• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 1,359 Views, 4 Comments

Twilight's Resignation - Saffron

Twilight has ruled Equestria for over one thousand years. Today is her last day, for she has been called by her dying mentor, Celestia, to see her one last time.

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Leaving Equestria

Today was like any other day, or so Twilight thought. She woke up, took a shower, ate breakfast, and got ready for her daily duties as princess. She began her morning walk to the throne room where she saw Luna.

“Good morning Luna.” Twilight greeted her happily.

“Good morning to you as well, Twilight.” Luna seemed a bit down today for some reason. “I received a letter, from Celestia.” This got Twilight's attention right away.

“What? When?” Twilight asked excitedly. “Is she coming back? What did the letter say?”

“She is not coming back Twilight.” Upon hearing this Twilight's ears drooped and her smile fell to a frown. “You are going to her.” Twilight looked confused when Luna said that.

“What do you mean, I don’t understand.” Twilight replied confused.

“Twilight, you are going to me and my sister’s home planet.” Luna replied sadly. “There is a ship on its way to pick you up.”

“I can’t leave! I have responsibilities as princess!” Twilight stomped her hoof.

“Twilight, you do not understand. You have to go.” Luna walked up to Twilight and gave her a hug. “Celestia is dying. She wants to see you one last time before she goes.”

“What?” Twilight began to tear up. “She is dying?”

“Yes, she has contracted an illness, and no pony was able to find a cure for it.” Luna began to tear up as well. “This is her dying wish.”

Twilight cried into Luna’s shoulder. While Luna held back her tears, she had to stay strong for Twilight. Their embrace lasted for a long while, and was broken by Twilight when she had begun to calm down.

“I can’t… Who will take over?” Twilight asked through her tears.

“Your student, Fading Light.” Twilight looked up at Luna and nodded in agreement.

It broke Twilight’s heart that she was leaving her pupil like Celestia had left her, but she was going to do something that she wished Celestia had done that day. She was going to tell her student personally.

“Luna, I am going to Ponyville.” Luna looked up at Twilight and gave a small sad smile.

“The one thing Celestia regretted not doing.” Luna gave Twilight one last hug before she left.

Twilight rushed to the nearest balcony and took to the air, normally when ever she flew it brought her peace. This time how ever she could only focus on what she was going to say to her student. She had practically raised Fading Light, leaving her was going to be the hardest decision she was ever going to make in her long life. There was one stop she was going to make before she went to Ponyville though. She was going to give her friends one last goodbye.

Twilight flew directly to the graveyard of heroes. The place her friends were buried long ago. She hadn’t come here for a few years, even though she wished she could have come here more often. Her busy schedule kept her from coming. She landed by an old apple tree. This tree was planted by Apple Bloom the day Applejack died. Underneath the tree laid six grave stones.

The first gravestone Twilight went to was Pinkie Pie’s. The stone had her cutie mark on it. Surrounding it was confetti. Underneath it was an inscription.

No matter what life throws at you always remember the good times and just smile.

Twilight then went to the next grave, Rarity’s. On her stone was three diamonds, just like her cutie mark. Her stone had an inscription as well.

Always keep your heart open, and always give what you can to those who are in need

“Rarity, you were always so generous. I will never forget the times you have helped me.” After saying that Twilight used her magic to conjure a white rose and placed it on her grave.

After Rarity was Fluttershy’s grave. On her stone there were three butterflies. The inscription on this stone always brought a tear to Twilight’s eye, and this time was no exception.

Life is to short to mean, instead always be kind to all even to those who are not kind to you

“Fluttershy, I will always remember how you cheered me up on the day Celestia left. You helped me pull through so I could lead this nation.” Twilight used her magic to summon a yellow rose and left it on her grave.

The next grave Twilight went to was Applejacks. One her stone there were three apples. The inscription on her stone was about honesty.

Be true to yourself, and to all those who you call a friend

“Applejack, you always told me the truth. Some ponies did not like that, but I always respected you for that.” This time instead of placing a rose down Twilight picked a single apple from the tree and placed it on her grave.

Finally she came to Rainbow Dash’s grave. On the stone was her cutie mark. The inscription on this stone was short.

Always remain loyal

“Rainbow Dash, you were always by my side when I needed you. You always remained loyal even in your last days.” Twilight used her magic to place a blue carnation on her grave. “Goodbye my friends.” After she finished she took to the air once more.

Once Twilight was in the air she headed to Ponyville. Her vision was slightly blurred from her tears. It wasn’t long till she reached Ponyville. The town had grown quite large since she last lived there, but the one building that stood out from the rest was the tree library. Twilight landed in front of it and gave the door three knocks. She heard some rustling come from inside before the door opened.

“Princess!” Fading Light gasped. She was quick to bow to Twilight. “Please come in.”

“Fading Light, I have some bad news.” Twilight said as she entered her old home.

“What is it? Did something bad happen?” Fading Light asked curiously.

“I am resigning.” Twilight told her sadly.

“Resigning from what?” Fading Light asked confused.

“I am stepping down from being the princess of Equestria.” Twilight clarified.

“But… Why?” Fading Light asked.

“Do you remember those stories I told you about Celestia?” Fading Light nodded. “I am going to see her, and most likely take her role as queen.”

“Wait… then that means…” Fading Light rushed to Twilight tackling her in a hug. “You can’t leave!” Fading Light cried.

“I am sorry Fading… but I have to go.” Twilight began crying as well.

“Can I at least come with you?” Fading Light asked through her tears.

“I wish you could, but you will b taking my place as princess.” Twilight replied through her own tears. “I know this is tough, but you must remain strong. Please do this for me.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Fading Light broke the hug.

“I know you can.” Fading Light was cut off before she could reply as a loud humming sound began.

It grew louder every second. Drawing nearer before it finally stopped.

“They are here.” Twilight said sadly.

Fading Light gave Twilight one last hug before following her outside. In front of the tree library stood a single small ship. As Twilight drew near a door opened on the side of it. Twilight turned around before entering and looked directly at Fading Light.

“Goodbye.” That was the last thing Twilight said before entering the ship.

After Twilight entered the ship it began to hum loudly. It then took into the sky.

“Goodbye, Twilight.” Fading Light said as she watched the ship disappear in the sky.

Author's Note:

I am making an epilogue. Also your feedback is encouraged.