• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,448 Views, 233 Comments

The Equestrian Wind Mage: Season 3 - LordSiravant

A portal to Hyrule opens in the Everfree. As Vaati and co. investigate, the servants of Majora launch their war upon both worlds in preparation for the God of Evil's return.

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Episode 7: Battle For Equestria Part 2

Episode Seven: Battle For Equestria Part 2 – Evil Unleashed

Just outside the Crystal Empire…

A pony-shaped hunk of pink crystal fell into the snow with a dull thunk, and silence ominously followed, broken only by the howling blizzards of the north.

Smoke, broken dark crystals, and scorch marks were everywhere, and in the midst of this now-silent battlefield, stunned Crystal Ponies watched as the crystallized body of Princess Cadance collapsed into the snow, as the victor of this dreadful duel smirked cruelly as he lightly touched Cadance’s solidified cheek with his hoof.

“And to think this wretch once held me back for days on end,” King Sombra spoke smoothly, shaking his head momentarily. “Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Only goes to show that hate truly is stronger than love.”

With that matter settled, Sombra looked up at the gathered ponies of his kingdom, relishing the hopeless fear in their eyes, soldiers and civilians alike. Their attention was suddenly diverted as armored ponies emerged from the tunnels and began quickly rounding them up. Some tried to fight but were quickly subdued. Countless screams and pleas for mercy rent the air.

And Sombra laughed. “You want mercy, fools?! The fact you are all still alive is because of my mercy! And I shall even grant you all a chance at penance, as soldiers in my army!”

It was at that moment that a single Crystal Pony Guard suddenly broke free of the crowd, knocking over several Obsidian Guards with his larger-than-average bulk. Surprisingly Sombra did nothing but watch as the soldier made a break for the arctic tundra, only for his hind hooves to suddenly be pulled up from under him by a magical aura, sending him to the ground. One of the unicorn soldiers of Sombra was now dragging the unfortunate pony back towards the others, silent as the grave.

But then, Sombra spoke up. “Let him go.”

The unicorn soldier immediately complied without hesitation, and the guard immediately resumed his flight. And Sombra kept watching him with an evil smirk.

“Yes…let him return to his friends. He is but a single, frightened, demoralized soldier. A soldier who will spread fear and hysteria throughout Equestria with tales of what happened here today. And with the Princesses occupied in Hyrule, all of Equestria is mine for the taking!”

He turned towards his subjects. “Put them all in chains and start them back to work in the mines! Once we have enough armor to equip more ponies, we will make war plans for Yakyakistan and Cloudsdale!”


Hyrule Castle Infirmary

“After I escaped, I was able to make it to one of the Moblin settlements and found it had been decimated by the Dragons on their way to the Empire,” the imperial guardspony regaled to his stunned audience. “The Moblins were extraordinarily lucky, though; they were all out on a so-called ‘Great Hunt’, where they teach their children how to hunt dangerous game in the forests surrounding Hollow Shades, when the Dragons came by, and while most of their settlements were either badly damaged or destroyed, there were few lives lost. I came to Ponyville while the Moblins began mobilizing and was told you had gone through a portal to Hyrule. You have to return, Your Majesties; Equestria is vulnerable without you!”

Several moments of stunned silence followed as Vaati, the Mane Six, the three Princesses, Maulgrim, Nigellas, and Impa all took in the horrible news.

It was Twilight who finally broke the silence, her voice thick with dread. “M-my brother…my b-brother…i-i-is dead…?”

The guard took off his helmet, deep sorrow in his eyes. “He fought to the bitter end and slew Majora’s puppet Dragon King in his final moments. He was our Prince. Our Captain… Our friend.”

Grim silence followed. Twilight’s head lowered slowly as a thousand-yard stare overtook her moistening eyes. Even in his weakened state, Vaati tried to scooch closer to her on his cot. “Twilight…”

But Twilight didn’t respond, even as tears began trickling down her face. The others were stone silent, for none knew what they could possibly say. A prickle of dread wormed its way into Vaati’s heart as he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper. “Twilight, I…”

Twilight’s head shot up as she looked straight at him, and whatever words Vaati had in mind died in his throat.

Her face was full of pain and sorrow.

It was raw. Visceral.


And then she violently shook her head, looking away far too quickly. “I-I can’t…I-I-I c-can’t do this…!”

“Twilight!” Celestia and the Element Bearers cried, but their cries fell upon deaf ears as Twilight bolted from the room.

Silence reigned once more, and slowly Luna turned her gaze back towards Vaati, and her heart constricted as she saw the look on his face.

It was more than defeated. It was dead.

The words that escaped his lips before he went fully catatonic felt even more like the final words of a condemned man. “Now she finally sees it.”

Princess Zelda finally tore her eyes away from Vaati to address the awkwardly-waiting Crystal Pony. “The Equestrians have been granted rooms in the guest wing of the castle. Ask a guard to take you there, and rest. You’ve had a long and difficult journey.”

Recognizing that this individual was this world’s native royalty, the guardspony bowed. “Thank you, Your Highness. By your leave, Princess?”

Celestia wordlessly nodded, and the soldier left. Then she spoke. “Forgive me. I must attend to my student. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, come with me. She needs us all.”

The Sun Goddess departed as well, seeking Twilight. Those that remained were at a loss for words for many moments, and since Vaati was no longer responsive, there would be no more commentary from him.

Finally Zelda could take the silence no longer. “I’m so sorry,” she uttered, her eyes full of empathy.

Taking Vaati’s hand in her hoof, Luna just looked into her lover’s glazed eyes as she croaked, “What am I going to do?”

Neither Zelda nor Scootaloo had any answer for Luna.

Luna released a shuddering breath. “One thousand years ago, Celestia and I fought King Sombra in the Crystal Empire. When we heard that Sombra was abusing his subjects to further his own strength, we decided the plight of the Crystal Ponies could not be ignored, and we waged costly war with him. My sister and I, working together, managed to eventually turn the tide of the war against him. We finally penetrated his palace defenses, sensing victory. But…but when we faced him in his throne room, he was able to best Celie with frightening ease. A-and I could not overcome him either. He spoke to me…and his words haunt me still to this day. He revealed a terrible truth to me, one I could not accept. My sister…my own sister was afraid of me. He was right; she didn’t understand the nature of the night. He knew that we would turn on each other one day, that light would crush darkness and oppress it. He offered me a chance to stop it from happening. A chance to rule Equestria by his side and let darkness dominate the world rather than light.” Luna gulped, lost in what were clearly traumatic memories. “I…I almost accepted. Mother forgive me…I almost accepted.”

“…But you didn’t,” Zelda softly added during Luna’s pause.

Luna slowly shook her head. “I broke free of his restraints and attacked him again, but he entrapped me within his spell of waking nightmares. For a brief moment, I thought it to be the end. A-and then…it awoke something within me. Something dark and terrible. And in my anger, my fear, my hatred, I drew strength from it, and…and I gave in to the very darkness I had sworn to keep at bay. I caught Sombra by surprise and overwhelmed him, but just before I could deal the deathblow, he cast a terrible curse, one that caused the entire Crystal Empire to vanish into thin air, and him with it. I became myself again just before my sister recovered, but the genie, once unleashed, could not be put back in the bottle. Over time, I began to lose myself more and more to the Nightmare within me. Our people could sense it, and they shunned me. Celie could sense it, and she distanced herself from me. And I knew…I knew in that moment that Sombra was right. About everything. And then…”

“…Then you gave in completely,” Impa prompted, sympathy barely visible past the steely glare that almost always dominated her face.

