• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 1,583 Views, 67 Comments

My Little Adept - Dolphy Blue Drake

An Earth Pony with little memory is found in a forest. He insists that he's supposed to be human, claiming to be something called a "Venus Adept". The one thing he remembers perfectly is his own name: "Felix".

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Sol Blade

I had been separated from my fellow Warriors and my nephew’s party, backed up against the railing of the floating city of the Anemos. A look over my shoulder confirmed my suspicions: beneath the world was a huge void. If I fell, who knew how far I would fall? Looking up, I saw the rocky underside of the disklike planet I called home. We were beneath it, so it had to be daytime on the surface.

Of course, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that I was trapped in a one-on-one fight with an Adept who was almost a god. In trying to protect Isaac from this fiend obtaining the power of the Mars Star from him, I had fallen into this monster’s trap instead.

“Well, Felix, had enough yet?” the voice of my adversary gloated from above me. “I’ve mastered the powers of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Sol, Luna, and the amount of Mars the Golden Sun still gave me. With three elements, both fundaments and even part of the element I still need under my control, you can’t win! Especially not alone!”

“Alex,” I growled, tightening my grip on the Sol Blade, “I’ll never give up, you inhuman monster! Take this!”

I leaped into the air and smiled as my sword let out a furious howl. “The Sol Blade is lending me its power! Taste the power of Megiddo!”

A miniature sun about twenty feet in diameter materialized in front of me, and I swung the Sol Blade into it, launching the small star at the traitor to the Mercury Clan.

“OOMPH!” Alex grunted as it collided with him and smashed him into the ground. After getting to his feet, he was no longer gloating. His eyes burned with malice.

“Inhuman?” Alex snorted as he walked towards me. “I’d be careful with what I say if I were you, old friend. You know what lies below us? Below the void? At the base of Gaia Falls? An unstable space that could take you to almost any plane of existence! And if the proper Psynergy were applied to you before you fell into it....” Alex rose back into the air and sneered. “Let’s just say that you might become a lot more inhuman than you claim I am. But why take my word for it? Find out for yourself!”

Alex’s body flashed in a myriad of colors as the hum of immensely powerful Psynergy filled the air.

“Iron! Come forth!” I shouted, summoning the named djinni. Iron wasted no time in applying his shielding aura to me, which would cushion any and all blows to a small percentage of their intended force.

“Sorry, Felix, but that won’t help you,” Alex giggled insanely. Suddenly, a blade of air slashed the railing behind me, creating a gap. In the next second, a bolt of energy struck me, and I felt pain in the forms of all four elements: burning, freezing, electrocution, the pummeling of rocks against my flesh, and then a kick from Alex that sent me falling over the edge, into the black abyss below.

“FELIX!” my sister screamed, and the last thing I heard was Alex’s maniacal laughter as I continued to fall in severe pain.

Eventually, the laughter became too far away for me to hear, but I still continued to fall, still in pain. I gripped the Sol Blade tighter than ever, just to remind myself that I was still alive.

After what felt like hours, the agony increased as it felt as if I was being torn apart. The pain was so great, that I passed out, Sol Blade still in hand…

“Alex!” I screamed as my eyes snapped open. Thinking quickly, I noticed a desk with a stack of parchment, a few quills, and an inkwell. I bolted out of bed, almost tripping before I remembered that I walked on four legs now, and figured out how to sit at a desk on four legs before tapping into my Psynergy again.

“Grip!” I commanded, and a hand made out of white energy appeared. I focused to shrink it down, then had the hand gingerly pick up a quill so I could start writing. It felt strange, using a hand that wasn’t my own to write, but at least the hand was still made of my own energy.

I started to jot down details of my dream, but they were quickly slipping away from me. It was like trying to hold water in cupped hands. No one can create a watertight bowl with their hands, so it seeps out between the fingers.

I only got a few notes down before the door burst open (wait, didn’t I lock it?) and Twilight ran inside, gasping for breath.

“Felix! I heard you scream! Is everything okay?”

