• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,018 Views, 149 Comments

Nopony Cares About Displaced - Shocks

Nopony cares about Displaced. Seriously, Nopony cares anymore.

  • ...

Like, at all.

Author's Note:

I really tapped into my inner ghetto on this one.

It was a bright and shining morning in Ponyville. Celestia’s sun hung in the sky, the land basking in the calm and soothing rays of heat. Birds flew across the sky, and ponies went about their business as usual, the nice day bringing about more activity than usual.

Truly, this day couldn’t-

“I am fiyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! I am death!!!!” the shout rose across the town, accompanied by a giant fireball that blasted into the sky.

And this was why Ponyville couldn’t have nice things.

The source originated inside the market section of the little village, shopkeepers and shoppers alike stopping what they were doing to direct their attention at the source of the event.

A human once again stood in the middle of the trading square, a raggedy set of red and brown clothing barely covering his rather toned chest.

Thank Celestia this one actually had pants on though.

The human moved a hand through his short, cropped black hair, swishing his head to the side like he was a model or some shit.

“Ha! Am I hot enough for you?” He stated aloud, his pun oh so fucking clever.

Silence greeted him for a moment as ponies looked to each other, as if waiting for someone to make the first move. Then, well…

“Seen it all before.”

Really? We’re still doing this?”

“Who cares?”

“Wow. Much original. Great words.”

“You suck!”

Whatever this human was expecting, this berating was certainly not it, his mouth open in plain shock at the ponies around him. As his small fragile mind tried to reset, the colorful equines went about their business, the background noise of conversation quickly sweeping over the market again.

All except for the human with the wicked red scar on his face and his out of place rags of clothing.

Like shit homey, you ain’t gettin no tail with that outfit.

Get it? Cause horse women.


Well fuck you that’s funny.

Now the wayward human had finally come to the obvious conclusion as his mind finally restarted.

Clearly, these ponies were assholes.

Like, for real. How could they hate on him for having kick ass fire bending abilities?

They must be haters.

Yeah, fucking haters.

It wasn’t even like he was doing anything wrong, after all, what sane person wouldn’t fuck around with the crazy ass powers they just inherited out of nowhere.


He had to show them his awesomeness and cleanse these fucking heretics with as many dank memes as possible.

Luckily, fate smiled down on him, as a particular mint green unicorn was walking nearby with that background pony nobody cared about.

He suddenly sprinted up to her, catching the mare in mid conversation with Bun Buns or Sugar Tits or whatever she was called.

“Yo Lyra!” He explained, somehow knowing this pony’s name despite having never met her.

The unicorn glanced up surprised, her talk with her friend ending as the other cream colored pony glared angrily at the biped.

Must be a hater.

“…Yes?” Lyra asked, her expression turning neutral as she regarded the biped.

That was when he proceeded to be a creep and invade the mare’s personal space by shoving his hands in her face, Lyra reeling to avoid them touching her.

“Yo! Check out these babies! Pretty crazy huh?!” The human explained, wiggling his fingers as his eyebrows bounced suggestively. The mint green unicorn switched between looking at the man’s hands and his face, her look almost bored.

“…And?” she finally asked, one eyebrow raised.

He almost lost his shit. Lyra, not wanting hands? Hands were like crack to Lyra! Filthy, addictive, OD in a seven eleven’s bathroom crack!

“But-but they’re hands! You love hands!” He stated, causing an eye roll from the mare.

“Have you ever heard of the saying ‘too much of a good thing’? Yeah, it’s kinda like that.” Lyra confessed, as Booty Buns or whatever muttered angrily under her breath.

“Except it was barely good to begin with.”

It was like someone had punched him in the gut, or maybe remarked on how mentally unstable he was.

Lyra not into hands? Ponies not totally admitting he was MLG? He hadn’t even started making references and memes that they couldn’t possibly understand!

There was only one option he could possibly fathom at this moment.

Sit down and think rationally for a second?


Son, where you been all these months?

There was only one conclusion here.

He had to burn it down. Burn it all down.

This Equestria had to burn in hell, with all its fucked-up…ness.

Because clearly, he was in the right here and the ponies were in the wrong.


He smiled at the genocidal thoughts.

Yes, future generations would thank him for his sacrifice.

He took a battle stance instantly; his palms open as he summoned twin fireballs into his hands. The flames grew by the second as his hands crafted a literal ball of flame, the ponies around him ignoring the spectacle and only really commenting on the ambient increase in temperature.

Lyra and Willy Wonka took several steps back from the rising inferno, the flames licking the edge of the ground now. However, despite the immediate danger, they carried bored expressions, looking more annoyed at being forced back than anything.