Luna nodded. “I became the epitome of my people’s darkest fears. I became something far worse than King Sombra. I became Nightmare Moon. I warred with my sister. Hating the very sun itself, I sought to drown Equestria in a night that would never end. And in the end, I was banished into my own moon, to be trapped there for a thousand lonely, unbearable years, alone with the evil that had consumed me. It was only through the help of Vaati and the Element Bearers that I was able to tame that darkness in some way, but every time I unleash Nightmare Moon is a gamble. She was able to hold her own against Ganon in battle, and had the gall to laugh in the face of Majora himself, but I can only master her so long as I master my fears. And Sombra mastered my fears long ago.”

She looked up at her fellow princess, so much like her own sister it was astounding. “I-I don’t know if I can do it again. I don’t know if I can face him. And Vaati needs me here. But I-I can’t let Celestia be the one to go back to Equestria and confront him… He’ll destroy her.”

“You fear that he will feed on your hate until you give in again,” Impa plainly summed up.

Luna sniffed as she nodded again. “And this time he would be ready for it. Even when I defeated him I underestimated his cunning.”

Zelda had to admit to herself, this King Sombra individual frightened her, in a way even Ganondorf himself could not. To forever scar Luna’s legacy the way he did reminded the descendent of Hylia morbidly of how Demise had scarred her own.

However, before Zelda could even begin to formulate a reply, another soldier burst into the room, this time a Hylian.

“Your Highness!” the guard crisply saluted. “I was told that the King is currently indisposed and was thus directed to you.”

Settling back into her role as Hyrule’s secondary ruler, Zelda spoke, “What news do you bring, soldier?”

“Our scouts report that King Rutolfus Zora De Bon the Thirty-Fourth has departed Zora’s Domain with ten thousand soldiers. They march on Death Mountain as we speak, milady.”

The atmosphere, already grim and cold, seemingly dropped another five degrees. “Thank you, Captain,” Zelda spoke in a clipped tone. “You may go.”

The soldier bowed and left the room, after which Zelda cupped her head in her gloved hands, rubbing her eyes wearily. “This day grows darker with each passing hour,” she murmured.

“Majora has struck us hard,” Maulgrim rumbled. “The loss of the Crystal Empire is in and of itself a harsh blow to us. And because of the Dragons, we will not be able to rely on the Moblin fortress-cities to delay King Sombra’s advance.”

“And now tensions between the Gorons and Zoras has erupted into a war all its own,” Scootaloo observed, looking between Luna and her non-responsive father.

“Majora’s been preparing for all this for centuries,” Nigellas responded bitterly. “And he’s prepared well.”

“And it seems the Dark Enemy has stoked the fires of their lingering resentment towards each other while we remained ignorant,” Impa surmised. “A second Goron-Zora War will deprive us of two important allies, no matter who wins. We can’t let that come to pass. Surely the Zora King can be reasoned with.”

“Gorons and Zoras alike are known for being stubborn, particularly their leaders,” Zelda answered. “Both are angry at the Kingdom of Hyrule for having failed to choose a side during their more recent disputes. I don’t know what to do… I’m needed here. If my father awakes while I’m gone, there’s certain to be an uproar we simply cannot afford anymore. And I can’t send you, Impa, because not only are you not a diplomat, I also can’t afford to send any soldiers. Majora’s forces could attack the kingdom again at any time.”

“I will go.”

All heads turned to stare at Maulgrim in surprise. “You’ll go?” Nigellas exclaimed.

“I will return briefly to Ponyville to rally all my Darknuts there,” Maulgrim went on sternly. “I will then contact the entity known as Discord and tell him to teleport the full might of the Cliff Lords to Death Mountain once they have mobilized.”

“Are you saying you intend to fight the Zoras?” Zelda asked in horror.

Maulgrim shook his head. “That would not be the preferable outcome. While I await reinforcements, my men will bar Death Mountain Pass while I warn Kakariko Village and the Gorons of the impending Zora attack. It is my hope that once both leaders are present on the field, I can bring the two to terms. You are right: war between them will only work in Majora’s favor. I will do all I can to avoid such bloodshed.”

“Are you sure about this, Grim?” Nigellas asked worriedly.

“I am,” Maulgrim replied. “Let the other tribes defend Equestria. The Legion will fight in Hyrule.”

Zelda held the Black Knight’s unwavering gaze for many moments before she lightly shook her head. “For all my wisdom, I could have never predicted that Vaati the Wind Mage could have warriors of such honor and integrity in his service. If you can avert this bloodbath, the Kingdom of Hyrule will be forever indebted to the Darknut Legion.”

“You can repay that debt by fighting at our side as we tear down the very gates of the Dark World itself and invade the heart of the Dark God’s twisted domain,” Maulgrim rumbled with finality.

Nigellas blinked several times in silence before he spoke. “That’s the most suicidal idea I’ve heard you pitch yet.”


That evening, two hours later

After Twilight had left, Vaati had slipped into a state of unnerving catatonia, staring blankly ahead as the Sorcerer of Winds completely emotionally shut down. Zelda had eventually left, as had Maulgrim and Nigellas. Luna was loathe to leave Vaati, but she ultimately decided to seek out her sister to discuss what to do in the face of Sombra’s return. Only one other presence remained in the room with Vaati: Scootaloo, who was currently sleeping in the far corner of the room, out of Vaati’s line of sight.

But Vaati seemed to register none of this.

Not until a shadow appeared in the corner of his eye.

Even in his blue-screen-of-death state, he felt a sudden ominous chill in the air as the shadow approached, and Vaati’s eyes slowly found their way to his new visitor.

The shape had the rough outline of a robed individual. For the briefest of moments, Vaati thought perhaps the Sheikah wizard had come.

But then the figure drew closer, and Vaati realized that two familiar eyes burned on their face, and the faint outline of a heart-shaped mask warped the head of their silhouette.

He should have shouted, raised the alarm. He should have cast his hand up and blasted this evil shade to dust. But he didn’t.

“You again?” Vaati weakly croaked, narrowing his eyes slightly, but looking more haggard than intimidating.

I am always here.

Majora took a single step forward, his eyes burning unflinchingly into Vaati’s own.

You know this well, Wind Mage. Yet you continue to deny it.

“Leave me,” Vaati half-heartedly hissed.

You are already alone.

Vaati was silent for many moments, his face wincing in both physical and emotional pain. “…What do you want? Come to gloat, have you?”

It is not your fault that they chose to deny the truth.

“I tried so many times,” Vaati softly replied, shaking his head slowly. “But they insisted that it wasn’t my fault…and I was foolish enough to start believing them.”

Friendship made you forget yourself. You knew that you were a lure for disaster, that your very presence brought danger to those around you.

“I couldn’t accept it.”

You denied the truth to yourself.

“How could I not?” Vaati scoffed bitterly. “I wanted to be happy! I wanted to be recognized without being branded a monster!”

But you are a monster.

Vaati broke his gaze and stared down at his folded hands. “…I know.”

You tried to get them to accept the truth, but deep down you did not want them to believe it, because you did not want to believe it yourself.

Vaati sighed wearily. “What’s your point?”

Truth. That is my point.

For one brief moment, a flicker of bitter defiance colored Vaati’s detached attitude. “Since when did the God of Evil become so philosophical?”

Good and evil are mortal labels, open to infinite interpretation. Both see no issue in bending or hiding the truth to suit their agendas, as you and your so-called friends have. But you cannot deny the truth any longer. You know this. I would not be here now had you not opened the door and let me into Equestria. You were always the catalyst. One way or another, you would serve my needs. It was what you were born for. And the darkest aspect of the truth is that I cannot be defeated. Nothing you can do would stop me. I can only be delayed. In the end, the light will burn itself out, but the darkness will endure.

