• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
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Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


This story is a sequel to Moonshine

Co-written with Merc The Jerk

Evelyn "Dash" Hammett isn't lazy. She lives life hitting on all sixes, traveling between work in the city and seeing her girlfriend Jacqueline "Applejack" Pomme whenever she can. So if she wants to catch up on her shut-eye on a Sunday, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Except Applejack thinks it's a big deal, and one Sunday she lays it down: go to church or scram off for the morning. So Dash scrams... at least until a surprise visitor to the Pomme clan's farm shows up, and she's reminded that life's a narrow path.

Reading Moonshine is highly recommended to understand the setting and characters.

Cover art by Eve Ashgrove

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 236 )


As a Christian Atheist

... how does that even remotely work?

6982950 Sarcasm on their part.

I hope.

6982950 Christian by birth and upbringing who decided they didn't believe, probably

6982950 Values the teachings of Christ, looking at him as a sort of Socrates-meets-Gandhi humanitarian philosopher, while denying that he is an actual spiritual figure. Just my guess.

Seems nice until you factor in the sexism and homophobia.


More or less my reaction to getting involved with this comment section.

I can`t even begin to explain how much of a hypocrisy clusterfuck that is. Have a thumbs down.

6982981 From what I´ve read, according to the original Greek, when the Bible seems to mention homoseuxals being stoned, the original Greek apparently actually means male prostitute

*Reads synopsis and title*

Ugh, fine. You got me to read AppleDash. Are ya happy?! :derpytongue2:

I always love reading humanized stories where the girls have human names and their pony names are nicknames. It's fun to see how they get applied, as in how you explained a guy named Matthew to be called Caramel. I wish more people did that, and I really wish Equestria Girls had done it, too. Just makes it very easy to relate to the story. Also, this lets me headcanon that Dash is related to Kirk Hammett. \m/

I felt you really nailed the feeling and experience of "going to church" for most people. Even as devout as I am, church sometimes feels like a chore. But in the end, you don't always go for Christian doctrine and spiritual guidance; you go for the friends and family. Seeing familiar faces in the pews, shaking hands with the Reverend and the choir. That sense of community built around the faith. I could feel it, dude. Hell, you made me feel bad for not going to church today! :twilightsheepish:

If it had been another author, I would have been worried about reading a story about a lesbian couple called "Christian Values." However, I am very pleased. A cute little story, no jabs at religion like some would do, and a very relatable moral and experience. Great job!

*EDIT* Wow, those downvotes, doe. People don't even read before voting, do they. Friggin' sad...

Majin Syeekoh

This was an excellent period piece. Thoroughly enjoyable, and the characters really shone through.

6982996 Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not sure how much accuracy a 2000-year old book retains after being translated a dozen times.

6983001 My grandma watches televised masses from my family´s homeland of the Philippines. I was born in Hawaii. Basically, we are friends with a few priests, the closests pastors in Campbell. Though, one thing i dislike is if the priest seems....bored during his sermon. Like, he puts no emotion into it


True. A good sermon comes from the heart, and if HE isn't excited, why should I be?

6982996 I find that hard to believe since the Greek Empire fell to the Romans, who then decided to create a revisionist doctrine with the "66 books penned by 44 authors" almost 200 years after the fall of the Greek Empire (See also: First Council of Nicaea). That also means that the original Bible was in the language of the Romans, being Latin, and not Greek. This book is what we know as the Bible, and that means "the original Bible" you're describing never even existed.

To give you a bit of perspective on that time-frame the United States of America is now celebrating only its 240th year as a nation. That means almost the entire history of the nation I live in could fit in that time-gap. Which, as you might have guessed, implies a great deal of stuff can change between when the Greeks last were a thing, and when the Bible first became a thing, not to mention the endless revisions that have happened since (and yes, the bible has been revised since it was "originally written", and revised a lot.)

That, and of course, the Greeks believed in many gods, and the bible teaches a strict "one god" dogma.

