• Published 9th Mar 2016
  • 1,582 Views, 7 Comments

Tea Time with Discord - ShadowStar_IMHP

Would it matter if questions are kind of fun. Fluttershy asked if it mattered if she was a Changeling. Now Discord gets in on the act in his own interesting way.

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Would it matter if...

Twilight Sparkle walked along the hall with her faithful assistant Spike the dragon. “Okay now that we organized the lab what’s next on the agenda?”

Spike looked at a scroll in his hands then stopped walking “What.. this isn’t right.”

looking over Twilight raised a brow “What’s wrong Spike?”

“Someone messed with the Schedule. This is so not my writing. It looks like someone cut letters out of a magazine and glued them on, see.”

Twilight looks over, seeing the multicolored and multi-font text Tea Time with Discord in the Castle library. She sighs knowing now what has happened and dreading what’s coming. “Any Idea what he covered up?”

“Sorry, Twi I can’t remember. That’s kind of the reason you had me write up the Schedule in the first place.”

Once at the library, she carefully opened the door expecting some trick or prank. What she saw was discord sitting on a chair his feet up on a footrest sipping tea and reading a book. The fact the chair, table, and discord himself were upside down on the ceiling seems not to matter to the master of Chaos. “Discord what did you cover up on my schedule?”

Spike looked between Discord and Twilight. "Twi if you need me I ... um... need to dust the duster." Then he took off down the hall not wanting to bother with Discord.

“Oh, Twilight I’m so glad we can have a little time together. Don’t worry I didn’t replace anything important. No government issues, no world in trouble that only you can fix.” His tale snapped and he was back on the floor, his paw-hand around Twilight’s neck in a hug. “Really I am behaving myself am I not? Just it’s so hard to see my dear friend. Speaking of Friends I had a very entertaining time with Fluttershy. She told me such a wonderful story of how she asked you if it mattered if she was a changeling.”

Twilight face hoofed “Not the changeling thing again. I have been over it more than 64 times running the whole idea. How much information could we have gained if she was a Changeling and told us? How much does physical form matter over personality? Given that you of all beings are now a friend I concluded No it wouldn’t Matter emotionally wise. Tactical and Politically wise Yes it would have mattered. Thought that she not a changeling it doesn’t matter!”

“Oh don’t worry Twilight. I have no desire to ask you such a silly thing. Really me a changeling? Ha, now that’s a joke. No, I have something far more intriguing and possibly historic important. However if you really so annoyed I won’t tell you. How about we discuss the latest book of Daring Do?”

Twilight went to the table that was now back on the floor and poured herself a glass of tea. “Might as well go ahead with it Discord. What is the question you want to ask me?”

“Well hypothetically speaking...”

Twilight was really starting to not like the word hypothetically.

“Would it matter if I was really Star Swirl the Bearded?” He timed the question just as she sipped and smiled seeing her spray reaction.

“What? You are so not Star Swirl the Bearded! He’s my idol the greatest wizard of all time.”

“Well how about we look at it from a scientific point of view? Okay..” He reaches over and pulls a chalkboard out of nowhere and starts writing on it. “Fact one you can’t trust me. Even if I’m speaking the truth my memories could have been messed up through the passage of time. Not to mention that thousand years of being stone.”

“Fact two the only other beings who would know if I was or wasn’t Star Swirl the Bearded can’t be trustful either.”

“Wait Celestia and Luna will know and, of course, they can be trusted.”

“Oh, really Twilight? Did Celestia tell you about Nightmare Moon? Or how about myself before the whole me escaping thing? How about a warning about the Crystal Empire. Kind of funny how things pop up every thousand years or so. Even Sun butt would have thought to look for signs that Sombra was returning. Nope, she didn’t even tell you about you... well becoming an Alicorn. Heck, she didn’t even tell you that your Brother was getting Married at the castle to your former Foal sitter.”

She couldn't help but tap the ground with a hoof “She had very good reasons for not telling me those things.”

“Of corse Twilight. There also a good reason for not telling you that I may or may not be Star Swirl. Not wanting you to be distressed over knowing your Idol went insane with power is a good reason. Luna will follow her sister’s lead as well. More so given she has personal knowledge of how an alicorn who is disturbed could be a problem.”

Twilight blinked then sipped some tea “Okay true if you are or aren’t formerly Star Swirl the Bearded could be something Celestia might not tell me about. However that fact doesn’t prove anything.”

“How about we look at Celestia's behavior. Why did she keep me in the Garden of all places? Why not a deep dark cave? Or the bottom of an ocean, heck even throw my frozen form into Tartarus? No, she kept me close somewhere where she could see and even study me. Like she wanted to figure out how to change me back. She showed such behavior before with Luna.”

Discord smiled and snapped her fingers a small moon with the Mare of the Moon face on it. “She made sure luna was always in sight well at least during the night. Always connected to her. Every time she reached out to move the moon she felt her sister. With Sombra and Tirek she banished them. Sombra deep in a shadowy Icy prison and Tirek in Tartarus .” He smiled and stroked his beard “Given this behavior she wanted me close for some reason. Could it be because at one time I was a friend she wanted to help? Oh look here we are me being reformed by her trusted student and her friends.”