“Aside from me still having amnesia and not being human?” I snorted. “Yes, everything’s fine. I just had a nightmare that seemed like a memory resurfacing, so I’m trying to take notes on it. The only problem is that the memory of the dream is fading fast, so I have to write down as much as I can as fast as I can.”

“But you aren’t writing,” Twilight said. “Your hooves aren’t moving or gripping anything.”

“Don’t have to,” I replied. “Come closer, and you’ll see.”

Twilight trotted right next to the desk and gasped when she saw how I was writing. Of course, all she could see was the quill. The hand would be invisible to her.

“How are you doing that without a horn?” she asked.

“A horn?” I asked. “Why would I need a horn to grip a quill?”

“Because it takes magic to levitate things, and to use magic, one has to either be a unicorn or an Alicorn!” Twilight exclaimed. “There isn’t even an aura around the quill!”

“I don’t know what you mean by magic, but I’m using Psynergy to hold it,” I explained as I set the quill down with a sigh. I’d run out of things I remembered from the dream. “It’s called Grip. It summons a huge hand that only an Adept can see, which then grabs an object to either pull it towards the Adept or pull the Adept to it. I just managed to make the hand a lot smaller so I could have it write.” I dispelled the hand, motioned for her to move aside, and faced the bed. “Allow me to demonstrate.”

I focused my mind, shouted “Grip!” again, and aimed the hand at one of the bedposts. With just a thought, the hand shot forward, grabbed the post, and I was pulled through the air to the post, right out of the chair.

“That’s amazing!” Twilight exclaimed. “I didn’t see anything there, but I could tell that something was pulling you to the bedpost instead of you launching yourself at it!”

“That, my dear, is Psynergy at work,” I replied happily. “One of the items in my possession allows me to use Grip. It may be a Venus spell, and I am a Venus Adept, but Grip is a kind of spell that must either be inherited, or can only be bestowed by a Psynergy-bestowing object.”

I reached into my bag where I kept my items and fished out the Grip Crystal with a bit of effort, since I still hadn’t grown used to the strange workings of my new hooves. Once I was holding it, I showed it to my host and said, “this is a Grip Crystal. It bestows Grip on any Venus Adept who didn’t inherit the spell, but I have to keep it with me or I’ll lose the ability to use Grip until I have the crystal again.”

“Fascinating,” Twilight breathed as her horn started to glow. I saw the same magenta aura envelop my Grip Crystal, but I pulled my hoof back and placed the crystal back into the bag before shaking my head.

“Please don’t take it without asking, Twilight,” I said with a slight edge of panic in my voice. “Grip is something that I think I’m going to need to use a lot while I’m here, so I need to hang onto it, just in case.”

“Oh.” Twilight’s horn stopped glowing, and she backed up a couple steps before saying, “I’m sorry, Felix. I love to learn new things, and I got carried away.”

“It’s nothing to worry about,” I assured her. “As long as I have it, I’m fine. You apologized, and that’s enough.”

“Thank you,” Twilight replied with a slight blush. “You forgave me so easily. I’m sure that wherever you came from, you were known as a nice person.”

Then it was my turn to blush. “I can’t be sure about that until I get my memories back, but thanks for that, Twilight.” I noticed there was a servant standing in the doorway holding what appeared to be a bundle of blue, green and brown fabric, so I asked, “uh, what’s with the cloth she’s got there?”

“Oh, that?” Twilight smiled before explaining, “A good friend of mine happened to find out about you and decided she had to do something about your tattered clothes you arrived in, so she duplicated them as well as she could without your measurements. She’d like to see you later on so she can make a better replacement for your clothes.”

“I appreciate the offer,” I admitted with a slight shake of my head, “But I could never trouble one of your friends like that. Plus, I’m not sure if they could be transformed into human clothes when I regain my human form. From what I can remember from my dream, I was struck with a powerful Psynergy spell before falling into a void. I think that spell changed my shape when I arrived, along with my outfit.”

“Well, could you at least try them on?” Twilight insisted. “I’m sure that’s not too much to ask, right?”

