• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 391 Views, 34 Comments

Romantically Unstable - FelineFluff

Feline Fluff has a problem. She doesn't know how to deal with stallions. Living in a shop filled with cats does't help her sanity, not that there's much of it to help. Read as Feline becomes a better pony through difficulty, and failure.

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Feline Fluff awoke to a beautiful sunny day. She was filled with joy remembering that she had just gotten the love of her life as a Colt-friend the night before. She got out of bed, and started her morning chores of feeding the cats and doing the dishes.

With every move she made, her thoughts wondered to Double Diamond. She remembered how just a few days ago they shared their first kiss. Overflowing one of the bowls with cat food, she was brought back to reality. The brown and black cat she loves the most stared at her with confusion.

"Oh, Corky, I had the most wonderful day yesterday!" Feline sighed, talking to her cat.

He meowed in response as he stood up to eat his food. His body shook. He was fourteen years old, and very close to death.

"Oh, and when he looked into my eyes, I knew that he was the one!" She expressed.

Corky looked up at her. Some of the other cats gathered around to hear all about it.

"Do you think he loves me too?" She bit her lip.

The cats meowed in response. "Oh, who am I kidding, he's obviously in love with me. I mean, who wouldn't be?" She nervously giggled.
The cats went back to their food.

A knock came from the front door. "Oh, I bet it's him!" She rushed to the door.

She took a deep breath before she opened the door.

"Hey, are you open?" The mare at the front door asked. There was a small filly next to her.

A great wave of disappointment rushed through Feline. "Of course we are. I'm sorry." She took the closed sign off the front door, and let the mare in.

The small filly jumped in delight when she saw all of the cats. "Mommy! I want the black one!" She ran over to a black kitten and nuzzled its back. It purred in response.

"How much will that be?" The mare asked Feline.

"Fifty bits. But we can negotiate, I really want this kitten to go to a good home, and I'm sure that your family is perfect for her." Feline said enthusiastically.

"It's no problem!" The mare brought out her money bag.

Feline watched the filly playing with the rambunctious kitten. It reminded her of when she was a filly. The sweet innocence of childhood was an experience she didn't miss much. Now that she had reached adulthood, all she cared for was being un-innocent. Getting drunk and hooking up with random stallions was something she was best at. Other than her amazing cat skills of course.

The mare handed her a fifty bit coin. "Thank you so much!" Feline exclaimed.

"No, thank you! I'm sure we will never leave this kitten alone." She took her filly and her new kitten out of the shop. Feline sighed in happiness as the door shut.

Suddenly the door opened back up again.

"Hey, Feline!" Double Diamond said coming through the door.

Her whole body lit up with joy as she gallopped over to him and threw her arms around his neck. "Double Diamond! I missed you!"

He hugged her tightly back. "I know, its been a whole ten hours since we've seen eachother!" He said sarcastically.

She released the hug, and kissed his muzzle. "I can get lonely sometimes, silly." She giggled.

"Well so can I, but I don't fuss about it." He winked, setting down a bag.

"Did you get me anything?" Feline Fluff smiled, looking at the grocery bag.

"Was I supposed to?" He blushed, looking embarrassed.

"Usually the day after your first date you should buy the mare a gift showing her you still love her." She said matter-of-factly.

"Well you shouldn't need a gift to prove that I love you." He winked, struggling to keep a smiling face.

She sensed his embarrassment, and nuzzled his cheek. "It's fine, I forgive you."

"Oh, good. Because unless you need a new skiing helmet, I didn't get you anything." Out of the grocery bag, he pulled out a beautiful white helmet with blue flames around the edges.

"It's nice, but I've already got a helmet twice as pretty as that." Feline said smugly, with a tad bit of sarcasm in her voice.

"Really now?" Double Diamond said expecticantly, crossing his forelegs.

"Stay here, I'll go get it." Feline smirked.