“I’ll never serve you, if that’s what you’re aiming for. So if you’re going to kill me, just shut up and get it over with already. You really do talk too much.”

Ask of it of me, and I will end your pain.

Vaati blinked slowly in surprise.

Equestria has turned its back on you, and Hyrule is not so quick to embrace you as you might think. You are alone, just as you were once before. You can spend your final days begging their forgiveness as I haunt every dark corner of your mind with every breath you take, or you can let go here, now. Give me the word, and I will end your pain. And when I stride free upon the earth once more, I may even grant the ones you care so much about mercy, should they ask it of me.

Vaati stared long and hard into the yellow orbs of Majora’s eyes. In his depressed state, he really was seriously mulling it over in his head. Just let go…we can’t win…I can’t protect them anyway


And just like that, Vaati’s eyes snapped over to the doorway.

Standing there, her sorrowful eyes shining in the dim light, was Twilight.

“T-Twilight…!” Vaati rasped, and his gaze darted back to Majora.

…only to realize that the Dark God was gone, as though he had never been there.

Vaati blinked several times, wondering if it had all been a hallucination before violently shaking his head. Twilight was the main issue now.

The grief in her eyes was still so raw, and it shattered him inside all over again. Ultimately he averted his gaze; he couldn’t bear to keep looking into those eyes. Thus he heard rather than saw Twilight slowly walk up to him, saying nothing. He didn’t look up even as her hooves entered his field of vision. There was heavy silence for many minutes, which it seemed neither was willing to break first.

Finally Vaati broke it with a voice that could barely be heard. “This is all my fault.”

Twilight remained silent.

“No matter what you said, what anyone said…this is all my fault. I’m the reason Majora discovered Equestria. I’m the reason this war even started. I…I’m the reason your brother is dead…”

“…You’re also the reason the people of Castle Town are still alive.”

Vaati’s head jerked a little, but he still could not meet her eyes, and instead let out a bitter huff. “What good is that, in the end? You think they suddenly believe I’m a great hero? It doesn’t work that way, Twilight. Not in Hyrule.”

“I don’t care. You’re still a hero to me.”

Vaati’s breath caught in his throat as he finally looked up at her. Despite the tears in her eyes, Twilight was somehow managing a weak but genuine smile.

“I know what it feels like to doubt yourself all the time, taking every mistake you make to heart and beating yourself up over it day and night. I know how it feels to think that everything that goes wrong is your fault, that you should know better, you should have been stronger. But…b-but the hardest lesson to learn is…i-is that no matter how hard we fight…no m-matter how good we are…w-we can’t…we c-c-can’t…s-save everyone. A-and that…terrifies me.”

Vaati could see how Twilight’s gaze momentarily darted up at the ugly pulsating scar on his forehead before sniffing and wiping her face with her hoof. “I-I’m so scared, Vaati. I l-l-lost my b-brother, p-possibly my sister-in-law, and now I’m scared I’m g-going to l-lose my best friend too. I-I’m scared that Majora will take everything from me, t-that I won’t b-be able t-to protect a-anypony! I’m scared for Spike, I’m s-scared for m-my friends, I-I’m scared for Luna and Celestia, a-and I’m scared for you!”

“And it’s because I came to Equestria.”

No!” Twilight snapped, surprising both herself and Vaati. She shook her head before continuing, “No. I refuse to believe that it was your fault. I refuse. When your teleportation spell collided with that Light Arrow, you weren’t expecting to end up in Equestria, were you?”

“Well, no, but…”

“Vaati, even after everything that’s happened, you are still one of the best things to ever happen to me. You’ve done so much for me, and everypony we know. You helped us save Equestria so many times. You stood by me even when the others didn’t. You gave Scootaloo love and hope and let her grow into a beautiful, strong mare we’re all proud to have helped you raise. You helped Princess Luna open up to other ponies, and not only did you show her true love, but you also helped her learn to forgive herself and control her dark side without it controlling her. You helped us turn Discord into a friend and the Changelings into a valuable ally. We couldn’t have defeated Ganondorf and ended the Curse of Demise without you. The monster tribes would never have been freed from eternal enslavement if it hadn’t been for you. And we can’t defeat Majora without you.”

The two of them just stared at each other, and little by little, a determined glint reignited in Vaati’s eyes. And then Twilight stood on her hind legs and embraced her truest friend. Sniffing and blinking away more tears, Twilight whispered into Vaati’s ear, “No matter what happens, we’ll get through this. Together. I promise.”

Feeling tears of his own start to fall, Vaati closed his eyes and managed a tired smile. “Funny. I was about to say the same thing.”

As they quietly held their embrace, enjoying each other’s company, Vaati opened his eyes again.

There, in the far corner of the room, was a familiar pair of burning eyes, watching him with evil intent.

The darkness is patient, Wind Mage. As am I.

Vaati just leveled the most hateful, threatening glare he could muster at the demonic mirage in response. He blinked one more time, and the shadow of Majora was gone again. But Vaati knew it would not be the last time Majora would plague him.


The next morning

Vaati, Link, Zelda, Impa, and the Mane Six all sat around a large round table as they discussed their next course of action.

“So you wanna run that whole ‘Sages’ thing by us again?” Rainbow asked, making quoting gestures for emphasis.

“Long ago,” Zelda solemnly began, “Hylia and Onigami bestowed six medallions of power onto mortal bearers to act as guardians against evil forces. These six individuals became the first Sages, and the Medallions’ power acted as a sort of lock and key to maintain the prison into which Majora was cast. So long as the Sages’ power continued to pass from mortal to mortal, the sealed door remained unbreakable. Hylia, being the Goddess of Peace, Life, and the Sun, initially carried the Light, Forest, and Water Medallions, while Onigami, the God of War, Death, and the Moon, bore the Medallions of Fire, Shadow, and Spirit. However, with Hyrule having become so divided, new Sages have not been declared in over a century since the previous ones passed. I’ve no doubt that this in part is Majora’s doing, and why he’s gaining strength so quickly. Since the previous Sages never declared successors, there is only one way to reawaken their power.”

“And that is…?” Rarity prompted, idly filing her hoof as she contributed to the conversation.

“You will have to venture into the five temples scattered across this land,” Impa answered, “which by now are no doubt infested with Majora’s creatures. It will be a dangerous task. You will likely have to face a powerful beast in the heart of each temple, and then speak with the spirits of the ancient Sages and convince them to make each of you their successors.”

Link folded his arms, a cocky grin on his face. “Well, nothing I haven’t done before.”

Rainbow shared his grin. “Kinduva thing we’ve done before too.”

“There is another likely catch,” Impa interrupted with a grave look. “Of the six of you, only one of you may enter each respective temple with Link and Vaati. I have a strong feeling the Goddesses Themselves will this as a test of your worthiness and resolve. For example, only Fluttershy will be permitted to accompany Vaati and Link into the Sanctuary of Forest.”

Fluttershy predictably gulped in fear. Noticing this, Impa managed a wan smile. “Do not fear. The Goddesses would not test you in this way if They did not feel you could succeed.”

“Well, that’s…encouraging, I guess?” Twilight sighed. “But…if there are six Sages, why are there only five temples?”

