll be sure to fix up that typo right away.

You know, I've waited a long time for you. Since the great, Absolute Anonymous left many years ago I've been waiting to see who might be the one to take her place. I think that person might just be you. You're an awful lot younger but you have the same wit and charisma as she did. You definitely have the same talent and I'm sure you can raise to the same heights that she did. :pinkiesmile:

I'm glad you think my story is worthy of being considered a favorite. I honestly wasn't sure how well this story would be received. Especially considering that the conflict is a personal one. I can understand the moral feeling a little forced, neither my editor nor I managed to pick up on that. But thank you for your criticism anyway.

I'll be sure to keep writing these 'amazing pieces.' :raritywink:

- A

Wow, for realsie? I definantly can't get that level of talent, but I'm glad you think that highly of me when I'm just... me:twilightsmile:

Just you wait and see, you're gonna go far kid. :rainbowdetermined2:

“So… he’s you’re stallion friend?”


Thanks, I'll fix that typo straight away. Do you have any thoughts on the story though? :twilightsheepish:

7069551 Not really. It's a typical Fluttershy gets over her fears story. It's been done to death in the show and otherwise, but that doesn't keep it from being sweet.

Two words: Sweet & Satisfying :twilightsmile:

I'm certainly glad you thought so. Sadly, this story didn't receive the reception I had hoped but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway. :raritywink:

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