In addition, three familiar fillies had suddenly appeared to roast marshmallows over the open flames, letting out a collective sigh when their sugary goodness was engulfed in the fireball.

He laughed manically at his glorious victory over evil. Truly, he was the white knight in all of this.

Up until a voice politely coughed near him.

“Could you stop doing that for a second? That’d be great.”

He turned; ready to smite this heathen with all the force of a fire bender.

Which actually wasn’t that much, but hey. Ego.

So it was only natural for his fireball to completely cancel out at the sight of the police woman standing barely ten feet from him, the cop dressed in a near match of any earth uniform, minus the gun of course.

Because, you know, ponies.

And hot damn, was she hot. Just like the pervert he was, his eyes instantly narrowed in on the globes of sweater meat that were tightly outlined by the woman’s uniform. Just, damn, the curvature was fucking godlike as the mamarries jutted out from her chest, at least a 38 double D if not E!

They way the navy fabric hugged her chest was incredible and the rest of the uniform didn’t disappoint! Those fine, fiiine legs ran all the way up to hips that could shoot kids out by the dozen, and an ass that redefined bubble butt.

So of course, with all this to take in, he was blind to the fact her eyes were a lovely shade of blue, or that her short cut blond hair barely touched her neckline below her officer’s cap.

Nor did he notice the three other ponies that were flanking her, all stallions dressed in matching uniforms with mustaches to rival Friedrich Nietzsche’s in bushyness.

Like, there was probably a long lost village in those things

It took the now distracted human several moments before he snapped out of his drunken haze, blinking as the woman snapped her fingers loudly.

“Hey, mind telling me what you think your're doing?” She asked, placing a hand on her hip as she shifted on her feet, the sway causing slight movement in her awesome bosom.

He finally looked at her face, the no nonsense expression contrasting with the woman’s perfect skin and beautiful face.

Come to think of it, she looked familiar.

It took the human less than a second to shout his thoughts like an idiot.

“You’re Powergirl!” He stated, pointing at the woman.

Pshh. Pointing.

His momma be ready to beat his ass from the next dimension over.

‘Powergirl’ groaned, bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. This only seemed to make the human more excited.

“I knew it! That rack, those hips, that ass, you-“

“Ok. First off, I’m going to stop you before you say anything else overly stupid.” Her tone was fucking imperious.

“Secondly, my name is Rebecca Johnson.” She glared at him, crossing her arms under her chest.

Seriously, that rack tho.

He looked on stunned. This did not compute. She was like him, transformed as well, so why wasn’t she taking the name of her character?!

“But you are Powergirl!” He challenged, “Just like I’m Zuko! Fire bending master!” At this, he struck a badass pose that no doubt earned several oohs and awws. The ponies around him where just so thunderstruck that their voices came out to low to hear.

“No, you’re not.” Rebecca pinched her nose again. “You just look like him.”

“Duh, that means I am hi-“He was cut off when Powergirl raised her hand at him.

“No, it doesn’t.” She started. “Just because you look like him doesn’t make you him.”

She waved her hand in the air, trying to gather her thoughts.

“Think about it like this. Do you consider an impostor or impersonator the actual person they look like? No. You know they aren’t them because of the simple fact that they are two different people. Look alike yes, but they are different. The impostor can never be the person they’re impersonating because they don’t have everything that makes that person themselves, a unique, and separate individual. Do you get what I’m saying to you?” Rebecca asked hopefully, a smile actually coming across her face as she finished.

A silence descended over the area.


“That’s stupid as shit yo.”

Rebecca’s smile was crushed into little, little pieces that ended up being so small they somehow managed to become the largest parts of the universe.

Or something.

The stallions at her side shifted, their moustaches twitching dangerously.

The woman was about to fire a remark when the radio at her chest suddenly buzzed with a voice.

“Uh, Officer Johnson?” the comm crackled, a young male voice coming through. Without taking her eyes off the other human across from her, she grabbed her radio carefully.

“Yes, what is it?” She asked quickly.

“Umm…not to interrupt anything…but…uh…Batman got out again.” The voice spoke again, causing an indignant squawk from the woman; the movement making her tits jiggle ever so tantalizingly.

“How does he keep getting out?!” She yelled into the radio, which was answered almost immediately by a deep masculine voice that honestly sounded like said person had a sore throat .

“Because I’m Batman!” this was quickly followed by muffled yells and the sounds of struggle, the woman shutting off the machine to avoid unnecessary noise.

She now glared at ‘Zuko’, shifting her arms under her chest again.