“Your Medallion, the Medallion of Light, lies within the Sacred Realm,” Zelda explained. “That is where the Sage of Light normally resides ever since the age of the Hero of Time. Only after you have restored the other Medallions’ powers will you be given access to the last one. The combined power of the Sages will surely be able to shatter the evil curse that is slowly killing Vaati…if you aren’t too late.”

“Then I guess we shouldn’t waste any more time,” Vaati sighed, heaving himself to his feet and wincing at the effort. “Where should we go first?”

“I think it wise that you avoid the battlefields until you recover the Medallions,” Impa suggested. “As such, I believe you should start with the Sanctuary of Forest within the Lost Woods. Until we resolve the hostility between the Gorons and Zoras, the Crater of Flames in Death Mountain and the Crypt of Shadows in Kakariko Village’s Royal Graveyard are too dangerous for you to tackle. The Sanctuary is closer to you than the Temple of Droplets in Lake Hylia or the Fortress of Sands in the Gerudo Desert, and time is of the essence.”

Vaati sighed. “Lost Woods it is, then.”

“Be careful, though,” Zelda spoke up. “The Deku Kingdom has started showing more aggression towards outsiders. My rangers report their king is being influenced by some masked advisor who calls himself the ‘Voice of Odolwa’. If you encounter trouble, seek help from the Kokiri and the Skull Kids, if you can. I don’t know what’s become of the Kokiri, and I fear what the answer may be, but I know the Skull Kids are still around, and their leader is rather vocal in his opposition to Majora.”

“Good to know we have even more friends to back us up if we get in a pickle!” Pinkie cheerfully replied, bouncing in her seat.

“I-I don’t know,” Fluttershy hesitantly added. “These…S-S-Sk-Sk-Skull K-K-K-Kids s-sound really s-scary…”

Link had a slight look of sadness on his face as he said, “The Skull Kids are the ghosts of children who got lost in the forest. The Lost Woods have a creepy tendency to turn lost travelers into the living dead, but somehow the Skull Kids are…different. They’re more like mischievous, childlike imps than Stalfos, though they used to be hostile towards adults during the reign of a corrupted Deku Tree called the Baga Tree, but their current leader is much friendlier.”

“How do ya know that?” Applejack asked.

Link shrugged. “I’ve been there before.”

“I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this short,” Zelda declared, standing up and straightening out her dress. “Lord Maulgrim is preparing to march to Death Mountain in hopes of stopping the fight between the Gorons and Zoras before it gets out of hand…” At this, Rarity looked alarmed, having not been told this beforehand. “Agahnim and I are going to work on trying to convince my father that the world hasn’t gone mad…” She blinked once in consideration before she continued, “…at least not as mad as he thinks it has. Princess Celestia and her sister are currently with those two other…I’m not sure what you refer to them as…”

“Alicorns,” Twilight offered.

“Alicorns, right,” Zelda picked up. “Celestia and Luna are currently with those two other alicorns, trying to see if they can purge them of Majora’s influence. Celestia told me the both of them were former students of hers she regrettably turned her back on in the past and wants to make up for her past mistakes by undoing whatever evil magic Majora used to empower them. Impa is going to send out a call to arms for all the Hylian provinces to provide warriors for the Royal Army, and the eight of you are going to restore the power of the Sages. Everyone understand our plan of action?”

Rainbow took to the air, smashing her hooves together with a feral grin. “Alright! Let’s take this fight right to Majora and his flunkies!”


Castle Town Square, a short while later

“Oh my, so this is Hyrule! I must say, this place looks even more drab than Canterlot, and that’s saying something!”

Maulgrim pursed his lips in mild annoyance as his current guest took in the sight of the half-destroyed jewel of Hyrule Kingdom in his typical way.

“If you would kindly focus on the matter at hand, Discord,” Maulgrim irritably began, but was promptly interrupted as Discord slyly teleported behind the Darknut Lord and put an arm around his shoulder.

“Speaking of hands, this is yours, by the way!” Discord offhandedly replied, and a discombobulated Floormaster popped into existence with a snap and a flash and fell to the ground. “I may or may not have insulted his mother. I don’t speak sign language, so I’m not quite sure. Let him grab somepony else’s leg for a change!”

As the Floormaster quickly ran for the nearest dark alleyway to escape the sunlight, scaring the living daylights out of random passersby in the process, Maulgrim rolled his eyes and, with that stubborn air of knightly conduct, declared, “Discord, stop acting like a child and listen. I need you to go to Lupay and tell the Legion to prepare for war. Once they are all ready, open up a portal between the city and Death Mountain. We must not let the Gorons and Zoras destroy each other. I am relying on you to pull this off. Can I trust you to do this?”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Honestly, you’re worse than Sun-butt. Fine; your wish is my command, mon capitan.”

The spirit of chaos gave an exaggerated bow before disappearing with a flash. Maulgrim let out a sigh he hadn’t even realized he had been holding back as he turned to address the one hundred Darknuts that comprised the Legion’s Ponyville Guard.


The Black Knight, recognizing that lovely voice anywhere, turned to greet his newest visitor.

“Lady Rarity,” he greeted, dipping his head.

“Maulgrim, dear, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving so soon?” Rarity asked, her eyes wide with worry.

“I was going to inform you after I finished addressing my knights here. I would not have left without saying goodbye, milady.”

Rarity blinked once before accepting this with a nod. “Oh, Maulgrim, will you be alright? You’re walking right into a warzone with only a hundred knights behind you.”

“These warriors are among my very best,” Maulgrim replied. “And Discord will bring reinforcements, in case our negotiations are forced to take a more…aggressive turn. Your mission is no less dangerous, milady, but I am confident that we will both succeed in our endeavors.”

Rarity was silent a moment before she said, “Kneel, brave knight. I have a gift for you.”

Maulgrim blinked in surprise before he got down on one knee, his heavy armor clanking at the motion. Rarity then reached into an unseen pocket and pulled out a dainty white kerchief, and Maulgrim’s eyes widened. They both knew what this meant.

“Take this, as a a gift, and a promise,” Rarity declared, gently stuffing the kerchief into Maulgrim’s breastplate. “Promise me you will make it through this dreadful war alive.”

Maulgrim did not hesitate. “On my knightly honor, this I swear.”

“And when you do, my hoof will be yours. This I swear.”

And then, Rarity raised her head and gently planted a kiss on the Black Knight’s cheek, which immediately burned as scarlet as his eyes. Thankfully his soldiers, ever the consummate professionals, did not stir once at this or make so much as a single whistle. Rarity managed a giggle as she then said, “As my Knight in Shining Armor, I expect you to sweep me off my feet when this is over.”

Maulgrim flashed a grin. “Of course. I am honor-bound to please my lady in any way I can.”

Rarity smiled and stepped back. “Go address your troops, darling. I can see them struggling not to whistle like barroom miscreants.”

Maulgrim bowed his head and turned to speak to his gathered forces. “Men!” he barked. “We march on Death Mountain! Our goal this day, is not to wage war…but to prevent it! The Gorons and Zoras must not be allowed to destroy each other! We will bar the Death Mountain Pass and force the Zoras to come to terms with the people of the Mountain! Is that understood?!”

The battalion of Darknuts saluted as one. “By your will, sire!” they chorused.

Maulgrim turned his head to look at Rarity, and they shared one last smile.


Somewhere on the grounds of Hyrule Castle

Chrysalis, having fully proved herself to the Hylians as an ally, had been allowed free access to the castle gardens by the guards. It seemed an odd request for one such as Chrysalis to make, but in truth, she was not here to smell the flowers. She was following the scent of something…else. Whatever it was, it was ancient, it was powerful, and above all, it was full of love. She needed to find out what this potential food source was, for without the Crystal Heart or a ready supply of recovery hearts from the life-giver plants, her people needed a reliable food source around which she could build a temporary hive as a way to harvest its energy during their stay in Hyrule.