As for the story itself it is well written, narratively solid, with good characterization, and tackles a subject that is a part of the daily lives of many members of the LGBT community. Any one of these things alone is worth a thumb to me. If you don't care for the content of the story after being forewarned of its presence, you only have yourself to blame.

There aren't enough religion- and Christianity-themed fics on this site. Well done.

6983031 I mean, there was that video of a Filipino priest riding a hoverboard while doing a sermon, which is kind of awesome. And it will keep the mass goes attentions.

If only we could go back and time and read the original drafts Peter and the others made. I mean, apparently ¨Do not kill¨ in the original Greek, was ¨Do not murder¨ and apparently it only applied at night, or something

6983042 I meant it was written in Greek, since, if I recall, Greek was the sort of ¨trade langugage¨

6983014 Considering there are only minor differences between a word-for-word translation and the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the use of the word "a" instead of "the", and fewer than a dozen of those in a book with hundreds of thousands of words...

This is one of the most common objections to the Bible but has the least basis.

>the low total views
>20+ comments now


Alright then. Keep up the good work.

Cultural Christianity, naturally.


Wow, those downvotes, doe. People don't even read before voting, do they.

Where do you think we are? If I couldn't just blindly shoot off downvotes everywhere, I would probably kill myself, to be honest.

6982996 *Aramaic.
And the famous line of Leviticus actually refers to Canaanite temple sex (i.e. kid diddling). It wasn't the homogay that pissed God off about Sodom and Gomorrah, it was the fact they were fat, rich, and lazy without care for their fellow man. God says "Find me ten righteous men" not "Ten men that don't do it in the butt"- meaning find me a whole ten people who care about their fellow man, and are charitable.
Also there's a very touching love story between David and Jonathan.

6983067 Except for the King James Version, which is about as far as you can get from the intended text. :pinkiesick:

6983052 Why would a 200 year old dead language be used by the Empire that destroyed it, conquered all its land, and people? That's like saying "Lucayan-Arawakian" is the "trade language" of modern USA. Not to mention be used to write a religious text for the masses... It doesn't make any sense.

In case you don't know that's the language of the natives that Columbus encountered when his ships landed.


DOn't forget when Paul uses the term "Arsenetoitai(SP?)," a word commonly used to refer to temple prostitutes, not homosexuals in general.

6983098 Dead? Greeks still existed and I don't believe Romans forced their language on everyone universally?

AJ just seemed kinda hypocritical in this with the way she spoke about setting a good example in the beginning and then resorted to conning Dash into going. It seemed like Dash physically being there meant more to her than the actual morals the church is supposed to represent.


The texts were mainly written in Biblical Hebrew, with some portions (notably in Daniel and Ezra) in Biblical Aramaic. Biblical Hebrew, sometimes called Classical Hebrew, is an archaic form of the Hebrew language. The very first translation of the Hebrew Bible was into Greek.

You're fucking wrong, posting retarded shit. You've been proven wrong repeatedly. Move on.

How you read it is up to you, maybe we didn't get our intentions across as well as we should have. But I'll explain what we intended in case you're interested:

Basically, AJ's trick was that she knew what going to church really meant to Dash, and what it would mean to Louanne. She sent Louanne because she knew Dash would see herself in the kid, and think about what it meant to her. So it's very much about making Dash want to be there, she just had to remind her in a way more important than words. If Dash really didn't think it mattered, she wouldn't have cared if Louanne didn't go.

6983214 can I point out that the 'original' bible was a collection of books and letters written in multiple languages. Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and probably a few others.

6983253 You'd be some pleb arguing with someone who graduated from a Christian school.

The only one who could ever teach me was the son of a preacherman (da dum dah)
The only one who could ever reach me was the son of a preacherman
Yes he was
He was
Oh yes he was.

Other than that... well written of cource, but probably more relatable had I been an american.