“I guess not,” I conceded with a sigh. “Just leave them on the dresser, and I’ll get changed.”

They did as I requested, then they left the room, closing the door behind them.

Alone once again, I locked the door and used Grip to assist me with changing. Removing clothes with hooves was a bit tricky, but putting another set on to replace them was just as difficult. I’m sure that it would’ve taken me three times as long without Grip to help me, if not longer.

Once I was finished changing, I found the clothes to be a bit loose, but that was to my liking, for I prefer to wear armor underneath my clothes, anyway. In fact, I found my equipment, also altered in shape to match my new form, on some kind of equine armor stand that I hadn’t noticed before. The Sol Blade was still missing, but everything else was still there: my Warrior’s Helm, my Valkyrie Mail, my Riot Gloves (which now kind of resembled boots), my Ninja Sandals, my Lord Sun’s Ring (which now was more of a bracelet than a ring), and my Mythril Shirt. Everything but the sword was accounted for.

Sighing, I took even more time to remove my clothes again and change into my armor, then put clothes on over the armor. With the armor on, everything fit just right, and though I couldn’t remember much still, the armor made me feel more comfortable. While wearing it, I felt more secure and at ease, as if I knew everything would be all right in the end.

Just as I was about to open the door to leave the room, I heard a voice that cut through my amnesia and forced a name to the surface: “Hey! Felix! When did you forget so much that you forgot you could ask me things?”

The voice belonged to Echo, my first djinni, who was now sitting on the bed.

“Oh, hi, Echo,” I said, turning to smile at one of the few friends I could still remember. “Sorry, I’ve been so stressed out that I forgot I could ask you to fill any holes in my memory. So, is there anything you can tell me?”

“I’ve been looking over your notes, boss, and I hate to admit it, but the nine of us are in the same boat as you," Echo sighed. "That guy who transformed you ended up giving us amnesia, too. Some of us have different remaining memories than the others, though, so with all ten of us, we should be able to piece together some of our past to get us started. For one thing, I recognize some of the names in your notes.”

“You do?” I asked, eyes wide with excitement. “Who?”

“Whoa there, Megiddo Buns, don’t get so excited yet,” Echo cautioned. “I’ll have to talk to the other guys about the other names, but the first two, Jenna and Kay? I know those names as clear as day! Jenna’s your sister, and Kay’s your wife! Don’t let either of them know you forgot them when we get back, okay? I’m sure they’ll both chew you out if they ever find out.”

“Okay, anyone else?” I asked hopefully.

“Sorry, boss, but that’s all I’ve got for you right now,” Echo replied sadly. “Give us some more time, and we should be able to piece together more stuff.”

“Well, thanks anyway, Echo,” I said as the djinni started to glow. “I just know we can piece this together.”

“Just doing my job, Felix!” Echo replied as he turned into a ball of orange light and merged into me. “Don’t forget to call on one of us if you need us!”

“Sure thing,” I replied before returning to the door and opening it.

Twilight was waiting outside the door, but the attendant was gone. In her place was a white mare with a horn and a purple mane and tail, who was staring at me in a way that I found slightly uncomfortable.

“First off, ma’am, I just remembered I’m married, so please don’t stare,” I requested curtly. “Second, how do I look?” I punctuated the question by spinning around once and flourishing my cape.

‘I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know,” the newcomer said. “And as for your outfit, I must say it fits better than I expected without your measurements.”

“Wait, you made it?’ I asked. After she nodded, I bowed formally and said, “Well, it fits me like a glove, thank you, Miss…”

“It’s Rarity, dear,” she replied. “I take it you decided to wear your armor under it? I already noticed you’re wearing your helmet.”

“That I am,” I affirmed with a nod. “I seem to remember always wearing my armor like this. It may seem a bit odd, but it lets me keep my armor mostly hidden to keep opponents off guard.”

Right as Twilight opened her mouth to say something, I felt a huge flare-up of Psynergetic power in the distance and cut her off.

“Pardon my rudeness, but I sense something outside, and I have to go check it out,” I announced. “I sense power like my own at work.”