As she passed by a raised bed of hydrangeas, (curious that two separate worlds shared many of the same species of flowers) Chrysalis suddenly realized she was not alone as she saw a Hylian girl kneeling in the grass. She was wearing a pink dress, and her blonde hair was tied up in pigtails. Several butterflies were hovering constantly over her as she picked through the foliage.

“Ooh, Mr. Beetle, your wing is bent! Here, come with me and I’ll make you all better, you’ll see!”

Chrysalis quirked an eyebrow as the girl gently picked up a large stag beetle with a bent wing protruding from its carapace and let it crawl onto her shoulder, where it joined several other insects currently perched there, including an earwig, a praying mantis, a golf ball-sized spider with a distinctive carapace shaped like a human skull, (said spider now eyeing the girl’s newest passenger with predatory interest) and even a one-eyed scorpion, of all things. The girl stood up, picking up a wicker basket and a pink lace parasol that matched her dress as she did so. Then she turned around and stopped when she saw Chrysalis staring at her.

“Oh!” the girl declared in surprise.

Chrysalis, normally used to people reacting with fear or suspicion at the sight of her, was taken aback by what the child said next.

“O-oh, my! You’re the most beautiful bug I’ve ever seen!”

Chrysalis blinked several times, not certain she had heard right. “What?”

Further confusing the Queen, the girl bounced right up to her in a manner eerily similar to that insufferable pink menace Twilight included in her little band. “Are you one of the Changelings my daddy told me about? You’re so pretty!”

Liking that her ego was being stroked for once, Chrysalis decided it couldn’t hurt to indulge. “I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings,” she announced with a significant degree of flair. “Bane of the Gohma and Slayer of Iemanis! And what might your name be, child?”

The girl giggled at this. “I’m Agitha, Princess of the Bug Kingdom!” The girl then performed a curtsy. “It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Your Highness!”

“Princess of the Bug Kingdom?” Chrysalis repeated, somehow doubting this was a legitimate title.

Agitha eagerly nodded. “Uh-huh! All the bugs and creepy-crawlies of Hyrule Castle are my responsibility! They’ve been my best companions when Mum and Dad are busy working for the Royal Family. So many other people have so much difficulty seeing the beauty in the Bug Kingdom, and I’ve never been able to understand why.” She glanced at the baby Skulltula on her shoulder as it started prowling closer to the injured beetle. “Now Roger, no trying to eat our new friend! There’ll be crickets for you when we get home, okay?”

The Skulltula seemed to actually back off at this, sulking next to the baby Aruroda and praying mantis. Agitha giggled again. “Sorry about that. Roger just hatched a few days ago, so he’s almost always hungry!”

Clearing her throat, Chrysalis finally said, “I’m actually here because I’m looking for something. We Changelings feed on love and positive emotions, and I can sense something here emitting a magical signature of that nature. Do you know where, or perhaps what, it is?”

“Oh! You must be talking about Miss Navi! She’s the Great Fairy that lives in the hidden Fairy Fountain here in the gardens!” She gave Chrysalis a cheerful wink. “She’s been the Royal Family’s little secret for over a thousand years now…but don’t tell anyone! C’mon! I’ll take you to her!”

Without another word, Chrysalis followed the excitable girl called Agitha through the gardens until they came up to a life-sized statue of an individual who looked startlingly like that green-clad hero who had once given Vaati so much consternation.

“This is a statue,” Chrysalis remarked.

Agitha set her bug companions down in her basket before climbing up onto the pedestal the Hero of Time’s statue stood. Chrysalis watched, not sure what was happening. Then, with a flirtatious giggle, Agitha reached up and began to wiggle her delicate finger around the area where the statue’s navel was likely situated as she said, “Little Grasshopper, Little Grasshopper, I’d love to tickle your belly all day…”

Chrysalis’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was this girl toying with her?

But then, something unexpected happened: the statue suddenly started sliding back as Agitha hopped down and collected her basket. A few seconds later, the statue revealed it had originally been standing over a hidden stairwell which they could now access. Noticing Chrysalis’s confused look, Agitha just smiled and chirped, “That’s our ‘secret knock’! That’s how she knows it’s me specifically! C’mon, let’s go meet her! I bet she’ll love you too!”

I certainly hope so, Chrysalis quietly thought to herself as she followed Agitha down the stairwell. I can’t exactly live without it.

Once they reached the bottom of the stairwell, the narrow passage opened up into a round chamber. Through some form of magic, water seemed to endlessly pour down from the ceiling from nowhere, yet the pool at their feet never seemed to deepen. A stone archway wound its way around the central pool, and flitting idly around over it were numerous glowing balls of blue light with wings like dragonflies.

“Miss Navi!” Agitha called out.

There was silence for several moments until it was broken by a serene, female voice that reverberated throughout the chamber. “Agitha…who have you brought here this time?”

“This is my new friend, Queen Chrysalis!” Agitha declared as she hugged the bug-pony, who reacted with shock at the gesture. “She’s a Changeling!”

As Agitha let go of Chrysalis, the rattled Changeling tried to process the strange jolt that shot through her body at the contact, and the strange warmth it generated. It actually felt…nice.

As such, she didn’t notice how her wings began to glimmer slightly.

Queen Chrysalis…you are an…interesting individualI am the Great Fairy of Love, but you may call me Navi.

The smaller fairies all started to swarm around the center of the fountain rapidly, until a burst of blue light sent them scattering again, momentarily blinding Chrysalis. Agitha, however, didn’t even flinch, apparently used to it. When her vision cleared, she saw a tall woman standing in the middle of the fountain. Her dress was blue, and her long hair white, and were it not for the large, gossamer wings protruding from her back, and the ethereal blue glow emanating from her body, Chrysalis would have thought her to be another Hylian.

“Your people were instrumental in thwarting the first strike against the light, yet I sense a darkness in your heart,” the Great Fairy spoke, addressing her new guest. “Yet this darkness is born not out of pure malice, but out of being incomplete and not even knowing it.”

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis demanded, feeling a little defensive about that.

“You feed on love, but you have difficulty understanding it. That is not to say you are incapable of feeling it, you just merely have to learn.”

“I don’t understand,” Chrysalis replied. “Love is our food source.”

“And it is an emotion. One that is powerful, and spreads easily. Emotions are felt by all living beings. Imagine if a Changeling were to learn to love. If a Changeling can love itself, and love others, what need does it have to feed? Agitha, it seems, has broken the lock. Now, let me open the door.”

Navi held out her hands, as Chrysalis let out an exclamation of surprise as she rose into the air, fairy magic humming around her as it soaked into her body. There was so much love being poured into her, but with that love came also a profound understanding, for it was love that was freely given. And that understanding drew her deep within herself, into the very heart of the hive, and that knowledge began to spread. And more than ever before, Chrysalis felt the love of her people feed back into her. Not harvested love, their love.

And next to her, she felt the budding love of the innocent Agitha, who had given it freely despite having no reason to do so.

And she opened her own heart in turn.

Chrysalis was surrounded by light, and even Agitha had to cover her eyes, and then a feedback pulse burst out, and the light faded.

Chrysalis had changed.

Gone was the dull black carapace and hole-ridden hooves. Gone were the torn gossamer wings. Gone was the jagged, crooked horn.

Now her carapace was a brilliant white with a teal iridescence. Her horn was now long and smooth, with a slight curve. Her wings were now like those of a luna moth.

