• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 1,800 Views, 106 Comments

Critical Analysis - LightningSword

No one likes criticism. Pinkie's about to get some. But things get kinda weird, too . . . .

  • ...

Just don't send this to Equestria Daily . . . .

“Twilight! Twilight, I want you to read this! Twilight! Come on, open up and take a look!”

Pinkie Pie rapped on the doors of the palace for a good ten minutes, using both hooves. Wound up in the curls of her mane was a scroll; it bounced around in her poofy perm as she banged and shrieked.

“Twilight! Come see what I made! TWIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIGHT!!!”

Just as the doors began to open, Pinkie stopped banging and sat down. Twilight Sparkle stood on the other side of the doors, looking at Pinkie with narrowed eyes.

“Pinkie Pie, what is going on? What is it you’re so eager to show me?”

“Oh, hi, Twilight!” Pinkie chirped as if she hadn’t been trying to break the doors in. “I wrote something really fun, and I was hoping you’d look it over for me!” She then smiled and made a squeaky noise akin to a dog toy.

Twilight sighed. “Is that all? Why were you banging on the door for ten minutes just for that?”

Pinkie stroked her chin with her hoof, then shrugged. “I dunno. I’ve been uncharacteristically pushy before!” She smiled, and made another chew-toy squeak sound.

“Huh? Wait, what do you . . . oh, never mind.” Twilight shook her head. “Come on in, and I’ll make us some tea.

“Okey-dokey, Lokey!” Pinkie squeaked and hopped inside before Twilight closed the doors. The two made their way to the kitchen, and Twilight filled her kettle with water and set it on the heat as Pinkie took a seat. She bounced in her seat like an excited filly, her scroll of parchment almost falling out of the coils of her coif.

“Okay, let’s take a look at this thing, shall we?” Twilight asked as she approached the kitchen table. She aimed her horn at Pinkie’s scroll and pulled it out with her magic. Aided by telekinesis, she unfurled the scroll in midair and looked on the inside.

“It’s my story about me!” Pinkie said, grinning. “It’s about me and my friends having fun in a fictional Ponyville!”

“Hmm . . . pretty good premise, I guess . . . but the setup is a little boring. I mean, in this intro, you’re just going to visit your friend. Not a very good hook. And your friend is a princess? Come on, that’s totally unbelievable!”

“Keep reading!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and continued scanning the parchment, “Mm-hmm . . . yeah . . . what? Pinkie, you should at least explain where a character is if you’re going to name drop like that. What’s the use in talking about a character we can’t see or don’t know where they are?”

“Hmmm . . . you’re right, Twilight! I should have written up an extra copy for Spike!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Wait . . . what?”

She then hopped out of her chair and yelled out to the room, “SPIKE! HEY, SPIIIIIIKE! OLLY, OLLY, OXEN FREE!!” Glancing from one part of the room to another, she raced to the entrance and stuck her head outside. “OH, SPIIIKE!” Pinkie pulled her head back in and frowned. “Where’d he go?”

Twilight did some glancing too, then looked at Pinkie and shrugged before looking back at the story. “I dunno . . . wait, an info-dump? Pinkie, info-dumps are a bad thing, for some reason! I mean, who wants a convenient paragraph in the middle of the page that answers everything you need to know right when you need to know it?”

Spike was actually on vacation, and was staying in a swanky hotel in Los Equines, courtesy of Celestia. The trip was funded by the Crystal Empire; Spike had taken a great opportunity to use his good standing with them to his advantage.

“And here, there’s also too much telling.”

“Huh?” Pinkie stopped and stared at Twilight. “’Telling?”

“Yes! Everyone knows that readers hate knowing exactly how their characters feel! If you’re going to write emotion, you need to be as pretentiously vague and indistinct as possible!”

Pinkie Pie, obviously looking sad and downtrodden specifically at Twilight’s comment, replied with a low, downcast voice, “I see.”

“And then there’s this part: ‘Rainbow Dash said ‘I’m the best flier in Equestria!’’ I mean, where did she even come from? You’ve gotta introduce characters before just giving them lines in a scene they’re not in!”

“Hello, Twilight darling, what are you reading?”

Twilight yelped and jumped away from the table, then turned to see Rarity, stunning and splendid and sparkling today, more so than usual. Her bouncy purple curls and white coat were especially fit of Canterlot nobility. Her hooves were shiny and buffed to perfection, and she also seemed exceptionally fit and trim, as a recent worry about the size of her plot had caused her to go on a diet.

“Rarity? But, why . . . how did you . . . oh, never mind. I was just looking at this story Pinkie wrote.”

“Mmm, that much I gathered, darling,” Rarity replied. “I mean, she seems to go on a bit too long talking about one specific character. And she’s not even the focus of the story.”

“Yeah. She also doesn’t explain certain things until, like, three or four paragraphs afterward.”