“But—” Rarity began.

“No time,” I said curtly. “I sense a massive amount of Psynergy, and judging by the way Twilight reacted to my display of it earlier, I’d say Psynergy isn’t normal here, at all.”

‘Still—” Twilight blurted out, but I cut her off again.

“You can come along if you want, but I won’t be stopped from investigating this,” I stated firmly. “I’m the only Adept here, so I’m not going to stand idly by while others get hurt because I failed to act. So, you coming?”

Both ponies nodded, so I wrapped a foreleg around each of them, closed my eyes, focused and shouted, “Retreat!”

In an instant, we were outside the castle, and I held on even tighter, focused my mind on the Teleport Lapis in my bag as well as on the direction of the Psynergy I sensed and roared, “Teleport!”

In another instant, we were back in the forest, but this time, we were in a different spot from where I’d crashed. The new clearing was covered in ashes and littered with the remains of charred trees, but that wasn’t the most unsettling sight: there was a pony on the ground with his foreleg wrapped around a shining sword with an image of Sol on its hilt. But even worse was the purple rock that was sitting next to him. At first, I couldn’t remember where I’d seen anything like it, but after a few seconds, images of innocent creatures turned into rampaging monsters, a forest gone mad, and many other unsettling images related to such stones filled my mind.

“It’s a Psynergy Stone!” I screamed. “Get back! This could get ugly!”

The two mares did as I requested, and before I could even take a step forward, the stallion got to his hooves and lifted the Sol Blade, bellowing like some insane animal.

“What’s wrong with him?” Twilight asked as I dodged a swipe from the rabid pony.

“He’s been hit by a Psynergy Stone,” I replied as I punched the madpony in the face. “Anything that doesn’t have access to Psynergy will gain the ability to use it if they get hit by one, and only sapient beings don’t get driven insane by the huge influx of power.”

“Then how come he’s acting this way?” Rarity demanded as I dodged another swipe from the Sol Blade.

“If I were to guess,” I panted before punching him in the jaw, “Psynergy must be an entirely foreign power to this world, so he’s not fully compatible. The incompatibility must be messing with his head.”

The stallion raised the Sol Blade and leaped into the air in an all-too familiar way of attacking.

“Girls! Get back!” I screamed as a star twenty feet in diameter formed in front of the hovering pony.

“What’s that?” Twilight screamed back as they ran for cover.

“That’s Megiddo!” I shouted. “You don’t want to get hit by it! Trust me!”

The stallion roared like some kind of feral beast and swung the sword into the mini-star, sending it careening towards me.

“Iron! Come forth!” I bellowed, summoning the named djinni.

“Don’t worry, Felix!” Iron assured me before applying his shielding aura to me.

When the star connected, I was able to take the hit thanks to Iron’s protection.

“Odyssey!” I screamed, conjuring four large energy swords to pierce my foe, then one more gigantic one to smash into him, sending him flying.

“Echo! Come forth!” I commanded next, calling forth another djinni.

“I know what to do, Boss!” Echo said before striking my opponent twice.

The deranged pony screamed and lunged for me, but I rolled out of the way before he could slash me with the Sol Blade, so I escaped unscathed.

“Geode! Come forth!” I ordered, bringing out yet another djinni.

“One crushing ball of earth coming up!” Geode announced before ripping a massive sphere out of the surrounding terrain and hurling it at my enemy.

The insane pony screamed with fury and stomped the ground hard, emitting powerful Venus energy and triggering a small earthquake.

My two companions screamed, but I held my ground.

After the tremors stopped, I cried out, “Flower! Come forth!”

“You need patching up?” Flower asked. “No sweat!”

With that, Flower got to work, and waves of healing energy emanated from her small form, enveloping myself and my two companions.

“Nice work, Flower!” I replied. “Now I have everything ready! I’d find some cover, girls! This is gonna get really big, really fast!”

The two mares did as I suggested and hid in a nearby cave, and when I was sure they were well-protected, I cried out at the top of my lungs, “I summon Judgment!”