Twilight blinked “Still logic dictates that not proof.”

“Well let's look at that little bit again shall we. Me the master of Chaos and disharmony, why risk me getting out a second time? No, she trusted Fluttershy, You and the other Elements of Harmony to reform me. Heck, she didn’t even try that with Luna it was just blasted away with the Elements, no reforming Nightmare Moon. Then again she didn’t have the chance. No try to talk sense into Queen Crystalis. Heck with all that love energy in the Crystal empire her changelings would never starve, but no helping little miss bug.”

“Of course Twilight, we come now to another tidbit. If I was Star Swirl how did the greatest wizard of all time became a being of pure disharmony? Let's look at Star Swirl life shall we?”

“Okay Discord what can you say to get me to even remotely think you are Star Swirl?”

“As you said he was the greatest Wizard of his time if not all time. Head of the Unicorns that move the sun and the moon before Celestia and Luna took over. Creator of over two hundred spells any advancements after that were just finding new ways to use the old spells. So why would he do something so foolish as make himself into me?”

“Let's look at it this way. The Windigos were rampaging over the land feeding off of ponies hate and distrust. So much so they abandoned their former homes for the lands now known as Equestria. Who saved the ponies, Star Swirl with all his knowledge and power? No his student Clover the Clever using a form of magic even he didn’t know about the Flames of Friendship. Then later as the world recovered along came the Royal sisters Celestia and Luna. Once more he was overshadowed Celestia was so powerful she could move the Sun and Moon herself. Her sister Luna was just as powerful. No longer remembered as a hero in his own right he was shoved to the background of history. Could it be then he became driven to understand the power of the Alicorns? Could Star Swirl who traveled other worlds and time found a way to force ascension on himself?”

“But.. such a forced ascension...” Twilight blinked thinking of all the horror that could go wrong with such a spell her eyes snap to Discord his mismatching body and form.

“Indeed. Without the harmony of understanding Friendship magic going to the upper plain of the magical aether, who knows what madness would result.” Discord smiled.

Twilight dashed to the chalkboard looking over all the notes Discord wrote. “No, I refuse to believe it. This just circumstantial there is no true proof.”

“Of course, not my dear Twilight it’s just hypothetical after all. Even if it was true my mind would have been scrambled as well remember that whole madness into chaos bit. Anyway, I remembered something about what I replaced. It said baby, Cadence, and a Shower... really not important at all.” Then vanished in a flash of light.

It took a few moments for Discords words to get through her buzzing mind. “Cadance baby shower?... CADENCE BABY SHOWER! SPIKE!" Panic set in as she ran from the Library. "Quick I need to find out where the Baby Shower is! OH NO I don't have a gift even!"

Outside the castle Rarity was just about to knock on the door. She sighed and look to Rainbow Dash “You might want to get the girls and tell them we have a code lavender.”

From inside the castle “DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!”

“Oh and drop by Bon Bon’s and pick up some triple fudge it’s going to be a long evening.”

“Right on it Rarity. I be back in ten seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash was gone a rainbow after trail the only sign she was there.

Walking inside Rarity called out “TWILIGHT! Relax we were only going shopping for the Baby shower it’s not till next month!”

Author's Note:

As with all my stories I apologize for any Grammer or spelling errors. If you spot any please inform me of them and how to correct them and I shall.

Just a little thing I thought of thanks to a few fan theories about Discord and Star Swirl.

Comments ( 7 )

A little short, but the idea is very great.
Nice argumentation ! :twilightsmile:

He’s my idle the greatest wizard of all time.”

did you mean idol

“Of corse Twilight. There also


But interesting Idea, and would explain Starswirl's incomplete spell.

Too many to type on a phone. Interesting idea, funny in a way but lacks punch. It's aight.

Like 7014409 said, it's an interesting twist on the idea. But, the story needs some more twists - some more zaniness, given that it's Discord involved - to make it really memorable.

(Also, there're enough grammar errors to make it almost look like Discord typed up the story for you. Do you have a friend who knows grammar and can proofread it for you?)

Well, given that in the comics Star Swirl does have a personality similar to Pinkie Pie, Discord could theoretically be an evolution of that zaniness.

Sadly I don't have anyone to double check my stuff. I have a bad case of Dyslexia so spelling is shot as well as other problems that add to the grammar errors. Programs just don't get everything. Messing up words that have different spelling but similar sounds are my biggest mistakes.

I have been trying to make the story a bit better in terms of longer and a bit more Discordish. This one been in my files for a time just not sure how to have made it have a bit more punch. Did notice I forgot about Spike and I could perhaps have Twilight act up a tad more in the library as she panics over the whole baby shower thing.

I think I have a few ideas that could expand this story. The problem is it changes the story from Discord teasing Twilight to him having a near emotional breakdown as the Starswirl past start to affect him.

The second problem it changes the idea he was just teasing I made it so he wasn't proving or disproving the idea just bring it up. If I go with the more emotional affected Discord finally coming to grips with this past then it would be him saying yes he is Starswirl.

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