Chrysalis looked herself over, stunned at how different she looked and felt. The hunger that had always plagued her was gone. She felt love all around her, but it was no longer like the scent of a freshly-cooked meal, but the feeling, the emotion itself. At long last, she truly understood.

“I-I…I don’t even know how to thank you…” Chrysalis stammered, feeling humble for the first time in her life.

“The only thanks I need is that you spread this knowledge to the rest of your people,” the Great Fairy answered. “This is my gift to you for helping to save this kingdom. You will be remembered as the greatest queen the Changelings have ever known, and they will flourish like never before.”

Chrysalis had no idea what to say. She was still trying to process the sudden and life-changing events. But there was one thing she did know, and the thought of it filled her with new determination.

Majora should be very afraid.


Hyrule Castle Dungeons

Celestia and Luna silently watched over the slumbering, still-corrupted forms of Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer. The two corrupted alicorns were currently bound in chains covered in runes that prevented the prisoners from performing any kind of magic. For the foreseeable future, Luna was keeping them trapped in a potent sleeping spell she had gone to great lengths to make as unbreakable as possible, knowing full well Dethl could possibly attempt to interfere again as it had so many times before.

Shaking her head to will away the anger bubbling in her chest again at the thought of that vile monster, Luna refocused her attention on the here and now. “So, would you mind explaining to me, dear sister, what this is all about?” she asked, gesturing at the two with a hoof.

Celestia sighed, a deep, world-weary sigh heavy with guilt and regret. “Luna…banishing you when you became Nightmare Moon was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. It…it nearly destroyed me. Especially because my hope had been that the Elements would turn you back to normal. When they didn’t…I realized it was because you were too far gone at the time. I truly thought I had lost you forever. The one constant in my long, long life…the only one I felt understood me as well as I understood myself. I couldn’t bear the thought of living forever with that void in my heart, and…over the next thousand years, I made so many foolish mistakes in an attempt to fill that void…or to escape it.”

Luna blinked, horrified realization setting in. “Escape? …Celie, you don’t mean…”

“The day after you were banished, I couldn’t…perform my duties. I was expected to raise both my sun and your moon, as if…as if to prove to our own people t-that I d-didn’t…t-that I d-didn’t need you. A-and I c-couldn’t bear the thought of t-t-that.”

As Celestia’s voice broke at this, Luna’s own eyes began to water as well. “Tia…t-tell me you didn’t…”

“After…A-after I raised t-the moon f-for the first time, I-I…I w-went to your old Manticore f-friend, Melvin…I-I asked him for s-some of h-his t-tail venom…I didn’t tell him why…I d-didn’t even tell him w-what h-had happened t-to you…” Luna’s eyes slowly widened further at the horrible revelation as her sister continued. “T-that night, I-I requested a-a bottle of w-wine f-from the royal vineyard…It w-was your favorite flavor, r-red grape…I put the Manticore venom i-in the bottle…a-and I d-drank it all i-in one go…”

Luna put a hoof to her mouth, trying to hide the choking sob fighting past her throat. “O-oh, by our dear mother…!”

“I-I nearly died…I very nearly died…b-but one of your Night Guards found me, a-and rushed me t-to the Medical Wing…b-but…it ended up…m-making matters even w-w-worse…”

Luna swallowed thickly. “That’s why my Thestrals were banished from Canterlot…”

Celestia nodded her head, sniffing and rubbing her face. “They blamed m-my poisoning on him…a-and rumors spread f-fast that t-the Night Guard h-had plotted t-to assassinate me in retaliation f-for banishing you…I w-was helpless t-to stop it…While I w-was unconscious a-and in recovery, Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead, along with the other nobility, assumed control of my throne, a-and their first act w-was to execute that poor stallion…a-and banish the rest, branding them traitors…” She sniffed again, and this time a bitter glint reflected off her wet eyes. “…It’s ironic, in the end, because they themselves betrayed me in turn… Without Starswirl around to keep them in check…they started feuding again. When I…when I finally woke up days later, and was told what had happened, I…I-I did something unforgivable…”

“W-what…what did you do…?”

Celestia finally looked her sister dead in the eye with a look of pure devastation and self-loathing. “…I became the Daybreaker.”

Luna looked confused, blinking rapidly. “You became the what?”

“I became a Nightmare.”

Finally it clicked, and Luna gasped as she almost felt her heart stop. “No…!”

“In that moment, I finally learned, truly learned, what it really means to hate…for your rage to burn like the heat of the Sun until it leaves nothing behind but the scorched remains of all who have wronged you…I became the Daybreaker, immediately purging myself of the poison, and confronted the three of them in the throne room. And I…I came so frighteningly close to killing them. Even when I told them the truth, that I had poisoned myself and they had executed an innocent pony, Platinum had the gall to tell me that it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that the people believed the Thestrals were traitors. That, innocent or not, they weren’t wanted here. They were never wanted, a-and neither were you. Platinum dared to tell me that our own people…hated you. That ponydom was better off without you. That I was better off without you.”

Luna swallowed thickly, now knowing that what she had always feared had been true all along. “So I was right…”

“I wanted to kill them…I was so tempted by the thought of revenge…and then I realized that was how you fell…Because the people you loved and trusted wronged you, and it broke you…I was able to regain control of myself, a-and that…was the last time I ever became the Daybreaker. But once I regained my senses…I told the three of them, in no uncertain terms, that their nations would be dissolved upon their deaths. I forcibly broke the power of the nobility so that their positions were little more than ceremonial. And that was how I united Equestria under Canterlot rule…”

While this information was a lot for Luna to take in, it wasn’t enough that she forgot the heart of the matter. “S-so…what does any of that have to do with them?”

Celestia stared at the two Nightmares sadly as she answered, “About two hundred years ago, I discovered a way to transform particularly powerful ponies into alicorns. The process was called…‘ascension’. When I learned of it, I…shamefully saw it as a way to replace you. To that end, I opened up the Canterlot School For Gifted Unicorns. It was my hope that a worthy student would come along and excel in their studies, after which I would take them on as my personal student. If they continued to impress me…my intention was to ascend them. It wasn’t until about ten years ago that the first promising candidate came along…Starlight Glimmer. She was one of those unicorns who demonstrated a talent for magic itself, a very rare trait. But her upbringing left her with significant self-confidence issues, and a fear of disappointing others and being abandoned. I was so new at the whole apprenticeship thing that I wasn’t patient with her when I should have been. She could sense this, which fed into her inferiority complex and abandonment issues, and when I found another potential student by the name of Fizzlepop Berrytwist that I thought might be a better fit, Starlight found out and tried to steal her Cutie Mark, a horrifying ability I had never seen before. So angered and frightened was I by this power that I immediately banished Starlight from Canterlot, but by that time Fizzlepop was so traumatized by the experience she returned to her village and was later accidentally killed by an Ursa Minor whose cave she had wandered into. Two years later, Sunset Shimmer caught my eye, displaying a similar proficiency in all categories of magic. But like Starlight, she knew from the beginning that the end result of apprenticeship would be ascension, and she was ambitious. That ambition frightened me, and even though she had nowhere else to go, having lost her family in a fire during the second year of her tutelage, I ended it, telling her that she was missing the point of her studies, and thus could not learn what she needed to. Despite her ambitions, she had been a loyal student and had even made a few friends on her own, but I was so afraid of having another Nightmare Moon on my hands I ignored it. More decisions I have long since come to regret. Too late did I realize what I was really doing, and what being a teacher was really about. I was trying to replace you to assuage my guilt and loneliness. It wasn’t about them…it was about me. And I realized in turn I was missing the point of my own lessons. When Twilight came along, I resolved to be more patient and understanding, to remind myself that this was not you. This was a different pony, with a different life and different goals. I couldn’t replace my sister…but I could make a friend. So I did. But throughout our time together, I changed one aspect of our lessons from what I had before…”

Catching on, Luna softly added, “You didn’t tell her about the ascension.”