An angelic knight with a sword and a lion head shield flew down from the sky, fueled by the power of my four standby Venus djinn. After pointing the face of his shield at the ground, the mouth opened up, revealing a cannon, which shot out a small sphere of light. The light hit the ground and created a massive explosion, doing no harm to anything but my opponent, thanks to the way Psynergy works.

My opponent froze in place, dropped the Sol Blade, wobbled for a little bit, then fell over, out cold.

I trotted up to my defeated foe and retrieved my sword, returning it to its rightful place in its sheath. Both mares looked at my foe, then to me, and I smiled to assure them before saying, “He’ll be fine after he wakes up.”

“Well well well!” a haughty voice suddenly echoed out of the sky, “I was hoping that dropping a Psynergy Stone into the void after you would draw you out, Felix. And it looks like it did! How fortunate! I just love it when things come together so easily for me!”

“Felix, do you know the owner of that voice?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity trotted over to me.

“Well, I don’t know if he’d remember me or not,” the voice replied. “After all, he has amnesia. Isn’t that right, Felix? And a good thing, too, for the people of our world don't have that high of an opinion of you.”

“Show yourself!” I demanded.

“I can’t yet, old friend,” the voice taunted. “After all, I still have some loose ends to tie up in our world. My powers are still growing, so I’m not quite ready to cross the barrier between dimensions. Your friends are in my hands now, though, so if I were you, I wouldn’t put any hopes in seeing them again. I’m still extracting the power I need from a certain friend of yours, so I won’t be able to pay you a visit quite yet. But when I do, remember this: I’ve decided that dropping you into the void wasn’t enough. You see, you’re still alive, and I realized that I can’t allow that. You might find a way back and bring reinforcements with you, and that’s just out of the question. So, if you want to have any chance of stopping me, you’d better get your memories back quickly! Otherwise, you won’t have gotten anywhere before I come for you. Farewell for now, Felix!”

“Well, I guess I’d better get started on getting my memory back,” I said, turning to Twilight. “Could you help me out? Whoever that was, he’s going to come here soon, and I have a bad feeling about what’s going to happen when he arrives.”

“Of course,” Twilight replied with a nod. “In fact, I’ll get the rest of my friends to help out, too.” Turning to Rarity, she said, “Could you help gather up the others? I’m sure Felix can get back to the castle himself.”

“Of course, darling,” Rarity replied, turning back to wink at me before galloping off while Twilight teleported away with her magic.

I rolled my eyes and grumbled, “I’m a married man. Cut it out,” before focusing on my Teleport Lapis and the castle.

After focusing for a few seconds, I simply said, “Teleport,” and vanished, reappearing in the guest room I was using.

After I focused my powers to release all nine djinn at once, I found all nine of them on the bed, and Echo asked, “What d’you need us for, Boss?”

“We’re getting help to patch up my memories,” I told the assembled djinn. “We’ve got a lot ahead of us, now.”

Author's Note:

Now, I understand that at least one reader is upset because they think Felix is a Marty Stu. Those of you who played the Golden Sun series will already know that that's a bunch of bull, but for those of you who haven't, I shall explain:

To help save the world, Felix helped three other conspirators to steal the sacred treasure from his village. This made him seen as a villain. But in truth, he was doing what needed to be done to save the world, even if it meant turning his friends and neighbors against him. After saving the world, the person who set out to stop him, Isaac, got all the credit because though he helped Felix save the world, he'd originally set out to stop Felix, making his hometown see him as a hero. But Felix is the true hero, even though almost everyone treats him like a villain. And it doesn't help that in just thirty years, history books have already started including the quest to save the world, and they all give Isaac credit. The only reason he's not getting this treatment from the ponies is they don't know who he is. And right now, neither does he.

That aside, I hope you enjoyed the story thus far! The updates will be posted when I feel like it, so there's not going to be any uniformity to their posting schedule. I do promise a very interesting read, though, so if you're doubtful about it, please just give it time. It'll get good, I promise. This is all still part of the buildup.

Later Adepts!