“Ok, I’m really not in the mood now. So, are you going to come quietly, or are we going to have to do things the hard way?” At this, the police ponies around her drew their batons, ready and willing.

Zuko smiled cockily like the smug bastard he was.

“Bitch please, hasn't anyone ever told you, when you play with fire...” He formed twin fireballs, cocking a cocky eyebrow, “…You’re going to get burned?”.

You know, they were actually planning on going easy on him.

But that pun?

That cute little fucking pun?



Funny thing, just like on Earth, Equestria had police brutality.


He was thrown to the cell floor.


Because, you know, he was kind of a scumbag and had it coming.

Twisting around quickly, he made a lunge for the sliding door just as it closed.

Naturally, he missed, slamming his head into the metal bars with an audible clang.

Cradling his head and hissing in pain, the guy calling himself Zuko yelled at the asshole guard ponies for doing their jobs.

“You think this is over?! Huh?! No pathetic box can hold me!” His shout was met with a snort of amusement.

“It’s a cell, not a box.” The nearest guard stated matter-of-factly.

“Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh!” the human screamed like a little child who’s manhood hadn’t properly dropped and proceeded to have a major bitchfit, full of angry fire bending and lots of unmanly crying.

Finally though, he ran out of energy, falling back onto the hard floor with a sigh, his chest heaving with exhaustion.

“Wow. Was I that bad? I mean, holy fuck, that was kind of sad to watch. Like an angry old man that’s fallen and everyone’s just like, fuck that, asshole can pick himself up.”

‘Zuko’ craned his head back to find-

Someone in a wheelchair.

With a white, full body cast like the guy had just tried to fight Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris at the same time, thinkin he was all tough and shit.

And wearing a Spiderman mask, the costume it’s rich black coloration when the symbiote had taken over.

“Sup.” Spiderman said eloquently, the other human tried to find words to express his surprise.

“What…? You in jail too?” ‘Zuko asked, because, you know, the jail cell wasn’t any indication.

“Naw, I’m just visiting.” Spidey rolled his eyes, the move of course going unnoticed because masks.

“What…what did you do?” Zuko questioned again, still trying to recover from his little cryfest.

“Ehhhhh….” Spiderman started, looking up toward the ceiling.

“Let’s just say it involved webbing, a camera, and Princess Luna’s snatch. Suffice to say, she was not overly pleased with my article on ancient tombs.”

The two stayed in silence for several moments after those last words, the human on the floor only blinking owlishly at his seated companion.

“Totally worth it though.”

Comments ( 131 )
Shocks #1 · Feb 25th, 2016 · · 1 ·

They warned me about going full retard.

I clearly did not listen.

Don't pat yourself on the back in your own comments section you douche.

You need to get over yourself already, man.

6971698 6971699 B-But the attention whoring, it's all I have left! :raritydespair:

We need to go danker.

6971719 I fear the fabric of reality couldn't handle such a story.

6971540 Sometimes you need a good laugh. Also the reference was great. And yes, displaced is overrated

There was a disturbing lack of Twitch memes. What kind of clown fiesta is this?

5/7 worst memes. :moustache:

Okay, before I actually read this, I want to point out that some kind of publishing error means that the word total is listed as 0.

6971737 The fabric of reality can handle This~~! (indicates self), I'm pretty sure you can safely go danker.

And now I have read it.


Your sardonic wit and mastery of sarcasm compel me to build shrines in your honor.


This wouldn't happen to be inspired by a recent comment I made, would it? :trollestia:

Well done, truly everyone who has laid eyes on this story can die in peace now.

Why am I so happy that you wrote this?

But yeah Displaced stories are WAY overrated. It's a person from the real world that is not only sent into another world but also turned into another known character from a different franchise which would be okay for the FIRST five decent stories like that but the others are ugh.

How about having said character to acquire the abilities from another series who learns from shadows of the characters from said series?

Like an Uchiha fan meeting a shadow of Itachi to master their sharingan or something?

Or a firebender learning from a shadow of Zuko?

My body, it wasn't ready. :fluttershbad:


Get that shit outta here.

6971781 Thankies.

6971824 Noooope. No idea what your talking about. :scootangel:

6971859 Becuase it satisfies your secret hatred for Displaced?

6971889 I'll alert the paramedics.

Secret hatred? I don't keep it a secret that I hate Displaced stories for the most part.

I wouldn't mind Displaced stories if they made an effort of being a little bit more original. I know that it's difficult but I hardy find the appeal in reading story after story of a human turned into a fictional character and sent to a different world.

I would prefer them gaining the abilities of another character but NOT become said character.