Celestia shook her head. “No. In truth, I began questioning the need for it, once I realized I had conceived it purely out of an effort to replace you. I still do not know if I will ascend her at this point.”

Celestia sighed again, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry I was such a stupid little filly, Luna.”

Luna put a hoof around her sister’s shoulder. “None of us are perfect, Celie. I made my mistakes, you made yours. And yet, despite them all, we’re here, now, together.”

But this did nothing to cheer Celestia up. “And what’s to be done about King Sombra?”

Luna’s face fell at the grim reminder of one of their deadliest enemies. “One of us has to go back, Luna,” Celestia continued grimly. “Without Cadance, our people are vulnerable. And yet I can’t in good conscience abandon the people of Hyrule when they too are facing enemies we once thought conquered.”

Luna seemingly steeled herself before she said, “I will go. You stay here.”

Celestia looked like she wanted to protest, but Luna held up a hoof, cutting her off. “Please. Sombra knows how to defeat you. He’s gotten in both our heads before. He’s the reason I became Nightmare Moon to begin with. But with Vaati’s help, I have long since come to terms with my own inner demons. Sombra may not be expecting that, which will give me an advantage. Besides, as his lover, I’d like to think I have a similar rapport with the monster peoples he once ruled. Even if it is true that my people once wanted nothing to do with me, I now know that has changed. I will lead the fight in Equestria. Help Vaati and the Hyruleans here, and perhaps an opportunity may come where you can begin to atone for your own sins.”

Luna shot one last look at the subdued Nightmares as she finished.

“Lulu, are you sure?” Celestia hesitantly asked.

“I am,” Luna replied without hesitation.

Celestia’s eyes brimmed with yet more tears as she touched Luna’s cheek with her hoof. “I’m sorry I haven’t said this nearly enough in the past. But now I mean it more than ever. I-I’m so proud of you, my sister.”

The two immortal sisters tearfully embraced, comforted by each other’s presence. “I love you, Celie.”

“I love you too, Luna.”




“Is the mutt dead?”

“Nothing but a smudge on the cavern walls, heheheheh. And it was glorious. Anyways, the beasts of Tartarus have rallied together in your name, and we await your signal.”

“Excellent. Between my Trogals, my monsters, and the so-called Lynels you’ve subjugated, we will easily crush the Gorons and Zoras between us.”

“Would it not make more sense to let them fight it out a while before we move in?”

“Hm hm hm hm…and what fun would that be for us?”

“Hah! True.”

“Besides, our enemies are hoping to intervene in the matter as well. These so-called ‘Darknuts’ could pose a problem if they were to succeed, hm?”

“You said it yourself. We can crush them all between us easily, as between hammer and anvil.”

“And crush them we shall, my old friend. I will launch the first assault, and when our enemies are fully engaged in the fighting to where they cannot easily break off, I will open the second portal and let you in on the fun.”

“Heheheheheheh…I look forward to it.”

“Now go and ready your troops. Our finest hour is near at hand!”

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

After months of waffling and waiting, I have finally finished this. I’m still not totally satisfied with it, but that’s what happens when the time you normally sit down to write happens to be in the wee hours of the morning. I know despite “Battle For Equestria” being part of the title, there wasn’t much in the way of fighting here. More like lots of exposition, backstory-building, and general rambling. I just wanted to set up the wider conflict and the many adventures and sidequests our multitude of characters will embark on. Now you may ask, what about Scootaloo and the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about them, and you’ll eventually find out what their little plan is. I just couldn’t fit it in here.

To be honest, there’s a reason that, after over a year I finally sat down and was able to complete a new chapter. The truth is, a story like this…the words I put down, my inspiration, my drive…they’re, at their core, powered by my emotions. The good, the bad…I write when my feelings can act as fuel to continue the story, because then the characters’ emotions also seem that much more real. And the reason for that emotion is that, recently, I made a terrible mistake. I, out of boredom, decided to play a prank on someone I care very deeply about. It was a stupid thing to do, but I thought it would be funny. However, despite knowing that, I also knew this person was, like me, extremely gullible. So I tried to make it as obvious as possible the whole way through that it was a joke. It didn’t work. They worked themselves into a panic so quickly they didn’t notice, and when I realized that, despite my efforts, they still thought it was real, I realized I had screwed up big time. Now, I haven’t even bothered trying to talk to them because I have a feeling they’re too angry to talk right now. I know they’ll eventually forgive me, (I hope) but the worst part is that it will be a lot longer before I can forgive myself. Because I hesitated at the last second. I almost didn’t go through with it. That voice in my head that’s normally so persuasive, that kept saying this was a bad idea, was for once ignored because I had thought I was trying to be brave or something. But I wasn’t brave. Just stupid. Like always. I’m so sorry for what I did, and I want them to know that I specifically dedicate this chapter to them, though I won’t say who to maintain their privacy and mine. And furthermore, when we talk again, whenever that is, I want to make it up to them, and thus I have a special offer for them. An offer that, my dear readers, is none of your business. I still love you guys, though.

On one final note, who else is really disappointed with how they handled King Sombra in the Season 9 premiere? I mean, I know Jim Miller wasn’t allowed to reprise the role because he’s production staff, not a full-time voice actor, but still, they made Sombra sound and act like an evil Zephyr Breeze! Even Benedict Cumberbatch did a better job voicing Sauron in The Hobbit than this guy did voicing Sombra! At least Sauron still managed to sound genuinely threatening… Furthermore, the fact that the popular Grogar/Sombra apprenticeship theory has officially been ground into the dirt by the Hasbro team is also really disappointing. Also destroying the Tree of Harmony actually won’t do jack shit to stop the Mane Six. A deceptively-narcissistic part of me is inclined to believe that this premiere was aimed directly at the EWM series as a way to say, “screw your headcanons, asshole!” But the rational side of me knows that’s not true.

I think.

Tfw your backstories tend to be better than official canon but it frustrates you rather than pleases you…

Comments ( 36 )

Did not hear the voice but for me, the best Sombra voice is the one of "Doctor Sombrero"

Loving this so far keep it up :)

Maulgrim blinked in surprise before he got down on one knee, his heavy armor clanking at the motion. Rarity then reached into an unseen pocket and pulled out a dainty white kerchief, and Maulgrim’s eyes widened. They both knew what this meant.

“Take this, as a a gift, and a promise,” Rarity declared, gently stuffing the kerchief into Maulgrim’s breastplate. “Promise me you will make it through this dreadful war alive.”

Maulgrim did not hesitate. “On my knightly honor, this I swear.”

“And when you do, my hoof will be yours. This I swear.”

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW THIS TROPE!

As she passed by a raised bed of hydrangeas, (curious that two separate worlds shared many of the same species of flowers) Chrysalis suddenly realized she was not alone as she saw a Hylian girl kneeling in the grass. She was wearing a pink dress, and her blonde hair was tied up in pigtails. Several butterflies were hovering constantly over her as she picked through the foliage.

Y'know, I wasn't expecting it, but I shouldn't be surprised that Agitha and Chrysalis would meet.