Double Diamond watched her run to the other room. She was very cute in his eyes, but she wasn't somepony that he wanted to spend his whole life with. he was starting to understand how arrogant she was, and the only reason he was agreeing to date her was because he didn't want the secret of how they met to become public.

The door at the other side of the room creeked open, and Feline's head poked out slowly. On top of her head was what looked to be a hollow watermellon half. Before the rest of her stepped in the door, she giggled, "like It?"

"It's lovely!" Double Diamond walked up to her, giggling. "Much better than mine, clearly." Double Diamond winked as he took the hollow watermellon half off of her head.

"You wanna trade?" She giggled some more, and took his helmet away from him, putting it on her head.

"How about we go out and find you your own helmet, then we can go skiing together!" Double Diamond exclaimed, as he took his helmet off of her head and replaced it with the watermelon.

"But I have a helmet." She struck a cute pose and showed off her 'helmet.'

"It wont protect you from a fall." he reached his hoof up, and knocked the watermelon off her head with ease. when it reached the floor it cracked in two. "See? that would have been your head." He laughed.

"I know silly, I was just kidding." She laughed, picking up the halves, and throwing them in the trash.

"Wanna go shopping for your new helmet?" Double Diamond smiled.

"Sure. It'll make up for you not buying me a present." She smirked.

"Oh, so I have to pay for it now?"

"You will if you dont want your mates knowing that you played with dolls with a drunk mare" Feline said to him.

"Are you... blackmailing me?" Double Diamond started to get angry, but he tried not to show it.

Feline pulled a pink plastic pony from under her wing. "Of course I'll buy you a helmet, Feline!" She moved the doll as if it were the one talking. She laughed mockingly.

His face turned red. "Put that thing away right now, and lets go." He turned the other way and speed-walked towards the door.

"Hey, it was just a joke!" She ran up to catch up with him. He looked at her with not one ounce of ammusment on his face as he opened the door to the outside, and let her through. She changed the open sign to closed. "You know I would never do that." Feline said reassuringly.

"You promise?" He looked at her seriously, walking by her side.

"Duh!" She knuged his side. "Come on, lighten up, Grumpy Cat!" She giggled.

"Okay, but only if you promise you'll go with me to snow ski tonight." He smiled at her.

"Only if you promise to buy me a helmet." She winked.

"Already ahead of you." He stepped into a shop to their right.

She walked in after him. when they walked in they saw assorments of sportsgear on shelves everywhere. Off in the far corner Feline saw a giant section of the store dedicated to helmets. "Wow! Look at the choices!"

She ran to the end of the store. Feline wasn't particularly interested in skiing, but if it meant spending more time with her coltfriend she would do it any day.

"I'll help you find the right size." Double Diamond said when he caught up to her.

"Who cares about the size, look at the designs!" She picked up a pretty pink helmet. "I want this one!" She exclaimed to Double Diamond.

He took the helmet in his hooves. "It's great, but it was made for a unicorn." He pointed to a hole in the front.

"Oh, right." She looked frustrated and turned to continue looking.

Suddenly a pony walked up behind Double Diamond. He turned his head to see a cute white and green unicorn. "I see you're back, Double D. Can I help you with anything?" She batted her eyes, acting flirty.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I just needed to, uh, find a new jacket." He lied to her. He had no idea why he was lying, but he was too fazed by her beauty to think.

"I can help you with that. Follow me." She gave him a flirty look, and turned the other way and started walking. Her hips swayed as she walked, and Double Diamond couldn't keep his eyes off her as he followed. She was obviously trying to impress him. When they reached the jacket section, she stopped abrubtly, causing him to bump into her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Double Diamond said as he picked himself up from the ground.

"Don't be silly, I'm the one who's sorry. Here-" She helped him up. "By the way, my name's Emerald. I work here on the weekends." She smiled adorably.

He was about to respond when he fell to his back from some strange unseen force. He opened his eyes and saw Feline Fluff feet away from him. In front of her was a frightened Emerald.