6971905 This guy gets it.

Finally the day has arrived, a good displaced story.

I never thought that I would live to see this day, thank you Shocks.


You're such a fucking jerk. Displaced does not deserve all of this hate that it keeps on getting. Displaced stories are immense, lore-driven works of art that are far better than anything you can ever fucking write. Jump off a bridge and die, if I catch you writing one more 'Displaced' fic then I'll et Toby to fuck you up!

(Toby is my Displaced character and is well known in Displaced lore. He's sixteen, is from America, is way cool, and also has the powers of the christen God combined with the sexual appetite and finesse of Zeus. He's made cool and I ALREADY FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT HE IS NOT ME AND HE IS NOT OVERPOWERED! HIS PARENTS AND ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY WERE RAPED TO DEATH BY A MALL SANTA, THAT'S NOT EDGY, THAT'S A LEGIT TRAGIC BACKSTORY THAT EXPLAINS WHY HE GOT HIS POWER ALRIGHT!!!!!???)

Fucking jeez. You fucking Displaced haters!

Thank you.

Well I do have some ideas for Displaced type of stories like: A teen gaining the power of the Sage of Six Path's Chakra Cloak along with immortality, and developing his own style using it. And another somewhat based on the Overlord anime and RealiryCheck's Rise of Darth Vulcan.

Seriously guys, people that write or like Displaced stories, mixed it up a little will ya? I love characters like Itachi, Sasuke and others along with their powers but becoming an intimation of them is well just, no oh god no. It's actually worst than Gary Stus and Mary Sues.

The Merchant idea is fine for the most part. But please try something new. Please. I know being original is hard but please make an effort, don't make a Twilight (And I don't mean Twilight Sparkle) out of this.

* The main girl is so bland that any girl/women can put themselves in her shoes and be the one getting some from a eternally hot wannabe vampire which would explain why it was so popular.

I'll be honest, I wouldn't be bothered so much by the Displaced stories if it wasn't for the "tokens" they interrupt their stories with. The already Mary-Sueish plot is diluted by a circlejerk-journey to another Displaced universe which always ends up making the already overpowered characters even more so!

Comment posted by King Leoric deleted Feb 25th, 2016


for some reason i sense sarcasm, i cant quite place it thou...... :trollestia:

You know, if I had any writing talent, i'd make a story about a regular plain-as-day human. One who had no powers whatsoever, had genuine flaws, made mistakes, and was aware that they were not some nigh-immortal infallible being.
A human who uses common sense and some cleverness rather than pulling a Deus ex machina out of their ass. If and when they failed horribly, they paid for it. The scars last, and no amount of "magical band-aids" or "potion of trauma b-gone's" is going to fix them immediately.

To be perfectly honest, I liked this story, it points out a bunch of blatant flaws in a lot of Displaced fics. And while the idea of some Anon gaining phenomenal cosmic power from a Game, TV-show, Book, Etc.. Is a interesting gimmick, many of them would be far better if the writer either stuck with "I showed up here with fantastic powers from "insert source here" and this is what I would do." or " This is actually a character from "insert source here" and they showed up here, and this is what I think they would do".

But having a Mary Sue, who is 4th wall aware, is in a relationship with "insert name here" because they locked eyes with each other from across the room, and it was "Twoo Wuv". and is currently trading/borrowing/stealing that next power from the Displaced three universes over, to defeat the villain of the hour, because their current 43+ powers just aren't enough. Gets really old after the umpteenth time.


Rad story, got a good laugh out of it, especially the ending. Would be interesting to see a continuation of the misadventures of Rebecca Johnson and Co. VS the cringe-worthy Displaced.

6971889 Good, i like rape.

(Im truely sorry)

6971935 I live to serve.

6971954 Huh, bit more long winded than I'd expect Dropbear. Carry on.

6972291 Oh god, a continuation? That is certainly a very bad idea.

6971954 Huh, something about the displaced story now that just rubs me the wrong way? Godly like powers? Check. Sad (?) background? Check. Humble? Meh.

6972291 But there are a million "normal average joe" fics out there! They suck! they all suck! I don't care about average joe! I wanna know about a weird bastard with odd traits and an absolute non-standard mentality! Most of the displaced fics are "average joe with powers." They get powers.. but they're still boring, average joes. I don't want to relate to the character, I want to learn to empathize with someone I can't relate to at all. THAT is how you tell a good story!