“Oh, hello, everypony,” came a voice from the entrance to the kitchen. The mares turned to see Fluttershy walk in. “I noticed the front doors were open, so I thought I’d check up on you. Everything okay?”

“Oh, absolutely, Fluttershy,” Rarity replied. “We’re just reading a bit, that’s all.”

“Yep-yep!” Pinkie added, smiling. “Twilight’s a proofreader now! She’s reading my fan fiction!”

“Hmm . . . a plot device that changes names and purposes halfway through the story? Convenient character entrances? No dialogue tags? Seriously, Pinkie, anyone could be talking right now!”

“Yeah, she’s right!”

“Well, give her some credit. She’s trying!”

“It’s just not a great attempt, that’s all. I mean, she uses waaaay too many adverbs. I mean, how can I read this if the narration isn’t bland and unappealing to the reader?”

Pinkie slowly lowered her head and lay it gingerly on the table, looking solemnly at her friends and whining pitifully. “Oh . . .” she muttered mournfully, “. . . I . . . didn’t know . . . .”

“And there’s another thing!” Twilight pointed out. “And the dialogue tags you do have are way too specific! I can’t be reminded of something a character is about to do that I won’t be too sure they’re doing and why! I can’t know about that stuff!”

“But why?!” Pinkie questioned.

“Well, it’s just not very good writing, Pinkie,” Rarity addressed. “ Plus, you could be a bit less lazy with your character entrances.”

At this point, Applejack walked in. “Hey, y’all, what’s up?” she interrogated. “Couldn’t help overhearin’, and I thought I heard that Pinkie wrote a story.” she explained. She saw Pinkie at the table and approached. “Come on, relax, Pinkie!” Applejack encouraged. “Just know to make the ‘write’ decisions!” she joked.

Twilight sighed and kept reading. Soon, the purple Alicorn tapped the parchment and said, “There! Too many adjectives! A bad case of Lavender Unicorn Syndrome!”

The alabaster Unicorn nodded. “Well said, Twilight.”

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” the orange Earth pony asked. “Pretty sure we can remember who’s who, even if these characters’re brand new and we ain’t never seen ‘em before, and could forget which is which at any time.”

“And there’s another thing!” Twilight said and tapped the scroll again. “The way you wrote yourself, you seem way too popular! I mean, ponies wanting to be your friend because you’re kind and they show kindness back to you? Every other main character wanting to help you out when you’re sad because they are all decent characters with similar morality and goodwill toward their fellow ponies? You being sad even though you’re the best party planner in all of Ponyville? And she just happens to be friends with the most important characters of the story? To be honest, you just come across as a self-insert Mary Sue character.”

“But . . .” The tears began welling in Pinkie’s eyes. “But I . . . .”

“And this part here! There’s totally no buildup to the big climax! I mean, if you’re going to have a character act this way, at least warn us firs—”

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Pinkie started to wail. Screaming and letting tears descend like Neigh-agra Falls, she sprang from the table and bolted toward the doors and out of the castle.

“Oh, poor Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy mumbled. “I wish I could help her.”

“Oh, me too, darling,” Rarity added. “She was only trying to share her writing. Poor dear didn’t expect such harsh criticism.”

“Yeah, criticism ain’t great,” Applejack said, shrugging. “Course, we can’t grow without it. Still, it’d be best if ponies weren’t such jerks about it—”

“Look! More crap!” Twilight shrieked. “These characters are written totally wrong! She wouldn’t react this way! And she would never treat her friends like this! I mean, it’s like everypony in here is written way too much out . . . o-out of . . . ch-character . . . .”

An awkward paused made the air swell in the room. For that moment, time seemed to stand still.

“Well . . .” Fluttershy muttered, glancing at the parchment, “she does make nice metaphors.”

“Yeah . . .” Twilight said with a nod. “Yeah, she does. I guess . . . .”

There was another weighty, cumbersome pause before another voice could be heard. “Hey, Twilight! Check it out! I just finished writing the coolest fanfic, and I want you to see it!”

The girls turned to see Rainbow Dash zooming into the kitchen, a roll of parchment tucked between her own hooves as if holding a newborn. Her features looked as lively and luminous as a lightning bolt.

“Sure, why not . . .” Twilight grumbled and took up the parchment with her magic. “Should just open up a drive-thru proofreading service . . . .” This time, she unrolled it to read herself, turning away from the others and taking several long minutes. There was the occasional hum of contemplation and sniff of disapproval.

After about twenty minutes, Twilight rolled the parchment back up and sent it floating back to Rainbow Dash. Dash took it back and gave a super-wide grin. Well . . . whattaya think?!”