"Never go near my coltfriend again!" Feline screamed. She stuck her muzzle a few inches from Emeralds face, and growled.

The whole store went silent.

Double Diamond got up from the floor. "Feline, stop." He said calmly.

Feline turned around and smiled at him. "It's alright, hun, I was just making sure she wouldn't hurt you." She said to him. She gave one last glare at Emerald and turned back to Double Diamond smiling.

"I found a good helmet" Feline walked up to him.

Double Diamond wasn't sure what to think. He was mad at her for making a ruckus, but he also didn't want her to think he was cheating, and tell everyone their secret. "I'm glad. Let's go check it out." He said.

He looked back, and Emerald wasn't there anymore. She must have been so frightened that she left.

Feline held up a pink and brown helmet with a blue heart on the front. "Like it?" She smiled.
"It matches your colors! Does it fit?" Double Diamond asked, smiling back.

"I think so." She put it on her head. He fastened it on for her.

"Definetly fits." He said, patting the top of the helmet.

"Yay! Go buy it!" She said enthusiastically.

Double Diamond took it off for her and walked up to the cash register. "You should go wait outside so I can surprise you with it." He smiled, as he set it on the counter.

"Okay." She giggled, and then ran out the door.

"Twenty bits please." The surprisingly bulk mare behind the counter said.

As Double Diamond pulled the bits out of his small saddlebag, he asked the mare, "Is Emerald working? I want to apologize for my mare friends behavior earlier."

"She got off fifteen minutes ago, but don't worry about apologizing. She's not that worried about a couple harsh words." The mare took the bits, and gave him the helmet.

"Alright. Thank you." He smiled at her, grabbed the helmet, and walked away from the counter.

Nearing the exit door he heard talking from outside. When he opened the door he saw Feline Fluff standing across from a handsome blue unicorn stallion. They didn't notice Double Diamond come out the door, so he decided to take his chance to spy on what they were saying.

"Yeah, I'm known for my cuteness." Feline said to the stallion.

"I bet there's stallions following you around everywhere." He winked at her.

"Not nessessarily." She blushed.

"So, cutie, you single?" He used his magic to pull a rose out of a nearby bush, and gave it to her.

"I am now." She giggled, and excepted the rose.

Double Diamonds mouth hung open in shock. He wasn't sad, of course. He never loved her in the first place. But to see her flirt with another stallion frightened him. What if she was doing this for revenge, and would end up telling everyone his secret. He was terrified of that outcome.

"Good. You wanna go out with me, Fluffy?" The stallion asked.

"Of course I do." She giggled. He lifted her hoof up, and kissed it. Afterwords locking eyes with her.

"Then I'll pick you up tonight at seven o'clock." He winked.

"Great. I'll see you then, Spellbound." She bit her lip and sighed lovingly.

The handsome stallion walked away slowly.

'He's definently way better than Double Diamond.' She thought as she blushed and smiled at her new coltfriend walking away.

"Here's your helmet, Feline." Double Diamond said loudly. This startled Feline and made her jump.

She turned around, and sure enough, Double Diamond was standing directly behind her. "Oh, uh, thank you!" She smiled as if nothing happened. "You're the best coltfriend ever, I love you!" She hugged him.

He didn't hug her back. "I don't. I never have." He said bluntly.

She let go of him and looked into his eyes like he had grown two heads. "That's not true. You do love me. Its impossible not to love me." She frowned.

"Its not impossible. And the sooner you find that out, the better off you'll be. I wish you luck with Spellbound." He said to her, not a bit of saddness shown on his face.

Felines face turned red with embarrassment as he turned the other way. He started walking away, and she didn't stop him or say anything more. She just put her head down and sadly walked home, carrying her new expensive helmet that she was never going to use.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading the second chapter of this story! Stay tuned for a minimum of two more chapters. More drama and lesson-learning is sure to come, I promise.:pinkiehappy: the next update should be in the next few weeks.