“Oh! You must be talking about Miss Navi! She’s the Great Fairy that lives in the hidden Fairy Fountain here in the gardens!” She gave Chrysalis a cheerful wink. “She’s been the Royal Family’s little secret for over a thousand years now…but don’t tell anyone! C’mon! I’ll take you to her!”

Well well well...Navi sure got a promotion.

After hiatus.....this was the best thing I could ask for. Love it.

Massive war brewing on the horizon...

"Oh... that's really bad, isn't it?"

To stop it, you'll need to fight your way through five sacred temples...

"Oh... we've totally got this." :yay:

Welcome back:twilightsmile:


A deceptively-narcissistic part of me is inclined to believe that this premiere was aimed directly at the EWM series as a way to say, “screw your headcanons, asshole!”

And here I'm sitting with a smug little grin on my face:ajsmug: given that the latest episode gave even more credibility to the fact that Vaati should NOT have been able to defeat Discord nearly as easily as he did in your story...if at all. I mean, by your canon, Sombra actually put up a decent fight against Vaati and they were more or less equals, but now it's been established that Discord could no-sell or tank all of his attacks without even putting in an effort to do so, and is implied to have been able to get rid of him with a snap of his fingers if he really wanted too.

No offence, I love your story is actually the one that drew me into MLP in the first place, but that old Vaati vs Discord chapter still bothers me to this day.

We have now entered the eye of the storm......

Honestly prefer the Doctor Sombrero voice for Sombra instead of the weird one from the Season 9 premiere.

“Ooh, Mr. Beetle, your wing is bent! Here, come with me and I’ll make you all better, you’ll see!”

Oh no... I haven't even played Twilight Princess and I know who this is... Hopefully she doesn't become too attached to Chryssi, or even she might not be able to handle it.

I stopped watching after the questionable quality of Season 7, but I will happily say that I have not stopped reading your story. This was a great chapter by exposition terms. Although I feel that some of Celestia's parts were a little forced, I still enjoyed your take on the thresthal's unpopularity.

Hope everything goes well with your friend.

I love this series!:yay: I hope that you can find motivation to write this story without needing to suffer for it.:fluttershysad:

Good to hear from you, and don't worry, like you said we all make mistakes. Their was lots of battles in this chapter, internal emotional battles, and in my opinion they are harder than normal battles. Hope you post more often, crossover fics are my lifeblood, and I was so pent up from your silence that I decided to write my own(but I did Elder Scrolls, not Zelda) and was very pleased to finally get an update from you. I can't wait to see what happens When Twilight and her friends become sages but hopefully they won't have to remain in Hyrule to guard the Temple. I really enjoyed season 9 premier, but I am afraid that I never really noticed Sombras voice change, he only said a handful of words in the crystal empire episode. And I was slightly disturbed by his rather gorey defeat, and mlp is supposed to be a little kids show?

Anyway will wait patiently for the next update, don't think I can be as patient as Majora though

So ..either fizzle is dead...or expect Tempest in our future...:pinkiegasp:

Really liking how Chrysalis managed to become a changedling, not to mention how Maulgrim and Rarara are getting together. Hope Spike doesn't mind...

Yeah, it took quite a while to get used to Sombra's new voice in the premiere.

Smaug, not Sauron. That's who Cumberbatch voiced. Also, don't think I don't see that new LOTR shout out coming. First the Battle of the Pellenor Fields, now you're setting up the Battle of the Five Armies.

Sombra's new voice and attitude didn't sit well with me.

Been gone for quite a long while, but I am glad you're back.

And yes it seems working on chapters during the wee hours of the morning seems to be the general norm as it is far more quiet and peaceful for some odd reason, cause I do the same with my own stories. Weird, isn't it? Seems we make more progress than we do during the daylight cycle.

Actually, Cumberbatch voiced them both. And was I being that obvious?:twilightoops:

She ded.

Yeah, turns out killing people with friendship is a legit thing in Equestria.

Sadly, that's the life of any artist or writer. Our greatest works are born of personal suffering.

Shut up, Flufux.

In all seriousness, though, Vaati only won because Discord wasn't expecting him to turn into a gigantic hell-demon. Vaati was also smart enough not to give Discord a chance to react. If Discord had been expecting it, of course it would have ended very differently. *cough*andthenVaatiturnshimtostone*cough*

Stop it? It's only meant to give them an edge. That's not even getting into what they'll have to do in the Dark World...

Do you now? Do you?:trixieshiftright:

Yes. I'm rather well versed in Tolkien's Legendarium.

I come back after years and this still lives? Holy shit.

I have a feeling that a certain pony named tempest shadow is going to come with the storm king and his army

I’ve been waiting for this comeback in a long while, might reread the series

It shows on the chapter, the last chapter he made before this one was nearly a year ago, this one came out around April.

Y'know, one thing I don't quite understand, is why you decided to specifically make Luna Vaati's love interest? Idk if it's personal preference, or what, but it seems a tad... out of place? With the way the story is structured, I was more expecting Vaati to get with Twilight, if anything. Throughout the story, there were always these key moments, where Twilight and Vaati were both going through hard times and strong emotions, which they've always supported each other through, and fought through battles side by side, feeling the other's presence more strongly, whereas Luna always seemed to be in the sidelines, far away from it all. Making Luna his love interest seems to make it look like she just... got him... Without any reason or rhyme... Like she didn't earn it. Throughout those key moments, where Twilight and Vaati were supporting each other, it always felt, like you were building up to something, when you really weren't... It almost looks like an inconsistent narrative. Like Luna was the one, only for the sake of being so.

I don't know why I decided to rant about this... I guess it's because I'm a firm believer in having to earn what you have fair and square. And I'm just so passionate in what I believe. Love for example, I believe, is something to be earned! To have someone care so deeply about you, you have to show them, exactly WHY it is, that they'd be willing to follow you to the ends of the earth, WHY you are the most valuable one to them. You have to show them, why it is YOU who is worth all their time. With Vaati and Luna in the story, there seems to be (almost) none of that. (And where there is, it's not enough)

I don't know, what you're planning for the rewrite, but I do hope this gets addressed in some way...

Thanks for lending me an ear (eye?)! Wish you the best, and eagerly await the rewritten story! I know it's cheesy, but...

May the goddesses smile upon you.

Que the iconic song?

Spike fell in love with Volvagia in this continuity...

Part of the rewrite will indeed address this, as I do agree I did not focus enough on how their relationship developed before.

Really wish you could like comments on this site, so I could give you a thumbs up! Have one of these instead: :raritywink:

Believe me. Even now, I am still sorely disappointed in their choice for Sombra’s voice actor. And to be honest, the Series Finale was a huge letdown, when they revealed that Grogar was really Discord in disguise! WTF, writers?! They brought back one of the big baddies from the First Generation, tickling older viewers’ nostalgia, only to slap them across the face by saying “nope! It’s Discord!!”

Despite this, I don’t dislike Discord despite that. It’s the writers I loathe.

On a different note, I’m sorry about what happened. Hurting a friend stings. Believe me, I know. There are things we do that we regret, so much so, that we wish we could turn back the clocks in order to undo what we’ve done. But… we can’t.

To quote Gandalf, “So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with it at the time it is given to you.” Regardless of your decision, we are all here for you.

May the Goddesses guide you.

I wonder if the rewrite will let Spike shine alot?
So far I only looked up the TV Tropes(haven't read the fics yet) and it felt like he is just absent completely

Yeah, I want to give Spike more to do and find ways to integrate him better into the narrative.

Would he get to be a "chosen one" like the Mane 6 were?

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