Twilight inhaled, bringing her hoof to her chest, then extended her foreleg upon exhale. “Rainbow Dash,” she said plainly and without inflection, “allow me to explain to you in full and merciless detail why this story is the most disgusting, awkward, foul, cringe-worthy, and worthless excuse for literature since that one vampire book named after me. And having just read Pinkie’s crap, I can definitely vouch . . . .”

Spike, having returned from his vacation, stared at Twilight after her explanation. “So . . . that was ‘perfectly reasonable and totally objective criticism that Rainbow Dash should have learned from and thanked you for’, huh? I take it she doesn’t take criticism well?”

Twilight, ink coating her face and head, a quill pen jammed in each ear, and a large roll of parchment stuck up her butt, replied simply, “No. She doesn’t.”

Comments ( 94 )

Can't say I relate to this, but I still had fun reading this. It truly baffles me as to why some people don't like you're work.

Almost too much meta, but that isn't a bad thing.

7045128 Thanks for reading, and thanks for the faves. :twilightsmile:

:fluttershysad: I knew m' fiction wasn't up there with m' poetry, but I didn't think I committed that many sins.... :raritycry:

7045140 Worry not, my friend, these are mostly criticisms I've taken for my work. :twilightsheepish:

This is an ingenious, well-writen satire on critics of John Simon's type. Simon is a critic has contributed to New York, Esquire, The Hudson Review, National Review, Opera News, The New Leader, Commonweal, The New Criterion and The New York Times Book Review, among others. Simon's "stinging reviews—particularly his sometimes vicious appraisals of performers' physical appearances [ex. referring to Toy Story actor Wallace Shawn as "unsightly", and suggesting that Barbra Streisand's nose "cleaves the giant screen from east to west, bisects it from north to south[, zigzagging] across our horizon like a bolt of fleshy lightning", as well as alluding to "braying mantis" Kathleen Turner]—have periodically raised calls in the theatre community for his removal" according to Playbill magazine (no relation to—or probable tolerance of—Playboy). In his memoir Life Itself, Roger Ebert wrote, "I feel repugnance for the critic John Simon, who made it a specialty to attack the way actors look. They can't help how they look, any more than John Simon can help looking like a rat." When Mr. Simon likened Liza Minnelli's face to that of a beagle, the legendary comedienne Carol Burnett wrote to the editor of TIME Magazine: "Could Mr. Simon be suffering from a simple case of heart envy?"

After Simon was dismissed from New York in 2005 (25 years after the placement of an ad in Variety decrying his reviews as racist and vicious), Richard Hornby wrote this in the Hudson Review:

His removal seems to have been political, with a new editor-in-chief acceding to the usual pressure from theatrical producers to replace him with someone more positive....In fact, Simon was no more negative than most critics, but his lively writing style meant that his gibes were more memorable than those of the others. His enthusiasms were expressed with the same vigor—after heaping praise on the writing, acting, directing, and even the set designs of Doubt, for example, he described it as "a theatrical experience it would be sinful to miss." But positive reviews tend to be taken for granted, while negative ones are seen as personal insults. (I regularly get angry letters and e-mails of complaint from actors and theatre companies, but no one has ever thanked me for a favorable notice.) Theatrical producers in particular become enraged when reviews do not sound like one of their press releases. They finally seemed to have prevailed.


I figured a tongue-in-cheek response was warranted, given the piece. :moustache:

All seriousness, the meta was delicious. And I still appreciate the fine-toothed comb you use in proofing, especially when it comes to what does/doesn't work.

7045169 Thanks for reading. I've actually never heard of John Simon, but if he was that bad, he's definitely a man to be avoided. Thanks for the heads-up. :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for the favorite, too!

7045176 Thanks. I do my best with my obnoxious attention to detail and incessant perfectionism. It's a curse I've used to my advantage. :twilightsmile:

“Yes! Everyone knows that readers hate knowing exactly how their characters feel! If you’re going to write emotion, you need to be as pretentiously vague and indistinct as possible!”

You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry! :flutterrage:

By the way, this is now on the Popular Stories list on the front page.

7045131 Almost too much meta, but that isn't a bad thing.


...is there an echo in here?

7045242 I have no idea?

Comment posted by Jmaster99 deleted Mar 19th, 2016

7045212 LoL, yeah, I got it. I'll check my meta next time. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for the fave, by the way. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Jmaster99 deleted Mar 19th, 2016
Comment posted by Jmaster99 deleted Mar 19th, 2016

7045287 No problem. I always enjoy your work.

Whatever you write, I actually look forward to reading it.

This was a blast to read. Great job. Liked + faved!

7045341 Thanks for that. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

I see what you did there:trollestia:

I love how after everything Twilight says, the story goes the same way! Lol

7045537 I was hoping people would pick up on that. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:


Your most welcome!