:rainbowlaugh: I'm tempting on making a crack one shot displaced fic like this, but I'm too lazy to do one XD

6972496 Cmon. I wrote this in an hour! Just sit down and start writing.

I don't like displaced fics where the character dresses up as a villian and gets sent to equestria with all of their powers for evil and just uses them to. be a good guy. There is a megatron story out there that i refuse to read because he is good despite looking evil and fear inpiring. I mean im pretty sure if they were sent to a completly alien world where the dominate species are mud gollems then they would use their new powers to do what they want. If you dress up as a bad guy its because you think that they are cool at being evil, if i got alex mercer powers then i wouldnt care what i do cos im in a different world and i want to get my friends and family back. Even if i do befriend ponies i would alway pick my family, my home over them.


Y do u hate me? :raritydespair:

Isn't Zuko a good guy by the end of the series anyway, so it is hard to lump him in the villains category. But yeah I agree this 'Zuko' was clearly a deranged A**wad before coming to Equestria

I think you misunderstood my point.
What I'm getting at is there are so many displaced stories where the protagonist is some god-like omnipotent being. but at the same time can't defeat the latest big-bad and are made to go (create/find/steal/be given) the next Item of power/plot convenience from another universe. Because they can't defeat the big-bad with what powers they already have. Instead of fleshing out their own world and story, they destroy any semblance of plot progression.

Seriously, which makes a better story?

"The protagonist learned that soon the big bad would be released of their prison to destroy the world, the protagonist and his friends/allies learn that the big bad can only be stopped by reactivating an ancient seal in a tomb. The tomb is foretold to be protected by ancient guardians. Despite the risk, they prepare to embark on the long journey to stop the big bad".


" "Hey Protagonist, where were you?" "Oh nowhere just learned that a big bad could've gotten loose, so I went to an alternate reality where some guy gave me a Macguffin that locks away all evil forever." "Ah.." ".

Also :

Average joe with powers.

:ajbemused: That is an oxymoron if there ever was one.

And I disagree, you can totally have a good regular human story, Your Human and You. being a good example. Note that I haven't read all the way through that one yet so I may be wrong. Diaries of a Madman to a lesser extent.

And yeah, it's always nice to empathize with a character that has a unique personality, (looking' at you Nigel M Chalmers). but a unique personality can only get you so far. If they suffer from the above, then it's really hard for them to evolve as characters.

6972672 It's not you it's me, THE SPANISH INQUISITION, and when I say me I mean the moderators think it's too spamy:fluttercry:

Is it bad that I kind of took this seriously and I knew I wasn't supposed to and I found Rebecca's story far more interesting and want to see her go around beating down displaced humans?

Maybe, I don't know.

Exactly! That's what I want to see!

Rebecca Johnson: The Displaced Wrangler!

Yeah, now I want implement displaced people into Wrath of the Harbinger even more so than I had planned. I should probably thank Shocks for inadvertently inspiring me.

.... What? I said should. That doesn't mean I will.


It was like someone had punched him in the gut, or maybe remarked on how mentally unstable he was.

The most succinct description of every single Displaced main character I've ever seen. :trollestia:

the human screamed like a little child who’s manhood hadn’t properly dropped and proceeded to have a major bitchfit, full of angry fire bending and lots of unmanly crying.

And here is the second-most succinct description of every single Displaced main character I've ever seen!



Ok, this has just earned a like.

Rebecca Johnson seems like she has a neat story that could be told. Wouldn't mind being "Displaced". I'll just dress up like Jimmy Olsen. Get the magic clothes and I'll be set. Why this guy? I don't need powers - I need to be healthy (also, want to try the ginger look). He's pretty healthy. I'll go get some help in pony land and see if they can fix my body and mind. If not... gave it a shot. I'll use the time to get my affairs in more order.

Sir, I must THANK YOU for writing this.


6972528 Well, I know which fire emblem fates side you would get. Although, I think it depends on how long you've been there and how well you were treated.

Would a Displaced story about a Displacer that is made of shadows and leads a faction of shadows interest either of you? If not then I'll shut up about Displaced while in both of you're comment sections.

As long as the Displacer doesn't become an intimation of another character and you break away from most of the over used elements of Displaced stories then yes. My advice check out the first episode of the anime 'Overlord'.

6972716 I assume you enjoyed?

6972870 6972919 6973032 ...Guys, she was just a supporting character.

6973071 You're quite welcome.

6972990 [x] Get Alondro to comment on my story.

6974883 I suppose for future reference, no one has to defend their Displaced to me.

I don't give a fuck.

That wall of text smh

6974990 Yes, I understand there are 'good'(being a relative term for this trope) Displaced stories out there, but most are shit.

Like, left by your neighbor's dog on your lawn becuase he hates you shit.

6975027 I wasn't talking about your story, just in general. :facehoof:

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