6983270 not arguing, just pointing out that over the time span it was written, multiple languages would have to be used. Even English (as we use it today) is a completely different language than it was 200 years ago. The bible covers a time span of multiple millenia, and at least 4 empires, who commonly forced their languages on others. That would force the bible to have been written in multiple languages. The ones I listed were just the most common in the area at the times.

And just because you graduated from a Christian school does not mean you know the whole story. It means you know what the school taught you.

Also, I am not a pleb. I am a technical engineer in the field of computers, and a member of my churches technical staff.

6983225 so Christian values are about manipulation?

If that's how you want to read it. My thinking was that they're about community, fellowship, taking care of each other, and trying to help each other find and stay on the right path. All the things that Dash realizes church means to her, and that she wants it to mean to Louanne.

Applejack sets up a situation where Dash has to do unto her neighbor as she'd have done unto her; and it turns out she'd take herself to church.

6983175 Oh right, huh, I thought it was Greek everyone used the way the world uses English today

6983079 I knew that about Sodom and Gammorah.

Also, David, as in King David? And whose Johnathan?

6983270 Really, which one? I went to Saint John Vianney, best nine years of my life. We even did a small play about Gabriel telling Mary she was pregnant. I played Gabriel, the girl I liked played Mary, and my friend played the narrator. Good times. When we were called to the principal´s office about the skit, all of us were freaking out

6982981 Jesus was never against homosexuals, in fact, there's evidence for the opposite!
6982950 Here.

Christian atheism is a theological position in which the belief in the transcendent or interventionist God is rejected or absent in favor of finding God totally in the world (Thomas J. J. Altizer) or following Jesus in a Godless world (William Hamilton). Hamilton's Christian atheism is similar to Jesuism.

6983334 I believe it's called 'teaching someone a lesson'

6983085 Are you kidding me? Word-for-word is the ONLY way they translated back then.

6983383 St. John Baptist de la Salle School for Boys in Albany, NY.
6983376 David as in King David and Jonathan son of Saul, from Samuel.
I'm paraphrasing, but Jonathan and David meet- it says David felt as though Jonathan's soul was as his own soul, and he loved him as he loved himself (love at first sight), and Jonathan and Saul's conversation about David makes note of the "strangeness" of Jonathan's mother, the language of which would mean sexual oddness for the time. Basically Saul and Jon's conversation reads like awkward conversation about an intolerant father's son's new beau.

6983376 Yes, King David. Here's the basics.

The first king of Israel was Saul. He had a son named Jonathan, who David befriended and remained close to for the rest of his life. Jonathan protected David when Saul wanted to kill him, and David gave Jonathan's family the best stuff he could give them after Jonathan died.

There is no text that supports a homosexual relationship between David and Jonathan. There is, however, some speculation that passages that show how their relationship was closer than that of brothers was innuendo for being homosexual. It's kind of like how fans of a show or movie will have two hot guys be lovers, even if there's absolutely no evidence for it, and especially when the two hate each other's guts (Harry/Draco, Naruto/Sasuke, Sherlock/John, etc). And the evidence they claim for that stuff is usually only one or two lines of dialogue.

6983393 In 1600, at the behest of someone who wanted a new version written to justify his choices in life?

6983417 Ah.....huh, that´s interesting.

6983417 I'm seeing nothing concrete, just speculation and personal interpretations of people who want so badly for King David and Jonathan to be gay for no other reason than to have them be gay.

6983423 True, I mean, in most anime there is a LOT of subtext which fans can insinuate X and Y are togther. Or its fanboys/fangirls thinking yaoi or yuri with their favorite characters is hot.

6983426 Also what's his dick there... uh. Joseph. Servant of the Pharaoh sold by his brothers. He's implied to be pretty, and has the Pharaoh's ear and confidance... but the implication of what type of servant Joseph was is left to be realized as common knowledge by the reader, and God doesn't seem to have anything against all that business.

6983436 It doesn't outright state it, no. But if you're taught how the language should be interpreted it should be clear as day.

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