This got a few chuckles from me. :pinkiesmile:

great story, my dude

RNBW #30 · Mar 19th, 2016 · · 1 ·

Twilight, ink coating her face and head, a quill pen jammed in each ear, and a large roll of parchment stuck up her butt, replied simply, “No. She doesn’t.”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :rainbowlaugh: TWILIGHT DESERVES IT!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Probably this coment will receive a thumbs down too. I mean, there someone who hates you?

7045625 Never mind them. I'm just glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for favoriting! :twilightsmile:

You're welcome. :yay:


Just... Wow. Twilight needs some constructive criticism lessons.:unsuresweetie:

Anyhow, like and a fav! :twilightsmile:

7046153 Glad you liked it! Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Jeez, the girls were merciless. :rainbowlaugh:
I liked the parallels with her criticism and what was really happening though. That was neat. Great work :yay:

7045916 Nice work on this story it was really funny.

7046344 Ummm . . . . it's a joke. The whole fic is a joke. If you take apart the joke, there's no point.

7046375 Initially. It's just in here because it's a common criticism.

7046365 Besides, I also make fun of people who don't handle criticism well. Like me. This whole fic is not to be taken seriously.

Very humorous read, my friend. Just the thing I needed after a long night of work. :rainbowlaugh:

7046600 Thanks. And thanks for the fave.

This story was a perfect way to start my day..

Basically I woke up (morning grumpy as always :twilightangry2: ),
Found this, thought it might be fun, gave it a read, had a few laughs, and now I'm not grumpy anymore. :twilightsmile:

...Still tired though, I need coffee... lots of coffee... and something (anything) with sugar... :pinkiecrazy:


Me before coffee - :twilightangry2:
Me during coffee - :pinkiehappy:
Me after coffee - :twilightsmile:

7046860 I'm glad I was able to brighten your day. Your fave made mine. :twilightsmile:

7046904 I also love the meta / 4th wall humor in this..

The fact that EVERY single thing Twilight complained about in Pinkies story, happens just a couple lines later.

Twi complains about characters suddenly just being there - couple lines later, Rarity is suddenly there.

Twi complains about over-explaning things - and then you overexplain things.

Twi also complains about UNDER-explaining, and then you do THAT.

So basically, it's a story about Twi proofreading and complaining about the story itself.

Which is actually NOT impossible when dealing with Pinkie, who seems to be able to break the fourth wall,
gravity, logic, and whatever else she wants... (There are even various theories that Pinkie is a chaos god, similar to Discord,
and there's LOTS of proof for this, if you're willing to hear my take on it all - keep in mind, it CAN be a decently long read.:pinkiecrazy:)

I also love how you (intentionally or by pure coincidence?) pokes a joke on the story where Dash writes the worst fanfic ever written,
and Twi proofreads it.

In any case, I also plan to browse your list of stories and see if I find any others I might wanna read.
If I DO, I'll leave a comment on them after reading, saying what I think. :twilightsmile:
And if I like them, I'll add them to my favourites list. :moustache:

7046998 I really appreciate that. Thank you again, so much, for reading. I hope you enjoy my other writing. :twilightsmile:

7047042 So do I. ^^

Oh, and while I'm at it, I might as well do some shameless self-promotion.
I too have some stories. Not as many as you though, but still.

I have one, based on a friends work that I basically just edited and posted, since he doesn't have a fimfic of his own.
That one's a comedy about Flutters finding a new friend.

Then I have one kinda sad, written for a contest where the prompt was basically, A story ABOUT ponies, but from a non-pony
characters perspective - So I did a sad story about Angel Bunny, in which I explore how he actually feels, and why he behaves
like he does and so on. (Turns out he's NOT a huge jerk, but he has reasons to PRETEND he is.)

Then, a Trilogy-in-progress, my only long story so far. It's group-name is "10 Days, 3 Adventures".
The concept is, mane6 splits up into 3 groups of 2 each, and go on 3 separate adventures, taking place during the
same 10 days, and with some crossing over in the beginning and end of each - same scenes appearing in multiple books,
but from different perspectives, and other minor details and hints between the stories.

the first one is Twilight and Applejack - That one is finished. (In Dreams They Came)
the second one is Rarity and Pinkie - that one's in progress but close to finished. (Manehattan Crime Story)
Third one will be Dash and Flutter, and next-in-line. (no title yet)

Twi-Jacks story is action-filled adventure, Rari-Pie is a crime comedy, and Flutter-Dash will begin as a school reunion-themed comedy
and switch into a mystery-solving story.

If you DO read any of my stuff, leave a comment so I know :twilightsmile:

You know how sometimes you come across something and think "that's absolutely brilliant, why hasn't anyone (me included) thought of that before?"
This story, basically.

7047092 Thanks so much. Glad you enjoy it. And thanks for the fave! :twilightsmile:

This is delightfully meta! I love it!

I feel guilty about never posting comments to tell the author how good the story is.

Take a compliment, I enjoyed this!

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